240 research outputs found

    Trapped in the Matrix: Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs) and Fibrin in Wound Healing

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    The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effect of fibrin, NETs and the induction of NETosis, in wound healing. To achieve this, we created in vitro models to study the formation of NETs by several inducers, such as PMA, LPS, S. aureus, E. coli and N. meningitidis. Furthermore, we studied the role of NETs and extracellular DNA in sepsis and thrombosis. A diabetic rat model was used to study the effect of fibrin on wound healing

    Characterization of Metal Sprays Created by a Picosecond Laser-Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT) Process

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    A new method to analyze and quantify results obtained with the Laser-Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT) process is presented. This experiment based characterization method was designed to investigate the spraying behavior of the LIFT process, that occurs in certain fluence regimes. This method was implemented in MATLAB, and takes 3D data (e.g. obtained from confocal microscopy) as input and subsequently determines an effective radius and the shape of each deposited feature. By using this tool in experiments it was found that, the effective radius of features depends a.o. on the separation between the donor layer and the receiving substrate. In addition, the tool allows statistical investigation of the effective radiu

    Specific Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Can Modulate in vitro Human moDC2s and Subsequent Th2 Cytokine Release

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    Allergy is becoming a rapidly increasing problem worldwide, and in vitro models are frequently used to study the mechanisms behind the different types of allergic response. The dendritic cell (DC)\u2013T-cell model can be used to study sensitization. However, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is often used to maturate the DCs, but it gives rise to a DC1 phenotype, whereas Th2-driven inflammatory diseases such as allergy are characterized by the involvement of the DC2 phenotype. Our aim was to create a DC2\u2013T-cell human model (human moDC2s) to study in vitro sensitization and validate the model using polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that were previously shown to have immunomodulatory properties. We found that the generated DC2s expressed OX40L and drove naive T-cells into IL-13 production of CD4+ effector T-cells. In line with in vivo findings, n 123 long-chain (LC)PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) effectively decreased the DC2's surface expression of OX40L, as well as the IL-12p40 and IL-23 cytokine production by DC2s and subsequently lowered IL-13 production by DC2-induced effector T-cells. Similar cytokine production effects were found with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and arachidonic acid (AA), whereas linoleic acid (LA) increased OX40L surface expression and subsequent T-cell-derived IL-13/IFN\u3b3 ratios, suggesting an increased risk of allergy development. Altogether, these data show that human moDC2s are able to induce Th2-type IL-13 secretion by T-cell differentiated in the presence of these DC2s and that this model can be differentially modulated by PUFAs. These results are in line with previous in vivo studies using PUFAs, indicating that this model may be of use to predict in vivo outcomes

    Robust process windows for Laser Induced Forward Transfer of thin film metal to create inter connects

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    Direct-write technologies can form a low-cost, alternative approach to create electrical interconnects by eliminating mask and etch costs. Also, direct-write is more efficient in creating complex structures as well as for producing small series. However, existing, industrially-mature direct-write technologies typically lack the resolution required for advanced IC packaging applications [1-4]. Laser Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT) is a direct write process which has been proven to be capable of patterning resolutions in the 1-5 μm range [5-8]. Thus far, a lack of deposition control resulting in contamination of the substrate has been a problem. The current paper shows an approach to come to a robust, contamination-free process window for LIFT of pure copper. Thus, we tackled a major roadblock towards the industrial feasibility of LIFT as a full metal direct-write technology that meets the current demands for IC packaging and integration

    Образ міста у творчості О. Іваненко (на матеріалі казки “Чарівна квітка”)

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    Авторка статті досліджує образ міста у творчості відомої письменниці ХХ ст. Оксани Іваненко. Автор робить спробу виокремити особливості творів, що характерні для її манери письма. Приділяється увага тематиці творів письменниці, портретній характеристиці її героїв. Дослідниця робить спробу схарактеризувати образ міста на матеріалі казок “Чарівна квітка”. “Місто боягузів” у казці “Чарівна квітка” О. Іваненко є точкою відліку в казковому часі, не має логіки у взаємозв’язку з дійсністю. Результатом дослідження є висновок про те, що письменниця досліджує процес становлення і розвитку дитини, вивчає особливості психології персонажів. Ключові слова: казка, логіка, образ, місто, тематика, реальність, персонажі.Автор статьи исследует образ города в творчестве известной писательницы ХХ века Оксаны Иваненко. Автор статьи делает попытку выделить особенности произведений, характерные ее письму. Уделяется внимание тематике произведений писательницы, портретной характеристике ее героев. Исследователь делает попытку охарактеризовать образ города на материале сказки “Волшебный цветок”. “Город боягузов” в сказке “Волшебный цветок” Оксаны Иваненко является точкой отсчета в сказочном времени, не имеет логики со взаимосвязью с действительностью. Результатом исследования является вывод о том, что писательница исследует процесс становления и развития юного читателя, изучает особенности психологии персонажей. Ключевые слова: сказка, логика, образ, город, тематика, реальность, персонажи.The author of the article investigates the figure of the city in the O. Ivanenko’s works, the famous writer of the XX th century. The author tries to define the peculiarities of her works. There are paid attentions to the portrait characteristics of the main characters in “Magic flower”, to the themes of her works. The investigator tries to characterise the figure of the city in the “Magic flower”. The “city of timorous people” in the “Magic flower” by O. Ivanenko is the beginning in the time of the tale, it does not have logic. This investigation proves that the writer investigates the process of the child’s growing and growing, studies the psychological peculiarities of the main characters. Keywords: tale, logic, figure, city, themes, reality, main characters

    How Advanced Change Patterns Impact the Process of Process Modeling

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    Process model quality has been an area of considerable research efforts. In this context, correctness-by-construction as enabled by change patterns provides promising perspectives. While the process of process modeling (PPM) based on change primitives has been thoroughly investigated, only little is known about the PPM based on change patterns. In particular, it is unclear what set of change patterns should be provided and how the available change pattern set impacts the PPM. To obtain a better understanding of the latter as well as the (subjective) perceptions of process modelers, the arising challenges, and the pros and cons of different change pattern sets we conduct a controlled experiment. Our results indicate that process modelers face similar challenges irrespective of the used change pattern set (core pattern set versus extended pattern set, which adds two advanced change patterns to the core patterns set). An extended change pattern set, however, is perceived as more difficult to use, yielding a higher mental effort. Moreover, our results indicate that more advanced patterns were only used to a limited extent and frequently applied incorrectly, thus, lowering the potential benefits of an extended pattern set

    Visual attention in violent offenders: Susceptibility to distraction.

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    Impairments in executive functioning give rise to reduced control of behavior and impulses, and are therefore a risk factor for violence and criminal behavior. However, the contribution of specific underlying processes remains unclear. A crucial element of executive functioning, and essential for cognitive control and goaldirected behavior, is visual attention. To further elucidate the importance of attentional functioning in the general offender population, we employed an attentional capture task to measure visual attention. We expected offenders to have impaired visual attention, as revealed by increased attentional capture, compared to healthy controls. When comparing the performance of 62 offenders to 69 healthy community controls, we found our hypothesis to be partly confirmed. Offenders were more accurate overall, more accurate in the absence of distracting information, suggesting superior attention. In the presence of distracting information offenders were significantly less accurate compared to when no distracting information was present. Together, these findings indicate that violent offenders may have superior attention, yet worse control over attention. As such, violent offenders may have trouble adjusting to unexpected, irrelevant stimuli, which may relate to failures in selfregulation and inhibitory control

    In vitro induction of NETosis: Comprehensive live imaging comparison and systematic review

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    __Background__ Multiple inducers of in vitro Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) formation (NETosis) have been described. Since there is much variation in study design and results, our aim was to create a systematic review of NETosis inducers and perform a standardized in vitro study of NETosis inducers important in (cardiac) wound healing. __Methods__ In vitro NETosis was studied by incubating neutrophils with PMA, living and dead bacteria (S. aureus and E. coli), LPS, (activated) platelets (supernatant), glucose and calcium ionophore Ionomycin using 3-hour periods of time-lapse confocal imaging. __Results__ PMA is a consistent and potent inducer of NETosis. Ionomycin also consistently resulted in extrusion of DNA, albeit with a process that differs from the NETosis process induced by PMA. In our standardized experiments, living bacteria were also potent inducers of NETosis, but dead bacteria, LPS, (activated) platelets (supernatant) and glucose did not induce NETosis. __Conclusion__ Our systematic review confirms that there is much variation in study design and results of NETosis induction. Our experimental results confirm that under standardized conditions, PMA, living bacteria and Ionomycin all strongly induce NETosis, but real-time confocal imaging reveal different courses of events

    From Expert Discipline to Common Practice: A Vision and Research Agenda for Extending the Reach of Enterprise Modeling

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    The benefits of enterprise modeling (EM) and its contribution to organizational tasks are largely undisputed in business and information systems engineering. EM as a discipline has been around for several decades but is typically performed by a limited number of people in organizations with an affinity to modeling. What is captured in models is only a fragment of what ought to be captured. Thus, this research note argues that EM is far from its maximum potential. Many people develop some kind of model in their local practice without thinking about it consciously. Exploiting the potential of this “grass roots modeling” could lead to groundbreaking innovations. The aim is to investigate integration of the established practices of modeling with local practices of creating and using model-like artifacts of relevance for the overall organization. The paper develops a vision for extending the reach of EM, identifies research areas contributing to the vision and proposes elements of a future research Agenda