1,206 research outputs found


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    Giant lipoma of the thumb

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    While MRI is recognized to be the gold standard examination to diagnose giant lipomas and exclude liposarcomas, there is insufficient knowledge about how to clarify the degree of malignancy of intermediate lesions. We report here the case of a digital giant lipoma, where MRI showed a benign polylobulated lipomatous tumor, but that presented nuclear atypia on conventional histological examination suggestive for an atypical lipoma or well-differentiated liposarcoma. To exclude such a lipomatous tumor necessitating a more aggressive surgical excision, complementary cytogenetics with fluorescence in situ hybridization study for MDM2 and CDK4 genes was required. A literature review of the diagnostic approach for lipomatous tumors of the extremities, including MR images, histological examination, and new cytogenetic techniques, is performed. Level of Evidence: Level V, diagnostic stud

    Spontaneous bleeding of an Abrikossoff's tumor - a case report

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    Abrikossoff tumors are a rare tumor entity. The complication of a hemothorax has not been described in the literature so far. A 24-year-old patient presented with repeated hemoptysis and right thoracic pain. The initial CT-scan revealed a solid tumor mass in the right lower bronchus. After further diagnostics, the patient was discharged and surgical intervention was planned. He was readmitted 4 days after discharge with a spontaneous hemothorax. After the right lower lobectomy and an uneventful course the patient recovered well

    Inconsistency and correction of the german amortization system

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    The amortization systems, also called as amortization methods, are used to compute the installment value that a client must disburse (or spend) to pay off a loan or financing with the number of installments and the interest rate agreed for the loan or financing. This paper shows that the German Amortization System makes an inconsistent use of the interest paid in advance in its definition and generates an effective interest rate higher than the contracted, which makes this system abusive and unfair to the clients. In this article, two forms of correcting the German Amortization System are also proposed, making the effective interest rate equals to the contractual interest rate39339340

    Endoskopie in der Handchirurgie: TeilI: Arthroskopie

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Arthroskopie zu diagnostischen und therapeutischen Zwecken ist in der Chirurgie der großen Gelenke nicht mehr wegzudenken. Mit der Entwicklung des entsprechenden feineren Instrumentariums ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass die Arthroskopie auch im Bereich der Handchirurgie zunehmend zum Zuge kommt. Insbesondere am Handgelenk hat sich die Arthroskopie durchgesetzt. Daneben werden auch zunehmend Verfahren fĂŒr das Karpometakarpal-I (CMC-I)-Gelenk entwickelt, wobei hier die Behandlung der Rhizarthrose im Vordergrund steht. In der Diagnostik und Therapie von Pathologien der Metakarpo-Phalangeal- (MCP) sowie der proximalen und distalen Interphalangeal (PIP/DIP)-Gelenke spielt die Arthroskopie bisher eine eher untergeordnete Rolle. Dieser Artikel soll einen Überblick ĂŒber die gĂ€ngigsten arthroskopischen Verfahren am traumatisierten Handgelenk gebe

    „Szekspir katolikiem?”. OdpowiedĆș na ksiÄ…ĆŒkę Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel

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    The text “Catholic Shakespeare?” is a response to the book of Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel titled William Shakespeare – Sein Zeit – Sein Leben – Sein Werk (2003). E.A.J. Honigmann joins the debate about a secret Catholic code in Shakespeare’s plays. The researcher disagrees with some theses, for example with mysterious inscriptions in the English College at Rheims. He also tries to convince that Shakespeare’s Catholicism isn’t that obvious as Hammerschmidt-Hummel says.The text “Catholic Shakespeare?” is a response to the book of Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel titled William Shakespeare – Sein Zeit – Sein Leben – Sein Werk (2003). E.A.J. Honigmann joins the debate about a secret Catholic code in Shakespeare’s plays. The researcher disagrees with some theses, for example with mysterious inscriptions in the English College at Rheims. He also tries to convince that Shakespeare’s Catholicism isn’t that obvious as Hammerschmidt-Hummel says

    HIV-assoziiertes Lymphom — ungewöhnliche Ursache einer pathologischen Unterkieferfraktur: Fallbericht und Behandlungsoptionen bei Immundefizienz

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    Zusammenfassung: Das diffuse großzellige B-Zell-Lymphom (DGBZL) bleibt trotz der EinfĂŒhrung der kombinierten antiviralen Therapie (HAART) ein hĂ€ufiger maligner Tumor bei HIV-infizierten Patienten. Über 50% dieser Lymphome verlaufen extranodal, davon manifestiert sich die HĂ€lfte in der Kopf-Hals-Region. Bei oralen Manifestationen zĂ€hlen Schmerzen, Schwellung, ParĂ€sthesien und Zahnlockerungen zu den ersten klinischen Symptomen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird ĂŒber einen 52-jĂ€hrigen Patienten mit einer Fraktur im linken Kieferwinkelbereich bei bekannter HIV-Infektion berichtet. Eine primĂ€re osteosynthetische Versorgung brachte diese nicht zur Ausheilung. Die anlĂ€sslich der Revision durchgefĂŒhrte Biopsie ergab die Diagnose eines primĂ€ren Lymphoms im Unterkiefer. Eine Konsolidierung der Defektfraktur trat erst nach dessen Vollremission und nachfolgender Rekonstruktion mit freiem kortikospongiösem Beckenkammtransplantat auf. Anhand dieser Kasuistik werden nach Darstellung des Krankheitsbildes die Therapieoptionen bei Unterkieferfrakturen im Rahmen einer Immundefizienz vor dem Hintergrund der verfĂŒgbaren Literatur diskutier

    Thermodynamics of wetting, prewetting and surface phase transitions with surface binding

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    In living cells, protein-rich condensates can wet the cell membrane and surfaces of membrane-bound organelles. Interestingly, many phase-separating proteins also bind to membranes leading to a molecular layer of bound molecules. Here we investigate how binding to membranes affects wetting, prewetting and surface phase transitions. We derive a thermodynamic theory for a three-dimensional bulk in the presence of a two-dimensional, flat membrane. At phase coexistence, we find that membrane binding facilitates complete wetting and thus lowers the wetting angle. Moreover, below the saturation concentration, binding facilitates the formation of a thick layer at the membrane and thereby shifts the prewetting phase transition far below the saturation concentration. The distinction between bound and unbound molecules near the surface leads to a large variety of surface states and complex surface phase diagrams with a rich topology of phase transitions. Our work suggests that surface phase transitions combined with molecular binding represent a versatile mechanism to control the formation of protein-rich domains at intra-cellular surfaces
