24 research outputs found

    Skeletal muscle energy metabolism in environmental hypoxia: climbing towards consensus.

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    Skeletal muscle undergoes metabolic remodelling in response to environmental hypoxia, yet aspects of this process remain controversial. Broadly, environmental hypoxia has been suggested to induce: (i) a loss of mitochondrial density; (ii) a substrate switch away from fatty acids and towards other substrates such as glucose, amino acids and ketone bodies; and (iii) a shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. There remains a lack of a consensus in these areas, most likely as a consequence of the variations in degree and duration of hypoxic exposure, as well as the broad range of experimental parameters used as markers of metabolic processes. To attempt to resolve some of the controversies, we performed a comprehensive review of the literature pertaining to hypoxia-induced changes in skeletal muscle energy metabolism. We found evidence that mass-specific mitochondrial function is decreased prior to mass-specific mitochondrial density, implicating intra-mitochondrial changes in the response to environmental hypoxia. This loss of oxidative capacity does not appear to be matched by a loss of glycolytic capacity, which on the whole is not altered by environmental hypoxia. Environmental hypoxia does however induce a selective attenuation of fatty acid oxidation, whilst glucose uptake is maintained or increased, perhaps to support glycolysis in the face of a downregulation of oxidative metabolism, optimising the pathways of ATP synthesis for the hypoxic environment.JAH receives a PhD studentship from the BBSRC. AJM thanks the Research Councils UK for supporting his academic fellowship and Action Medical Research, the British Heart Foundation and the BBSRC for supporting research projects in his laboratory.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from BioMed Central via http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/2046-7648-3-19

    Mitochondrial function at extreme high altitude.

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    At high altitude, barometric pressure falls and with it inspired P(O2), potentially compromising O2 delivery to the tissues. With sufficient acclimatisation, the erythropoietic response increases red cell mass such that arterial O2 content (C(aO2)) is restored; however arterial P(O2)(P(aO2)) remains low, and the diffusion of O2 from capillary to mitochondrion is impaired. Mitochondrial respiration and aerobic capacity are thus limited, whilst reactive oxygen species (ROS) production increases. Restoration of P(aO2) with supplementary O2 does not fully restore aerobic capacity in acclimatised individuals, possibly indicating a peripheral impairment. With prolonged exposure to extreme high altitude (>5500 m), muscle mitochondrial volume density falls, with a particular loss of the subsarcolemmal population. It is not clear whether this represents acclimatisation or deterioration, but it does appear to be regulated, with levels of the mitochondrial biogenesis factor PGC-1α falling, and shows similarities to adapted Tibetan highlanders. Qualitative changes in mitochondrial function also occur, and do so at more moderate high altitudes with shorter periods of exposure. Electron transport chain complexes are downregulated, possibly mitigating the increase in ROS production. Fatty acid oxidation capacity is decreased and there may be improvements in biochemical coupling at the mitochondrial inner membrane that enhance O2 efficiency. Creatine kinase expression falls, possibly impairing high-energy phosphate transfer from the mitochondria to myofibrils. In climbers returning from the summit of Everest, cardiac energetic reserve (phosphocreatine/ATP) falls, but skeletal muscle energetics are well preserved, possibly supporting the notion that mitochondrial remodelling is a core feature of acclimatisation to extreme high altitude.Dr Murray thanks the Research Councils UK for supporting his Academic Fellowship, and the British Heart Foundation, BBSRC, Action Medical Research, Isaac Newton Trust and Oroboros Instruments for supporting research in his laboratory. Mr Horscroft thanks the BBSRC for funding his PhD Studentship.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1113/JP27007

    Altered Oxygen Utilisation in Rat Left Ventricle and Soleus after 14 Days, but Not 2 Days, of Environmental Hypoxia.

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    The effects of environmental hypoxia on cardiac and skeletal muscle metabolism are dependent on the duration and severity of hypoxic exposure, though factors which dictate the nature of the metabolic response to hypoxia are poorly understood. We therefore set out to investigate the time-dependence of metabolic acclimatisation to hypoxia in rat cardiac and skeletal muscle. Rats were housed under normoxic conditions, or exposed to short-term (2 d) or sustained (14 d) hypoxia (10% O2), after which samples were obtained from the left ventricle of the heart and the soleus for assessment of metabolic regulation and mitochondrial function. Mass-corrected maximal oxidative phosphorylation was 20% lower in the left ventricle following sustained but not short-term hypoxia, though no change was observed in the soleus. After sustained hypoxia, the ratio of octanoyl carnitine- to pyruvate- supported respiration was 11% and 12% lower in the left ventricle and soleus, respectively, whilst hexokinase activity increased by 33% and 2.1-fold in these tissues. mRNA levels of PPARα targets fell after sustained hypoxia in both tissues, but those of PPARα remained unchanged. Despite decreased Ucp3 expression after short-term hypoxia, UCP3 protein levels and mitochondrial coupling remained unchanged. Protein carbonylation was 40% higher after short-term but not sustained hypoxic exposure in the left ventricle, but was unchanged in the soleus at both timepoints. Our findings therefore demonstrate that 14 days, but not 2 days, of hypoxia induces a loss of oxidative capacity in the left ventricle but not the soleus, and a substrate switch away from fatty acid oxidation in both tissues.JAH received a PhD Studentship from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grant number: BB/F016581/1, www.bbsrc.ac.uk (http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/). SLB received no specific funding for this work. HY received a Departmental Summer Studentship Bursary from Imperial College, London (www.imperial.ac.uk (http://www.imperial.ac.uk/)). AJM received an academic fellowship from the Research Councils UK (www.rcuk.ac.uk (http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/)). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.013856

    Metabolic basis to Sherpa altitude adaptation.

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    The Himalayan Sherpas, a human population of Tibetan descent, are highly adapted to life in the hypobaric hypoxia of high altitude. Mechanisms involving enhanced tissue oxygen delivery in comparison to Lowlander populations have been postulated to play a role in such adaptation. Whether differences in tissue oxygen utilization (i.e., metabolic adaptation) underpin this adaptation is not known, however. We sought to address this issue, applying parallel molecular, biochemical, physiological, and genetic approaches to the study of Sherpas and native Lowlanders, studied before and during exposure to hypobaric hypoxia on a gradual ascent to Mount Everest Base Camp (5,300 m). Compared with Lowlanders, Sherpas demonstrated a lower capacity for fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle biopsies, along with enhanced efficiency of oxygen utilization, improved muscle energetics, and protection against oxidative stress. This adaptation appeared to be related, in part, to a putatively advantageous allele for the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor A (PPARA) gene, which was enriched in the Sherpas compared with the Lowlanders. Our findings suggest that metabolic adaptations underpin human evolution to life at high altitude, and could have an impact upon our understanding of human diseases in which hypoxia is a feature.The work was supported by PhD studentships from the BBSRC to JH (BB/F016581/1) and British Heart Foundation to AK (FS/09/050), an Academic Fellowship to AM from the Research Councils UK (EP/E500552/1), a Physiological Society grant and support from Oroboros Instruments. JG thanks the MRC (MC UP A90 1006) and AB Sciex. MF thanks the MRC and Faculty of Medicine, Southampton University. For full acknowledgements see SI

    A low-cost instrumented spatial linkage accurately determines asis position during cycle ergometry

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate an alternative method for determining the position of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) during cycling. The approach used in this study employed an instrumented spatial linkage (ISL) system to determine the position of the ASIS in the parasagittal plane. A two-segment ISL constructed using aluminum segments, bearings, and digital encoders was tested statically against a calibration plate and dynamically against a video-based motion capture system. Four well-trained cyclists provided data at three pedaling rates. Statically, the ISL had a mean horizontal error of 0.03 ± 0.21 mm and a mean vertical error of ?0.13 ± 0.59 mm. Compared with the video-based motion capture system, the agreement of the location of the ASIS had a mean error of 0.30 ± 0.55 mm for the horizontal dimension and ?0.27 ± 0.60 mm for the vertical dimension. The ISL system is a cost-effective, accurate, and valid measure for two-dimensional kinematic data within a range of motion typical for cycling.</p