203 research outputs found

    Impact of financial aid on persistence: The case of the University of Chile

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    Introducción: la literatura internacional acerca de la persistencia en la educación superior sugiere que la ayuda financiera entregada a los estudiantes afecta positivamente sus resultados académicos. Sin embargo, en Chile existe escasa investigación respecto a este tema, y en particular no se diferencian los efectos de los distintos tipos de ayuda. De acuerdo a esto, el presente estudio tiene por objetivo explorar en qué medida los diferentes tipos y cantidades de ayuda financiera impactan la probabilidad de persistencia de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile. Métodos: se utilizó el modelo cuantitativo de supervivencia para el análisis de eventos históricos, el cual permite, a partir de datos longitudinales, estudiar cómo distintos factores se relacionan con la aparición de un evento en diferentes momentos del tiempo y determinar si estos tienen efectos que cambian en función del tiempo. Las variables utilizadas fueron académicas (carrera, notas, etc.), financieras (tipo de ayuda, montos, etc.) y socio-económicas (región de origen, tipo de establecimiento de educación secundaria, etc.). La información se obtuvo de tres bases de datos de la Universidad de Chile y se analizaron las cohortes de ingreso 2009 y 2010. Resultados y Discusión: los resultados muestran que el otorgamiento de una combinación de becas y préstamos estatales, institucionales y/o de origen privado aumenta la probabilidad de permanecer en la Universidad. En particular, se destaca que las becas de mantención tienen un mayor efecto que las ayudas de arancel, y, a su vez, el crédito tiene un mayor impacto que las becasIntroduction: the international literature on persistence in higher education suggests that students’ financial aid affects positively their academic results. However, in Chile and in Latin America in general, there is little research on this issue, and in particular the effects of different types of aid are not differentiated. According to this, the present study has the objective of exploring to what extent the different types and amounts of financial aid impact the probability of persistence of the students of the University of Chile. Methods: the quantitative survival model was used for the analysis of historical events, which allows, from longitudinal data, to study how different factors are related to the appearance of an event at different moments of time and to determine if these have effects that change as a function of time. The variables used were academic (career, grades, etc.), financial (type of aid, amounts, etc.) and socio-economic (region of origin, type of secondary education institution, etc.). The information was obtained from three University of Chile databases; the 2009 and 2010 income cohorts were analyzed. Results and Discussion: the results show that granting a combination of scholarships and state, institutional and / or private loans increases students’ probability of persisting in the University. In particular, it is highlighted that grants that cover cost of living expenses have a greater effect than tuition grants, and, in turn, credit has a greater impact than scholarship

    Measuring What Matters: A Case Study of Measurement Development Methods for Institutionally Identified Student Learning Outcomes

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    Divisions of student affairs are impacted by an increased demand for accountability and the assessment of student learning in the co curricular must be addressed. This study documented the measurement development processes for a student affairs division at a large, urban research institution. The research question for this study was: What processes did departments within a division of student affairs at a large urban research university use to develop assessment measures of student learning outcomes? A case study of a student affairs division from a large metropolitan area in the mid-western United States (MMU, a four-year high research university) was conducted for academic year 2012-2013. In the year of this study, there were eight departments within the Division of Student Affairs at MMU; six of which participated. The methods employed in this study included: interviews of leadership within the Division of Student Affairs and document analysis of 34 instruments. A significant contribution of this study was the identification of the development methods used for assessment instruments across a division intended to measure institutionally defined student learning outcomes. Findings from this study include themes of resources and timing for development. The study assists in understanding implications for practice, including the resources divisions of student affairs need to address accountability to constituents

    Uso de fontes legais adicionais em breves de amicus curiae apresentados em Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin

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    As the political arena becomes increasingly polarized, the legal arena is playing a more important role in the creation of education policy in the United States. One critical stage in the legal process for such efforts is at briefing where “amici curiae,” or friends-of-the-court, may introduce additional arguments for the court to consider through the filing of amicus curiae briefs. To explore the use of extra-legal sources by amici, we focus on the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court case Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin and ask the questions: 1) What are the types, and relative use by amici, of extra-legal sources cited in the briefs submitted in Fisher I? and 2) What is the relative use of extra-legal sources cited in amicus briefs by supporting party and by category of amici? Our findings reveal the wide-range of extra-legal sources used in amicus briefs, and that the type of extra-legal sources incorporated may be associated with who the amici are and which party they support. Ultimately, we discuss potential reasons for the differences observed in the use of extra-legal sources and offer recommendations to more effectively engage in the policy briefing process.A medida que la arena política se polariza cada vez más la arena legal juega un papel más importante en la creación de una política educativa en los Estados Unidos. Una etapa crítica en el proceso legal para tales esfuerzos es en una sesión de información donde “amici curiae”, o amigos de la corte, pueden presentar argumentos adicionales para que la corte los considere mediante la presentación de escritos amicus curiae. Para explorar el uso de fuentes extra legales por amici, nos enfocamos en el caso 2013 de la U.S.Supreme Court Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin y hacemos las siguientes preguntas: 1) ¿Cuáles son los tipos y el uso relativo de los amici de fuentes legales citadas en los escritos presentados en Fisher I? y 2) ¿Cuál es el uso relativo de las fuentes extra legales citadas en los escritos amicus por la parte que apoya y por categoría de amici? Nuestros hallazgos revelan la amplia gama de fuentes extra legales utilizadas en los informes amicus, y que el tipo de fuentes extra legales incorporadas puede asociarse con quiénes son los amici y qué partido apoyan. En última instancia, discutimos las posibles razones de las diferencias observadas en el uso de fuentes extra legales y ofrecemos recomendaciones para participar de manera más efectiva en el proceso de información sobre políticas.À medida que a arena política se torna cada vez mais polarizada a arena legal desempenha um papel mais importante na criação de uma política educacional nos Estados Unidos. Um estágio crítico no processo legal para tais esforços é em uma sessão de informação onde “amici curiae”, ou amigos do tribunal, podem apresentar argumentos adicionais para que o juiz considere arquivar amicus curiae briefs. Para explorar o uso de fontes legais extra pela Amici, nós nos concentramos no caso de 2013 do U.S. Supreme Court Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin e fazemos as seguintes perguntas: 1) Quais são os tipos e o uso relativo de amici de fontes legais citadas nos trabalhos apresentados em Fisher I? e 2) Qual é o uso relativo das fontes extralegais citadas nos resumos de amicus pelo partido que apoia e pela categoria amici? Nossas descobertas revelam a ampla variedade de fontes legais extra usadas nos relatórios de amicus e que o tipo de fontes extralegais incorporadas pode ser associado com quem é o amici e qual partido eles apoiam. Em última análise, discutimos os possíveis motivos das diferenças observadas no uso de fontes extralegais e oferecemos recomendações para participar de forma mais efetiva no processo de informação política

    Um caso para competências: avaliar o valor do traço-baseado: Avaliação de desempenho para os funcionários não-faculdade da Universidade

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    A case study analyzed how supervisors at one university selected competencies, or trait-based skills, for non-faculty employees. This case study provides a valuable contribution by focusing on employees at one institution type–a large, public research university. While it has been documented that non-faculty employees provide important contributions to higher education, there is more to be discovered about this population of university employee, noted as more than 2 million U.S. employees in 2011. The research question guiding this study was: Within a university setting, how are employee competencies valued by job title within colleges and divisions? Multiple correspondence analysis evaluated supervisor competency selection for 1,836 non-supervisory and 565 supervisory employees using data from this university’s 2012 performance appraisal. For non-supervisory employees, the first dimension accounted for 65.11% of adjusted inertia, or explained variance. The second dimension accounted for 23.89% of adjusted inertia. For supervisory employees, the first dimension accounted for 86.57% of adjusted inertia. The second dimension accounted for 8.26% of adjusted inertia. The key study finding was that, despite the availability of other higher-education specific competency alternatives and best practices for competency use in the appraisal, this institution’s implementation of competencies was found to be mechanical. This study proposed best practices for this and similarly situated institutions as to how competencies can be used to develop employees and improve their performance.Un estudio de caso analizado cómo supervisores en una Universidad seleccionan las competencias o habilidades basadas en el rasgo, no Facultad empleados. Este estudio de caso proporciona una valiosa contribución al centrarse en los empleados en un tipo de institución, una Universidad de investigación grande, público. Mientras que se ha documentado que no Facultad empleados brindan importantes aportes a la educación superior, hay más por descubrir acerca de esta población de empleados de la Universidad, señaló como empleados de los Estados Unidos más de 2 millones en 2011. ¿Fue la pregunta de investigación que guía este estudio: dentro de un ámbito universitario, cómo son las competencias del empleado valoradas por título del trabajo en universidades y divisiones?  Análisis de correspondencia múltiple había evaluado supervisor competencias selección de 1.836 no supervisión y 565 empleados supervisión utilizando los datos de evaluación del desempeño de la Universidad 2012. Empleados sin supervisión, la primera dimensión representaron el 65.11% de inercia ajustada o explicó la varianza. La segunda dimensión 23.89% de inercia ajustada. Para los empleados de supervisión, la primera dimensión representaron 86.57% de inercia ajustada. La segunda dimensión 8.26% de inercia ajustada. El hallazgo clave del estudio fue a pesar de la disponibilidad de otras alternativas de la competencia específica de la educación superior y las mejores prácticas para el uso de competencias en la evaluación, implementación de esta institución de competencias fue encontrado para ser mecánico. Este estudio propone instituciones situación similar en cuanto a cómo las competencias se pueden utilizar para desarrollar a empleados y mejorar su desempeño y mejores prácticas para esto.Um estudo de caso analisado como supervisores numa Universidade selecionado competências ou habilidades baseadas em traço, para os empregados não-docente. Este estudo de caso fornece uma contribuição valiosa, centrando-se sobre os funcionários em um tipo de instituição – uma grande, pública, Universidade. Embora tem sido documentado que os funcionários não-faculdade fornecem importantes contribuições para o ensino superior, há mais a ser descoberto sobre esta população de funcionários da Universidade, observou-se como funcionários de Estados Unidos mais de 2 milhões em 2011. A pergunta de pesquisa orientar este estudo foi: dentro de um cenário de Universidade, como são competências do empregado valorizadas pelo cargo dentro de faculdades e divisões? Análise de correspondência múltipla avaliada seleção de competências de supervisor para 1.836 não-supervisão e 565 funcionários supervisão usando os dados de avaliação de desempenho de 2012 da Universidade. Para empregados não-supervisão, primeira dimensão representou 65.11% da inércia ajustada ou variância, explicou. A segunda dimensão representou 23.89% da inércia ajustada. Para funcionários de fiscalização, a primeira dimensão representou 86.57% de inércia ajustada. A segunda dimensão representaram 8.26% da inércia ajustada. A conclusão do estudo chave era que apesar da disponibilidade de outras alternativas de competência específica de ensino superior e as melhores práticas para uso de competência na avaliação, implementação desta instituição de competências foi encontrada para ser mecânico. Este estudo propõe-se similarmente situadas instituições quanto como competências podem ser usadas para desenvolver os funcionários e melhorar o seu desempenho e melhores práticas para isso

    The U.S. Supreme Count's Use of Non-Legal Sources and Amicus Curiae Brieds in Fisher v. University of Texas

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    In February 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case that challenged the constitutionality of a race-conscious admissions policy at the University of Texas at Austin (“the university”). In addition to the evidence put forward by the parties, a broad constituency of individuals and organizations on both sides of the debate mobilized to inform the Court of the arguments under consideration. For example, amici curiae in support of the university presented research to impress upon the Court the need for postsecondary institutions to be permitted to consider race as one among myriad factors in admissions to fulfill their educational missions. Amici in support of Fisher also submitted a wide range of sources to support arguments that the university’s race-conscious policy did not meet the requirements of the Equal Protection Clause. Four years later in 2016, the Court ultimately upheld the constitutionality of the policy in a 4-3 decision. Applying the standard of strict scrutiny, the Court’s decision re-affirmed decades of precedent establishing that postsecondary institutions had a compelling interest in furthering a diverse student body and held that, as implemented by the university, the use of race was narrowly tailored to this goal. Justice Kennedy, who for the first time found a race-conscious policy in education to be narrowly tailored, authored the majority opinion in the case

    Understanding Loan Use and Debt Burden Among Low-income and Minority Students at a Large Urban Community College

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    This study examined a sample of community college students from a diverse, large urban community college system in Texas. To gain a deeper understanding about the effects of background characteristics on student borrowing behaviors and enrollment outcomes, the study employed descriptive statistics and regression techniques to examine two separate samples of students consisting of 1) loan recipients and 2) non-loan recipients. Chen’s heterogeneous research model served as the conceptual framework in the selection of predictors of interest and outcome variables. This study primarily focused on the relationship between borrowing and enrollment outcomes of low-income and racially/ethnically diverse students. Results show that students taking on debt at Metropolitan Community College (a pseudonym) are primarily female, Black, over the age of 20, low-income, and not academically prepared. While race/ethnicity did not significantly influence cumulative debt amount, race/ethnicity did account for significant differences in the likelihood of completion or transfer for both loan recipients and non-loan recipients

    Testing and Diversity in Postsecondary Education: The Case of California

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    The past several years have seen numerous efforts to scale back or eliminate affirmative action in postsecondary admissions. In response, policymakers and postsecondary institutions in many states are searching for ways to maintain the diversity of student populations without resorting to a prohibited focus on race. In response to these changes, this study used data from California and a simplified model of the University of California admissions process to explore how various approaches to admissions affect the diversity of the admitted student population. "Race-neutral" admissions based solely on test scores and grades were compared with the results of actual admissions before and after the elimination of affirmative action. A final set of analyses explored the effects on diversity of alternative approaches that take into account factors other than grades and scores, but not race or ethnicity. Replacing the former admissions process that included preferences with a race-neutral model based solely on GPA and SAT-I scores substantially reduced minority representation at the two most selective UC campuses but had much smaller effects at the other six, less selective campuses. SAT-I scores contributed to but were not the sole cause of the underrepresentation of African American and Hispanic students. A race-neutral model based solely on GPA also produced an underrepresentation of minorities, albeit a less severe one. None of the alternative admissions models analyzed could replicate the composition of the student population that was in place before the termination of affirmative action in California. The only approach that substantially increased the representation of minority students was accepting most students on the basis of within-school rather than statewide rankings, and this approach caused a sizable drop in both the average SAT scores and the average GPA of admitted applicants, particularly among African American and Hispanic students. Although admissions systems differ, the basic findings of this study are likely to apply at a general level to many universities and underscore the difficulty of providing proportional representation for underserved minority students at highly selective institutions without explicit preferences

    Association of active and passive smoking with risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women: a prospective cohort study

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    Objective To examine the association between smoking and risk of invasive breast cancer using quantitative measures of lifetime passive and active smoking exposure among postmenopausal women

    Height, adiposity and body fat distribution and breast density in young women

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast density is one of the strongest risk factors for breast cancer, but determinants of breast density in young women remain largely unknown. METHOD: Associations of height, adiposity and body fat distribution with percent dense breast volume (%DBV) and absolute dense breast volume (ADBV) were evaluated in a cross-sectional study of 174 healthy women, 25-29 years old. Adiposity and body fat distribution were measured by anthropometry and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), while %DBV and ADBV were measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Associations were evaluated using linear mixed effects models. All tests of statistical significance are 2-sided. RESULTS: Height was significantly positively associated with %DBV but not ADBV; for each standard deviation (SD) increase in height, %DBV increased by 18.7% in adjusted models. In contrast, all measures of adiposity and body fat distribution were significantly inversely associated with %DBV; a SD increase in body mass index (BMI), percent fat mass, waist circumference and the android:gynoid fat mass ratio (A:G ratio) each was associated significantly with a 44.4% - 47.0% decrease in %DBV after adjustment for childhood BMI and other covariates. Although associations were weaker than for %DBV, all measures of adiposity and body fat distribution also were significantly inversely associated with ADBV before adjustment for childhood BMI. However, after adjustment for childhood BMI only the DXA measures percent fat mass and A:G ratio remained significant; a SD increase in each was associated with a 13.8% - 19.6% decrease in ADBV . In mutually adjusted analysis, percent fat mass and the A:G ratio remained significantly inversely associated with %DBV, but only the A:G ratio was significantly associated with ADBV; a SD increase in A:G ratio was associated with a 18.5% decrease in ADBV. CONCLUSIONS: Total adiposity and body fat distribution are independently inversely associated with %DBV, whereas in mutually adjusted analysis only body fat distribution (A:G ratio) remained significantly inversely associated with ADBV in young women. Research is needed to identify biological mechanisms underlying these associations