775 research outputs found

    Is Economic Growth Enough To Reduce Poverty

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    Cilj rada je izrada mobilne aplikacije za Windows Phone mobilne uređaje koja bi olakšala korisnicima praćenje atmosferskih podataka u serverskoj sobi kao što su temperatura, tlak zraka, temperatura procesora, ali i iskorištenost procesora i iskorištenost RAM memorije. Kao izvor podataka koristi udaljeni server, a dohvat podataka ostvaruje se preko REST servisa. Aplikacija je napisana u programskom jeziku C# pomoću Visual Studio 2013 razvojnog okruženja. Težnja je da aplikacija bude čim jednostavnija i intuitivnija za korištenje kako bi se olakšalo korisnicima snalaženje unutar iste.The aim of the mobile application for Windows Phone mobile devices is that should facilitate the users to track atmospheric data in the server room, such as temperature, air pressure, CPU temperature, and CPU utilization and RAM utilization. As a data source application uses a remote server, and the data retrieval is achieved by using a REST service. The application is written in a C# programming language using Visual Studio 2013 development environment. The tendency of the application that is kept intuitive and easy to use so that users would be easily oriented within the same

    Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Functional Block Copolymer/Inorganic Nanocomposite Materials

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    Sulfonated poly[styrene-b-ethylene-co-butylene-b-styrene] (sSEBS) block copolymers/inorganic nanocomposite materials were synthesized via in situ formation of inorganic fillers and characterized particularly for their dielectric properties and proton conductivities. In preparation of sSEBS/SrTiO3 nanocomposites, titanium (IV) isopropoxide [Ti(OPri)4] complex was diffused into sSEBS film, followed by subsequent hydrolysis of [Ti(OPr i)4], diffusion of strontium cations in sSEBS domains, and in situ formation of crystalline SrTiO3. sSEBS with sulfonation degree of 38.1% and 65.0% were employed, and relevant sSEBS/SrTiO3 composites contain SrTiO3 of 10-15 wt%. Elemental composition characterization with ESEM/EDX indicated uniform distribution of Sr and Ti. TEM images revealed clusters of SrTiO3 rods were selectively formed in hydrophilic domains in sSEBS with nanophase separation in lamellar morphology. TEM/SAED of sSEBS/SrTiO3 confirmed crystalline SrTiO3 structure inside composite film. The dielectric enhancement and shift with frequency showed potential of these materials for energy storage and conversion devices. sSEBS/silicate composites as model nanocomposite proton exchange membranes were prepared via in situ sol-gel reactions of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) in sSEBS solutions that were solution cast into films. These hybrid membranes exhibited nanophase separated morphology with the particles mainly dispersed in the hydrophilic sulfonated block. The number of water molecules per sulfonic acid group increased with silicate content. Some sSEBS/silicate membranes exhibited lower methanol permeability than Nafion® 117 while others showed higher methanol permeability. Methanol permeability increased with introduction of silicate which was attributed to the broadening of hydrophilic domains by silicate insertion. Besides mechanical improvement, proton conductivity increase in membranes containing around 10wt% silicate is discussed in terms of the morphological change and synergetic effect by silicate particles. Macromolecular dynamics of sSEBSs were investigated using broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS). Two main relaxations corresponding to the glass transitions in the EB and S block phases were identified, and their temperature dependences were VFT - like. Tg for the S block phase shifted to higher temperature due to restrictions on chain mobility caused by hydrogen bonded SO3H groups. While the EB block phase Tg appeared to remain constant with degree of sulfonation in DMA experiments, it shifted somewhat upward in BDS spectra. The fragilities of the EB and S block domains in sSEBS decreased after sulfonation. The temperature dependence of the dc conduction contribution to sSEBS loss spectra also followed VFT-like behavior, and S block segmental relaxation time correlated well with conductivity according to the fractional Debye-Stokes-Einstein equation

    Is Economic Growth Enough To Reduce Poverty

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    Residual-Based A Posteriori Error Estimates for Symmetric Conforming Mixed Finite Elements for Linear Elasticity Problems

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    A posteriori error estimators for the symmetric mixed finite element methods for linear elasticity problems of Dirichlet and mixed boundary conditions are proposed. Stability and efficiency of the estimators are proved. Finally, we provide numerical examples to verify the theoretical results

    Security Service Model for RFID Enabled Supply Chain

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    It has been widely recognized that RFID related technologies will greatly improve the visibility, the efficiency and the collaboration of industry supply chain. In this new “product driven“ supply chain scenario, manufacturer, supplier, and third party share and coordinate the use of diverse resources in distributed “virtual organizations”. It challenges the security issues, which demand new technical approaches. In collaboration with researchers in Auto-ID Labs China, we have developed a service-oriented framework based on CA and Web Services, which supports inexpensive mediation of product information among rapidly evolving, heterogeneous information sources. Our architecture defines a user-driven security model that allows users to create entities and policy domains within virtual organizations. We emphasize that standard Web Services tools and software provide both stateless and stateful forms of secured communication

    Changes of Myogenic Reactive Oxygen Species and Interleukin-6 in Contracting Skeletal Muscle Cells

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    The aim of this study was to measure changes in myotube reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the production of interleukin (IL)-6 in electrically stimulated mouse C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. After five days of differentiation, myotubes were stimulated using an electrical stimulator set at 45 V at a frequency of 5 Hz, with a pulse width of 20 ms. Acute stimulations were performed for 45, 60, 75, 90, or 120 min in each dish. ROSs were detected in the extracted cells directly using a fluorescent probe. IL-6 mRNA expression in C2C12 myotubes and IL-6 concentration in C2C12 myotube supernatants were determined using real-time PCR and ELISA, respectively. Compared with control cells, ROS generation was significantly increased at 45 min after the onset of stimulation (P < 0.01) and continued to increase, reaching a maximum at 120 min. IL-6 mRNA expression and IL-6 concentration in C2C12 cells were significantly increased after 75 min (P < 0.01) and 120 min (P < 0.05) of electrical stimulation (ES) compared with the control cells. Our data show that a specific ES intensity may modulate ROS accumulation and affect IL-6 gene expression in contracting skeletal muscle cells

    Joint Communication and Computation Design in Transmissive RMS Transceiver Enabled Multi-Tier Computing Networks

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    In this paper, a novel transmissive reconfigurable meta-surface (RMS) transceiver enabled multi-tier computing network architecture is proposed for improving computing capability, decreasing computing delay and reducing base station (BS) deployment cost, in which transmissive RMS equipped with a feed antenna can be regarded as a new type of multi-antenna system. We formulate a total energy consumption minimization problem by a joint optimization of subcarrier allocation, task input bits, time slot allocation, transmit power allocation and RMS transmissive coefficient while taking into account the constraints of communication resources and computing resources. This formulated problem is a non-convex optimization problem due to the high coupling of optimization variables, which is NP-hard to obtain its optimal solution. To address the above challenging problems, block coordinate descent (BCD) technique is employed to decouple the optimization variables to solve the problem. Specifically, the joint optimization problem of subcarrier allocation, task input bits, time slot allocation, transmit power allocation and RMS transmissive coefficient is divided into three subproblems to solve by applying BCD. Then, the decoupled three subproblems are optimized alternately by using successive convex approximation (SCA) and difference-convex (DC) programming until the convergence is achieved. Numerical results verify that our proposed algorithm is superior in reducing total energy consumption compared to other benchmarks