153 research outputs found

    Inventory of Arthropod pests in Azorean orchards : the project CUARENTAGRI

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    The data we present are part of the CUARENTAGRI project, which involves all archipelagos of the Macaronesia region (Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, and Cabo Verde). The project aims to identify and evaluate the risk associated with the introduction of new arthropod pests and also to study the population evolution of those present and the arthropod pests responsible by damaging crops, as well as develop monitoring systems based on prediction and/or evolution of the crop pests, creating warnings and a phytosanitary prevention system. The presented data comprised three islands of the Azores archipelago (Terceira, São Jorge and São Miguel islands), where pheromones-baited traps were placed in several orchards types (banana, olives, orange, strawberry, chestnuts, pasture, potato and apples), during 3 consecutive years (2020, 2021 and 2022). This publication contributes to a better knowledge of the arthropods pests that can affect the Azorean crops, and will serve as a baseline for future monitoring actions, pest risk assessments, and impacts warning and prevention systems.FUNDING: This work was financed under the project CUARENTAGRI by Cooperation Programs INTERREG V A (Spain-Portugal) and MAC 2014-2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bottom trawling threatens future climate refugia of rhodoliths globally

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    Climate driven range shifts are driving the redistribution of marine species and threatening the functioning and stability of marine ecosystems. For species that are the structural basis of marine ecosystems, such effects can be magnified into drastic loss of ecosystem functioning and resilience. Rhodoliths are unattached calcareous red algae that provide key complex three-dimensional habitats for highly diverse biological communities. These globally distributed biodiversity hotspots are increasingly threatened by ongoing environmental changes, mainly ocean acidification and warming, with wide negative impacts anticipated in the years to come. These are superimposed upon major local stressors caused by direct destructive impacts, such as bottom trawling, which act synergistically in the deterioration of the rhodolith ecosystem health and function. Anticipating the potential impacts of future environmental changes on the rhodolith biome may inform timely mitigation strategies integrating local effects of bottom trawling over vulnerable areas at global scales. This study aimed to identify future climate refugia, as regions where persistence is predicted under contrasting climate scenarios, and to analyze their trawling threat levels. This was approached by developing species distribution models with ecologically relevant environmental predictors, combined with the development of a global bottom trawling intensity index to identify heavily fished regions overlaying rhodoliths. Our results revealed the importance of light, thermal stress and pH driving the global distribution of rhodoliths. Future projections showed poleward expansions and contractions of suitable habitats at lower latitudes, structuring cryptic depth refugia, particularly evident under the more severe warming scenario RCP 8.5. Our results suggest that if management and conservation measures are not taken, bottom trawling may directly threaten the persistence of key rhodolith refugia. Since rhodoliths have slow growth rates, high sensitivity and ecological importance, understanding how their current and future distribution might be susceptible to bottom trawling pressure, may contribute to determine the fate of both the species and their associated communities.FCT: UIDB/04326/2020/ PTDC/BIA-CBI/6515/2020/ SFRH/BD/144878/2019/ SFRH/BSAB/150485/2019/ norm-DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0035info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Limited effect of management on apple pollination : a case study from an oceanic Island

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    Intensive agricultural practices leading to habitat degradation represent a major threat to pollinators. Diverse management practices are expected to influence wild pollinator abundance and richness on farms, although their effect in perennial crops is still unclear. In this study, we assessed the impact of management on apple (Malus domestica) pollination on an oceanic island, by comparing conventional (with and without herbicide application) and organic apple orchards. Pollinator visitation and pan trap surveys were carried out in six apple orchards in Terceira Island (Azores) and the landscape composition surrounding orchards was characterized. We also quantified fruit set, seed set and apple weight. We found no significant effect of management on insect visitation rates, whereas there was a negative association with increasing surrounding agricultural land. In contrast, management had an effect on species abundance, richness and diversity at the orchard level. Conventional orchards without herbicides showed higher abundance than the rest, but lower richness and diversity than conventional orchards with herbicides. Management had an effect on fruit set, but not on seed set or fruit weight. Our results suggest that management alone is insufficient for the overall improvement of apple pollination on an oceanic island, while landscape composition may play a relevant role.Regional Government of Extremadura in Spain (PO17006); ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000073info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    First finding of Sophonia orientalis (Matsumura) in the Azores

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    Sophonia orientalis (Matsumura) (Hemiptera; Cicadellidae) is native to South-East Asia and is a highly polyphagous pest, considered an invasive pest, that affects crops as well as endemic plants. This paper presents the first report of S. orientalis in the Azores (Portugal). The first individuals were found in 2018 in the botanic garden on Terceira Island and later in 2020 in banana orchards. In 2020, S. orientalis was found in Pico Island in mixed forests.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Global impacts of projected climate changes on the extent and aboveground biomass of mangrove forests

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    Aim: Over the past 50 years, anthropogenic activities have led to the disappearance of approximately one-third of the world's mangrove forests and their associated ecosystem services. The synergetic combined effect of projected climate change is likely to further impact mangroves in the years to come, whether by range expansions associated with warming at higher latitudes or large-scale diebacks linked to severe droughts. We provide an estimate of future changes in the extent and aboveground biomass (AGB) of mangrove forests at global scales by considering contrasting Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios (decade 2090-2100 under RCP 2.6 in line with the Paris Agreement expectations, and RCP 8.5 of higher emissions). Location: Global. Methods: Boosted regression trees fitted occurrence and AGB of mangroves against high-resolution biologically meaningful data on air temperature, precipitation, wave energy, slope and distance to river Deltas. Results: On the global scale, models produced for present-day conditions retrieved high accuracy scores and estimated a total area of 12,780,356 ha and overall biomass of 2.29 Pg, in line with previous estimates. Model projections showed poleward shifts along temperate regions, which translated into comparable gains in total area, regardless of the RCP scenario (area change RCP 2.6: 17.29%; RCP 8.5: 15.77%). However, biomass changes were dependent on the emission scenario considered, remaining stable or even increasing under RCP 2.6, or undergoing severe losses across tropical regions under RCP 8.5 (overall biomass change RCP 2.6: 12.97%; RCP 8.5: -11.51%). Such losses were particularly aggravated in countries located in the Tropical Atlantic and Eastern Pacific, and the Western and Eastern Indo-Pacific regions (regions with losses above similar to 20% in overall biomass). Conclusions: Our global estimates highlight the potential effect of future climate changes on mangrove forests and how broad compliance with the Paris Agreement may counteract severe trajectories of loss. The projections made, also provided at the country level, serve as new baselines to evaluate changes in mangrove carbon sequestration and ecosystem services, strongly supporting policy-making and management directives, as well as to guide restoration actions considering potential future changes in niche availability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Riqueza de espécies e diversidade ecológica de himenópteros parasitóides (Hymenoptera, Parasitica) em culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (Açores)

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    "A ordem Hymenoptera, que compreende as abelhas, vespas e formigas, constitui um dos grupos mais diversos do reino animal (Nieves-Aldrey & Fontal-Cazalla, 1999). Actualmente conhecem-se entre 120.000 a 200.000 espécies de himenópteros, mas algumas estimativas apontam para valores bastante superiores: 250.000 a 500.000 espécies (Gaston, 1991). Nos Açores, actualmente estão referenciadas 131 espécies de Hymenoptera (11 das quais endémicas), um número que possivelmente corresponde a menos de 30% da fauna realmente existente no arquipélago (ver Fig. 8 em Borges et al., 2005). […]". (da Introdução

    Lista de espécies de artrópodes associados a diferentes culturas frutícolas da Ilha Terceira (Açores)

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    Actas do I Workshop de Fruticultura : contributo para o seu desenvolvimento. Angra do Heroísmo, 21-23 Abril 2005.Conhecer a acarifauna e a entomofauna de um habitat agrícola é um dos passos fundamentais para se conseguir uma protecção integrada e sustentável das culturas. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma lista das espécies de artrópodes encontradas em quatro culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (bananeiras, citrinos, macieiras e pessegueiros). Os indivíduos foram capturados com recurso a três métodos de amostragem: i) recolha directa das folhas e/ou ramos; ii) técnica dos batimentos; iii) armadilhas Malaise. No total foram estabelecidas 679 morfoespécies diferentes, tendo-se identificado, até ao momento, 218 morfoespécies até ao nível de género e/ou espécie. Destacam-se 17 espécies que são citadas pela primeira vez para a ilha Terceira, 12 são novidades para os Açores e uma espécie é citada pela primeira vez para Portugal (Fungitarsonemus peregrinus, Acariformes (Prostigmata): Tarsonemidae). Salienta-se, ainda, uma das espécies do género Encarsia sp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelenidae), que muito provavelmente será uma espécie nova para a ciência. Finalmente discute-se a importância deste estudo para trabalhos futuros, e a necessidade de desenvolver mais listas faunísticas para estas e outras culturas

    Lista de espécies de artrópodes associados a diferentes culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (Açores, Portugal)

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    Copyright © 2010 SEA, Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa.Conhecer a acarifauna e a entomofauna de um habitat agrícola é um dos passos fundamentais para se conseguir uma protecção integrada e sustentável das culturas. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma lista das espécies de artrópodes encontradas em quatro culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (bananeiras, citrinos, macieiras e pessegueiros). Os indivíduos foram capturados com recurso a três métodos de amostragem: i) recolha directa das folhas e/ou ramos; ii) técnica dos batimentos; iii) armadilhas Malaise. No total foram estabelecidas 679 morfoespécies, tendo-se identificado 218 morfoespécies até ao nível de género e/ou espécie. Destacam-se 17 espécies que foram encontradas pela primeira vez para a ilha Terceira durante esta amostragem, 12 que constituíam novidades faunísticas para os Açores e uma espécie que foi citada pela primeira vez para Portugal. Finalmente discute-se a importância deste estudo para trabalhos futuros, e a necessidade de desenvolver mais listas faunísticas para estas e outras culturas.RESUMEN: Conocer la acarifauna y la entomofauna de un hábitat agrícola es uno de los primeros pasos necesarios para llegar a una protección más integrada y sostenible de los cultivos. En este trabajo se presenta el listado de especies de artrópodos que habitan en cuatro tipos de frutales en la isla Terceira (plataneros, cítricos, manzanos y melocotoneros). Los individuos fueron capturados mediante tres métodos de colecta: búsqueda directa sobre las hojas y ramas; técnica de batido; y trampas Malaise. En total se han identificado 679 morfoespecies, de las cuales 218 se identificaron hasta el nivel de género y/o espécie. Diecisiete morfoespecies se han encontrado por primera vez en Terceira durante este muestreo, 12 son nuevas para las Azores y una especie es nueva para Portugal. Además se discute la importancia de este estudio para futuros proyectos de investigación, y la necesidad de desarrolla r más listados faunísticos en es tos y otros tipos de frutales.ABSTRACT: Knowing the arthropod fauna associated with agroecosystems is essential to achieve sustainable integrated pest management. Here we present a checklist of the arthropod species found on four types of fruit crops on Terceira Island (bananas, orange-trees, apple-trees and peach-trees). The specimens were collected using three different sampling methods: i) direct collecting from leaves and/or branches; ii) beating technique; iii) Malaise traps. In total, we detected 679 morphospecies, of which 218 were identified to the genus and/or species level. Seventeen species are first records for Terceira Island, 12 for the Azores and one for Portugal. Finally we discuss the importance of this work for future studies, as well as the need to develop more checklists for these and other crops

    Erosion of rocky shores- protection promoted by sandy beaches and shore platforms

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    O sector costeiro do Algarve central entre as praias da Galé e Olhos de Água deve a sua fisiografia crenulada a um sistema cársico bem desenvolvido em rochas carbonatadas. As arribas possuem no sopé uma plataforma litoral rochosa ou uma praia arenosa. Os principais objectivos do projecto de investigação EROS são: (i) a quantificação da dissipação da energia das ondas ao longo de plataformas litorais e de praias arenosas com diferentes declives e exposição às ondas; (ii) a caracterização da refracção e difracção das ondas e da modificação das correntes forçadas pelo controle morfológico. A metodologia base centra-se na aquisição de dados de ondas e correntes utilizando transdutores de pressão e correntómetros colocados em transeptos normais à linha de costa, de modo a obter o espectro completo de ondas e correntes, desde a água profunda até aproximadamente à base das arribas, quer nas plataformas quer nas praias.FCT- Research Project PTDC/CTE-GIX/11123

    Flowering Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) Strips Do Not Enhance Ecosystem Services in Azorean Orchards

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    ABSTRACT: Ecosystem services (ESs) and disservices (EDs) are routinely estimated from changes in service provider densities without measuring their actual levels. By using the sentinel approach (i.e., exposing a plant, seeds, and prey models in a standardized way), we tested how coriander (Coriandrum sativum) strips planted in mixed orchards on Terceira Island (Azores, Portugal) affected ESs/EDs via herbivory on lettuce plants, seed predation on wheat and weed seeds, and predation on artificial caterpillars. Vertebrates had more influence than invertebrates on ESs and EDs. Herbivory (ED) after 2 weeks was similar in the coriander and the control plots, while seed predation was higher in the control than in the coriander plots on both wheat grain (an ED: 30.8% vs. 15.3%) and weed seeds (an ES: 2.5% vs. 0.4%). Vertebrate predation (ES) rates after 48 h were significantly higher in the control (9%) than in the coriander plots (3%), while no difference was observed for invertebrate predation. Coriander strips did not support increased ES/reduced ED levels in this habitat. The sentinel approach is effective to quantitatively compare multiple ESs/EDs under different farming management strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio