16 research outputs found

    Security aspects prosecution organization and her impact on economy

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    Import 26/02/2015Bezpečnost je součástí procesu řízení organizace, který dostává stále více multidisciplinární a interdisciplinární charakter v důsledku čeho je proces řízení organizace vnímán jako řešení komplexního problému. Integrovaný přístup k procesu řízení představuje komplexní a průřezový pohled na problematiku řízení v organizaci, jehož neodmyslitelnou součástí je i bezpečnost. Cílem práce bylo vytvořit integrovaný model, který bude efektivně řešit bezpečnost v organizaci určením algoritmu kroků budování integrované bezpečnosti a prostřednictvím nástroje na minimalizaci duplicitních činností v činnostech bezpečnosti. Právní pojetí bezpečnosti organizace s důrazem na bezpečnost v českém právním řádu poukazuje na to, že četnost a různorodost zákonů, vyhlášek a norem způsobuje, že unikají vazby a souvislosti mezi jednotlivými oblastmi bezpečnosti. Historický pohled na vývoj bezpečnosti v organizaci vede k závěru, že řešení bezpečnosti je individuální, což znamená, že bezpečnost není možné přenést z jiné byť velmi podobné organizace na organizaci jinou, protože neexistují dvě navzájem zcela identické organizace, které by byly v navzájem zcela identickém bezpečnostním prostředí. Integrovaný přístup k procesu řízení jako komplexní a průřezový pohled na problematiku řízení v organizaci je cestou a způsobem řešení problematiky bezpečnosti a její hospodárnosti. Nástroj na minimalizaci duplicitních činností v činnostech bezpečnosti potvrdil, že činnosti v oblasti bezpečnosti jsou zatíženy duplicitami, které jsou zjistitelné a odstranitelné. Efektivitu integrovaného systému řízení bezpečnosti je nutné hledat v interním uspořádání informačních toků a vazeb, v procesu odstraňování duplicit a skrytých nákladů. Integrovanou bezpečnost je možné budovat na zásadách a principech standardizovaných manažerských systémů řízení a je možné ji včlenit do zavedených manažerských systémů řízení, což dokladuje vytvořený všeobecný algoritmus posloupnosti kroků zavádění integrovaného systému řízení bezpečnosti.Safeness belong of the process drive organization that the is given more and more multidisciplinary and inter - disciplinary character in consequence what is suit drive organization sensation like solving complex problem. Integrated access to of the process drive presents complex and sectional view of problems drive in organization, whose that cannon be thought apart from part of is also safeness. Aim work be formed integrated mock - up, that shall effective solution safeness in organization determination algorithm steps construction integrated safeness and through instrument for minimisation duplicate activity in operation safeness. Law conception safeness organization with emphasis on safeness in Czech legal order point at it, that the percent occurrence and difference laws, public notice and norms makes, that the run out bindings and connection between single regions safeness. Historical view of development safeness in organization imply, that the solving safeness is particular, which means, that the safeness it is not possible transfer from other look - alike organization on organization other, because don't exist two mutually quite identical organization, that would be in mutually quite identical security environment. Integrated access to of the process drive like complex and sectional view of problems drive in organization is on the way and in a way solving problems safeness and her economy. Instrument for minimisation duplicate activity in operation safeness confirmed, that the activities in the area safeness are heavy - laden duplicity, that are ascertainable and removable. Effectiveness integrated management system safeness is necessary search in internal make - up flow of information and structures, in culling duplicities and hidden loads. Integrated safeness it is possible build on basics and principles standardized managerial management system and it is possible she integrate into established managerial management system, which document created universal algorithm series of steps loading integrated safeness.Prezenční040 - Katedra bezpečnosti práce a procesůvyhově

    Carbonyl Reduction of Flubendazole in the Human Liver: Strict Stereospecificity, Sex Difference, Low Risk of Drug Interactions

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    Flubendazole (FLU), an anthelmintic drug of benzimidazole type, is now considered a promising anti-cancer agent due to its tubulin binding ability and low system toxicity. The present study was aimed at determining more information about FLU reduction in human liver, because this information has been insufficient until now. Subcellular fractions from the liver of 12 human patients (6 male and 6 female patients) were used to study the stereospecificity, cellular localization, coenzyme preference, enzyme kinetics, and possible inter-individual or sex differences in FLU reduction. In addition, the risk of FLU interaction with other drugs was evaluated. Our study showed that FLU is predominantly reduced in cytosol, and the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) coenzyme is preferred. The strict stereospecificity of FLU carbonyl reduction was proven, and carbonyl reductase 1 was identified as the main enzyme of FLU reduction in the human liver. A higher reduction of FLU and a higher level of carbonyl reductase 1 protein were found in male patients than in female patients, but overall inter-individual variability was relatively low. Hepatic intrinsic clearance of FLU is very low, and FLU had no effect on doxorubicin carbonyl reduction in the liver and in cancer cells. All these results fill the gaps in the knowledge of FLU metabolism in human

    The financial analysis of a company Kovodružsvo, výrobní družstvo Strážov

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    Předložená bakalářská práce se zabývá finanční analýzou vybraného podniku. Tato práce se skládá ze dvou základních částí, teoretické a praktické. První část se věnuje definici, významu a cíli finanční analýzy, zaměřuje se na její zdroje informací, konkrétně na finanční výkazy, a také na její uživatele. Dále jsou zde analyzovány absolutní, rozdílový a poměrový ukazatele. Závěr této části je tvořen pyramidovým rozkladem a jedním vybraným bonitním a bankrotním modelem. V praktické části je nejprve představen vybraný podnik Kovodružstvo, v. d. Strážov a poté jsou na něm aplikovány výše zmíněné principy finanční analýzy za období 2009 2013. V poslední kapitole je provedeno zhodnocení ekonomické situace podniku a jsou zde navrhnuta opatření pro zlepšení současného stavu jeho ekonomiky.ObhájenoThe presented bachelor thesis describes financial analysis of specified company. The thesis is divided into two basic parts, theoretical and practical. The first part describes definition, meaning and goal of financial analysis, targets its information resources, on financial reports specifically and its users. Further are analyzed absolute, differential and ratio indexes. The end of this part consists pyramid decomposition and one selected creditworthy and bankruptcy model. In the theoretical part is first introduced the selected company Kovodružstvo, v. d. Strážov and later on are applied principles of financial analysis for the period 2009 - 2013 mentioned above. In the last chapter is an assessment of the economic situation of the company and suggestions for improving the current state its economy


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    Safety is an integral part of the management process of an organisation. The effectiveness of safety is related to the safety management system of the organisation, and the organisation's management system as a whole. Both systems are connected to the general principles of management. These general management principles were used to establish an integrated approach to the process of safety management through the integration of Integrated Management Systems (IMS), which work on the principles and rules of standardised management control systems, and which are possible to add to the already established management control systems, with the goal of the elimination of duplication in safety management, including reducing the cost of safety management itself. One benefit for the field of science is the creation of new universal algorithm steps for building integrated safety, which is applicable for managing any area of safety under any organisation's conditions, regardless of the size and subject of activity of the given organisation. A benefit in practice is that it brings closer the general objective or aim, which is the effective approach to the integration process of the organisation management system.Web of Science14111810

    Security and the whistleblowing management system (WMS)

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    To ensure their security, organizations reach for more and more new solutions. They implement new co-management models based on the ideology of governance and Compliance Management System. One of the most important elements of the latter is the Whistleblowing Management System (hereinafter WMS), which can serve as an effective preventive barrier for an organization and a tool for collecting information from whistleblowers, verifying received information about violations of law and issuing recommendations on actions to be taken. Legal regulations being introduced in this area, both international and national, will not only allow greater access to whistleblowing channels for the majority of society but will also contribute to build a positive image of the whistleblower and increasing public awareness in this regard. Organizations are often exposed to activities that threaten their security in all dimensions. Starting with financial losses, through the most severe – image losses, or safety of the production line, safety of employees, physical and technical security of facilities. Therefore, it is important to conduct research that will indicate the possibilities of maximizing the use of whistleblowers to ensure the security of organizations and to propose improvements in this process, which should noticeably contribute to increasing the level of security, which in these times is a priority issue

    Safety study on Threat by Active Shooter to School Facilities

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    The reality of the danger of active shooters performing a terror attack at school facilities during the working hours, inspires to thought about possible guidelines under which an unarmed person could stop an armed aggressor in the moment he breaks into school and launches an attack. Quality physical security measures can prevent infiltration of a trespasser into a building or make it at least difficult, however it is necessary to always take into consideration that the physical security measures will be surpassed and the attacker infiltrates the building. Surviving an active shooter event is possible when following the “run-hide-fight & survive” guidelines

    A revision of the genusOlpitrichum Atk

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