38 research outputs found

    Variational electric fields at low latitudes and their relation to spread F and plasma irregularities

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    Recordings from OGO 6 show that electric field irregularities are frequently present between + or - 35 deg geomagnetic latitude in the 2000 - 0600 local time sector. The signatures are very clear, and are easily distinguished from the normal AC background noise, and whistler and emission activity. The spectral appearance of the fields makes it meaningful to distinguish between 3 different types of irregularities: strong irregularities, weak irregularities, and weak irregularities with a rising spectrum. Strong irregularities seem most likely to occur in regions where gradients in ionization are present. Changes in plasma composition, resulting in an increase in the mean ion mass, are also often observed in the irregularity regions. Comparison with ground based ionosondes indicates a connection between strong irregularities and low latitude spread F. A good correlation is also present between strong fields and small scale fluctuations in ionization, delta N/N 1 percent. From the data it appears as if a gradient driven instability is the most likely source of the strong irregularities

    Sounding of the Cleft Ion Fountain Energization Region

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    The objectives of the ground-based observations in support of the SCIFER are: Acquire and display ionospheric conditions prior to launch to aid in the establishment of launch criteria in real time. Observers at both stations participated in real-time visual interpretation. Solar wind data from IMP-8 and WIND were acquired and interpreted in real time. Telephonic and data links were established at the observatory for the launch window period. Ground-based observatory countdown and launch criteria were developed. 2) Relate optical and magnetic ionospheric signatures observed from the ground to magnetospheric boundaries in the energetic particle flux measured at the payload. The energetic electron trapping boundary was found to correspond to the equatorward edge of the discrete auroral arcs forming the dayside aurora. The energetic electron trapping boundary was found to correspond to the poleward edge of pulsating aurora. The pulsating aurora was found to correspond to one second bursts of energy-dispersed electrons originating in the equatorial plane. Pulsations at larger intervals corresponded to travel times to the conjugate region and return. The pulsating aurora was also directly linked to the geomagnetic pulsations and traveling magnetic vortices, all occurring equatorward of the trapping boundary. 630 nm emission corresponding to less than 10 eV electron precipitation was observed equatorward of the trapping boundary (L=15) and ascribed to photoelectrons from the sunlit conjugate region. 3) Aid in the interpretation of time/space incongruities in the rocket data. The motion of the payload conjugate across the aurora showed that the payload passed over three distinct arc systems on the poleward side of the trapping boundary. These results were reported in a series of articles to be printed in Geophysical Research Letters on June 15, l996

    First results of electric field and density observations by Cluster EFW based on initial months of operation

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    International audienceHighlights are presented from studies of the electric field data from various regions along the Cluster orbit. They all point towards a very high coherence for phenomena recorded on four spacecraft that are separated by a few hundred kilometers for structures over the whole range of apparent frequencies from 1 mHz to 9 kHz. This presents completely new opportunities to study spatial-temporal plasma phenomena from the magnetosphere out to the solar wind. A new probe environment was constructed for the CLUSTER electric field experiment that now produces data of unprecedented quality. Determination of plasma flow in the solar wind is an example of the capability of the instrument

    Undersøkelse av miljøforhold i Glomfjord og Holandsfjord i 1991 - 1992. Vedlegg til delrapport 3. Næringssalter, algebiomasse, oksygenforhold og gruntvannssamfunn i Glomfjord

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    Rapporten inneholder rådata fra undersøkelsene av næringssalter, algebiomasse, oksygenforhold og gruntvannsamfunn i Glomfjord i 1991-92, NIVA-prosjekt O-91030-0 (l.nr. 3061)

    Undersøkelse av miljøforhold i Glomfjord og Holandsfjord 1991 - 92. Delrapport 1. Vannkjemi, biologi, og sedimentasjon i Holandsfjord

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    Rapporten inneholder rådata fra undersøkelsene av vannkjemi, biologi og sedimentasjon i Holandsfjord. Datamaterialet er gjennomgått og vurdert i NIVA-rapport nr. 3058

    Tetranectin, a trimeric plasminogen-binding C-type lectin.

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    Tetranectin, a plasminogen-binding protein belonging to the family of C-type lectins, was expressed in E. coli and converted to its native form by in vitro refolding and proteolytic processing. Recombinant tetranectin-as well as natural tetranectin from human plasma-was shown by chemical cross-linking analysis and SDS-PAGE to be a homo-trimer in solution as are other known members of the collectin family of C-type lectins. Biochemical evidence is presented showing that an N-terminal domain encoded within exons 1 and 2 of the tetranectin gene is necessary and sufficient to govern subunit trimerization