11 research outputs found

    Seizure preventive treatment against non preventive treatment in children with a prevous febrile episode

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    Las convulsiones producidas por los episodios febriles en niños son, mayormente, inocuas y no significan un problema de salud más prolongado y serio. Duran pocos minutos y van a acompañadas de fiebre por encima de los 38°. Aun así, los padres son quienes están con el niño, quedándose asustados y temiendo que el episodio se vuelva a repetir. Afectan sobre todo a niños de entre 6 meses y 5 años de edad con una incidencia del 2 al 5%. Nos planteamos si administrar o no un tratamiento preventivo de episodios convulsivos al inicio del proceso febril.Febrile seizures in children are mainly harmless and do not imply a sustained and severe health problem. The seizures usually last for a few minutes and are accompanied by a fever above 38°C. However, parents are the ones with the child and the episodes can be frightening and they could be afraid of it happening once again. They affect kids from 6 months to 5 years old with an incidence of 2 to 5%. We analyze if seizure preventive treatment is needed in the beggining of fever episode or not

    Freezing amputation: Grief acceptance process

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    La amputación o separación de una parte del cuerpo, generalmente de un miembro inferior o superior, va a provocar en el paciente y, por su- puesto, en su entorno familiar problemas de toda índole y que se deben detectar de forma rápida para así planificar unos cuidados lo más adaptados posible a sus necesidades. La enfermera comienza ha- ciendo una valoración del paciente con la posterior planificación de cuidados, teniendo en cuenta que el ingreso es en una unidad de hospitalización, es decir, no en un servicio de urgencias donde la atención y priorizacion de cuidados son distintos.The amputation or separation of a part of the body, generally of a lower or upper limb, will cause problems of all kinds in the patient and, of course, in his family environment, which must be detected quickly in order to plan care as adapted as possible to your needs. The nurse begins by assessing the patient with the subsequent planning of care, taking into account that the admission is in a hospitalization unit, that is, not in an emergency service where care and prioritization of care are different

    Psicofisiología aplicada a los procesos de formación en el Ejército del Aire

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    Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas de la Salud. Programa de Doctorado en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la SaludActualmente la respuesta psicofisiológica en ambientes demandantes y estresantes como puede ser el ámbito militar es poco conocida. En este contexto, estas situaciones de estrés van asociados con otros factores como la ansiedad anticipatoria, miedo a lo desconocido, falta de sueño, ingesta calórica reducida, y otras que hacen particular a este grupo tan especial de participantes. Específicamente, las unidades especiales y los pilotos de caza, por las altas demandas de sus tareas precisan de un conocimiento exhaustivo de los requerimientos operativos para poder conocer cómo responde el cuerpo en estos ambientes de estrés y poder establecer un plan de entrenamiento individual, específico y con garantías de poder minimizar las consecuencias negativas del estrés en el desarrollo y logro del cumplimiento de la misión. Por ello se presenta la presente tesis dcotoral, con el objetivo de analizar la respuesta psicofisiológica de unidades de fuerzas especiales del Ejército del Aire tanto en tierra como en aire, para la mejora de su rendimiento operativo. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron como independientemente del nivel de preparación, experiencia, contexto, escenario o equipamiento, las maniobras de combate, tanto en tierra como en aire por pilotos de combate analizadas, produjeron un aumento de la respuesta psicofisiológica del combatiente. En concreto un accidente aéreo con subterfugio y evasión a zona segura provocó en un equipo de seguridad aérea una alta modulación del sistema nervioso simpático, un aumento de las manifestaciones de fuerza muscular y el estado de deshidratación y de estrés. Una fase del plan de adiestramiento en operaciones especiales provocó estrés intenso y una respuesta física caracterizada por el incremento de fatiga y de la percepción subjetiva de estrés, aumento de saturación de oxígeno en sangre, en el Ph, deterioro cognitivo y de pérdida de motivación. Además, provoca disminución de la fuerza del tren inferior, flujo espiratorio pico, activación cortical, composición corporal en disminución de peso, masa grasa y masa muscular, estrés y ansiedad, nivel de alerta, de tristeza y de tensión justo al acabar el ejercicio. Los participantes con mayor pérdida de masa muscular presentaron un deterioro cognitivo mayor y una respuesta psicofisiológica similar que aquellos que perdieron menos masa grasa. La superación de un plan de instrucción de operaciones especiales se relacionó con un mayor estado de forma anaeróbico y cardiovascular y no resultó en una modificiación del perfil psicológico de los alumnos que finalmente lo pasaron. Por último, maniobras de combatre con ejercicios de ataque y de defensa por pilotos de caza produjeron una respuesta psicofisiológica similar, manifestado en un aumento del pulso cardiaco, estrés subjetivo y la percepción de esfuerzo y en una disminución en la saturación de oxígeno. La maniobra de defensa incrementó la ansiedad cognitiva y la fuerza del tren inferior, disminuyendo la fuerza de los músculos respiratorios y de la gravedad específica de la orina. (Resumen Teseo)UE

    Monitorización psicofisiológica en un curso de selección de operación especial.

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    The present research aimed: i. to analyse the psychophysiological response of soldiers undertaking a special operation selection course; ii. to study the relationship between fat and muscle loss and the psychophysiological response of soldiers undertaking a special operation selection course. We analysed 46 professional soldiers from a special operations unit (25.1 ± 5.0 years, 1.8 ± 0.1 cm, 76.8 ± 7.9 kg, 24.4 ± 2.5 kg/m2) undertaking the last phase of their 10 weeks special operation selection course. Before and immediately after the exercise the following variables were assessed: Stress subjective perception, fatigue subjective perception, rating of perceived perception, cortical arousal, body temperature, blood oxygen saturation, spirometry, isometric hand strength, lower body muscular strength, urine, body composition, life engagement test, coping flexibility scale, acceptance and action questionnaire, perceived stress scale, anxiety state, visual analogue scale and differential aptitude test. A special operation selection course induced an intense stress and physical response as suggested by the psychophysiological changes with a significant (p < 0.05) increase in fatigue and stress subjective perception, blood oxygen saturation, Ph, cognitive impairment and motivation-loss. Moreover, decreased leg strength, peak expiratory flow, cortical arousal, body composition, body weight, fat and muscle mass, anxiety stress, alertness, sadness and tension decreased after the exercise. Regarding body composition, higher muscle mass loss participants were related to a higher cognitive impairment and similar psychophysiological response than lower fat mass loss participants.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo: i. analizar la respuesta psicofisiológica de los soldados que realizan un curso especial de selección de operaciones; ii. para estudiar la relación entre la pérdida de grasa y músculo y la respuesta psicofisiológica de los soldados que realizan un curso de selección de operaciones especiales. Analizamos 46 soldados profesionales de una unidad de operaciones especiales (25.1 ± 5.0 años, 1.8 ± 0.1 cm, 76.8 ± 7.9 kg, 24.4 ± 2.5 kg / m2) que realizaron la última fase de su curso de selección de operación especial de 10 semanas. Antes e inmediatamente después del ejercicio, se evaluaron las siguientes variables: percepción subjetiva de estrés, percepción subjetiva de fatiga, clasificación de percepción percibida, activación cortical, temperatura corporal, saturación de oxígeno en la sangre, espirometría, fuerza isométrica de las manos, fuerza muscular de la parte inferior del cuerpo, orina, composición corporal , prueba de compromiso vital, escala de flexibilidad de afrontamiento, cuestionario de aceptación y acción, escala de estrés percibido, estado de ansiedad, escala analógica visual y prueba de aptitud diferencial. Un curso de selección de operación especial indujo un estrés intenso y una respuesta física como lo sugieren los cambios psicofisiológicos con un aumento significativo (p <0.05) en la percepción subjetiva de fatiga y estrés, saturación de oxígeno en la sangre, Ph, deterioro cognitivo y pérdida de la motivación. Además, disminuyó la fuerza de las piernas, el flujo espiratorio máximo, la excitación cortical, la composición corporal, el peso corporal, la masa muscular y grasa, el estrés por ansiedad, el estado de alerta, la tristeza y la tensión disminuyeron después del ejercicio. Con respecto a la composición corporal, los participantes con mayor pérdida de masa muscular se relacionaron con un mayor deterioro cognitivo y una respuesta psicofisiológica similar a los participantes con menor pérdida de masa grasa

    Effect of different combat jet manoeuvres in the psychophysiological response of professional pilots

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    Extreme limits of the human body could be reached in air combat. We analysed 29 fighter pilots before and after offensive and defensive manoeuvres on heart rate (HR), heart rate variability, leg and hand strength, spirometry, temperature, blood oxygen saturation (BOS), lactate, hydration (USG), cortical activation, memory and psychological variables. The defensive manoeuvre produced a significative decrease in forced vital capacity from spirometry and USG post flight, a moderate effect in the decrease in cognitive anxiety and an increase in leg strength. A significant increase in mean HR and an increase with a large effect size was reported for Stress Subjective Perception and Rating of Perceived Exertion in both manoeuvres. With this data we can conclude that high level of physical fitness and specific training programs should be applied to fighter pilots.Sin financiación2.826 JCR (2019) Q2, 16/53 Behavioral Sciences, 4/14 Psychology, Biological0.993 SJR (2019) Q1, 29/651 Philosophy; Q2, 26/79 Behavioral Neuroscience, 54/154 Experimental and Cognitive PsychologyNo data IDR 2019UE

    Psychophysiological monitorization in a special operation selection course

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    The present research aimed: i. to analyse the psychophysiological response of soldiers undertaking a special operation selection course; ii. to study the relationship between fat and muscle loss and the psychophysiological response of soldiers undertaking a special operation selection course. We analysed 46 professional soldiers from a special operations unit (25.1 ± 5.0 years, 1.8 ± 0.1 cm, 76.8 ± 7.9 kg, 24.4 ± 2.5 kg/m2 ) undertaking the last phase of their 10 weeks special operation selection course. Before and immediately after the exercise the following variables were assessed: Stress subjective perception, fatigue subjective perception, rating of perceived perception, cortical arousal, body temperature, blood oxygen saturation, spirometry, isometric hand strength, lower body muscular strength, urine, body composition, life engagement test, coping flexibility scale, acceptance and action questionnaire, perceived stress scale, anxiety state, visual analogue scale and differential aptitude test. A special operation selection course induced an intense stress and physical response as suggested by the psychophysiological changes with a significant (p < 0.05) increase in fatigue and stress subjective perception, blood oxygen saturation, Ph, cognitive impairment and motivation-loss. Moreover, decreased leg strength, peak expiratory flow, cortical arousal, body composition, body weight, fat and muscle mass, anxiety stress, alertness, sadness and tension decreased after the exercise. Regarding body composition, higher muscle mass loss participants were related to a higher cognitive impairment and similar psychophysiological response than lower fat mass loss participants.Sin financiación3.058 JCR (2019) Q1, 23/102 Health Care Sciences & Services; Q2, 10/27 Medical Informatics0.686 SJR (2019) Q2, 101/683 Information Systems, 12/51 Health Information Management, 28/141 Health Informatics, 932/2754 Medicine (miscellaneous)No data IDR 2019UE

    Psychophysiological response of air mobile protection teams in an air accident manoeuvre

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    Different extreme contexts elicit a stress response on human body, specifically on combat produces an increase of sympathetic nervous system and a direct effect on the organic response. This research aimed to study the psychophysiological response of an air security force in a simulated air accident in a hostile area and its subsequent subterfuge to a safe area. We analyzed 13 soldiers (32.4 ± 8.0 years) from an air security force unit of the Spanish Air Force who were divided into three teams to conduct the manoeuvre. We analyzed before and after the manoeuvre psychological well-being scale, personal views survey, recovery-stress questionnaire (REST-52 Sport); heart rate variability, visual analogue scale, rated of perceived exertion, spirometry, hydration and hand strength were analyzed during the four days of the manoeuvre: This produced a significantly (p < .05) increase in sympathetic modulation, hand strength, dehydration status, general and specific stress from RESTQ-52. With this data we can conclude that an air accident manoeuvre of three nights and four days causes in the air mobile protection team a high sympathetic nervous system modulation, increases on muscle strength manifestations and stress and a dehydration status.Sin financiación2.826 JCR (2019) Q2, 16/53 Behavioral Sciences, 4/14 Psychology, Biological0.993 SJR (2019) Q1, 29/651 Philosophy; Q2, 26/79 Behavioral Neuroscience, 54/154 Experimental and Cognitive PsychologyNo data IDR 2019UE

    Effect of Stress on Autonomic and Cardiovascular Systems in Military Population: A Systematic Review

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    Stress is regulated by the autonomous nervous system, increasing the sympathetic modulation when a threat is perceived. A multifactorial response usually leads to significant behavioural modifications and alterations on homeostasis and physical and psychological status. Moreover, stress is an emotional response that can lead to psychosocial and psychophysiological adversity. Regarding military population, military operations and combat exposure are important stressors that influence acute and chronic stress response in soldiers, affecting their performance and health. A bibliographic search was carried out between April and May 2019, focusing on recent studies (2013–2019) that analysed psychophysiological response, stress, stress regulation, heart rate, heart rate variability, and posttraumatic stress disorder in military population. Autonomic and cardiovascular chronic stress seems to be modulated by experience and previous specific training of each military unit. Physical exercise, music embedded with binaural beat technology, bidirectional sensory motor rhythm training, heart rate variability biofeedback, and transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation are the main techniques applied to balance stress and to recover body homeostasis. Since military population are usually exposed to multiple stressors, knowing previous training and experience, together with developing techniques to balance stress, is the main practical application in this field of study to balance autonomic and cardiovascular systems.Sin financiación1.866 JCR (2020) Q4, 116/142 Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems0.437 SJR (2020) Q3, 207/349 Cardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineNo data IDR 2019UE

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in public mental health: An extensive narrative review

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    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has surprised health authorities around the world producing a global health crisis. This research discusses the main psychosocial stressors associated with COVID-19 in the literature, and the responses of global public mental health services to these events. Thus, a consensus and critical review were performed using both primary sources, such as scientific articles and secondary ones, such as bibliographic indexes, web pages, and databases. The main search engines were PubMed, SciELO, and Google Scholar. The method was a systematic literature review (SLR) of the available literature regarding mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic to conduct the present narrative review. Different stressors are identified in this pandemic, from psychophysiological, confinement, to social and work. De-pending on the level of severity and the country of origin, various interventions have been applied that mark different ways of returning to normality and preparing new interventions. This new stressor has a direct impact on the mental health of the population, provoking governments, and health services to become more flexible, innovate and adapt to the changing situation. The use of technology and mass media could be an important tool in this aim. Independent of this, preparing the general population for possible future waves of the pandemic is currently the best measure to mitigate more serious effects on the mental health of the population