8 research outputs found

    Using Boulder Tracks as a Tool to Understand the Bearing Capacity of Permanently Shadowed Regions of the Moon

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    Permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) are abundant at the lunar poles. They experience no direct sunlight and reach temperatures as low as 30 K. PSRs are of interest as evidence suggests that some may contain water ice (H2O/OH‐), which could provide a record of the evolution of volatiles in the inner solar system. This water ice is also a critical resource for life‐support systems and rocket propellant. A better understanding of mechanical properties of PSR regolith, such as its bearing capacity, will help optimize the design of future exploration rovers and landers. Thirteen boulder tracks were identified on the edge of, or inside, south polar lunar PSR enhanced imagery and used to estimate the strength of the PSR regolith at latitudes of 70° to 76° in sites with maximum annual temperatures of 65 to 210 K. PSR boulder track features are similar to those observed in highland, mare, and pyroclastic regions of the Moon, implying similar properties of the regolith. Measured features were used to estimate bearing capacity for PSR regolith at depths of ~0.28 to 4.68 m. Estimated bearing capacity values suggest that these PSRs may be somewhat stronger than highland and mare regions at depths of 0.28 to 1.00 m. Bearing capacity in these PSRs is statistically the same as those in other regions of the Moon at depths of 1.00 to 2.00 m. The results of this study can be used to infer bearing capacity as one measure for the trafficability of lower‐latitude PSRs of the type measured here

    Human-assisted Sample Return Mission at the Schrödinger Basin, Lunar Far Side, Using a New Geologic Map and Rover Traverses

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    The Schrödinger basin on the south polar lunar far side has been highlighted as a promising target for future exploration. This report provides a high-resolution geologic map in the southwest peak-ring (SWPR) area of the Schrödinger basin, emphasizing structural features and detailed mapping of exposed outcrops within the peak ring. Outcrops are correlated with mineralogical data from the Moon Mineralogical Mapper instrument. Geologic mapping reveals a complex structural history within the basin through a system of radially oriented faults. Further, the geologic map shows both faulted and magmatic contacts between peak-ring mineralogies, providing both structural and magmatic context for understanding lunar crustal evolution and polar region processes. To investigate these relationships and address key scientific concepts and goals from the National Research Council (NRC) report, we propose three traverse paths for a robotic sample return mission in the SWPR area. These traverses focus on addressing the highest priority science concepts and goals by investigating known outcrops with diverse mineralogical associations and visible contacts among them. Coinciding with the preparation for the 2024 Artemis III mission, NASA is increasing the priority of robotic exploration at the lunar south pole before the next crewed mission to the Moon. Through mapping the Schrödinger SWPR, we identified the extent of different lunar crustal mineralogies, inferred their geologic relationships and distribution, and pinpointed traversable routes to sample spectrally diverse outcrops and outcrop-derived boulders. The SWPR region is therefore a promising potential target for future exploration, capable of addressing multiple high-priority lunar science goals

    Lunar Volatiles and Solar System Science

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    Understanding the origin and evolution of the lunar volatile system is not only compelling lunar science, but also fundamental Solar System science. This white paper (submitted to the US National Academies' Decadal Survey in Planetary Science and Astrobiology 2023-2032) summarizes recent advances in our understanding of lunar volatiles, identifies outstanding questions for the next decade, and discusses key steps required to address these questions

    Astrobiology eXploration at Enceladus (AXE): A New Frontiers Mission Concept Study

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    The Saturnian moon Enceladus presents a unique opportunity to sample the contents of a subsurface liquid water ocean in situ via the continuous plume formed over its south polar terrain using a multi-flyby mission architecture. Previous analyses of the plume’s composition by Cassini revealed an energy-rich system laden with salts and organic compounds, representing an environment containing most of the ingredients for life as we know it. Following in the footsteps of the Cassini-Huygens mission, we present Astrobiology eXploration at Enceladus (AXE), a New Frontiers class Enceladus mission concept study carried out during the 2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. We demonstrate that a scientifically compelling geophysical and life-detection mission to Enceladus can be carried out within the constraints of a New Frontiers-5 cost cap using a modest instrument suite, requiring only a narrow angle, high-resolution telescopic imager, a mass spectrometer, and a high-gain antenna for radio communications and gravity science measurements. Using a multi-flyby mission architecture, AXE would evaluate the habitability and potential for life at Enceladus through a synergistic combination of in situ chemical analysis measurements aimed at directly detecting the presence of molecular biosignatures, along with geophysical and geomorphological investigations to contextualize chemical biosignatures and further evaluate the habitability of Enceladus over geologic time