41 research outputs found

    Human Resources Department Feedback for the Objective of Increasing the Department´s Importance and Effectiveness

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá rozborem činností personálního oddělení za účelem zvýšení jeho významu a efektivity. Teoretická část přibližuje problematiku dle odborníků z praxe citované literatury. Praktická část je zaměřena na výzkum činností personalistů a personálních procesů. Na základě provedených analýz jsou v závěru práce navržena doporučení pro podnik.The Diploma thesis deals with the analysis of Human Resources Department processes with a view to increasing its importance and effectiveness. In the theoretical part the point at issue is outlined as seen both from the point of view of experts from real business and quoted literature. The practical part focuses on the study of personnel managers´ activities and HR department processes. In the final analysis based on the research having been carried out some recommendations are suggested for the company.

    The role of protein kinase C and its targets in cardioprotection

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    The mortality of cardiovascular diseases remains high and it likely tends to increase in the future. Although many ways how to increase the resistance against myocardial ischemia- reperfusion damage have been described, few of them were transferred into clinical practice. Cardioprotective effect of chronic hypoxia has been described during 60s of the last century. Its detailed mechanism has not been elucidated, but a number of components has been identified. One of these components presents protein kinase C (PKC). The role of PKC was described in detail in the mechanism of ischemic preconditioning, but its involvement in the mechanism of cardioprotection induced by chronic hypoxia remains unclear. One reason is the amount of PKC isoforms, which have often contradictory effects, and the diversity of hypoxic models used. The most frequently mentioned isoforms in connection with cardioprotection are PKCδ and PKCε. The aim of my thesis was to analyze changes in these PKC isoforms at two different cardioprotective models of hypoxia - intermittent hypobaric (IHH) and continuous normobaric hypoxia (CNH). We also examined the target proteins of PKCδ and PKCε after the adaptation to IHH, which could be involved in the mechanism of cardioprotection. These included proteins associated with apoptosis and...Mortalita kardiovaskulárních onemocnění je stále vysoká a pravděpodobně bude mít v budoucnu tendenci se spíše zvyšovat. Přestože byla popsána řada způsobů, jak odolnost myokardu vůči ischemicko-reperfúznímu poškození zvýšit, minimum z nich bylo přeneseno do klinické praxe. Kardioprotektivní působení chronické hypoxie bylo popsáno již v 60. letech minulého století. Jeho detailní mechanismus nebyl doposud objasněn, ale byla identifikována řada komponent, které se zde uplatňují. Jednou z nich je proteinkinasa C (PKC). Úloha PKC byla podrobně popsána v mechanismu ischemického preconditioningu, její zapojení v mechanismu kardioprotekce vyvolané hypoxií však zůstává nejasné. Jedním z důvodů je množství isoforem PKC, které mají mnohdy protichůdné účinky, a také různorodost používaných hypoxických modelů. V souvislosti s kardioprotekcí jsou nejčastěji zmiňovány isoformy PKCδ a PKCε. Cílem mé práce bylo analyzovat změny těchto isoforem PKC na dvou různých kardioprotektivních modelech hypoxie - intermitentní hypobarické (IHH) a kontinuální normobarické hypoxii (CNH). Zároveň jsme po adaptaci na IHH sledovali cílové proteiny PKCδ a PKCε, které by mohly být do mechanismu kardioprotekce zapojeny. Jednalo se o proteiny spojené s apoptosou a autofagií, s dynamikou mitochondrií, odstraňováním toxických aldehydů,...Department of Cell BiologyKatedra buněčné biologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Dialogue in teaching

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    This thesis entitled 'Dialogue in teaching' delves into the topic of dialogic teaching at the primary school. The main objective is to assess the implementation of aspects of the philosophy for children method as a dialogical method in school practice. The author places emphasis on the specific role of the teacher in this process. In the theoretical part, the author expounds the structure of teaching communication, defines dialogue and dialogical teaching, and discusses various didactic approaches and methods that incorporate dialogue in teaching, especially the philosophy for children method. The practical part aims to determine the extent to which primary school teachers have been successful in fulfilling the principles of dialogic teaching and to identify the obstacles the achievement of these principles. A checklist is created for this purpose. Furthermore, the aim is to find out what is the role of the teacher in dialogic teaching. The research is a multiple case study and combines the method of direct observation and interviews with teachers. The findings reveal that teachers successfully manage to ask open-ended questions of higher cognitive demand during teaching, use questions to support students in longer speeches, and succeed in developing students' critical and creative thinking....Tato diplomová práce s názvem "Dialog ve výuce" se zabývá dialogickým vyučováním na prvním stupni základní školy. Cílem práce je zmapovat implementaci aspektů metody filozofie pro děti jako dialogické metody do školní praxe a popsat specifika role učitele v tomto procesu. V teoretické části je popsána struktura výukové komunikace, definován dialog a dialogické vyučování a popsány didaktické přístupy a metody využívající dialog ve výuce. Cílem praktické části je zjistit, do jaké míry se učitelům základních škol daří naplňovat zásady dialogického vyučování a identifikovat překážky, které dosažení těchto zásad brání. Pro tyto účely je vytvořen záznamový arch. Dále je cílem zjistit, jaká je role učitele v dialogickém vyučování. Výzkum je vícenásobnou případovou studií a kombinuje metodu přímého pozorování a rozhovorů s učiteli. Zjištění ukazují, že učitelé úspěšně zvládají klást během výuky otevřené otázky vyšší kognitivní náročností, pomocí otázek podporují žáky v delších projevech a vede se jim rozvíjet kritické a tvůrčí myšlení žáků. Avšak méně se jim daří rozvíjet u žáků kooperativní či angažované myšlení a předávat žákům kontrolu nad procesem. Učitelé vnímají svoji roli při dialogickém vyučování jako roli facilitátora, který pouze monitoruje diskusi, ale nezasahuje do jejího obsahu. Tuto roli...Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    XIV. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury

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    Title in English: The XIVth Student Academic Conference of the Department of Czech Language and Literature: 17th March 2022 Proceeding of the conference held on 17th March 2022. The publication contains studies by Zuzana Procházková (“Comparation of Word Formation in the Older and Younger Generation in Selected Villages of the East Moravian Dialect”), Ivana Večeřová (“Specifics of Contemporary Private Electronic Communication”), Radim Ošmera (“Lecturers' Approach to Czech Realities in Teaching Students with Different Mother Tongues”), Tereza Holzerová (“Non-violent Communication in a Czech Language Lesson”), Miroslav Jindra (“Selected Aspects of a Literary Work and their Reception by a Child Reader: Results of Children's Reading Research in the Form of Group Discussion”), Magdaléna Lípová (“Psychosocial Tasks in Early Adolescence in Selected Prose for Children and Youth”), Klára Březinová (“A Theme of Virgin Mary in Selected Works by Jakub Deml”), Tereza Pořízková (“Identity and its Forms in the Book Doupě”), Ondřej Zabloudil Pechník (“The Image of the Rainforest in Czech Prose after 2000”) and Tereza Švandová (“French Avant-garde Artistic Movements Originated from Lettrism”)

    Dialogue in teaching

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    This thesis entitled 'Dialogue in teaching' delves into the topic of dialogic teaching at the primary school. The main objective is to assess the implementation of aspects of the philosophy for children method as a dialogical method in school practice. The author places emphasis on the specific role of the teacher in this process. In the theoretical part, the author expounds the structure of teaching communication, defines dialogue and dialogical teaching, and discusses various didactic approaches and methods that incorporate dialogue in teaching, especially the philosophy for children method. The practical part aims to determine the extent to which primary school teachers have been successful in fulfilling the principles of dialogic teaching and to identify the obstacles the achievement of these principles. A checklist is created for this purpose. Furthermore, the aim is to find out what is the role of the teacher in dialogic teaching. The research is a multiple case study and combines the method of direct observation and interviews with teachers. The findings reveal that teachers successfully manage to ask open-ended questions of higher cognitive demand during teaching, use questions to support students in longer speeches, and succeed in developing students' critical and creative thinking...

    Molecular mechanism of reactive oxygen species production by flavin dehydrogenases of mitochondrial respiratory chain.

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate molecular mechanism of reactive oxygen species production by flavin dehydrogenases mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (mGPDH) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). Together, they represent important source of reactive oxygen species in mammalian mitochondria, but the mechanism of electron leak is still poorly understood. Because mechanisms of reactive oxygen species production by other complexes of respiratory chain are better characterized, they can serve as case studies to get insight into mechanisms of reactive oxygen species by flavin dehydrogenases. Relevant knowledge is therefore summarized in the first part of the thesis. To study the production of reactive oxygen species by the isolated flavin dehydrogenases, we used brown adipose tissue mitochondria solubilized by digitonin as a model. Enzyme activity measurements, hydrogen peroxide production studies by Amplex UltraRed fluorescence and luminol luminescence revealed flavin as the most likely source of electron leak in SDH under in vivo conditions, while we propose coenzyme Q binding site as the site of reactive oxygen species production in the case of mGPDH. Distinct mechanism of this production by the two dehydrogenases is also apparent from induction of reactive oxygen species..

    Ohrožení potravinové bezpečnosti vybraných zemí Afriky a Blízkého východu vlivem válečného konfliktu na Ukrajině

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    The aim of the thesis was to determine the impact of the war conflict in Ukraine on the export of wheat and maize from Ukraine to selected countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Lebanon and Libya were chosen to handle the impact of the said conflict due to their heavy dependence on Ukrainian wheat and maize imports. The literature review focuses on the stability of food access, specifically the impact of war conflicts on food security, including the historical context. The results of the paper include Ukraine's position within world agricultural markets. Total agricultural production and exports of wheat, maize and other crops from Ukraine to selected countries for the period 2010-2020 were investigated. The evolution of wheat and maize exports since the beginning of the war in Ukraine was also tracked. The selected countries were then surveyed on the reasons for their own insufficient agricultural production and why they are so dependent on grain imports. Based on the collected data and food security indicators, the impacts of the war in Ukraine were investigated. For selected countries, the consumption of wheat and maize for both human consumption and feed purposes was surveyed.With the closure of Black Sea ports since the start of the war and the significant reduction in grain exports from Ukraine, both Lebanon and Libya have faced sharp price increases and reduced imports of grain and oilseeds from Ukraine. For both Lebanon and Libya, wheat is a staple agricultural crop that provides a regular source of food. Maize is also a widely imported commodity that is used as livestock feed rather than for human consumption. Lebanon is more vulnerable to reduced wheat imports, while Libya is vulnerable to reduced maize imports.Both countries are highly dependent on cereal imports, and in addition, the countries face a number of challenges that already threaten their food security. The thesis also compares which of the selected countries has been more impacted by the war and why

    Molecular mechanism of reactive oxygen species production by flavin dehydrogenases of mitochondrial respiratory chain.

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate molecular mechanism of reactive oxygen species production by flavin dehydrogenases mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (mGPDH) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). Together, they represent important source of reactive oxygen species in mammalian mitochondria, but the mechanism of electron leak is still poorly understood. Because mechanisms of reactive oxygen species production by other complexes of respiratory chain are better characterized, they can serve as case studies to get insight into mechanisms of reactive oxygen species by flavin dehydrogenases. Relevant knowledge is therefore summarized in the first part of the thesis. To study the production of reactive oxygen species by the isolated flavin dehydrogenases, we used brown adipose tissue mitochondria solubilized by digitonin as a model. Enzyme activity measurements, hydrogen peroxide production studies by Amplex UltraRed fluorescence and luminol luminescence revealed flavin as the most likely source of electron leak in SDH under in vivo conditions, while we propose coenzyme Q binding site as the site of reactive oxygen species production in the case of mGPDH. Distinct mechanism of this production by the two dehydrogenases is also apparent from induction of reactive oxygen species..

    Mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species and its role in physiological regulations

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    The production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and the resulting oxidative stress is an important phenomenon driving long-lasting research and intense discussions. Knowledge of exact mechanisms of reactive oxygen species production and pathways leading to their formation could help us to directly affect their production, a task with potential terapeutic implications. The molecular nature of the production of reactive oxygen species by some enzymes has already been well documented, but others still remain controversial and current theories are obviously far from the truth. Much more interesting is the question of physiological importace of this production. The reactive oxygen species were considered harmful factors clearly distorting the integrity of the organism for a long time. However, recent research suggest that their existence can also be beneficial and effective. Evidently they can serve as a signaling molecules in several metabolic and regulatory pathways occurring in the organism. This bachelor thesis offers insight into the current state of knowledge. It focuses on the most detailed description of the reactive oxygen species production by mitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes. Furthermore, it deals with some signaling cascades, where involvement of mitochondrially generated..