13,419 research outputs found

    Study of vortex valve for medium temperature solid propellants

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    Fluid state vortex valve secondary injection control system shows considerable promise for future application to solid propellant rocket engine thrust vector control. The single axis injection system tested would be capable of providing secondary injection thrust vector control using 2000 deg F gas

    Research study of the vortex valve for medium-temperature solid propellants

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    Fluid state control system with vortex valves for solid propellant gas generator flow throttlin

    Microscopic Restoration of Proton-Neutron Mixed Symmetry in Weakly Collective Nuclei

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    Starting from the microscopic low-momentum nucleon-nucleon interaction V{low k}, we present the first systematic shell model study of magnetic moments and magnetic dipole transition strengths of the basic low-energy one-quadrupole phonon excitations in nearly-spherical nuclei. Studying in particular the even-even N=52 isotones from 92Zr to 100Cd, we find the predicted evolution of the predominantly proton-neutron non-symmetric state reveals a restoration of collective proton-neutron mixed-symmetry structure near mid-shell. This provides the first explanation for the existence of pronounced collective mixed-symmetry structures in weakly-collective nuclei.Comment: 5 Pages, 3 figure

    Shell model description of the 14C dating beta decay with Brown-Rho-scaled NN interactions

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    We present shell model calculations for the beta-decay of the 14C ground state to the 14N ground state, treating the states of the A=14 multiplet as two 0p holes in an 16O core. We employ low-momentum nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions derived from the realistic Bonn-B potential and find that the Gamow-Teller matrix element is too large to describe the known lifetime. By using a modified version of this potential that incorporates the effects of Brown-Rho scaling medium modifications, we find that the GT matrix element vanishes for a nuclear density around 85% that of nuclear matter. We find that the splitting between the (J,T)=(1+,0) and (J,T)=(0+,1) states in 14N is improved using the medium-modified Bonn-B potential and that the transition strengths from excited states of 14C to the 14N ground state are compatible with recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures Updated to include referee comments/suggestion

    Description and flight tests of an oculometer

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    A remote sensing oculometer was successfully operated during flight tests with a NASA experimental Twin Otter aircraft at the Langley Research Center. Although the oculometer was designed primarily for the laboratory, it was able to track the pilot's eye-point-of-regard (lookpoint) consistently and unobtrusively in the flight environment. The instantaneous position of the lookpoint was determined to within approximately 1 deg. Data were recorded on both analog and video tape. The video data consisted of continuous scenes of the aircraft's instrument display and a superimposed white dot (simulating the lookpoint) dwelling on an instrument or moving from instrument to instrument as the pilot monitored the display information during landing approaches

    Preliminary flight tests of an oculometer

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    A remote sensing oculometer has been successfully operated during flight tests. This device was able to track the pilot's eye-point-of-regard (lookpoint) consistently and unobtrusively in the flight environment. The instantaneous position of the lookpoint was determined to within approximately 1 degree. Data were recorded on both analog and video tape. The video data consisted of continuous scenes of the aircraft's instrument display and a superimposed white dot (simulating the lookpoint) dwelling or moving from instrument to instrument as the pilot monitored the display information during landing approaches

    Structure of the lightest tin isotopes

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    We link the structure of nuclei around 100^{100}Sn, the heaviest doubly magic nucleus with equal neutron and proton numbers (N=Z=50N=Z=50), to nucleon-nucleon (NNNN) and three-nucleon (NNNNNN) forces constrained by data of few-nucleon systems. Our results indicate that 100^{100}Sn is doubly magic, and we predict its quadrupole collectivity. We present precise computations of 101^{101}Sn based on three-particle--two-hole excitations of 100^{100}Sn, and reproduce the small splitting between the lowest Jπ=7/2+J^\pi=7/2^+ and 5/2+5/2^+ states. Our results are consistent with the sparse available data.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure