208 research outputs found

    Az átjárhatóság fogalmának jelentésrétegei Frenák Pál művészetében

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    A híres magyar tánckoreográfus, Frenák Pál művészi világát kívánom bemutatni, aki negyven éve szoros spirituális kapcsolatban van Gilles Deleuze francia filozófus műveivel, és gyakran a művészetről is deleuze-i fogalmakban gondolkodik, ugyanakkor nem használ konkrét szövegreferenciákat a munkáiban. Az átjárhatóság esztétikai és etikai kritériummá vált az alkotásaiban, melynek szükségességét gyakran megemlíti. Frenák a kortárs táncélet egyik legizgalmasabb koreográfusa, aki a siketek és nagyothallók jelrendszerének energiáiból építkezve egy új és egyedi (organikus) mozgásnyelvet hozott létre. I would like to display the artistic world of a famous Hungarian Dance choreographer (Pál Frenák) who has a special and deep spiritual connection to Gilles Deleuze for forty years. He did not use the philosophers’s works as references in his choreographical work but he thinks in Deleuzian notions. Transversality has become an aesthetic (and ethical) criterion in his work, the necessity of which he mentions often. Pál Frenák is one of the most exciting contemporary dance choreographers, a dancer who defines the very basis of the development of contemporary dance in Hungary. He utilizes the energy in the sign language used by the deaf and the hard of hearing, and earned his place in the annals of Hungarian dance history and international recognition by developing a new language of movement

    Innovatív tanítási-tanulási módszerek az online FutureLearn kulturális témájú oktatási programjaiban : [absztrakt]

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    The Clamorous Silence of the Body:: on Shusterman’s Somaesthetics

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     It has been more than twenty-five years since Shusterman introduced somaesthetics in his book Practicing Philosophy: Pragmatism and the Philosophical Life. Since then the somaesthetic field has grown with many researchers working in its diverse fields, but Shusterman’s own work has also evolved in different (and sometimes surprising) ways. This essay examines some of those ways by exploring an attempt to map them

    Book reviews

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    Mária Ladányi: Produktivitás és analógia a szóképzésben: elvek és esetek [Productivity and analogy in word formation: Principles and case studies](Segédkönyvek a nyelvészet tanulmányozásához 76). Tinta Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2007. 300 pp. ; Gábor Tolcsvai Nagy – Mária Ladányi (eds): Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok XXII. Tanulmányok a funkcionális nyelvészet köréből [Studies in General Linguistics. Vol. 22. Papers on functional linguistics]. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2008. 566 p

    Re-written by machine and new technology: Did the Internet kill the Video Star

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    The traditional way of understanding television content consumption and viewer reactions may be simply summarised: information about the program, viewing at airing time, and interpersonal discussion after the program. In our digital media environment due to crossmedia consumption and platform shifts, the actual trend in audiovisual, and traditionally television content consumption is changing, the viewer’s journey is different across contents and platforms. Content is becoming independent from the platform and the medium is increasingly in the hands of technologically empowered viewers. Our objective is to uncover how traditional content expressly manufactured for television (series, reality shows, sports) can now be consumed via other platforms, and how and to what extent audiovisual content consumption is complemented or replaced by other forms (text, audio). In our exploratory research we identify the typical patterns of interaction and synergies of consumption across classical media content. In this study we used a multimethodology qualitative research design with three research phases including focus groups, online content analysis, and viewers’ narratives. Overall, the Video Star stays alive, but has to deal with immediate reactions and has to change according to his or her audiences’ wishe

    Daniel Moreno, Santayana the Philosopher. Philosophy as a Form of Life

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    George Santayana is not one of the most famous, yet one of the few whose huge oeuvre offers different ways to explain his main notions in connection with a number of possible topics within philosophy. At first sight it takes a real challenge to choose Santayana as a central topic in contemporary research but later one can realize that the spaciousness of the Santayanan oeuvre can provide new opportunities of its interpretation in every time. Daniel Moreno with his doctoral dissertation on San..