9 research outputs found

    Lifted edges as connectivity priors for multicut and disjoint paths

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    This work studies graph decompositions and their representation by 0/1 labeling of edges. We study two problems. The first is multicut (MC) which represents decompositions of undirected graphs (clustering of nodes into connected components). The second is disjoint paths (DP) in directed acyclic graphs where the clusters correspond to node- disjoint paths. Unlike an alternative representation by node labeling, the number of clusters is not part of the input but is fully determined by the costs of edges. Our main interest is to study connectivity priors represented by so-called lifted edges in the two problems. The cost of a lifted edge expresses whether its endpoints should belong to the same cluster (path) in the optimal decomposition. We call the resulting problems lifted multicut (LMC) and lifted disjoint paths (LDP). The extension of MC to LMC was originally motivated by image segmentation where the information about the connectivity between non-neighboring pixels or superpixels led to a significant quality improvement. After that, LMC was successfully applied to other problems like multiple object tracking (MOT) which is also the main application of our proposed LDP model. Our study of lifted multicut concentrates on partial LMC represented by labeling of a subset of (lifted) edges. Given partial labeling, we conclude that deciding whether a complete LMC consistent with the partial labels exists is NP-complete. Similarly, we conclude that deciding whether an unlabeled edge exists such that its label is determined by the labels of other edges is NP-hard. After that, we present metrics for comparing (partial) graph decompositions. Finally, we study the properties of the LMC polytope. The largest part of this work is dedicated to the proposed LDP problem. We prove that this problem is NP-hard and propose an optimal integer linear programming (ILP) solver. In order to enable its global optimization, we formulate several classes of linear inequalities that produce a high-quality LP relaxation. Additionally, we propose efficient cutting plane algorithms for separating the proposed linear inequalities. Despite the advanced constraints and efficient separation routines, the general time complexity of our optimal ILP solver remains exponential. In order to solve even larger instances, we introduce an approximate LDP solver based on Lagrange decomposition. LDP is a convenient model for MOT because the underlying disjoint paths model naturally leads to trajectories of objects. Moreover, lifted edges encode long-range temporal interactions and thus help to prevent id switches and re-identify persons. Our tracker using the optimal LDP solver achieves nearly optimal assignments w.r.t. input detections. Consequently, it was a leading tracker on three benchmarks of the MOT challenge MOT15/16/17, improving significantly over state-of-the-art at the time of its publication. Our approximate LDP solver enables us to process the MOT15/16/17 benchmarks without sacrificing solution quality and allows for solving large and dense instances of a challenging dataset MOT20. On all these four standard MOT benchmarks we achieved performance comparable or better than state-of-the-art methods (at the time of publication) including our tracker based on the optimal LDP solver.Diese Arbeit studiert Graphenzerlegungen und ihre ReprĂ€sentation durch 0/1-wertige Kantenbelegungen. Das erste Problem ist das Mehrfachschnittproblem. Es reprĂ€sentiert Zerlegungen von ungerichteten Graphen (Cluster von Knoten sodass jeder Cluster eine Zusammenhangskomponente reprĂ€sentiert). Das zweite Problem ist die Suche von disjunkten Pfaden in einem gerichteten azyklischen Graph in dem die Cluster knotendisjunkten Pfaden entsprechen. Im Unterschied zu der alternativen ReprĂ€sentation durch Knotenbelegungen ist die Zahl von Clustern nicht im Voraus gegeben, sondern sie ist abhĂ€ngig von den Kosten der Kanten. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit ist die Erforschung von hochgezogenen Kannten, die eine apriori Information ĂŒber Verbundenheit von Knoten in Clustern respektive durch Pfade in den zwei Problemen darstellen. Die Kosten einer hochgezogenen Kante drĂŒcken aus, ob ihre Knoten zu dem gleichen Cluster (Pfad) in der optimalen Zerlegung gehören sollten. Wir bezeichnen diese neuen Probleme als das hochgezogene Mehrfachschnittproblem und das Problem der hochgezogenen disjunkten Pfade. Die Erweiterung des Mehrfachschnittproblems zu dem hochgezogenen Mehrfachschnittproblem wurde ursprĂŒnglich durch die Bildsegmentierung motiviert, fĂŒr die die Information ĂŒber Verbundenheit von nicht benachbarten Pixeln oder Superpixeln zu einer bedeutenden Verbesserung der QualitĂ€t fĂŒhrte. Danach wurde das hochgezogene Mehrfachschnittproblem zu der Lösung von anderen Problemen wie zum Beispiel der Verfolgung von mehreren Objekten in einem Video angewendet. Diese Aufgabe ist auch die Hauptanwendung des vorgeschlagenen Problems der hochgezogenen disjunkte Pfade. In unserer Untersuchung des hochgezogenen Mehrfachschnittproblems konzentrieren wir uns auf das teilweise hochgezogene Mehrfachschnittproblem. Das Problem wird durch eine Belegung einer Teilmenge der (hochgezogenen) Kanten reprĂ€sentiert. Wir beweisen, dass es NP-vollstĂ€ndig ist zu entscheiden, ob ein kompletter hochgezogener Mehrfachschnitt existiert, der einer gegebenen teilweisen Kantenbezeichnung entspricht. In analogerWeise beweisen wir, dass es NP-schwer ist zu entscheiden, ob eine nicht belegte Kante existiert, deren Belegung durch die Belegungen anderer Kanten entschieden ist. Danach prĂ€sentieren wir Metriken zum Vergleich von (teilweisen) Graphenzerlegungen. Schließlich untersuchen wir Eigenschaften des hochgezogenen Mehrfachschnitt-Polytops. Der grĂ¶ĂŸte Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich dem von uns vorgeschlagenen Problem der hochgezogenen disjunkten Pfade. Wir beweisen, dass es NP-schwer ist. Wir formulieren es als ein ganzzahliges lineares Optimierungsproblem und implementieren ein Programm fĂŒr dessen optimale Lösung. Um die globale Optimierung zu ermöglichen, formulieren wir mehrere Klassen von linearen Ungleichungen, die zu einer linearen Relaxierung mit einer hohen QualitĂ€t fĂŒhren. ZusĂ€tzlich prĂ€sentieren wir ein effektives Schnittebenenverfahren fĂŒr die Separierung der vorgeschlagenen Ungleichungen. Trotz der fortgeschrittenen Ungleichungen und der Effizienz der Schnittebenenseparierung in unserem optimalen Löser bleibt die allgemeine KomplexitĂ€t des Algorithmus exponentiell. Um noch kompliziertere Instanzen zu lösen, prĂ€sentieren wir einen approximativen Löser, der auf Lagrange-DualitĂ€t aufbaut. Hochgezogene disjunkte Pfade sind ein praktisches Modell fĂŒr die Verfolgung von mehreren Objekten, weil die disjunkten Pfade eine natĂŒrliche ReprĂ€sentation von Trajektorien der Objekten darstellen. Außerdem reprĂ€sentieren die hochgezogenen Kanten Interaktionen einer langen zeitlichen Reichweite. Deswegen helfen sie dieselbe Person in zeitlich weiter auseinander liegenden Zeitpunkten wieder zu identifizieren und Verwechselungen ihrer IdentitĂ€t zu verhindern. Aus diesem Grund war unsere Methode zur Zeit ihrer Publikation die beste fĂŒr drei VergleichsdatensĂ€tzen MOT Challenge MOT15/16/17 fĂŒr die Verfolgung von mehreren Objekten. Im Vergleich zu den bisherigen besten Methoden war ihre Leistung sogar bedeutend höher. Unsere approximative Methode fĂŒr hochgezogene disjunkte Pfade ermöglicht uns die VergleichsdatensĂ€tzen MOT15/16/17 zu verarbeiten ohne die QualitĂ€t der Lösungen zu vermindern und erlaubt uns, die großen Instanzen mit hoher Personendichte des anspruchsvolleren Datensatzes MOT20 zu lösen. Zur Zeit ihrer Publikation erreichte die Methode vergleichbare oder bessere Ergebnisse als die bisherigen besten Methoden einschließlich unseres optimalen Löser fĂŒr hochgezogene disjunkte Pfade

    Structured Prediction Problem Archive

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    Structured prediction problems are one of the fundamental tools in machine learning. In order to facilitate algorithm development for their numerical solution, we collect in one place a large number of datasets in easy to read formats for a diverse set of problem classes. We provide archival links to datasets, description of the considered problems and problem formats, and a short summary of problem characteristics including size, number of instances etc. For reference we also give a non-exhaustive selection of algorithms proposed in the literature for their solution. We hope that this central repository will make benchmarking and comparison to established works easier. We welcome submission of interesting new datasets and algorithms for inclusion in our archive.Comment: Added multicast instances from Andres grou

    Is the Physiological Composition of the Vaginal Microbiome Altered in High-Risk HPV Infection of the Uterine Cervix?

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    Background: Cervical cancer is the fourth most common malignancy and fourth leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. More than 99.7% of cases are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), while HPV types 16 and 18 cause over 70% of all cervical cancer cases. In this preliminary study, we aimed to investigate the presence of HPV infection and diversity of bacteria associated with bacterial vaginosis. Methods: Cervical swabs (n = 21) taken from women aged 21–47 years, in seventeen cases, with different degrees of cervical abnormality, and from four healthy women, were tested for the presence of HPV DNA, as well as the bacterial strains associated with bacterial vaginosis, using the real-time PCR method. Results: HPV16 was the dominant genotype in 53% (9/17) of patients with confirmed precancerous lesions (ASCUS, LSIL, and HSIL). In specimens with confirmed cytological abnormalities and hrHPV infection, we detected a wide diversity of microbes, while the most common species were Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Prevotella bivia, Ureaplasma parvum, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Leptotrichia amnionii, Bacteroides ureolyticus, and Sneathia sanguinegens. The presence of pathogens did not differ, depending on the degree of precancerous lesions or HPV type. Conclusion: In our work, HPV16 dominated in patients with cervical precancerous lesions. We also suggest an increased bacterial diversity of the vaginal microbiome in patients with cervical lesions, for which the HPV virus is largely responsible

    Genetic Heterogeneity, Tumor Microenvironment and Immunotherapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

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    Heterogeneity of triple-negative breast cancer is well known at clinical, histopathological, and molecular levels. Genomic instability and greater mutation rates, which may result in the creation of neoantigens and enhanced immunogenicity, are additional characteristics of this breast cancer type. Clinical outcome is poor due to early age of onset, high metastatic potential, and increased likelihood of distant recurrence. Consequently, efforts to elucidate molecular mechanisms of breast cancer development, progression, and metastatic spread have been initiated to improve treatment options and improve outcomes for these patients. The extremely complex and heterogeneous tumor immune microenvironment is made up of several cell types and commonly possesses disorganized gene expression. Altered signaling pathways are mainly associated with mutated genes including p53, PIK3CA, and MAPK, and which are positively correlated with genes regulating immune response. Of note, particular immunity-associated genes could be used in prognostic indexes to assess the most effective management. Recent findings highlight the fact that long non-coding RNAs also play an important role in shaping tumor microenvironment formation, and can mediate tumor immune evasion. Identification of molecular signatures, through the use of multi-omics approaches, and effector pathways that drive early stages of the carcinogenic process are important steps in developing new strategies for targeted cancer treatment and prevention. Advances in immunotherapy by remodeling the host immune system to eradicate tumor cells have great promise to lead to novel therapeutic strategies. Current research is focused on combining immune checkpoint inhibition with chemotherapy, PARP inhibitors, cancer vaccines, or natural killer cell therapy. Targeted therapies may improve therapeutic response, eliminate therapeutic resistance, and improve overall patient survival. In the future, these evolving advancements should be implemented for personalized medicine and state-of-art management of cancer patients

    JAMI: Fast Computation of Conditional Mutual Information for ceRNA network analysis

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    Motivation: Genome-wide measurements of paired miRNA and gene expression data have enabled the prediction of competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs). It has been shown that the sponge effect mediated by protein-coding as well as non-coding ceRNAs can play an important regulatory role in the cell in health and disease. Therefore, many computational methods for the computational identification of ceRNAs have been suggested. In particular, methods based on Conditional Mutual Information (CMI) have shown promising results. However, the currently available implementation is slow and cannot be used to perform computations on a large scale. Results: Here, we present JAMI, a Java tool that uses a non-parametric estimator for CMI values from gene and miRNA expression data. We show that JAMI speeds up the computation of ceRNA networks by a factor of 70 compared to currently available implementations. Further, JAMI supports multi-threading to make use of common multi-core architectures for further performance gain