108 research outputs found

    Effect of dietary organic and inorganic selenium supplementation on chemical, mineral and fatty acid composition of ostrich meat

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    This study evaluated the effect of dietary organic and inorganic selenium supplementation on chemical, mineral and fatty acid composition of ostrich meat. Forty ostriches were raised in two groups (OSe and IOSe, diets supplemented with an organic form and an inorganic form of selenium, respectively). The form of selenium had no influence on chemical composition of ostrich muscle. Although, there were no significant differences in total content of SFA, MUFA and PUFA, the content of LA and EPA was higher in the muscles of ostriches which were put on a diet supplemented with an organic form of selenium, what resulted in lower n-6/n-3 fatty acids ratio in OSe group (9.99) in comparison to IOSe group (11.70). The results of the study indicate that dietary organic selenium supplementation improves the quality of the ostrich meat as related to the health promoting properties (LA, EPA and selenium content) of meat

    Sex- and age-related changes of trabecular bone of tibia in growing domestic geese (Anser domesticus)

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    An analysis of radiological images of the spongious substance of the tibiotarsal bones in domestic goose (120 individuals) was performed for the first time. Based on radiographs obtained from radiological examinations conducted in the region of interest (80 x 90 mm^{2}) of the proximal metaphysis, an analysis of the spongious substance of the tibia was performed with the Trabecula® programme in order to construct a map of trabeculae and identify their number, volume and density. The results were evaluated statistically using two-way ANOVA. Changes in the number, volume and density of radiological trabeculae of the tibiotarsal bone (TB) in geese from 4 to 16 weeks old were observed. The lowest number (6.34 per mm ), volume (1.50 % mm) and density (33.73 %) of radiological trabeculae in the proximal metaphysis of TB was reported in male geese at the age of 6weeks. Similar tendencies were observed in females as well. It should be noted that the volume and density of radiological trabeculae of the tibiotarsal bone achieved a maximum value in males 12 weeks of age, whereas in females at 8 weeks of age. An inverse relationship between body weight and the number of trabeculae in domestic geese (r = - 0.28; P ≤ 0.05) was found. We also found a positive relationship between body weight and the volume of radiological trabeculae in domestic geese (r = 0.43; P ≤ 0.05). During posthatching development, from the 4th week to slaughter maturity, a decrease in relative bone mass was observed. Negative changes in the trabecular structure combined with high weight gain could lead to bone deformities and locomotor problems in the studied geese

    The use of microsatellite polymorphism in genetic mapping of the ostrich (Struthio camelus)

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    The aim of this study was to determine microsatellite polymorphism in ostriches and using it in creation the genetic map of the ostrich. The polymorphism analysis covered 30 microsatellite markers characteristic of ostrich, for the CAU (China Agricultural University) group. The material consisted of 150 ostriches (Struthio camelus). The 30 microsatellite loci was examined and a total of 343 alleles was identified. The number of alleles at a single locus ranged from 5 at locus CAU78 to 34 at locus CAU85. The values for the observed heterozygosity Ho ranged from 0.467 (locus CAU78) to 0.993 (locus CAU16), whereas for the expected heterozygosity He - from 0.510 (locus CAU78) to 0.953 (locus CAU85). Analyzing the individual loci, the highest PIC value, more than 0.7 was observed for: loci CAU85 (0.932), CAU64 (0.861) and CAU32, 75 (0.852), respectively. It should be noted, that the microsatellite markers used in our study were very polymorphic as evidenced by the large number of detected alleles and high rates of heterozygosity, PIC and PE as well. The analysed microsatellite markers may be used in genetic linkage mapping of ostrich, the construction of a comparative genetic map with other ratites, such as emu and rhea, and population genetics studies or phylogenetic studies of these birds

    Čimbenici koji utječu na sadržaj kolesterola u mlijeku krava hranjenih konzerviranim krmivima TMR sustavom tijekom godine

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the cholesterol content in the milk of high yielding cows fed a uniform diet composed of conserved feeds over the whole year. The investigations were conducted on 124 Polish Holstein-Friesian cows, selected fromherd yielding 8457 kg milk with 4,58 % and 3,56 % of fat and protein content, respectively. The cows were maintained in a loose barn and fed ad libitum with TMR (total mixed ration) throughout the year. The diets consisted of corn silage and grass silage (at 50:50 ration on dry matter basis) and concentrates with mineral-vitamin mixture additives. Samples of milk were collected individually from each cow at monthly intervals during the whole year. The cholesterol content in milk (mg/dL) and in milk fat (mg/g) was related to the stage of lactation, season of the year, somatic cell count and fat content, but was not affected by the parity. The cholesterol content in daily milk yield (mg/cow/day) depended also on parity. Even though the cows were fed a uniform diet throughout the year according to the TMR system the cholesterol content in milk differed among seasons.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati promjene udjela kolesterola u visokomliječnih krava hranjenih obrokom sastavljenim od konzerviranih krmiva tijekom cijele godine. Istraživanja su provedena na 124 holstein-frizijske krave, odabrane iz stada koje proizvode 8457 kg mlijeka s 4,58 % mliječne masti i 3,56 % proteina, respektivno. Krave su držane u otvorenom tipu staja i hranjene ad libitum s potpuno izmiješanim obrokom (TMR, total mixed ration) tijekom cijele godine. Obrok se sastojao od kukuruzne i travne silaže (50:50, na bazi suhe tvari) i koncentrata s mineralno-vitaminskim dodacima. Uzorci mlijeka prikupljani su pojedinačno od svake krave u mjesečnim intervalima tijekom cijele godine. Sadržaj kolesterola u mlijeku (mg/dL) i mliječnoj masti (mg/g) u vezi je sa stadijem laktacije, godišnjim dobom, brojem somatskih stanica i udjelom masti, ali nije bio pod utjecajem redoslijeda laktacije. Sadržaj kolesterola u dnevnoj količini mlijeka (mg/kravi/dan) ovisi također o redoslijedu laktacije. Unatoč hranidbi krava uniformnom prehranom tijekom cijele godine TMR sustavom, sadržaj kolesterola u mlijeku mijenjao se pod utjecajem sezone

    Corrigendum: Ethnopharmacological Approaches for Therapy of Jaundice: Part II. Highly Used Plant Species from Acanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae, Combretaceae, and Fabaceae Families

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    In the original article, there was a mistake in the legend for Figure 4 as published (the spelling of isosilibin was incorrect). The correct legend appears below. In the original article, there was a mistake in Figure 4 as published (CH3 group was missing in the Silybin structure). The corrected Figure 4 appears below. The authors apologize for these errors and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way

    Associations between weather conditions and individual range use by commercial and heritage chickens

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    Ranging area use by domestic poultry is not always optimal and differences in it exist on the levels of breed, flock and individual bird. Outdoor shelters are usually not protective for all weather parameters and may not fulfil a protective role to all birds within the flock all time, if individuals are sensitive to different weather conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between different weather parameters and the use of the range by individual Green-legged Partridge and Sasso C44 chickens. In August 2018, 60 birds per genetic strain were housed in groups of 10 from weeks 5 to 10, under conditions exceeding minimal EU requirements of organic meat chicken production. Birds in each pen had access to an outdoor range that was video-recorded during the experiment to obtain frequencies of individual birds' use of the ranges. Weather data were collected each minute throughout the whole experiment by an automatic weather station. In each pen, birds tagged individually with a laminated color tag, had access to an outdoor range that was video-recorded during the experiment. Frequencies of individual birds' use of the ranges were manually obtained from the recordings. Univariate and multivariate linear regression models were used to investigate the associations between the variables. The results showed significant associations between weather parameters and range use for one third of Green-legged Partridge and Sasso chickens (n=21 in both breeds). Between breeds, range use associations with different weather parameters were identified. Negative associations with relative humidity occurred most frequently in Green-legged Partridges (n=8; R2 from 0.1 to 0.17), while positive associations with atmospheric pressure (n=7; R2 from 0.09 to 0.17) were most common in Sasso chickens. Further investigations into the reasons behind individual sensitivity of meat-purpose chickens to specific weather conditions would increase the understanding of their preferences and needs, which over time will improve animal welfare

    Does Small Ruminant Lentivirus Infection in Goats Predispose to Bacterial Infection of the Mammary Gland? A Preliminary Study

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether asymptomatic small ruminant lentivirus seropositive (SRLV-SP) goats were more susceptible to bacterial infection of the udder when lactating by comparing the presence and species of pathogenic bacteria in their milk with the values for seronegative goats (SRLV-SN). Milk samples were collected during morning milking on days 20, 40, 60, 150, and 210 of lactation for three consecutive years and subjected to bacteriological examination. Staphylococcus caprae and S. xylosus were the most frequent strains identified in both SRLV-SP and SRLV-SN goats. The prevalence of pathogenic bacteria was the highest in the 1st lactation, regardless of SRLV status. Moreover, the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria was significantly higher in SRLV-SP goats, but only those in the 5th or further lactation (p = 0.010). This suggests a relationship between long-lasting SRLV infection and susceptibility to bacterial infections of the udder

    The Effect of Natural Antioxidants on Quality and Shelf Life of Beef and Beef Products

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    Oksidacijski procesi su glavni razlog kvarenja mesa i kraće trajnosti mesnih proizvoda i uzrokuju nepoželjne promjene hranjive vrijednosti te senzorskih i fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava mesa. Dosad su se za sprječavanje oksidacijskih procesa najčešće koristili sintetski antioksidansi poput butil-hidroksianisola (BHA), koji mogu predstavljati rizik za zdravlje ljudi te povećati toksičnost proizvoda. Međutim, prirodni antioksidansi mogu riješiti taj problem jer su biljke i biljni materijal bogati bioaktivnim spojevima (prirodnim antioksidansima) koji mogu pozitivno utjecati na zdravlje. Nadalje, zanimanje potrošača za prirodne proizvode i dalje je u porastu, pri čemu se očekuje da se sintetski antioksidansi i konzervansi zamijene prirodnim. Svrha je ovog preglednog rada prikazati učinak prirodnih antioksidanasa, i to povrća i voća kao što su masline, nar i grožđe, ali i ljekovitog bilja i začina poput ružmarina, origana, kadulje, kima i crnog kima ili kurkume, bogatih bioaktivnim spojevima, na kakvoću i trajnost goveđeg mesa i njegovih prerađevina.Oxidation processes are the major cause of deterioration of meat quality and shelf life of meat products, leading to negative changes in nutritive value and in sensory and physicochemical properties of meat. Until now, the synthetic antioxidants like butylated hydroxyl anisole have been commonly used to prevent oxidation, which however may cause potential human health risks and increase toxicity of the product. However, natural antioxidants can be the alternative solution for this problem since plants and plant materials are rich in bioactive compounds (as natural antioxidants) with potential health beneficial effects. Moreover, the interest of consumers in using natural products is still increasing. There is an expectation of replacing synthetic antioxidants and preservatives by natural ones. Therefore, the aim of the present review is to provide information on the effect of natural antioxidants from vegetables and fruits like olives, pomegranate or grapes, and herbs and spices like rosemary, oregano, sage, black cumin or turmeric, rich in bioactive compounds on quality and shelf life of beef and beef products

    Nutrients composition in fit snacks made from ostrich, beef and chicken dried meat

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    The aim of the study was to compare three types of meat snacks made from ostrich, beef, and chicken meat in relation to their nutrients content including fat, fatty acids, heme iron, and peptides, like anserine and carnosine, from which human health may potentially benefit. Dry meat samples were produced, from one type of muscle, obtained from ostrich (m. ambiens), beef (m. semimembranosus), and broiler chicken meat (m. pectoralis major). The composition of dried ostrich, beef, and chicken meat, with and without spices was compared. We show that meat snacks made from ostrich, beef, and chicken meat were characterized by high concentration of nutrients including proteins, minerals (heme iron especially in ostrich, than in beef), biologically active peptides (carnosine-in beef, anserine-in ostrich then in chicken meat). The, beneficial to human health, n-3 fatty acids levels differed significantly between species. Moreover, ostrich jerky contained four times less fat as compared to beef and half of that in chicken. In conclusion we can say that dried ostrich, beef, and chicken meat could be a good source of nutritional components