720 research outputs found

    Asymmetric recombination and electron spin relaxation in the semiclassical theory of radical pair reactions

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    We describe how the semiclassical theory of radical pair recombination reactions recently introduced by two of us [D. E. Manolopoulos and P. J. Hore, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 124106 (2013)] can be generalised to allow for different singlet and triplet recombination rates. This is a non-trivial generalisation because when the recombination rates are different the recombination process is dynamically coupled to the coherent electron spin dynamics of the radical pair. Furthermore, because the recombination operator is a two-electron operator, it is no longer sufficient simply to consider the two electrons as classical vectors: one has to consider the complete set of 16 two-electron spin operators as independent classical variables. The resulting semiclassical theory is first validated by comparison with exact quantum mechanical results for a model radical pair containing 12 nuclear spins. It is then used to shed light on the spin dynamics of a carotenoid-porphyrin-fullerene (CPF) triad containing considerably more nuclear spins which has recently been used to establish a 'proof of principle' for the operation of a chemical compass [K. Maeda et al., Nature 453, 387 (2008)]. We find in particular that the intriguing biphasic behaviour that has been observed in the effect of an Earth-strength magnetic field on the time-dependent survival probability of the photo-excited C+PF- radical pair arises from a delicate balance between its asymmetric recombination and the relaxation of the electron spin in the carotenoid radical

    Secure Metric-Based Index for Similarity Cloud

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    We propose a similarity index that ensures data privacy and thus is suitable for search systems outsourced in a cloud. The proposed solution can exploit existing efficient metric indexes based on a fixed set of reference points. The method has been fully implemented as a security extension of an existing established approach called M-Index. This Encrypted M-Index supports evaluation of standard range and nearest neighbors queries both in precise and approximate manner. In the first part of this work, we analyze various levels of privacy in existing or future similarity search systems; the proposed solution tries to keep a reasonable privacy level while relocating only the necessary amount of work from server to an authorized client. The Encrypted M-Index has been tested on three real data sets with focus on various cost components

    Condensation of charged bosons in plasma physics and cosmology

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    The screening of impurities in plasma with Bose-Einstein condensate of electrically charged bosons is considered. It is shown that the screened potential is drastically different from the usual Debye one. The polarization operator of photons in plasma acquires infrared singular terms at small photon momentum and the screened potential drops down as a power of distance and even has an oscillating behavior, similar to the Friedel oscillations in plasma with degenerate fermions. The magnetic properties of the cosmological plasma with condensed W-bosons are also discussed. It is shown that W-bosons condense in the ferromagnetic state. It could lead to spontaneous magnetization of the primeval plasma. The created magnetic fields may seed galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields observed in the present-day universe.Comment: 9 pages, invited talk at the International Seminar "Quarks 2010", Kolomna, Russia, June, 6-12, 201

    Ascorbic acid may not be involved in cryptochrome-based magnetoreception

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Royal Society via the DOI in this record.Seventeen years after it was originally suggested, the photoreceptor protein cryptochrome remains the most probable host for the radical pair intermediates that are thought to be the sensors in the avian magnetic compass. Although evidence in favour of this hypothesis is accumulating, the intracellular interaction partners of the sensory protein are still unknown. It has been suggested that ascorbate ions could interact with surface-exposed tryptophan radicals in photoactivated cryptochromes, and so lead to the formation of a radical pair comprised of the reduced form of the flavin adenine dinucleotide cofactor, FAD•-, and the ascorbate radical, Asc•- This species could provide a more sensitive compass than a FAD-tryptophan radical pair. In this study of Drosophila melanogaster cryptochrome and Erithacus rubecula (European robin) cryptochrome 1a, we use molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the transient encounters of ascorbate ions with tryptophan radicals in cryptochrome in order to assess the likelihood of the [FAD•- Asc•-]-pathway. It is shown that ascorbate ions are expected to bind near the tryptophan radicals for periods of a few nanoseconds. The rate at which these encounters happen is low, and it is therefore concluded that ascorbate ions are unlikely to be involved in magnetoreception if the ascorbate concentration is only of the order of 1 mM or less.This work was supported by the European Research Council (under the European Union's 7th Framework Programme, FP7/2007–2013/ERC Grant 340451) and the US Air Force (USAF) Office of Scientific Research (Air Force Materiel Command, USAF Award FA9550-14-1-0095). I.A.S. and C.N. are grateful to the Lundbeck Foundation for financial support. Computational resources for the simulations were provided by the DeiC National HPC Center, SDU

    The Long-Term Structure of Commodity Futures

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    Futures markets on agricultural commodities typically trade with maximum maturity dates of less than four years. If these markets did trade with maturities eight or ten years distant, futures prices would have value as price forecasts and as a way to structure long-term swaps and insurance contracts. Agricultural commodity markets generally exhibit mean reversion in spot prices and convenience yields. Spot markets also exhibit seasonality. This study develops and implements a procedure to generate long-term futures curves from existing futures prices. Data on lean hogs and soybeans are used to show that the method provides plausible results

    Ringing up about breastfeeding: a randomised controlled trial exploring early telephone peer support for breastfeeding (RUBY) - trial protocol

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    BACKGROUND: The risks of not breastfeeding for mother and infant are well established, yet in Australia, although most women initiate breastfeeding many discontinue breastfeeding altogether and few women exclusively breastfeed to six months as recommended by the World Health Organization and Australian health authorities. We aim to determine whether proactive telephone peer support during the postnatal period increases the proportion of infants who are breastfed at six months, replicating a trial previously found to be effective in Canada. DESIGN/METHODS: A two arm randomised controlled trial will be conducted, recruiting primiparous women who have recently given birth to a live baby, are proficient in English and are breastfeeding or intending to breastfeed. Women will be recruited in the postnatal wards of three hospitals in Melbourne, Australia and will be randomised to peer support or to 'usual' care. All women recruited to the trial will receive usual hospital postnatal care and infant feeding support. For the intervention group, peers will make two telephone calls within the first ten days postpartum, then weekly telephone calls until week twelve, with continued contact until six months postpartum. Primary aim: to determine whether postnatal telephone peer support increases the proportion of infants who are breastfed for at least six months. HYPOTHESIS: that telephone peer support in the postnatal period will increase the proportion of infants receiving any breast milk at six months by 10% compared with usual care (from 46% to 56%).Outcome data will be analysed by intention to treat. A supplementary multivariate analysis will be undertaken if there are any baseline differences in the characteristics of women in the two groups which might be associated with the primary outcomes. DISCUSSION: The costs and health burdens of not breastfeeding fall disproportionately and increasingly on disadvantaged groups. We have therefore deliberately chosen trial sites which have a high proportion of women from disadvantaged backgrounds. This will be the first Australian randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of proactive peer telephone support for breastfeeding. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12612001024831

    On the Ground State of Electron Gases at Negative Compressibility

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    Two- and three-dimensional electron gases with a uniform neutralizing background are studied at negative compressibility. Parametrized expressions for the dielectric function are used to access this strong-coupling regime, where the screened Coulomb potential becomes overall attractive for like charges. Closely examining these expressions reveals that the ground state with a periodic modulation of the charge density, albeit exponentially damped, replaces the homogeneous one at positive compressibility. The wavevector characterizing the new ground state depends on the density and is complex, having a positive imaginary part, as does the homogeneous ground state, and real part, as does the genuine charge density wave.Comment: 6 double-column pages, 2 figures. 2nd version is an extension of the 1st one, giving more detail

    Recent Assembly of an Imprinted Domain from Non-Imprinted Components

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    Genomic imprinting, representing parent-specific expression of alleles at a locus, raises many questions about how—and especially why—epigenetic silencing of mammalian genes evolved. We present the first in-depth study of how a human imprinted domain evolved, analyzing a domain containing several imprinted genes that are involved in human disease. Using comparisons of orthologous genes in humans, marsupials, and the platypus, we discovered that the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome region on human Chromosome 15q was assembled only recently (105–180 million years ago). This imprinted domain arose after a region bearing UBE3A (Angelman syndrome) fused with an unlinked region bearing SNRPN (Prader-Willi syndrome), which had duplicated from the non-imprinted SNRPB/B′. This region independently acquired several retroposed gene copies and arrays of small nucleolar RNAs from different parts of the genome. In their original configurations, SNRPN and UBE3A are expressed from both alleles, implying that acquisition of imprinting occurred after their rearrangement and required the evolution of a control locus. Thus, the evolution of imprinting in viviparous mammals is ongoing

    Effects of low-dose gestational tcdd exposure on behavior and on hippocampal neuron morphology and gene expression in mice

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    2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a persistent and toxic environmental pollutant. Gestational exposure to TCDD has been linked to cognitive and motor deficits, and increased incidence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) traits in children. Most animal studies of these neurodevelopmental effects involve acute TCDD exposure, which does not model typical exposure in humans.publishedVersio