1,278 research outputs found

    Communities for Legal Knowledge Dissemination

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    Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl

    Handedness correlates with the dominant parkinson side:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) characteristically presents with asymmetrical symptoms, contralateral to the side of the most extensive cerebral affection. This intriguing asymmetry, even included in the definition for diagnosing PD, however, is still part of a mystery. The relation with handedness as a common indicator of cerebral asymmetry might provide a clue in the search for causal factors of asymmetrical symptom onset in PD. This possible relationship, however, is still under debate. The objective of this study was to establish whether a relation between handedness and dominant PD side exists. We searched for cross-sectional or cohort studies that registered handedness and onset side in PD patients in PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science from their first record until 14 February 2011. Data about handedness and dominant PD side was extracted. Authors who registered both but not described their relation were contacted for further information. Odds ratios (ORs) were analyzed with a fixed effect Mantel-Haenszel model. Heterogeneity and indications of publication bias were limited. Our electronic search identified 10 studies involving 4405 asymmetric PD patients. Of the right-handed patients, 2413 (59.5%) had right-dominant and 1644 (40.5%) had left-dominant PD symptoms. For the left-handed patients this relation was reversed, with 142 (40.8%) right-dominant and 206 (59.2%) left-dominant PD symptoms. Overall OR was 2.13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.712.66). Handedness and symptom dominance in PD are firmly related with each other in such a way that the PD symptoms emerge more often on the dominant hand-side. Possible causal factors are discussed. (C) 2011 Movement Disorder Societ

    A critical evaluation of spectrum-based fault localization techniques on a large-scale software system

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    In the past, spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL) techniques have been developed to pinpoint a fault location in a program given a set of failing and successful test executions. Most of the algorithms use similarity coefficients and have only been evaluated on established but small benchmark programs from the Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository (SIR). In this paper, we evaluate the feasibility of applying 33 state-of-the-art SBFL techniques to a large real-world project, namely ASPECTJ. From an initial set of 350 faulty version from the iBugs repository of ASPECTJ we manually classified 88 bugs where SBFL techniques are suitable. Notably, only 11 bugs of these bugs can be found after examining the 1000 most suspicious lines and on average 250 source code files need to be inspected per bug. Based on these results, the study showcases the limitations of current SBFL techniques on a larger program

    Performance engineering for microservices and serverless applications: the RADON approach

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    Microservices and serverless are becoming integral parts of mod-ern cloud-based applications. Tailored performance engineering isneeded for assuring that the applications meet their requirementsfor quality attributes such as timeliness, resource efficiency, andelasticity. A novel DevOps-based framework for developing mi-croservices and serverless applications is being developed in theRADON project. RADON contributes to performance engineeringby including novel approaches for modeling, deployment optimiza-tion, testing, and runtime management. This paper summarizes thecontents of our tutorial presented at the 11th ACM/SPEC Interna-tional Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE)

    Hanging Out With the Right Crowd: Peer Influence on Risk‐Taking Behavior in Adolescence

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    Peer influence plays a key role in the increase of risk‐taking behavior during adolescence. However, its underlying processes are not fully understood. This study examined the effects of social norms, conveyed through peer advice, on risk‐taking behavior in 15‐ to 17‐year‐old adolescents (N = 76). Participants played a card‐guessing task alone and with online peer advice. Results showed that risk‐taking increased in the presence of peers. The results further showed that adolescents took into account the uncertainty associated with gambles, as well as the social norms conveyed by peers. Our findings suggest that peers are most influential in uncertain situations and demonstrate the value of a social norms approach in examining the processes underlying peer effects.Pathways through Adolescenc

    The proteome of Nicotiana benthamiana is shaped by extensive protein processing

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    Summary: Processing by proteases irreversibly regulates the fate of plant proteins and hampers the production of recombinant proteins in plants, yet only few processing events have been described in agroinfiltrated Nicotiana benthamiana, which has emerged as the main transient protein expression platform in plant science and molecular pharming. Here, we used in‐gel digests and mass spectrometry to monitor the migration and topography of 5040 plant proteins within a protein gel. By plotting the peptides over the gel slices, we generated peptographs that reveal where which part of each protein was detected within the protein gel. These data uncovered that 60% of the detected proteins have proteoforms that migrate at lower than predicted molecular weights, implicating extensive proteolytic processing. This analysis confirms the proteolytic removal and degradation of autoinhibitory prodomains of most but not all proteases, and revealed differential processing within pectinemethylesterase and lipase families. This analysis also uncovered intricate processing of glycosidases and uncovered that ectodomain shedding might be common for a diverse range of receptor‐like kinases. Transient expression of double‐tagged candidate proteins confirmed processing events in vivo. This large proteomic dataset implicates an elaborate proteolytic machinery shaping the proteome of N. benthamiana

    Cytokines genotypes as predictors of disease outcomes in HIV-1 infected Ukrainians

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    У тезах представлені дані щодо асоціації поліморфізмів генів цитокінів з опортуністичними інфекціями у українців з ВІЛ-1.В тезисах представлены данные об ассоциации полиморфизмов генов цитокинов с оппортунистическими инфекциями у украинцев с ВИЧ-1.The data of cytokines genotypes association with outcomes of the disease in Ukrainians with HIV-1 were presented