136 research outputs found

    Implementation of the compulsory universal testing scheme in Hong Kong: Mathematical simulations of a household-based pooling approach

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    This study aims to propose a pooling approach to simulate the compulsory universal RT-PCR test in Hong Kong and explore the feasibility of implementing the pooling method on a household basis. The mathematical model is initially verified, and then the simulation is performed under different prevalence rates and pooled sizes. The simulated population is based in Hong Kong. The simulation included 10,000,000 swab samples, with a representative distribution of populations in Hong Kong. The samples were grouped into a batch size of 20. If the entire batch is positive, then the group is further divided into an identical group size of 10 for re-testing. Different combinations of mini-group sizes were also investigated. The proposed pooling method was extended to a household basis. A representative from each household is required to perform the RT-PCR test. Results of the simulation replications, indicate a significant reduction (p < 0.001) of 83.62, 64.18, and 48.46% in the testing volume for prevalence rate 1, 3, and 5%, respectively. Combined with the household-based pooling approach, the total number of RT-PCR is 437,304, 956,133, and 1,375,795 for prevalence rates 1, 3, and 5%, respectively. The household-based pooling strategy showed efficiency when the prevalence rates in the population were low. This pooling strategy can rapidly screen people in high-risk groups for COVID-19 infections and quarantine those who test positive, even when time and resources for testing are limited

    Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Sensing Mechanism Is Activated in Entamoeba histolytica upon Treatment with Nitric Oxide

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    The Endoplasmic Reticulum stores calcium and is a site of protein synthesis and modification. Changes in ER homeostasis lead to stress responses with an activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). The Entamoeba histolytica endomembrane system is simple compared to those of higher eukaryotes, as a canonical ER is not observed. During amoebiasis, an infection of the human intestine and liver by E. histolytica, nitric oxide (NO) triggers an apoptotic-like event preceded by an impairment of energy production and a loss of important parasite pathogenic features. We address the question of how this ancient eukaryote responds to stress induced by immune components (i.e. NO) and whether stress leads to ER changes and subsequently to an UPR. Gene expression analysis suggested that NO triggers stress responses marked by (i) dramatic up-regulation of hsp genes although a bona fide UPR is absent; (ii) induction of DNA repair and redox gene expression and iii) up-regulation of glycolysis-related gene expression. Enzymology approaches demonstrate that NO directly inhibits glycolysis and enhance cysteine synthase activity. Using live imaging and confocal microscopy we found that NO dramatically provokes extensive ER fragmentation. ER fission in E. histolytica appears as a protective response against stress, as it has been recently proposed for neuron self-defense during neurologic disorders. Chronic ER stress is also involved in metabolic diseases including diabetes, where NO production reduces ER calcium levels and activates cell death. Our data highlighted unique cellular responses of interest to understand the mechanisms of parasite death during amoebiasis

    Analysis of splice variants of the human protein disulfide isomerase (P4HB) gene

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    Background: Protein Disulfide Isomerases are thiol oxidoreductase chaperones from thioredoxin superfamily with crucial roles in endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis, implicated in many diseases. The family prototype PDIA1 is also involved in vascular redox cell signaling. PDIA1 is coded by the P4HB gene. While forced changes in P4HB gene expression promote physiological effects, little is known about endogenous P4HB gene regulation and, in particular, gene modulation by alternative splicing. This study addressed the P4HB splice variant landscape. Results: Ten protein coding sequences (Ensembl) of the P4HB gene originating from alternative splicing were characterized. Structural features suggest that except for P4HB-021, other splice variants are unlikely to exert thiol isomerase activity at the endoplasmic reticulum. Extensive analyses using FANTOM5, ENCODE Consortium and GTEx project databases as RNA-seq data sources were performed. These indicated widespread expression but significant variability in the degree of isoform expression among distinct tissues and even among distinct locations of the same cell, e.g., vascular smooth muscle cells from different origins. P4HB-02, P4HB-027 and P4HB-021 were relatively more expressed across each database, the latter particularly in vascular smooth muscle. Expression of such variants was validated by qRT-PCR in some cell types. The most consistently expressed splice variant was P4HB-021 in human mammary artery vascular smooth muscle which, together with canonical P4HB gene, had its expression enhanced by serum starvation. Conclusions: Our study details the splice variant landscape of the P4HB gene, indicating their potential role to diversify the functional reach of this crucial gene. P4HB-021 splice variant deserves further investigation in vascular smooth muscle cells

    Quantification of stochastic noise of splicing and polyadenylation in Entamoeba histolytica

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    Alternative splicing and polyadenylation were observed pervasively in eukaryotic messenger RNAs. These alternative isoforms could either be consequences of physiological regulation or stochastic noise of RNA processing. To quantify the extent of stochastic noise in splicing and polyadenylation, we analyzed the alternative usage of splicing and polyadenylation sites in Entamoeba histolytica using RNA-Seq. First, we identified a large number of rarely spliced alternative junctions and then showed that the occurrence of these alternative splicing events is correlated with splicing site sequence, occurrence of constitutive splicing events and messenger RNA abundance. Our results implied the majority of these alternative splicing events are likely to be stochastic error of splicing machineries, and we estimated the corresponding error rates. Second, we observed extensive microheterogeneity of polyadenylation cleavage sites, and the extent of such microheterogeneity is correlated with the occurrence of constitutive cleavage events, suggesting most of such microheterogeneity is likely to be stochastic. Overall, we only observed a small fraction of alternative splicing and polyadenylation isoforms that are unlikely to be solely stochastic, implying the functional relevance of alternative splicing and polyadenylation in E. histolytica is limited. Lastly, we revised the gene models and annotated their 3′UTR in AmoebaDB, providing valuable resources to the community

    RNA Sequencing Reveals Widespread Transcription of Natural Antisense RNAs in Entamoeba Species.

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    Entamoeba is a genus of Amoebozoa that includes the intestine-colonizing pathogenic species Entamoeba histolytica. To understand the basis of gene regulation in E. histolytica from an evolutionary perspective, we have profiled the transcriptomes of its closely related species E. dispar, E. moshkovskii and E. invadens. Genome-wide identification of transcription start sites (TSS) and polyadenylation sites (PAS) revealed the similarities and differences of their gene regulatory sequences. In particular, we found the widespread initiation of antisense transcription from within the gene coding sequences is a common feature among all Entamoeba species. Interestingly, we observed the enrichment of antisense transcription in genes involved in several processes that are common to species infecting the human intestine, e.g., the metabolism of phospholipids. These results suggest a potentially conserved and compact gene regulatory system in Entamoeba

    SARS-CoV Antibody Prevalence in All Hong Kong Patient Contacts

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    A total of 1,068 asymptomatic close contacts of patients with severe acute respiratory (SARS) from the 2003 epidemic in Hong Kong were serologically tested, and 2 (0.19%) were positive for SARS coronavirus immunoglobulin G antibody. SARS rarely manifests as a subclinical infection, and at present, wild animal species are the only important natural reservoirs of the virus

    Proteomic Analysis of the Cyst Stage of Entamoeba histolytica

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    We used tandem mass spectrometry to identify E. histolytica cyst proteins in 5 cyst positive stool samples. We report the identification of 417 non-redundant E. histolytica proteins including 195 proteins that were not identified in existing trophozoite derived proteome or EST datasets, consistent with cyst specificity. Because the cysts were derived directly from patient samples with incomplete purification, a limited number of proteins were identified (N = 417) that probably represent only a partial proteome. Nevertheless, the study succeeded in identifying proteins that are likely to be abundant in the cyst stage of the parasite. Several of these proteins may play roles in E. histolytica stage conversion or cyst function. Proteins identified in this study may be useful markers for diagnostic detection of E. histolytica cysts. Overall, the data generated in this study promises to aid the understanding of the cyst stage of the parasite which is vital for disease transmission and pathogenesis in E. histolytica