122 research outputs found

    The role of bioluminescent prey in the diet of two hatchetfish species and four lanternfish species in the North Atlantic Ocean in relation to eye-size

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    The mesopelagic zone, often referred to as “the twilight zone” can be defined as the area of the ocean at 200-1000 m depth. Here, light levels vary greatly and provides a varying visual scene. At shallow depths, down-welling daylight is the dominant light-source, but at greater depths, bioluminescent point-sources take over. Mesopelagic fish, therefore, have a variety of eye-sizes and other visual adaptations for better vision in the zones they inhabit. Several adaptations are designed to increase the eyes sensitivity to light because it is so sparse in the mesopelagic, and being able to take advantage of the light that is there is crucial. A larger eye provides extra sensitivity but is also costly. A smaller eye will have less sensitivity, but in a dark environment, it might be enough to distinguish a bioluminescent flash from the background. Therefore, I hypothesize that fish with relatively small eyes select bioluminescent prey because they are easier to see. In this thesis, I compare the diets of mesopelagic fishes of different eye-sizes and other visual adaptations to see whether there is a link between the size or type of eye they possess and whether they have a selectivity for bioluminescent prey in the two hatchetfishes Sternoptyx diaphana and Argyropelecus hemigymnus and the four lanternfishes Protoyctophum arcticum, Benthosea glaciale, Notoscopelus kroyeri and Lampanyctus macdonaldi. I use samples and data from two separate cruises done by The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) on R.V G.O. Sars. I determine the eye-body-ratio, do stomach content and diet composition analyses, and use Ivlev’s electivity index to compare the diet of the studied fish with plankton data from the water column. My aim was to determine whether a pattern can be found of small-eyed fish selecting bioluminescent prey in larger proportions than their large-eyed counterpart. I find that although there is a difference in selectivity especially between the hatchetfishes and the lanternfishes, the small-eyed lanternfish in this study do not have a higher selectivity towards bioluminescent prey than the lanternfish with larger eyes. However, the lanternfishes do have a much stronger selectivity against non-bioluminescent prey than the hatchetfishes. They also have a higher selectivity towards bioluminescent prey than S. diaphana, who had not eaten any bioluminescent prey.Masteroppgave i biologiBIO399MAMN-BIOMAMN-HAVS

    Reading with a Mission

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    This thesis seeks to investigate how first-year students of general studies experience task-based intensive reading of short stories in the English subject. The research questions asked further if the students experienced a sense of mastery and reading pleasure with task-based intensive reading of short stories. The thesis included an intervention conducted on a single class of ESL-students at a Norwegian upper secondary school. With a mixed-method data collection, the thesis involved questionnaires and task-sheets answered by the students and an interview with their teacher. Inspired by practical action research, the research involved studying my own teaching practices before finishing my degree. In this thesis, the connection between intensive reading in a school setting and achieving a sense of mastery and reading pleasure has also been explored. The study revealed that about half of the students enjoyed task-based intensive reading. Further, half of the students experienced a sense of mastery and reading pleasure. Of course, this depended on the short stories in question. Finding ways of teaching that resonate with all the students of a class is difficult. Therefore, finding a way of teaching and working with literature that half the class accepted is, therefore, a very positive aspect of the research

    Implementing Cloud Computing. A Study of the Impact on the IT Department

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    Master's thesis in Information systems (IS501)Cloud Computing (CC)has become an area of interestamongmany organizations. Manyhave started to prioritize the development of both public and private Cloudsfor storing the increased volumes of data,andto exploit the benefits of the phenomena.With the new benefits of publicCloud, it is inevitable that some of thetasks the traditional IT departments have provisionedare being outsourced to a third party, and will be contributing to some sort of organizational and managerial change for them.Based on this, the study has its purpose of researchinghow the IT department is impacted in organizations based on CC adoption. Toinvestigatethis topic,wedevelopedthe following research question; “What impactdoes Cloud Computing have on the IT department andits IT governance mechanisms?”. Answering the proposed RQwill help us identifyhow the IT department has been impacted, as well as identifying the change in its IT governance mechanisms. To assist in answering the question above, we developed two sub-questions;“How will the role of the IT department within an organization change after adopting CC services?”and “How will CC affect the managerial responsibilities within the IT department?”. Thesewill provide further informationandanswer ourpresented RQ, as well as providing a broaderspecter of information

    Can ESG Integration in Financial Models Boost Explanatory Power? A Nordic Perspective

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    The attention to the role of ESG in finance is growing. Previous research has produced conflicting results, some arguing for a relationship and other arguing against a connection. In this thesis we examine the relationship between ESG and financial performance in the Nordic countries by constructing risk factors based on ESG scores and incorporate them in extended versions of the three-factor model by Fama and French (1993). We test whether the inclusion of ESG risk factors improve the explanatory power of the model. Included in the research are 152 listed Nordic firms in the timeframe 2017-2022. The two extended models incorporating the ESG factors based on the social and governance scores produce the most promising results, with improvements over the standard three-factor model according to several measurement methods. The extended models incorporating the factors based on the combined and governance ESG scores show far less improvement, if any at all. Our findings indicate that during the 2017-2022 period, factors related to social and governance aspects improved the explanatory power of the Fama and French three-factor model

    The School-In Video Study

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    Konsekvenser for pasienten som fÞlge av en sprÄkbarriere pÄ sykehus

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    Bakgrunn Sykepleiere pÄ sykehus i dagens samfunn opplever stadig at pasienter som blir innlagt, ikke er i stand til Ä kommunisere med helsepersonell pÄ grunn av mangel pÄ felles sprÄk. Flyktninger og mennesker som sÞker etter et liv med bedre levevilkÄr utgjÞr en stor andel av de menneskene som preges av en sprÄkbarriere ved innleggelse i sykehus. Hensikt Hensikten med denne oppgaven er Ä identifisere de ulike konsekvensene en sprÄkbarriere mellom pasient og sykepleier medfÞrer for pasienten under sykehusinnleggelse, slik at sykepleieren pÄ best mulig mÄte kan mÞte disse konsekvensene. Metode Denne oppgaven presenterer resultater fra seks vitenskapelige artikler ved bruk av Febe Fribergs integrative litteraturoversikt. BÄde det kvalitative og kvantitative aspektet benyttes i studiene som skal besvare vÄr problemstilling. Resultater Funn fra de analyserte studiene presenteres i hovedkategoriene SprÄkbarriere, Pasientens behov og Þnsker og Konsekvenser i det medisinske behandlingsforlÞpet, med underkategorier. Resultatene fra de empiriske artikler viser at en sprÄkbarriere mellom pasient og sykepleier kan fÞre til konsekvenser for pasienten. I resultatene kommer det fram at sprÄkbarrieren blant annet kan true pasientens lovfestede rettigheter, Þnsker, behov og pasientesikkerheten. NÞkkelord SprÄkbarriere, kommunikasjon, tolk, brukermedvirkning, pasientsikkerhet, konsekvenser

    Verdsettelse av Olav Thon eiendomsselskap ASA

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    Masteroppgave i Þkonomi og administrasjon - Universitetet i Agder 2010Oppgaven blir innledet med en beskrivelse av Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap ASA, samt en teoridel om bransjen konsernet opererer innenfor. Deretter fÞlger en metodedel hvor vi gir en beskrivelse av ulike verdsettelsesmetoder, og drÞfter hvilke av disse som er mest egnet for vÄrt selskap. Vi kom frem til at det vil vÊre mest hensiktsmessig Ä legge til grunn en fundamental verdsettelsesmetode. Videre foretar vi en strategisk analyse av Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap ASA for Ä kartlegge konsernets konkurranseforhold og strategiske posisjon. Vi valgte Ä skille ut en egen del om makroÞkonomiske forhold i den eksterne analysen. Dette gjorde vi for Ä fÄ et best mulig grunnlag for Ä utfÞre budsjetteringen senere i oppgaven. Etter den strategiske analysen foretar vi en regnskapsmessig analyse av konsernet. I denne delen reformuleres egenkapitaloppstillingen, balansen, resultatregnskapet og kontantstrÞmmen til selskapet ved Ä skille de driftsrelaterte- og finansielle aktivitetene. Til slutt normaliserer vi det reformulerte resultatregnskapet ved Ä skille ut unormale poster som ikke kan budsjetteres for fremtiden. Neste del av oppgaven omfatter en finansiell analyse av Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap ASA og de nÊrmeste konkurrentene. I denne analysen utfÞrer vi en likviditets- og soliditetsanalyse av selskapet for Ä avdekke den kortsiktige og langsiktige risikoen. FÞr vi kunne utarbeide Olav Thon Eiendomsselskap ASA sitt fremtidsregnskap mÄtte vi beregne avkastningskravet til selskapets totalkapital. For Ä komme frem til selskapets verdidrivere mÄ vi ta en rekke forutsetninger om konsernets fremtidige vekst. Forutsetningene tar utgangspunkt i den strategiske og regnskapsmessige analysen vi utarbeidet tidligere i oppgaven. Etter Ä ha drÞftet de ulike fundamentale verdsettelsesmodellene valgte vi Ä legge til grunn den driftsrelaterte superprofittmodellen i verdsettelsen. Vi kom frem til et verdiestimat per aksje pÄ 846 NOK. PÄ grunn av at forutsetningen bak dette verdiestimatet er svÊrt usikre og subjektive utfÞrer vi en sensitivitets- og scenarioanalyse. Analysene avdekket som ventet at estimatet er svÊrt usikkert, men forventningsverdien pÄ 852 NOK fra scenarioanalysen underbygget vÄrt anslag. Til slutt utfÞrer vi en supplerende verdsettelsesmetode ved Ä beregne multiplikatorer fra selskapene i vÄr bransjeavgrensning. Den relative verdsettelsen gav oss et verdiestimat pÄ 831 NOK per aksje

    How to Develop an Open and Flexible Information Infrastructure for the Public Sector?

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    Abstract In line with a number of other countries, Norway has decided to base their ICT solutions in the public sector on a common ICT architecture. This article discusses some challenges related to this work. The theoretical basis for the discussions is our understanding of information infrastructures, which we claim offers a fruitful perspective to the building of ICT architectures. Of particular relevance is its installed base: the history of technical and non-technical components that determines its further development. We argue that an ICT architecture for the public sector should be seen as an important element of a government information infrastructure. However, it has to be adapted to other principles and fulfil a wider range of needs than traditional types of infrastructures, including the specific political, regulatory and organizational context that it targets Keywords: ICT architecture, information infrastructure, installed base, IT governance Introduction The Norwegian government, like governments in many other countries, is facing great challenges in their efforts to improve service provision to the citizens and the private sector at large. One important challenge is to overcome the obstacles created by the highly fragmented public sector, and as the result, a silo-organization of its information systems. Modern eGovernment services require IT-solutions whereby information can be easily accessed and transferred between agencies and across sectorbased boundaries. As a response, many countries have defined more coherent strategies for developing their ICT-solutions designed to simplify information exchange and interaction between public agencies in order to provide better services to citizens and businesses in a coordinated and user friendly manner. One common component in many of these strategies is to build a common ICT-architecture as a framework for their eGovernment solutions (see e.g. Thus, from both a theoretical and a practical point of view, we need a better understanding of the type of "artefact" this government ICT-architecture should be. Still, eGovernment as a research field is in its early stage (see e.g. GrĂžnlund 2005,

    How does tube size affect patients’ experiences of postoperative sore throat and hoarseness? A randomised controlled blinded study

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    Sore throat (POST) and hoarseness (PH) are common complaints after endotracheal intubation (EI). The aim of this study was to investigate whether tube size impacts the experiences of POST and PH after EI in patients undergoing elective surgery, as well as to document a possible role of gender. This randomised, controlled, blinded study was conducted at Aalborg University Hospital, Thisted, Denmark or North Denmark Regional Hospital, Denmark. A total of 236 patients (53.4% female, mean age 50.9 years (SD 14.0)) were enrolled from the departments of gynaecology, parenchyma and orthopaedics. The patients were randomised to a tube size of 8.0 or 7.0 for males and 7.0 or 6.0 for females. Tube sizes were known to the anaesthesia staff but blinded for patients, researchers and staff at the postoperative care unit. POST and/or PH was reported 30–60 min before anaesthesia, at 30 min and at 2, 5, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after anaesthesia. Both female and male patients experienced significantly lower levels of POST and PH after intubation with the smallest tube size. This study demonstrates that a smaller size of tube results in a reduction in POST and PH after EI for both male and female patients
