177 research outputs found

    Genomewide Analysis of Carotenoid Cleavage Dioxygenases in Unicellular and Filamentous Cyanobacteria

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    Carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases (CCDs) are a group of enzymes that catalyze the oxidative cleavage steps from carotenoids to various carotenoid cleavage products. Some ccd genes have been identified and encoded enzymes functionally characterized in many higher plants, but little in cyanobacteria. We performed a comparative analysis of ccd sequences and explored their distribution, classification, phylogeny, evolution, and structure among 37 cyanobacteria. Totally 61 putative ccd sequences were identified, which are abundant in Acaryochloris marina MBIC 11017, filamentous N2-fixing cyanobacteria, and unicellular cyanobacterial Cyanothece. According to phylogenetic trees of 16S rDNA and CCD, nced and ccd8 genes occur later than the divergence of ccd7, apco, and ccd1. All CCD enzymes share conserved basic structure domains constituted by a single loop formed with seven β-strands and one helix. In this paper, a general framework of sequence-function-evolution connection for the ccd has been revealed, which may provide new insight for functional investigation

    A UHPLC-Q-Exactive-Orbitrap-MS method for simultaneous determination of three flavonoids from Parasitic loranthus and their pharmacokinetics in rat plasma

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    Purpose: To develop and validate a chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of plasma levels of rutin, avicularin and quercitrin using UHPLC-Q-Exactive-Orbitrap-MS. Methods: A sensitive, selective, and reliable UHPLC-Q-Exactive-Orbitrap-MS method was developed and validated for simultaneous determination of the three flavonoids, with puerarin as internal standard (IS). Plasma samples were first treated with methanol, and then acidified using hydrochloric acid (HCl) prior to liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate. The flavonoids were separated on a Syncronis C18 column (100×2.1mm, 1.7 µm) using an elution gradient of acetonitrile and 0.1 % formic acid at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. Results: A linear correlation was obtained for the three flavonoids over the investigated concentration range, with correlation coefficients > 0.9954. The values of validated lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) were 0.68, 1.42 and 2.54 ng/mL for rutin, avicularin and quercitrin, respectively. Intra- and inter-day precision (RSD) were < 10 %, while accuracy (RE) ranged from −3.76 to 4.04 %. Conclusion: The proposed method has been successfully validated and is suitable for studying the pharmacokinetics of the three analytes in rats treated with parasitic loranthus extract (PLE)

    A New Anthracene Derivative from Marine Streptomyces sp. W007 Exhibiting Highly and Selectively Cytotoxic Activities

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    A new anthracene derivative, 3-hydroxy-1-keto-3-methyl-8-methoxy-1,2,3, 4-tetrahydro-benz[α]anthracene, was isolated from the marine strain Streptomyces sp. W007, and its structure was established by spectroscopic analysis including mass spectra, 1D- and 2D-NMR (1H–1H COSY, HMBC, HSQC and NOESY) experiments. 3-hydroxy-1-keto-3-methyl-8-methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-benz[α]anthracene showed cytotoxicity against human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549

    Enhanced Interfacial Electronic Transfer of BiVO4 Coupled with 2D g‐C3N4 for Visible‐light Photocatalytic Performance

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    A BiVO4/2D g‐C3N4 direct dual semiconductor photocatalytic system has been fabricated via electrostatic self‐assembly method of BiVO4 microparticle and g‐C3N4 nanosheet. According to experimental measurements and first‐principle calculations, the formation of built‐in electric field and the opposite band bending around the interface region in BiVO4/2D g‐C3N4 as well as the intimate contact between BiVO4 and 2D g‐C3N4 will lead to high separation efficiency of charge carriers. More importantly, the intensity of bulid‐in electric field is greatly enhanced due to the ultrathin nanosheet structure of 2D g‐C3N4. As a result, BiVO4/2D g‐C3N4 exhibits excellent photocatalytic performance with the 93.0% Rhodamine B (RhB) removal after 40 min visible light irradiation, and the photocatalytic reaction rate is about 22.7 and 10.3 times as high as that of BiVO4 and 2D g‐C3N4, respectively. In addition, BiVO4/2D g‐C3N4 also displays enhanced photocatalytic performance in the degradation of tetracycline (TC). It is expected that this work may provide insights into the understanding the significant role of built‐in electric field in heterostructure and fabricating highly efficient direct dual semiconductor systems

    A Simple and Rapid Puncture Method for Draining Hematoma in Pontine Hemorrhage

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    We present a patient with pontine hemorrhage. On admission, the patient was in a comatose state (Glasgow coma scale, 3). Due to rapid deterioration of his breathing, we immediately performed a direct puncture to the hematoma site. We present a simple and rapid puncture method for drainage of hematomas. The method is described and discussed in detail in this article. The described technique may be beneficial in emergency situations where the condition of the patient, particularly their respiration is declining rapidly

    Integrative Analysis of Genome and Expression Profile Data Reveals the Genetic Mechanism of the Diabetic Pathogenesis in Goto Kakizaki (GK) Rats

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    The Goto Kakizaki (GK) rats which can spontaneously develop type 2 diabetes (T2D), are generated by repeated inbreeding of Wistar rats with glucose intolerance. The glucose intolerance in GK rat is mainly attributed to the impairment in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). In addition, GK rat display a decrease in beta cell mass, and a change in insulin action. However, the genetic mechanism of these features remain unclear. In the present study, we analyzed the population variants of GK rats and control Wistar rats by whole genome sequencing and identified 1,839 and 1,333 specific amino acid changed (SAAC) genes in GK and Wistar rats, respectively. We also detected the putative artificial selective sweeps (PASS) regions in GK rat which were enriched with GK fixed variants and were under selected in the initial diabetic-driven derivation by homogeneity test with the fixed and polymorphic sites between GK and Wistar populations. Finally, we integrated the SAAC genes, PASS region genes and differentially expressed genes in GK pancreatic beta cells to reveal the genetic mechanism of the impairment in GSIS, a decrease in beta cell mass, and a change in insulin action in GK rat. The results showed that Slc2a2 gene was related to impaired glucose transport and Adcy3, Cacna1f, Bmp4, Fam3b, and Ptprn2 genes were related to Ca2+ channel dysfunction which may responsible for the impaired GSIS. The genes Hnf4g, Bmp4, and Bad were associated with beta cell development and may be responsible for a decrease in beta cell mass while genes Ide, Ppp1r3c, Hdac9, Ghsr, and Gckr may be responsible for the change in insulin action in GK rats. The overexpression or inhibition of Bmp4, Fam3b, Ptprn2, Ide, Hnf4g, and Bad has been reported to change the glucose tolerance in rodents. However, the genes Bmp4, Fam3b, and Ptprn2 were found to be associated with diabetes in GK rats for the first time in the present study. Our findings provide a comprehensive genetic map of the abnormalities in GK genome which will be helpful in understand the underlying genetic mechanism of pathogenesis of diabetes in GK rats

    Transcriptomic analysis of Synechocystis sp PCC6803 under low-temperature stress

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    In this study, cDNA microarrays were developed from 3569 mRNA reads to analyze the expression profiles of the transcriptomes of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 under low temperature (LT) stress. Among the genes on the cDNA microarrays, 899 LT-affected genes exhibited a 1.5-fold (or greater) difference in expression compared with the genes from normal unstressed Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Of the differentially expressed genes, 353 were up-regulated and 246 were down-regulated. The results showed that genes involved in photosynthesis were activated at LT (10A degrees C), including genes for photosystem I, photosystem II, photosynthetic electron transport, and cytochrome b6/f complex. Moreover, desB, one of four genes that encode the fatty acid desaturases, was also induced by LT. However, the LT conditions to some degree enhanced the transcription of some genes. In addition, LT (10A degrees C) may reduce cellular motility by regulating the transcription of spkA (sll1575), a serine/threonine protein kinase. The results reported in this study may contribute to a better understanding of the responses of the Synechocystis cell to LT, including pathways involved in photosynthesis and repair.In this study, cDNA microarrays were developed from 3569 mRNA reads to analyze the expression profiles of the transcriptomes of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 under low temperature (LT) stress. Among the genes on the cDNA microarrays, 899 LT-affected genes exhibited a 1.5-fold (or greater) difference in expression compared with the genes from normal unstressed Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Of the differentially expressed genes, 353 were up-regulated and 246 were down-regulated. The results showed that genes involved in photosynthesis were activated at LT (10A degrees C), including genes for photosystem I, photosystem II, photosynthetic electron transport, and cytochrome b6/f complex. Moreover, desB, one of four genes that encode the fatty acid desaturases, was also induced by LT. However, the LT conditions to some degree enhanced the transcription of some genes. In addition, LT (10A degrees C) may reduce cellular motility by regulating the transcription of spkA (sll1575), a serine/threonine protein kinase. The results reported in this study may contribute to a better understanding of the responses of the Synechocystis cell to LT, including pathways involved in photosynthesis and repair