141 research outputs found

    Optimization on emergency materials dispatching considering the characteristics of integrated emergency response for large-scale marine oil spills

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    Many governments have been strengthening the construction of hardware facilities and equipment to prevent and control marine oil spills. However, in order to deal with large-scale marine oil spills more efficiently, emergency materials dispatching algorithm still needs further optimization. The present study presents a methodology for emergency materials dispatching optimization based on four steps, combined with the construction of Chinese oil spill response capacity. First, the present emergency response procedure for large-scale marine oil spills should be analyzed. Second, in accordance with different grade accidents, the demands of all kinds of emergency materials are replaced by an equivalent volume that can unify the units. Third, constraint conditions of the emergency materials dispatching optimization model should be presented, and the objective function of the model should be postulated with the purpose of minimizing the largest sailing time of all oil spill emergency disposal vessels, and the difference in sailing time among vessels that belong to the same emergency materials collection and distribution point. Finally, the present study applies a toolbox and optimization solver to optimize the emergency materials dispatching problem. A calculation example is presented, highlighting the sensibility of the results at different grades of oil spills. The present research would be helpful for emergency managers in tackling an efficient materials dispatching scheme, while considering the integrated emergency response procedure.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    From a feeder port to a hub port: the evolution pathways, dynamics and perspectives of Ningbo-Zhoushan port (China)

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    This paper analyses the spatio-temporal evolution of Ningbo-Zhoushan port growing from a feeder port to a hub port finding the historical pathways followed by its expanding in terms of container throughput capacity and total traffic. The dynamic mechanism of evolution is the results of economic globalization, containerization and its natural endowments in channel and terminal depths. Analysis of the traffic evolution and its underlying dynamics suggest 3 periods in the development processes of container transport in Ningbo-Zhoushan: (1) adoption period (1986–2000) in which the main dynamics is the impact of the Chinese ‘Open Door policy’; (2) acceleration period (2001–2008) in which the dynamics is related of the mainland China's entry into the World Trade Organization; (3) peak growth period (2009-now) in which the dynamics is impacted by the anti-crisis strategy against the financial and economic crisis in 2008. We analyse the perspectives of Ningbo-Zhoushan port. ARIMA model is employed to forecast the container traffic in the coming future; about after 2026, the throughput in Ningbo-Zhoushan port would reach about 49 million TEU which would be approximately equal to that of Shanghai port. The resultant port development would exemplify a model of spatial distribution such as a multi-layered gateway hub. In the respect of growth potential, Ningbo-Zhoushan port possesses excellent coastline resource suitable for deep-water berthing, bonded port policy and free trade zone policy. Geographical position, service level, hinterland economic level and government will support its perspectives.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Collision risk assessment for ships’ routeing waters: An information entropy approach with Automatic Identification System (AIS) data

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    The ship's routing was adopted to organise marine traffic flow and reduce the risk of collision between ships in crowded waters. With the expansion of the world's fleet, ship traffic in shipping bottleneck and chokepoint areas became more and more busy and complex creating serious challenges for navigational safety. Therefore, quantitative collision risk assessment is significantly important for the ships' routeing waters. In this paper, the information entropy method which integrates the K-means clustering based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) data is introduced to quantitatively evaluate the collision risks in the ships' routeing waters. As a case study, the information entropy of Courses Over Ground (COG) for Ningbo-Zhoushan Port (the largest port in the world since 2009) is calculated by using historical AIS data. Then the K-means clustering is used to group the bytes of information entropy of the different legs in the shipping route. We find that in Ningbo-Zhoushan port Precautionary Area (PA) 2, 4 and 7 are the highest risk legs; PA 1, 5 and 6, Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) 16, and 17 are medium-high risk areas. Therefore, ship collision risk prevention measures should be prioritised in those legs. Our contributions provide a novel approach to quantitatively assess ship collision risks in busy waters.Postprint (author's final draft

    Optimization of urban distribution centres: a multi-stage dynamic location approach

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    Customer demand is dynamic and changeable; thus, optimality of the enterprise’s initial location cannot be guaranteed throughout the planning period in order to minimize site selection cost and maximize service reliability in the whole operation cycle. The enterprise planning period is divided into different stages, and a static location model is established at the fixed stage. In addition, a multi-stage dynamic location model is established by introducing the transfer cost between adjacent stages. To reduce the difficulty of solving the dynamic location model, first, we determined the optimal site selection and allocation strategy for each stage. Second, we designed a novel method that transforms the multi-stage dynamic location problem into the shortest path problem in graph theory. Finally, the Dijkstra algorithm was used to find the optimal dynamic location sequence so that its cumulative cost was the lowest in the whole planning period. Through a case study in China, we compare the costs of static and dynamic locations and the location cost under different objectives. The results show that this dynamic location generates more income (as it reduces cost) in comparison to the previous static location, and different location objectives have a substantial influence on location results. At the same time, the findings indicate that exploring the problem of enterprise location from a dynamic perspective could help reduce the operating cost and resources from a sustainable development perspective.Postprint (published version

    Experimental research on the rock fragmentation load of a water jet-assisted cutting head

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    U svrhu istraživanja opterećenja reznih glava opremljenih vodenim mlazom razvijena je oprema za ispitivanje fragmentacije stijene pomoću rezne glave. Vodeni mlaz se tu upumpavao u središte konusnog šiljka (pick). Bez vodenog mlaza, karakteristični indeks reznog momenta i vlačne sile eksponencijalno se povećao s tlačnom čvrstoćom stijene. Nije primijećena jasna povezanost između karakterističnih indeksa reznog momenta i tlačne čvrstoće stijene u slučaju s vodenim mlazom, ali je učinak vodenog mlaza na vlačnu silu rezne glave bio relativno postojan. Rezni moment i vlačna sila su se smanjili za 20 % do 40 % kada je tlačna čvrstoća stijene bila niža od tlaka vodenog mlaza. Ipak, vodeni mlaz koji je pomogao u fragmentaciji stijene, bio je manje učinkovit kad je tlak vode bio slabiji od tlačne čvrstoće stijene. Omjer između tlaka vodenog mlaza i tlačne čvrstoće stijene može pomoći kod prepoznavanja učinkovitosti vodenog mlaza kod reznih glava za fragmentaciju stijene.A test bed for rock fragmentation by cutting head was developed to investigate the load of water jet-assisted cutting heads. In this test bed, water jet was pumped into the center of the conical pick. In the case without water jet, the characteristic index of the cutting torque and pulling force increased with the rock compressive strength exponentially. No obvious relationship was observed between the characteristic indexes of the cutting torque and the rock compressive strength for the case with water jet, but the effect of the water jet on the pulling force of the cutting head was relatively stable. The cutting torque and pulling force were decreased by 20 % to 40 % when the rock compressive strength was lower than the water jet pressure. However, the water jet that assisted in rock fragmentation was less effective when the water pressure was lower than the rock compressive strength. The ratio between water jet pressure and rock compressive strength can help recognize the efficiency of water jets for rock fragmentation by cutting head

    Thirty-six months recurrence after acute ischemic stroke among patients with comorbid type 2 diabetes: A nested case-control study

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    Background: Stroke patients have to face a high risk of recurrence, especially for those with comorbid T2DM, which usually lead to much more serious neurologic damage and an increased likelihood of death. This study aimed to explore determinants of stroke relapse among patients with comorbid T2DM. Materials and methods: We conducted this case-control study nested a prospective cohort of ischemic stroke (IS) with comorbid T2DM. During 36-month follow-up, the second stroke occurred in 84 diabetic IS patients who were allocated into the case group, while 613 patients without recurrence were the controls. We collected the demographic data, behaviors and habits, therapies, and family history at baseline, and measured the variables during follow-up. LASSO and Logistic regression analyses were carried out to develop a prediction model of stroke recurrence. The receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve was employed to evaluate the performance of the prediction model. Results: Compared to participants without recurrence, the higher levels of pulse rate (78.29 ± 12.79 vs. 74.88 ± 10.93) and hypertension (72.6 vs. 61.2 %) were recorded at baseline. Moreover, a lower level of physical activity (77.4 vs. 90.4 %), as well as a higher proportion of hypoglycemic therapy (36.9 vs. 23.3 %) was also observed during 36-month follow-up. Multivariate logistic regression revealed that higher pulse rate at admission (OR = 1.027, 95 % CI = 1.005 – 1.049), lacking physical activity (OR = 2.838, 9 5 % CI = 1.418 – 5.620) and not receiving hypoglycemic therapy (OR = 1.697, 95 % CI = 1.013 – 2.843) during follow-up increased the risk of stroke recurrence. We developed a prediction model using baseline pulse rate, hypoglycemic therapy, and physical activity, which produced an area under ROC curve (AUC) of 0.689. Conclusion: Physical activity and hypoglycemic therapy play a protective role for IS patients with comorbid diabetes. In addition to targeted therapeutics, the improvement of daily-life habit contributes to slowing the progress of the IS

    The Evolutionary Relationship between Microbial Rhodopsins and Metazoan Rhodopsins

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    Rhodopsins are photoreceptive proteins with seven-transmembrane alpha-helices and a covalently bound retinal. Based on their protein sequences, rhodopsins can be classified into microbial rhodopsins and metazoan rhodopsins. Because there is no clearly detectable sequence identity between these two groups, their evolutionary relationship was difficult to decide. Through ancestral state inference, we found that microbial rhodopsins and metazoan rhodopsins are divergently related in their seven-transmembrane domains. Our result proposes that they are homologous proteins and metazoan rhodopsins originated from microbial rhodopsins. Structure alignment shows that microbial rhodopsins and metazoan rhodopsins share a remarkable structural homology while the position of retinal-binding lysine is different between them. It suggests that the function of photoreception was once lost during the evolution of rhodopsin genes. This result explains why there is no clearly detectable sequence similarity between the two rhodopsin groups: after losing the photoreception function, rhodopsin gene was freed from the functional constraint and the process of divergence could quickly change its original sequence beyond recognition