225 research outputs found


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    The article examines the existing methods for checking spatial awareness on the basis of which seven of the most common defects of test content are detected, which automatically grow into a gap in the spatial awareness development tests (SADT). The work describes ways to minimize the effect of gaps in the test, or complete elimination by the proposed and proven methods. There was found the essence of the analogy of various SADT and the direct application of general and innovative testing principles as means of overcoming the gaps. The cases, where overcoming of the gaps is the basis for the development of spatial awareness and spatial thinking, were identified. There was systematically reviewed the module of unprocessed, missed tasks in the test, which led to a detailed analysis and investigation of the representation of graphic material in the tasks. Mini-testing of the influence of the graphic component on the speed and quality of the accomplishment of spatial tasks was carried out. The results of the mini-test showed the smallest number of errors in the cubic traditional model and the traditional model with use of shadows, indicating their successful use in the created training and evaluation course «PROSTIR-UA». Also, there was illustrated the necessity after processing of the test results, there was presented an example of the use of a block diagram of a combined algorithm of the spatial awareness development test, in the final stage of which, for the test taker, a recommendation base of the necessary auxiliary tasks is made, based on the results of the testing. The presented study aims to offer advanced approaches to existing methods and methods of motivating students to effectively use spatial awareness development tests and new tools for expanding and applying spatial knowledge

    A prospective study of serum electrolyte disorders and their clinical manifestation in HIV patients

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    Background: Present study was conducted to evaluate the serum electrolyte disorders and their clinical manifestation in HIV positive patients.Methods: Total 100 patients who were known to be HIV positive or those who were found to be HIV positive were taken. HIV infection was diagnosed by one ELISA and two E/R/S test. All clinical diagnosis medication and routine chemical profiles were recorded along with detailed history and physical examination. Fluid depletion was inferred from the findings like decreased skin turgor, dry mucus membrane; fluid overload was ascertained by presence of jugular venous distension and dependent pulmonary rales. Hyponatremia was defined as a serum sodium concentration less than 135mmol/L and hypokalemia was defined as potassium concentration less than 3.5mmol/L.Results: Eighty percent patients had disorders of electrolyte imbalance. Most common electrolyte was hyponatremia (58%) and hypokalemia (28%). The mean serum sodium concentration was 133.48±7.06 and potassium concentration was 3.87±0.63. Neuromuscular manifestation and neuropsychiatric manifestation were present in 58% and 49% respectively.Conclusions: Patients with HIV infection may develop a bewildering variety of electrolyte and acid-base disturbances. Hyponatremia and hypokalemia from many causes is common and associated with an increased mortality

    The Junior Giants program in underserved African-American California communities

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    Major League Baseball has recently experienced a decline of black players to levels not\ud seen since integration. Theories for decline are reviewed including limited economic\ud resources for black players and lack of person-organization fit between black athletes and careers as a professional baseball player. The Junior Giants program, sponsored by the San Francisco Giants Community Fund, was reviewed to determine its potential to\ud address these deterrents. I hypothesized that the program would demonstrate rates of\ud black players consistent with black populations of its communities, but that Leagues\ud located in black communities would perform lower on both subjective and objective\ud measures. Leagues in black communities showed higher rates of black players, and\ud performed lower on subjective measures, supporting these hypotheses. However, contrary to expectations, results showed no significant difference of objective measures based on black population. These results have practical implications for the GCF and MLB, and can be used as a foundation for future interventions


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    У статті проведено аналіз сучасного стану діяльності комерційних банківських установ у сфері надання нетрадиційних послуг лізингу. Розглянуто основні тенденції розвитку нетрадиційних банківських послуг в Україні, досліджено їх роль на ринку фінансових послуг банківських і небанківських установ. Визначено основні проблеми та запропоновано шляхи вдосконалення операційної діяльності вітчизняних банків. (In the article invverstigated the current state of banks in providing innovative services - leasing. Analized the main development trends in non-traditional banking services in Ukraine, studied their role in the financial services banking and non-banking institutions. Defined the main basic problems and suggests ways to improve the operations of domestic banks.

    Entrer dans le jeu et gagner en représentation. Gouvernance urbaine de la santé et construction des capacités d'action métropolitaine

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    International audienceIn front of the pluralisation and fragmentation affecting local action, several reforms aim at transforming the places where public policies are drawn up. The creation of the metropolises directly participates in the will to consecrate them as places of regulation of contemporary societies. Thus paying attention to the political capacities of metropolises, institutions still regarded as manufactured or even imposed institutional products, questions the contemporary modalities of exercising urban power. These dynamics are comprehended here in the health sector, with the case of the metropolis of Bordeaux. The possibility of developing a capacity for collective action depends there on the sociopolitical relationships previously built on this scale and the resources resulting from the relationships that it has been able to build through the development of a local health contract.Face au mouvement de pluralisation et de fragmentation affectant l'action locale, plusieurs réformes ambitionnent de transformer les lieux d'élaboration des politiques publiques. La création des métropoles participe directement de la volonté de les consacrer comme lieu de régulation des sociétés contemporaines. Porter ainsi attention aux capacités politiques des métropoles, institutions encore considérées comme des produits institutionnels fabriqués voire imposés de l'extérieur, interroge les modalités contemporaines d'exercice du pouvoir urbain. Ces dynamiques sont appréhendées ici dans le secteur de la santé, en s'appuyant sur le cas de la métropole de Bordeaux. Pour cette dernière, la possibilité de faire émerger une capacité d'action collective dépend des rapports sociopolitiques préalablement sédimentés à cette échelle et des ressources issues des relations qu'elle a su construire à travers l'élaboration d'un contrat local de santé

    Concurrence et division du travail dans le secteur de l’organisation des activités physiques et sportives

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    En France, des agents du ministère chargé des Sports, les cadres techniques sportifs (CTS), sont « placés auprès » des fédérations sportives. Dans les années 1960, cette politique a été justifiée par le manque de « maturité » du mouvement sportif. Depuis, le recrutement de cadres techniques fédéraux (CTF) a contribué à rendre incertains les attributions et rôles de ces deux catégories de professionnels au sein d’une même organisation, la multiplication des intervenants s’accompagnant en effet d’exigences de concertation et de coordination. Ainsi, à travers la mobilisation des résultats d’une enquête réalisée par entretiens auprès de 40 CTS et CTF, nous montrerons que si cette diversification des intervenants aurait pu conduire à ce que les révisions des territoires professionnels s’opèrent selon une logique d’expérience, c’est régulièrement en termes corporatistes que raisonnent les CTS pour organiser ce processus. Ces positions procèdent essentiellement d’une revendication à maintenir leur légitimité et défendre l’existence de leur groupe professionnel.In France, public sector employees of the Ministry of Sports, the Technical Sports Advisors (CTS) are “placed with” sports federations. In the 1960s, this policy was justified by the lack of “maturity” of the sports movement. Since then, the recruitment of federal technical staff (CTF) has contributed to the uncertain functions and roles of these two categories of professionals within the same organization, the multiplication of actors accompanied by requirements for consultation and impact coordination. Through the mobilization of the results of a survey conducted by interviews with 40 CTS and CTF, we show that if this diversity of stakeholders could lead to revisions that professionals territories operate according to a logic of experience is regularly corporatist terms CTS reason to organize this process. These positions carry essentially a claim to maintain their legitimacy and defend the existence of their professional group

    La rénovation de la gestion des carrières dans le secteur public à l’épreuve des relations entre État et groupes d’intérêt. Le cas des Conseillers Techniques Sportifs du Ministère des Sports

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    Les réformes de modernisation de l’État font de la rénovation de la gestion des ressources humaines l’une des composantes majeures de la « performance » désormais attendue de la puissance publique. À partir du cas des Conseillers Techniques Sportifs (CTS), agents du Ministère des Sports, nous montrons que les dispositions qu’elles prévoient restent limitées tant les principes structurant les rapports entre l’État et les fédérations sportives heurtent les axes des réformes adoptées. La position administrative des CTS et leur contexte relationnel de travail exacerbent en effet les tensions et paradoxes inhérents à la mise en œuvre d’une démarche d’appréciation des professionnels. La diversité des acteurs en présence, aux intérêts pouvant être divergents, oriente actuellement la définition de leur parcours professionnel et suscite par là même des sentiments d’injustice et d’iniquité.Recent reforms to modernize the State are the renovation of the management of human resources one of the major components of the “performance” now expected of public power. From the case of “Conseillers Techniques Sportifs” (CTS), agents of the Ministry of Sports, we show that the provisions are limited as they provide the principles underpinning the relationship between the State and the sports federations face the axes of the reforms. Administrative position of CTS and relational context of work indeed exacerbate tensions and paradoxes inherent in the implementation of a process of assessment professionals. The diversity of actors, interests may be divergent, currently directs the definition of their careers and thereby creates feelings of injustice and iniquity

    La rénovation de la gestion des carrières dans le secteur public à l’épreuve des relations entre État et groupes d’intérêt. Le cas des Conseillers Techniques Sportifs du Ministère des Sports

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    Les réformes de modernisation de l’État font de la rénovation de la gestion des ressources humaines l’une des composantes majeures de la « performance » désormais attendue de la puissance publique. À partir du cas des Conseillers Techniques Sportifs (CTS), agents du Ministère des Sports, nous montrons que les dispositions qu’elles prévoient restent limitées tant les principes structurant les rapports entre l’État et les fédérations sportives heurtent les axes des réformes adoptées. La position administrative des CTS et leur contexte relationnel de travail exacerbent en effet les tensions et paradoxes inhérents à la mise en œuvre d’une démarche d’appréciation des professionnels. La diversité des acteurs en présence, aux intérêts pouvant être divergents, oriente actuellement la définition de leur parcours professionnel et suscite par là même des sentiments d’injustice et d’iniquité.Recent reforms to modernize the State are the renovation of the management of human resources one of the major components of the “performance” now expected of public power. From the case of “Conseillers Techniques Sportifs” (CTS), agents of the Ministry of Sports, we show that the provisions are limited as they provide the principles underpinning the relationship between the State and the sports federations face the axes of the reforms. Administrative position of CTS and relational context of work indeed exacerbate tensions and paradoxes inherent in the implementation of a process of assessment professionals. The diversity of actors, interests may be divergent, currently directs the definition of their careers and thereby creates feelings of injustice and iniquity

    Privé ou public : le « choix » du statut d’emploi au sein d’un même groupe professionnel

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    En France, la démarcation entre salariés de droit privé et agents de la fonction publique est régulièrement mise en débat. Cette recherche s’intéresse aux conditions sociales d’accès à l’un ou l’autre des statuts dans le cas d’un groupe professionnel, celui des personnels techniques travaillant auprès de fédérations sportives agréées par l’Etat, dont les représentants se partagent entre agents de la fonction publique et salariés de droit privé. Ce travail a été mené principalement par entretiens et suivant une approche par les capacités (capability approach).In France, the line between private employees and public servants is regularly debated. This research focuses on the conditions of access to one or other of the status in the case of one specific professional group : the technical staff working with sports federations approved by the state, whose representatives divided between public servants and private employees. This work was carried out by interviews and according to Sen’s capability approach.In Frankreich wird die Abgrenzung zwischen privatrechtlich Beschäftigten und Angehörigen des öffentlichen Dienstes immer wieder diskutiert. Vorliegende Untersuchung befasst sich mit den sozialen Zugangsbedingungen zu diesen beiden Berufsstatus innerhalb einer Berufsgruppe, nämlich des technischen Personals, das in staatlich anerkannten Sportverbänden arbeitet und aus Angehörigen des öffentlichen Dienstes wie auch privatrechtlich Beschäftigten besteht. Die Arbeit stützte sich im Wesentlichen auf Gespräche unter Bezugnahme auf den Befähigungsansatz (capability approach).En Francia, la demarcación entre asalariados de derecho privado y agentes de la función pública se debate regularmente. Esta investigación se interesa en las condiciones de acceso a uno u otro de los estatus en el caso de un grupo profesional, el del personal técnico de las federaciones deportivas acreditadas por el Estado, cuyos representantes se reparten entre agentes de la función pública y asalariados de derecho privado. Este trabajo fue realizado principalmente mediante entrevistas y según un enfoque por capacidades (capability approach)

    Colour component in the semantics of ethnophobic terms (the case of non-standard American English)

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    The study aimed to identify the semantic and structural characteristics of ethnophobic terms with a colour component, as well as the conceptual basis and extralinguistic factors that have a role in their formation. Ethnophobic terms tend to emerge in the non-standard language, with slang making its core. Although often marked as derogatory or impolite, ethnicity-laden slang expressions form a dynamic and productive part of non-standard vocabulary, largely due to their pragmatic power. Ethnophobic terms used with reference to the largest ethnic minorities in the USA (Black, Latin and Native Americans) became the focus of our research. Given their prototypical nature and a wide spectrum of connotations, basic colour terms have shown the highest potential for integration with the ethnicity concept: an overwhelming number of ethnophobic terms contain explicit or implicit colour components in their semantic structure encoding the following colour categories: black, brown, red, yellow, and white. We have also suggested that in American ethnophobic slang, the universal opposition of black and white may have transformed into a conceptual opposition of "white" vs. "non-white" that has a variety of verbal representations. In addition, semantic configuration and evaluative power of colour categories are determined by the speaker’s point of reference affected by the stereotypes dominating their ethnic groups. Data analysis has shown that the morphological means of word formation typical of ethnophobic terms, including suffixation, compounding, blending, and abbreviation, are mainly combined with metonymy, metaphor, or both