431 research outputs found

    Islamic-Catholic Relations: A Local and Global Comparison

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    In our modern world, religion remains one of the most important aspects of an individual’s life, no matter what faith they choose to celebrate. Given the world’s increasing interconnectedness and continuing globalization, members of different faiths are becoming more exposed to communities of one another. In modern times, the disagreements between faiths continue just as they have in the past; however there are more efforts on each side to overcome differences and establish a peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding. Two of the most prominent faiths in today’s world are Catholicism and Islam, which have many differences between them. As Americans, we have witnessed firsthand, religious discrimination and stereotyping against the growing Muslim population in the United States, especially since 9/11. Unfortunately members of each faith continue to stereotype and meet each other with hostility. Through all this ignorance and animosity between Islam and Catholicism, there are members of each faith whose goal is to establish a peaceful coexistence. We wish to shed light upon such positive efforts. This paper, written equally from the perspective of being members of the Providence, R.I. and global community promotes positive dialogue and understanding between Muslims and Catholics at home and abroad

    Hungary Study Abroad Travel Writing Portfolio

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    The APRACE: Six Components of Social Interactions

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    In the pursuit to advance research on situations of social interactions, this dissertation comprises the creation of a taxonomy of social interactions and its application to two research issues, both concerning subjective well-being in social interactions and age differences. For the development of the hierarchical taxonomy of social interactions, an integrative method of combining a bottom-up data-based approach and a top-down approach integrating existing empirical and theoretical literature was employed. The resulting taxonomy consists of the six components Actor, Partner, Relation, Activities, Context, and Evaluation (APRACE), each divided into features at three lower hierarchical levels. In order to confirm the comprehensiveness and generalizability, the APRACE taxonomy was implemented in another dataset. In addition to this theoretical contribution to social interaction research, the APRACE is intended to be a flexible measurement tool to assess social interactions. In the first application study with the APRACE as a measurement tool, the features of the social interactions were transformed in closed questions to investigate age differences in satisfying social interactions. Evidence was found that older adults are more likely to experience social interactions associated with high levels of subjective well-being than are younger adults. Emotion and control-related features were critical, which indicates that older adults employ early-stage emotion regulation strategies, such as situation selection. Almost no evidence was found for the use of late-stage regulation strategies in older adults insofar as they did not process social information differently from younger adults when they were already in a certain social interaction. Nevertheless, in general there was high comparability in the social worlds of younger and older adults. In the second application study, to examine whether descriptions of social interactions portray subjective well-being, they were analyzed by coding social-interaction features of the APRACE. The results of two studies indicated that the Partner component is the most important in reflecting situational well-being. The (non)mention of the Partner component differentiated between low and high subjective well-being in social interactions and was moderated by valence and age. Almost no other components were associated with situational well-being. This finding can be interpreted in terms of the fundamental need to belong in that the (non)focus on the interaction partner strengthens and protects the social bond. Further, it supports the recent theoretical argument that other people might be the most important situations for us. In sum, this cumulative dissertation provides the APRACE, an approach to depict social interactions holistically and parsimoniously. The APRACE offers not only a common language for communication about social interactions but also a measurement tool for their systematic assessment. Hence, the APRACE might stimulate diverse research on social interactions and open variform applications in practice

    Genome-wide analysis of canonical Wnt target gene regulation in Xenopus tropicalis challenges ÎČ-catenin paradigm

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    We would like to thank Ken Cho, Ira Blitz, Kris Vleminckx and Aaron Zorn for discussion and Adam Lynch for comments on the manuscript. The research of the authors is supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/M001695/1).Peer reviewe

    WNT and BMP regulate roadblocks toward cardiomyocyte differentiation : lessons learned from embryos inform human stem cell differentiation

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    Funding: A MĂŒnsterberg acknowledges research grant funding from BHF (PG/15/77/31761) and BBSRC (BB/N002326/1). Research in the SH laboratory is supported by BHF (PG/12/75/29851).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Genome-wide transcriptomics analysis identifies sox7 and sox18 as specifically regulated by gata4 in cardiomyogenesis

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    This work was supported by British Heart Foundation (BHF Project Grant no PG/13/23/30080 to B.A.A and S.H.), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/M001695/1 to S.H.) and the University of Aberdeen (for A.T.L). Acknowledgements We’re grateful to Ms Yvonne Turnbull and Ms Kate Watt for technical assistance and lab management. We would like to thank Professor Cedric Blanpain and Dr Xionghui Li from UniversitĂ© Libre de Bruxelles for providing training of ES cell manipulation and Mesp1/Gata4 cell lines. We are grateful to Professor Todd Evans from Weill Cornell Medical College for generously providing iGata ES cell lines. We also would like to thank Professor Aaron Zorn and Scott Rankin for providing Xsox18 plasmid.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A mathematical modelling portrait of Wnt signalling in early vertebrate embryogenesis

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    Acknowledegements We would like to express our gratitude to Dr Yasushi Saka for training and encouragement. Funding was received from the BHF (RG/18/8/33673 to CVG and SH) and BBSRC (BB/N021924/1; BB/M001695/1; BB/S018190/1 to SH). S.H. was a Royal Society/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow (SRF\R1\191017).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    RĂ€umlich explizite Habitatmodellierung fĂŒr die Bachforelle (Salmo trutta) in Schwall-Sunk beeinflussten Flussauen unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung der Wassertemperatur

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    Speicher- und Pumpspeicherwasserkraftwerke sind eine bedeutende erneuerbare Energiequelle im Alpenraum. Die bedarfsorientierte, flexible Form der Stromproduktion fĂŒhrt jedoch in den nachgelagerten FliessgewĂ€ssern zu tagesrhythmischen, kurzfristigen Abflussschwankungen («Schwall-Sunk»), welche eine Vielzahl von ökologischen BeeintrĂ€chtigungen mit sich bringen können. Mitunter kann der Eingriff in das Abflussregime auch zu einer VerĂ€nderung des saisonalen sowie tĂ€glichen Verlaufs der Wassertemperatur fĂŒhren. Es wird angenommen, dass sich die kurzfristigen thermischen Änderungen («Thermopeaking») auf das Verhalten und die Habitatwahl von Bachforellen (Salmo trutta) auswirken könnten. Durch eine neu entwickelte Funktion der numerischen Simulationssoftware BASEMENT war es erstmals möglich, neben der Wassertiefe und der Fliessgeschwindigkeit auch die Wassertemperatur in ein physikalisches Habitatsimulationsmodell fĂŒr juvenile Bachforellen miteinzubeziehen. Eine morphologisch natĂŒrliche, verzweigte Flussaue an der Moesa im Kanton GraubĂŒnden diente dabei als Modellökosystem. Als Grundlage fĂŒr die Habitatmodellierungen fungierte ein numerisches 2D-Modell, welches an der VAW und der EAWAG entwickelt wurde. Die Szenarien mit und ohne Schwall-Sunk wurden basierend auf den hydrologischen und meteorologischen VerhĂ€ltnisse im FrĂŒhsommer abgeleitet. Um die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von thermisch geeigneten Jungfischhabitaten zu bewerten, wurden neue Indizes eingefĂŒhrt und ĂŒberprĂŒft, inwiefern sich die thermisch geeigneten Habitate in Raum und Zeit mit hydraulisch geeigneten Habitaten ĂŒberlagern. Bei warmem, sonnigem Wetter mit hoher StrahlungsintensitĂ€t waren die Voraussetzungen gegeben, dass sich im Tagesverlauf eine relativ hohe thermische HeterogenitĂ€t einstellen konnte. Die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von thermisch geeigneten Jungfischhabitaten war eng an die rĂ€umliche HeterogenitĂ€t der Wassertemperaturen geknĂŒpft. Es wurde ein deutlicher Tagesgang mit einem Maximum um die Mittagszeit festgestellt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten weiter, dass den Seitenarmsystemen eine grosse Bedeutung als Jungfischhabitate zukamen, da sie sowohl einen hohen Anteil hydraulisch als auch thermisch geeigneter Habitate aufwiesen. Zudem wurde bei Schwall ein Grossteil der hydraulischen Habitate in die Seitenarme verlagert. Die Auswirkungen des Thermopeakings auf die thermische HeterogenitĂ€t und die thermische HabitatverfĂŒgbarkeit hingen von der Temperatur der WasserrĂŒckgabe und der Tageszeit ab. Unter Einhaltung der spezifischen Grenzwerte bezĂŒglich der Pegel- und TemperaturĂ€nderungsraten könnte womöglich durch ein saisonal und tageszeitlich abgestuftes Betriebsregime eine hohe thermische HeterogenitĂ€t und somit eine hohe Habitatvielfalt in der untersuchten Flussaue aufrechterhalten werden. Es wird angenommen, dass dadurch die VitalitĂ€t der Forellenpopulation gesteigert werden könnte. Die neue Funktion in BASEMENT zur thermodynamischen Modellierung von FliessgewĂ€ssern birgt ein grosses Potenzial, um bei der Schwall-Sunk Sanierung die Wassertemperatur in die Bewertung der Habitateignung miteinzubeziehen. Die Erkenntnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit tragen dazu bei, die Effekte des Thermopeakings auf die Habitatdynamik in FliessgewĂ€ssern besser zu verstehen und leisten damit einen Beitrag zur ökologischen Sanierung der Wasserkraft. Abstract: Storage and pumped storage hydropower plants are an important source of renewable energy in the Alpine region. However, the demand-oriented, flexible form of electricity production leads to circadian, short-term flow fluctuations in downstream rivers («hydropeaking»), which can imply multiple adverse effects on ecosystems. Occasionally, this artificial flow fluctuations can lead to changes in the seasonal and daily patterns in water temperature regime. It is assumed that shortterm thermal changes associated with hydropeaking (known as «thermopeaking») could affect the behaviour and habitat selection of brown trout (Salmo trutta). A newly developed feature of the numerical simulation software BASEMENT made it possible to include the water temperature in a physical habitat simulation model for juvenile brown trout to assess the impact of thermopeaking on habitat availability. In addition to water temperature, water depth and current velocity were used for habitat modelling. A natural braided floodplain on the Moesa river in the Canton of Grisons served as model ecosystem. At VAW and EAWAG a 2D numerical model was developed for the research perimeter, which was used as the basis for the habitat modelling. The scenarios with and without hydropeaking were derived based on the hydrological and meteorological conditions in early summer. In order to assess the availability of thermally suitable habitats, new indices were introduced. Moreover, the extent to which thermally suitable habitats overlap with hydraulically suitable habitats in space and time was examined. At warm and sunny weather conditions with high global radiation intensity, the preconditions were in place, that a relatively high thermal heterogeneity could appear during the day. The availability of thermally suitable habitats for juvenile brown trout was closely related to the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of water temperatures. A clear diurnal cycle with a maximum about noon was found. The results further showed that the side arm systems were of great importance as juvenile habitats because they had both, a high proportion of hydraulically and thermally suitable habitats. In addition, most of the hydraulic habitats were shifted into the side arm systems during peak flow. The effects of thermopeaking on thermal heterogeneity and thermal habitat availability were depended on the temperature of the water release of the hydropower plant and time of the day. In compliance with the specific limits for flow and temperature alteration rates, a high thermal heterogeneity and thus a high diversity of thermal habitats could possibly be maintained by means of a seasonal and daytime adjusted operating regime. It is assumed that this could increase the vitality of the trout population in the investigated floodplain. The new feature in BASEMENT for thermodynamic modelling of rivers has great potential to include the water temperature in the assessment of habitat suitability in the case of hydropeaking restoration. The findings of the present work help to better understand the effects of thermopeaking on habitat dynamics and thus contribute to the ecological rehabilitation of hydropower production

    Der Einfluss von Priming auf die RisikoprÀferenz im Bereich Private Banking

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    Neuere Untersuchungen der Behavioral Finance zeigen, dass durch sogenanntes “Priming” gewisse Inhalte in das menschliche GedĂ€chtnis geladen werden können, welche dann weitgehend unbewusst in zusammenhangslosen Entscheidungssituationen berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Dadurch resultierende Änderungen im Entscheidungsverhalten von Menschen werden als Priming-Effekte bezeichnet. Finanzielle Entscheidungen können im Leben eines Menschen weitreichende Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen. Falls Personen unbewusst durch Priming in ihren finanziellen RisikoprĂ€ferenzen und somit ultimativ in ihrem Risikoverhalten beeinflusst werden können, besteht aus Sicht des Konsumentenschutzes Anlass, Bankkundinnen und -kunden vor solchen Priming-Effekten zu schĂŒtzen oder sie zumindest darĂŒber aufzuklĂ€ren. Vorher muss jedoch weiter untersucht werden, ob derartige Effekte tatsĂ€chlich existieren – die bisherige Forschung liefert dazu inkonsistente Ergebnisse. Die vorliegende Arbeit fĂŒhrt ein Experiment in Form einer Internet-Befragung bei 313 berufstĂ€tigen Finanzfachleuten sowie Studierenden der Fachrichtungen Wirtschaft und Finanzen in der Deutschschweiz durch. Anhand einer Wortsortieraufgabe wird untersucht, ob sich durch semantisches Inhalts-Priming die RisikoprĂ€ferenz der Teilnehmenden in Finanzfragen im Bereich “Private Banking” verĂ€ndern lĂ€sst. Anschliessend werden im Sinne eines “mixed-methods”-Forschungsansatzes die erhaltenen Befragungsdaten im Rahmen eines Interviews mit einem der fĂŒhrenden Experten auf dem Gebiet der Behavioral Finance in Deutschland, Herrn Joachim Goldberg, evaluiert. Die Analyse der Daten anhand einer klassischen Varianzanalyse zeigt einen signifikanten Priming-Effekt. Hinweise, welche die Befragungsteilnehmenden auf Priming und dessen Konsequenzen aufmerksam machen, sind nicht in der Lage, den Priming-Effekt zu reduzieren. Zudem zeigt sich, dass BerufstĂ€tige deutlich höhere RisikoprĂ€ferenzen aufweisen als Studierende, jedoch beide Gruppen gleichmĂ€ssig auf Priming reagieren. Es wird ein Priming-Factsheet erstellt, welches aus Sicht des Experten dazu geeignet ist, durch Finanzinstitute oder den Regulator eingesetzt zu werden, um Priming-Effekte bei Bankkundinnen und -kunden zu reduzieren. Im Sinne eines Ausblicks kann das hier beschriebene Experiment bei BerufstĂ€tigen oder Studierenden anderer Branchen angewendet und beispielsweise auch das Bewusstsein der Teilnehmenden in die statistische Analyse miteinbezogen werden. Weiter wird empfohlen, das Priming-Factsheet zu einer umfassenderen Behavioral Finance-BroschĂŒre weiterzuentwickeln

    Expression of a dominant negative Wnt blocks induction of MyoD in \u3ci\u3eXenopus\u3c/i\u3e embryos

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    During gastrulation of Xenopus embryos the prospective mesoderm is induced initially with domains of dorsal and ventral fate, then further patterned to generate somitic mesoderm by signals from the gastrula organizer. Although Xwnt-8 is expressed in future ventrolateral mesoderm and induces prospective epidermis to differentiate in vitro as ventral mesoderm, no loss-of-function studies have demonstrated a requirement for Wnt signaling for the normal expression of mesodermal genes in the gastrula. We report development of a dominant-negative Wnt (dnXwnt-8) that inhibits embryonic responses to Wnt signaling in a cell-nonautonomous fashion. By expressing dnXwnt-8 in Xenopus embryos, we uncover a requirement of Wnt signaling for localized expression in prospective mesoderm of XMyoDa and Xenopus-posterior (Xpo). Because ectopic expression of functional Xwnt-8 in the dorsal marginal zone of the gastrula induces ectopic XMyoDa and Xpo, both gain-of-function and loss-of-function experiments support a model in which endogenous Xwnt-8 functions to induce expression of genes involved in specification of ventral and somitic mesoderm
