1,971 research outputs found

    Petrologic constraints on the pressure, temperature, time and composition of the Martian interior

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    Petrologic analysis of surface samples has been used to deduce pressure and temperature conditions existing in the crust and upper mantle at specific times in the Earth's history, as well as to estimate the chemical and mineralogical composition of the crust and upper mantle. The same techniques can be applied to samples of the Martian surface to provide P, T, time and composition constraints of the Martian interior. Estimates of P and T conditions existing at a given time would, in turn, provide strong constraints on the thermal evolution of Mars. Knowledge of the chemical and mineralogical composition of the Martian interior is of fundamental importance in assessing the early history of the solar system. A general petrological approach is outlined, describing the kinds of sample required, summarizing current understanding of the Martian interior based on experimental petrology, and outlining some of the important experiments needed to allow a full petrologic interpretation of Martian samples

    An Analysis of Ethnic Labels: Essemtialism vs. Circumstantialism

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    Labeling was used through the daily life of most people and is critical in the idea of ethnicity. The purpose behind this experiment was to test Lindenwood student’s thought process behind ethnic labeling. Mainly the experiment was meant to develop the idea of whether an individual was more circumstantialist or essentialist in nature when dealing with ideas of labeling. The hypothesis was that the Lindenwood students would tend to lean toward the essentialist group thought process due to the diversity of the student body. Essentialist believed their biological parents passed on ethnicity. While circumstantialist believed ethnicity was created by behavior (White, 1999). The experiment would test this through the use of voluntary questionnaires that deal with two switched at birth scenarios. These switched at birth scenarios mainly deal with scenarios where a child born of a different ethnic background is raised by a family with a different ethnic background. There will also be a demographic survey. The results of the questionnaire and survey were analyzed with frequency tables. The results showed that there was no statistically significant pattern in the demographic surveys, but the questionnaires tended to support the hypothesis. The results showed that 68% of the responses were essentialist in nature and 32% were circumstantialist in nature. Further research should be done and the sample size needs to be bigger to increase validity. Academic research like this helps further the knowledge of the human brain and benefits other researchers

    Design of a proportional counter and its application to Tb156 radiation

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    The Role of Herbal and Nutraceutical Supplementation in the Amelioration of Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Symptomology

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    Herbal supplements are used increasingly in both developed and undeveloped countries for purposes of prevention, delaying onset, decreasing overall severity, and potential reversal of mental illness. The purpose of this overview is to present the latest empirical findings regarding the efficacy of various herbal and nutraceutical supplements in the prevention, treatment, and delaying onset of symptomology in relation to schizophrenia and other schizoaffective disorders, as well as further to explore their potential role in the future of psychiatry and related healthpractices. The supplements and their efficacy examined in this literature overview are Omega-3 fatty acids, Curcumin, Folic Acid, B12, B6, vitamin D, N-acetylcysteine, SAM-e, Bocopa Monniera, Ginkgo Biloba, Iron, Glycine, (?)–Stepholidine, Yokukansan, Orengadoku, and Ficus Platyphylla

    H. Suick Step

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    At the question and answer session following the Panel that examined the Kepone litigation twenty years later, Judge Merhige posed the question that no one has asked... did [I do] the right thing? The settlement that created the Virginia Environmental Endowment with the contribution from Allied Chemical remains both controversial and innovative today. This Symposium is a product of that settlement and it was created with the hope that we, as citizens and policy-makers, will continue to ask ourselves Judge Merhige\u27s question. We also hope that the State of the Chesapeake Bay Symposium and that the annual Robert R. Merhige, Jr. National Environmental Negotiation Competition will continue to be held

    The Evolution of Quasi-Judicial Activism in the Legislative Branch: Canadian Commercial Corp./Heroux, Inc.

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    During the First Congress\u27 debate over the bill to establish the Treasury Department, James Madison described the principal responsibility of the Comptroller of the Treasury as deciding upon the lawfulness and justice of claims and accounts subsisting between the United States and particular citizens: this partakes strongly of the judicial character, and there may be strong reasons why an officer of this kind should not hold his office at the pleasure of the Executive Branch of Government. With the passage of the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, the General Accounting Office (GAO) was created and the responsibility to settle the accounts and supervise the recovery of certified debts passed from the Comptroller of the Treasury to GAO\u27s newly created agency chief, the Comptroller General. In the interest of independent and accurate accounting, Congress removed this important function from the Executive Branch and vested it in an officer removable only by congressional action. From its creation, GAO has provided a forum for the resolution of protests arising from government contract actions. Until the passage of the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984 (CICA), GAO founded its authority to decide these matters through an admittedly expansive interpretation of the traditional authority to settle accounts of the Treasury inherited by the Comptroller General. CICA formally authorized GAO\u27s bid protest function, began the development of GAO\u27s current bid protest process, and placed the agency firmly in the middle of a clash between congressional contract reform and an Executive Branch contracting out movement that demanded deference to contracting agencies

    Genotype moderates the impact of food additives on hyperactive behavior in children

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    Introduction: The claim of a relationship between artificial food color and additive (AFCs) intake and behavior is highly contentious. We have shown in a previous population-based trial with 3yo children adverse effects of food additives on parentally-rated hyperactive behaviour (Bateman et al, 2004). The possible role of genetic polymorphisms in moderating this adverse effect has not been previously examined. Methods A randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled, within subject crossover food challenge was used for 144, 8 to 9 year old children and 153, 3 year old children. Following baseline assessment children were placed on a diet eliminating food additives and a benzoate preservative for 6 weeks during which time they were challenged for weekly periods with either a placebo mix or a drink containing sodium benzoate (45mg daily) and one of two mixes of AFCs.: Results: The T939C and Thr105Ile polymorphisms of the histamine N-methyltransferase gene (HNMT) moderated the adverse effect s of AFCs but the polymorphisms in catecholamine genes COMT Val108Met and ADRA2A C1291G did not. These findings point to a possible role for histamine in mediating the effects of food additives and help to explain why there has been inconsistency between previous studies. Conclusions: Genes influencing a range of neurotransmitter systems and their interplay with environmental factors, such as diet, need to be examined to understand genetic influences on hyperactivity.<br/

    Measurement of Radio-Frequency Radiation Pressure

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    We perform measurements of the radiation pressure of a radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic field which may lead to a new SI-traceable power calibration. There are several groups around the world investigating methods to perform more direct SI traceable measurement of RF power (where RF is defined to range from 100s of MHz to THz). A measurement of radiation pressure offers the possibility for a power measure traceable to the kilogram and to Planck's constant through the redefined SI. Towards this goal, we demonstrate the ability to measure the radiation pressure/force carried in a field at 15~GHz.Comment: 2 pages 4 figure
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