23 research outputs found

    Psychological impact of online learning during covid-19 pandemic on students' mental health as life quality basis

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    The article describes current problems of students' life quality connected with online learning caused by Covid-19 pandemic and related quarantine. Since online learning can be considered stressful, and that pandemics and quarantine restrictions increase its impact on students' emotional and mental health as a basis for their quality of life, it is significant to discover their impact. The purpose of the research is to examine changing in students’ mental health during two periods of online learning. 258 students of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine) became the sample group. Quantitative and qualitative methods have been used to achieve the purpose. The results have revealed that a rate of stress and an anxiety level among students have grown drastically comparing the first and the second online learning periods. The major conclusion is that experiencing stress, caused by online learning in terms of the pandemic and quarantine, a persons’ psychological well-being is badly influenced and can lead to depression. Practical recommendations to reduce stress and psychological problems have been proposed

    El. mokymasis aukštosiose mokyklose pandemijos metu ir po jos

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    The article deals with new challengers in higher education system in terms of reality caused by coronavirus COVID-19. Some positive experience in English distance teaching and learning (at the basis of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine) is described as it is significant in pandemic and may become useful for post pandemic society to improve educational processes. The purpose of the paper is to share positive ideas for English e-learning organization at the tertiary level in pandemic in order to use e-learning gains in further educational practice, highlight and solve its problems. General theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis) as well as empirical (observation and discussion) helped to find out advantages and identify disadvantages of the issue under study. The study has reached the following conclusions: asynchronous distance learning is effective for highly motivated students; synchronous forms demonstrate ability for developing all kinds of language skills. Advantages of distance teaching and learning there are: opportunity to display necessary didactic material on screen, to play audio recording or video materials for students in better quality. We have identified these problems: necessity of strong students’ motivation, connected with self-organization and the ability to work independently; sometimes insufficient technical skills of academic staff; academic dishonesty, which leads to meaninglessness of testing.Straipsnyje aptariami koronaviruso COVID-19 realybės sukelti iššūkiai aukštojo mokslo sistemai. Pristatoma teigiama nuotolinio anglų kalbos mokymo ir mokymosi patirtis (Ukrainos Jaroslav Mudryi nacionaliniame teisės universitete) pasirodė reikšminga pandemijos metu ir gali būti naudinga visuomenei tobulinant ugdymo procesus ir po pandemijos. Straipsnio tikslas – pasidalyti teigiama patirtimi, kaip pandemijos metu aukštajame moksle organizuoti anglų kalbos mokymąsi elektroniniu būdu, siekiant ir vėliau panaudoti el. mokymosi pasiekimus švietimo praktikoje, išryškinti ir spręsti jos problemas. Išsiaiškinti nagrinėjamo klausimo pranašumus ir trūkumus padėjo bendrieji teoriniai (analizės ir sintezės) ir empiriniai (stebėjimo ir aptarimo) metodai. Tyrimo metu padarytos šios išvados: asinchroninis nuotolinis mokymasis efektyvus labai motyvuotiems studentams; sinchroninės mokymo formos padeda lavinti visų rūšių kalbinius įgūdžius. Nuotolinio mokymo ir mokymosi pranašumai – galimybė rodyti reikiamą didaktinę medžiagą ekrane, teikti studentams geresnės kokybės garso ar vaizdo medžiagą. Su tokiu mokymu siejamos problemos – būtina stipri studentų motyvacija, ši susijusi su studentų saviorganizacija ir gebėjimu dirbti savarankiškai; kartais nepakankami techniniai akademinio personalo įgūdžiai; akademinis nesąžiningumas, dėl kurio testavimas tampa beprasmis

    A role-playing game as a means of effective professional english teaching

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    The article describes the experiment which substantiates the efficiency of role-playing games applying in legal English classes. The experiment was conducted in Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine) and H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) in 2018–2019 academic years. 240 first-year students of the Institute of Prosecutor’s and Criminal Justice and Law Faculty of the mentioned Universities participated in the investigation. The indicators for the evaluation the students’ English fluency level were four groups of skills such as speaking, listening, vocabulary, and use of English. Research methods used in the paper are theoretical (conceptual and comparative analysis and synthesis), empirical (observation, discussions, testing, pedagogical experiment), statistical (Pearson c2 criterion). The algorithm of role-playing games was offered and peculiarities of role-playing games as key elements of communication exercises, games, and activities in teaching legal English were singled out. The effectiveness of teaching legal English with role-playing games has been confirmed by the method of mathematical statistics. It has been determined that a significant difference appeared between the experimental and control groups in favour of the first one, where the authors’ algorithm of applying role-playing games was used systematically at English lessons to teach legal English

    Soft Skills Development with University Students

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    The influence of game-based teaching at English classes with university students for soft skills development has been shown. The purpose of the article is to test experimentally the effectiveness of game-based teaching at English classes with university students for the soft skills development. The theoretical (analysis and synthesis), empirical (questioning, observation, discussion), experimental (pedagogical experiment) methods have been used. The pedagogical experiment helped to evaluate the obtained data. The article results are the following. The concept "soft skills" was established as well as the synonyms "skills for employment", "people skills", "non-professional skills", "extra-professional skills", "key skills", "skills for social progress", "skills of the 21st century". The eight soft skills that can be developed with university students through educational games at English classes were determined. They were critical thinking, creativity, team management, emotional intelligence, people interaction, conflict management, flexible consciousness and stress resistance. The features of the identified soft skills were described. The influence of game activities to different soft skills was revealed. Different game activities to develop soft skills were shown at English lessons. The effectiveness of game-based teaching to soft skills development was analyzed. The conclusion is the effectiveness of soft skills development based on game-based teaching in English was proved.Показано вплив ігрового навчання на уроках англійської мови зі студентами університету на розвиток soft skills. Метою статті є експериментальна перевірка ефективності ігрового навчання на уроках англійської мови зі студентами ВНЗ для розвитку soft skills. Використано теоретичний (аналіз і синтез), емпіричний (запитання, спостереження, обговорення), експериментальний (педагогічний експеримент) методи. Оцінити отримані дані допоміг педагогічний експеримент. Результати статті такі. Встановлено поняття «м’які навички», а також синоніми «навички для працевлаштування», «навички людей», «непрофесійні навички», «позапрофесійні навички», «ключові навички», «навички соціального прогресу», «навички 21 століття». Визначено вісім м’яких навичок, які можна розвинути зі студентами вишів за допомогою навчальних ігор на уроках англійської мови. Це були критичне мислення, креативність, керування командою, емоційний інтелект, взаємодія з людьми, управління конфліктами, гнучка свідомість та стресостійкість. Описано особливості виявлених soft skills. Виявлено вплив ігрової діяльності на різні м’які навички. На уроках англійської мови демонструвалися різні ігрові види діяльності для розвитку м’яких навичок. Проаналізовано ефективність ігрового навчання розвитку soft skills. Висновок полягає в тому, що доведено ефективність розвитку soft skills на основі ігрового навчання англійською мовою

    Chat GPT for Professional English Course Development

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    Digitalization of all life spheres is the reality of modern world development. The global digitization creates a powerful information environment. Its navigation requires serious tools for structuring, systematizing and processing information. Digital processes, as the most progressive, are in constant development. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining popularity. The latest product that has created a lot of discussion is СhatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) from OpenAI, which is an artificial intelligence chatbot that demonstrates the ability of digital devices to perform the tasks inherent to intelligent beings. The paper shows some issues of using ChatGPT for making a new course of Law English, a curriculum, a syllabus at the tertiary level removing concerns related to its application and utilization. The purpose of the manuscript is to describe a real case of working out a professional English course for university students applying ChatGPT. The methods of analysis, synthesis, case study, expert assessment were used. The results are as follows: a new course for Law English training, a curriculum, a syllabus and a textbook using content created by ChatGPT were readied. The conclusion is that, nowadays, everything can be taught by a teacher partly with an AI. ChatGPT can be used for a wide variety of educational purposes, including providing information, generating necessary texts, tasks, tests, and answering many questions. Most of the mentioned ChatGPT services are important educational elements in language teaching and learning, they can be used for professional English course development

    Intercultural Competence Development at Universities

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    The aim of the paper is to identify and describe some specifics of intercultural competence development at the tertiary level in the framework of language and culture. Different views on intercultural competence development in higher education are presented as well as intercultural competence development in different countries and many scholars’ points of views. The results show certain specifics of intercultural competence development including linguistic competence, linguistic and cultural competence, as well as the components of intercultural competence development: the knowledge of foreign languages, cultural background knowledge, and basic soft skills. it is important to know a theory and have a practice for intercultural competence development and intercultural communication, since a foreign language, culture can only be acquired through activities. As for the specifics of intercultural competence development at the tertiary level in national universities, an indirect character of its development and patterning during intercultural communication are characterized.Метою статті є виявлення та опис деяких особливостей розвитку міжкультурної компетентності на третинному рівні в рамках мови та культури. Представлені різні погляди на розвиток міжкультурної компетентності у вищій школі, а також розвиток міжкультурної компетентності в різних країнах та точки зору багатьох науковців. Результати показують певні особливості розвитку міжкультурної компетентності, включаючи мовну компетенцію, лінгвістичну та культурну компетентність, а також компоненти розвитку міжкультурної компетентності: знання іноземних мов та знання культурного фону. Важливо знати теорію та мати практику для розвитку міжкультурної компетентності та міжкультурної комунікації, оскільки іноземною мовою, культурою можна опанувати лише через діяльність. Щодо специфіки розвитку міжкультурної компетентності на третинному рівні в національних університетах, то характеризується непрямий характер її розвитку та моделювання під час міжкультурної комунікації.Цель статьи - выявить и описать некоторые особенности развития межкультурных компетенций на уровне высшего образования в рамках языка и культуры. Представлены различные взгляды на развитие межкультурной компетентности в высшем образовании, а также на развитие межкультурной компетентности в разных странах и точки зрения многих ученых. Результаты показывают определенные особенности развития межкультурной компетенции, включая лингвистическую компетенцию, лингвистическую и культурную компетенцию, а также компоненты развития межкультурной компетенции: знание иностранных языков, культурные фоновые знания и базовые навыки межкультурного общения. Важно знать теорию и практиковаться для развития межкультурной компетенции и межкультурного общения, поскольку иностранным языком, культурой можно овладеть только через деятельность. Что касается специфики развития межкультурной компетентности на уровне высшего образования в национальных университетах, охарактеризован косвенный характер ее развития и образцов в процессе межкультурной коммуникации

    Рольова гра як засіб ефективного навчання англійської мови за фахом

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    The article describes the experiment which substantiates the efficiency of role-playing games applying in legal English classes. The indicators for the evaluation the students’ English fluency level were four groups of skills such as speaking, listening, vocabulary, and use of English. Research methods used in the paper are theoretical (conceptual and comparative analysis and synthesis), empirical (observation, discussions, testing, pedagogical experiment), statistical (Pearson 2 criterion). The algorithm of role-playing games was offered and peculiarities of role-playing games as key elements of communication exercises, games, and activities in teaching legal English were singled out. The effectiveness of teaching legal English with role-playing games has been confirmed by the method of mathematical statistics. It has been determined that a significant difference appeared between the experimental and control groups in favour of the first one, where the authors’ algorithm of applying role-playing games was used systematically at English lessons to teach legal English.У статті описано експеримент, який доводить ефективність рольових ігор, що застосовуються на заняттях з англійської мови за юридичним фахом. Показниками для оцінювання рівня володіння англійською мовою студентами були чотири групи навичок, а саме навички з усного мовлення, аудіювання, лексичні та граматичні навички. Методи дослідження, які використовуються у роботі, – це теоретичний (концептуальний та порівняльний аналіз та синтез), емпіричний (спостереження, дискусії, тестування, педагогічний експеримент), статистичний (критерій Пірсона 2) методи. Запропоновано алгоритм впровадження рольових ігор та виокремлено особливості рольових ігор як ключових елементів комунікаційних вправ, ігор та завдань на заняттях з англійської мови за юридичним фахом. Ефективність впровадження рольових ігор з англійської мови за юридичним фахом підтверджена методом математичної статистики. Визначено, що істотна різниця між експериментальною та контрольною групами є на користь експериментальної, де алгоритм застосування рольових ігор систематично використовувався на заняттях з англійської мови за юридичним фахом.В статье описан эксперимент, доказывающий эффективность использования ролевых игр на занятиях английского языка по юридической специальности. Показателями оценки уровня владения студентами иностранным языком были четыре группы навыков: навыки устной речи, аудирования, лексические и грамматические навыки. Методы исследования, использовавшиеся в работе – теоретические (концептуальный и сравнительный анализ и синтез), статистический (Критерий Пирсона 2). Предложен алгоритм введения ролевых игр, выделены их особенности в качестве ключевых элементов коммуникативных упражнений, игр и заданий по английскому языку юридической специальности. Эффективность введения ролевых игр в курс обучения юридическому английскому подтверждена методом математической статистики. Определено, что существенное различие между экспериментальной и контрольной группами прослеживается в пользу экспериментальной, где алгоритм использования ролевых игр систематично использовался на занятиях юридического английского

    The Psycholinguistic Standpoints in English Speech Activity

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    The correlation between English speech activity and psycholinguistic standpoints of foreign language learning has been shown as well as the empirical analysis of their connection has been conducted. The purpose of the article is to identify the correlation between English speech activity and psycholinguistic standpoints. The theoretical, empirical, statistical methods have been used to reach the purpose. To check the effectiveness of applying psycholinguistic principles to English speech activity the empirical (diagnostic) methods such as testing (oral and written), observation, and discussion were used. The pedagogical experiment with the students of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University and Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University was also conducted. The pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of developing English speech activity based on the psycholinguistic standpoints. The statistical methods helped to evaluate the results of the pedagogical experiment. Apprehending the correlation between psycholinguistic standpoints and English speech activity (Speaking, Reading, Listening, and Writing) training is really topical since it helps to define the most effective methods of the foreign language teaching and learning. The psycholinguistic components (motivational and cognitive, analytical and technological, reflexive, emotional and evaluation ones) have been described from the standpoint of psycholinguistics. All types of English speech activity have been researched as for their correlation with psycholinguistic components

    General Scientific Basics of Pedagogical History Researches

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    The manuscript presents general scientific basics of researches on history of pedagogy. They are connected with methodology and historiography. As studying history of any science is always significant because it helps to clarify the state of the problem under research as well as contributes to improving the scientific level of the author's investigation it is very important to make this investigation in a proper methodological way in order to avoid errors in the work of the researcher. Thus, the paper is topical. The purpose of the article is to determine the methodology of historiographical investigation of researches on history of pedagogy. The objectives of the study are to clear up the methodological principles of the mentioned research, methods of their knowledge and means of historiographical research in this area. The methodology used in the study is presented by general theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis of related researches together with narrative method. They helped to receive and present the results as well as to make the conclusion. The results of the study show that any research of the historiography of pedagogical history should be based on scientific methodology. Tools for such researches are methodological principles (historicism, systematics, objectivity, comprehensiveness, and continuity), methods (analysis, synthesis, methods of typology and comparison, as well as bibliographic method) and means of knowledge (information technology, computers, office equipment, information computing devices). The conclusions allow asserting that mastering the methodological tools is a necessary condition for improving the scientific level of historiographical research on the history of pedagogy

    The Anthropological Approach to Education and Modern Training and Learning Methodology

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    The paper deals with the anthropological approach to education in particular to teaching theory through the prism of the correlation between the mentioned approach and modern teaching and learning methodology. The purpose is to establish and trace the correlation between anthropological approach to education and modern teaching and learning methodology The tasks are: to find out the essence of the anthropology in relation to pedagogy; to reveal and describe teaching and learning models based on anthropological approach to teaching theory; to figure out effective instruction methods, which can be applied within the designated teaching and learning models. The methods of the investigation are analysis and syntheses of the related scientific materials aimed at collecting and presenting the results as well as drawing the conclusion. The results revealed three different understandings of the essence of the studied phenomenon, one of which (as a methodological core and a modern paradigm of the complex of pedagogical sciences with practical orientation of education to the person as its main goal and value) is associated with our investigation. Among the correspondent teaching and learning models we revealed and described personality-oriented learning model, student-centered learning model and a model based on individual approach to teaching. A number of effective instruction methods (as: problem-based learning, case study, inquiry-based learning, discovery-based learning, role playing game, game learning, different forms of dialogic learning, team learning and others) was figured out. The conclusion is that in modern educational system anthropological approach is one of the central as knowledge about human, his nature and the laws of his development allows designing the educational process