43 research outputs found

    Self-Annealing Dynamics in a Multistable System

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    A new type of dynamical behavior of a multistable system is reported. We found that a simple non-equilibrium system can reduce its effective temperature autonomously at a global minimum if the residual frustration at a global minimum is small enough, which highlights an unexpected feature of non-equilibrium multistable systems.Comment: 6 pages, Figures available upon reques

    Effect of time-correlation of input patterns on the convergence of on-line learning

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    We studied the effects of time correlation of subsequent patterns on the convergence of on-line learning by a feedforward neural network with backpropagation algorithm. By using chaotic time series as sequences of correlated patterns, we found that the unexpected scaling of converging time with learning parameter emerges when time-correlated patterns accelerate learning process.Comment: 8 pages(Revtex), 5 figure

    Transformation of dynamical fluctuation into coherent energy

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    Studies of noise-induced motions are showing that coherent energy can be extracted from some kinds of noise in a periodic ratchet. Recently, energetics of Langevin dynamics is formulated by Sekimoto [J.Phys.Soc.Jpn, 66 1234 (1997)], which can be applied to ratchet systems described by Fokker-Planck equation. In this paper, we derive an energetics of ratchet systems that can be applied to dynamical-noise-induced motion in a static potential. Analytical efficiency of the energy transformation is derived for the dynamical noise in an overdumping limit of the system. Comparison between analytical and numerical studies is performed for chaotic noise.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Comment on "White-Noise-Induced Transport in Periodic Structures"

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    In the paper by J.\L uczka {\em et al.} ({\em Europhys. Lett.}, {\bf 31} (1995) 431), the authors reported by rigorous calculation that an additive Poissonian white shot noise can induce a macroscopic current of a dissipative particle in a periodic potential -- even {\em in the absence} of spatial asymmetry of the potential. We argue that their main result is an obvious one caused by the spatially broken symmetry of a probability distribution of the additive noise, unlike the similar result caused by chaotic noise which has a symmetric probability distribution ({\em J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.}, {\bf 63} (1994) 2014).Comment: 2 pages (Latex); submitted to Europhys.Let

    Effect of Chaotic Noise on Multistable Systems

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    In a recent letter [Phys.Rev.Lett. {\bf 30}, 3269 (1995), chao-dyn/9510011], we reported that a macroscopic chaotic determinism emerges in a multistable system: the unidirectional motion of a dissipative particle subject to an apparently symmetric chaotic noise occurs even if the particle is in a spatially symmetric potential. In this paper, we study the global dynamics of a dissipative particle by investigating the barrier crossing probability of the particle between two basins of the multistable potential. We derive analytically an expression of the barrier crossing probability of the particle subject to a chaotic noise generated by a general piecewise linear map. We also show that the obtained analytical barrier crossing probability is applicable to a chaotic noise generated not only by a piecewise linear map with a uniform invariant density but also by a non-piecewise linear map with non-uniform invariant density. We claim, from the viewpoint of the noise induced motion in a multistable system, that chaotic noise is a first realization of the effect of {\em dynamical asymmetry} of general noise which induces the symmetry breaking dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Molecular kinetic analysis of a finite-time Carnot cycle

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    We study the efficiency at the maximal power ηmax\eta_\mathrm{max} of a finite-time Carnot cycle of a weakly interacting gas which we can reagard as a nearly ideal gas. In several systems interacting with the hot and cold reservoirs of the temperatures ThT_\mathrm{h} and TcT_\mathrm{c}, respectively, it is known that ηmax=1Tc/Th\eta_\mathrm{max}=1-\sqrt{T_\mathrm{c}/T_\mathrm{h}} which is often called the Curzon-Ahlborn (CA) efficiency ηCA\eta_\mathrm{CA}. For the first time numerical experiments to verify the validity of ηCA\eta_\mathrm{CA} are performed by means of molecular dynamics simulations and reveal that our ηmax\eta_\mathrm{max} does not always agree with ηCA\eta_\mathrm{CA}, but approaches ηCA\eta_\mathrm{CA} in the limit of TcThT_\mathrm{c} \to T_\mathrm{h}. Our molecular kinetic analysis explains the above facts theoretically by using only elementary arithmetic.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Energetics of Forced Thermal Ratchet

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    Molecular motors are known to have the high efficiency of energy transformation in the presence of thermal fluctuation. Motivated by the surprising fact, recent studies of thermal ratchet models are showing how and when work should be extracted from non-equilibrium fluctuations. One of the important finding was brought by Magnasco where he studied the temperature dependence on the fluctuation-induced current in a ratchet (multistable) system and showed that the current can generically be maximized in a finite temperature. The interesting finding has been interpreted that thermal fluctuation is not harmful for the fluctuation-induced work and even facilitates its efficiency. We show, however, this interpretation turns out to be incorrect as soon as we go into the realm of the energetics [Sekimoto,J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.66,1234-1237(1997)]: the efficiency of energy transformation is not maximized at finite temperature, even in the same system that Magnasco considered. The maximum efficiency is realized in the absence of thermal fluctuation. The result presents an open problem whether thermal fluctuation could facilitate the efficiency of energetic transformation from force-fluctuation into work.Comment: 3pages, 4sets of figure

    Dissociation and ionization of small molecules steered by external noise

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    We show that ionization and dissociation can be influenced separately in a molecule with appropriate external noise. Specifically we investigate the hydrogen molecular ion under a stochastic force quantum mechanically beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. We find that up to 30% of dissociation without ionization can be achieved by suitably tuning the forcing parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Inattainability of Carnot efficiency in the Brownian heat engine

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    We discuss the reversibility of Brownian heat engine. We perform asymptotic analysis of Kramers equation on B\"uttiker-Landauer system and show quantitatively that Carnot efficiency is inattainable even in a fully overdamping limit. The inattainability is attributed to the inevitable irreversible heat flow over the temperature boundary.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.