5 research outputs found
How to Queer the Past Without Sex: Queer Theory, Feminisms and the Archaeology of Identity
- Author
- B. Alberti
- B. L. Voss
- B. L. Voss
- B. L. Voss
- B.L. Voss
- C. Robin
- C. Weedon
- Chelsea Blackmore
- D. Graeber
- D. Halperin
- D. Loren
- E. Grosz
- E. Hammonds
- E. K. Sedgwick
- E.C. Casella
- E.M. Perry
- G. AnzaldĂșa
- G. Rubin
- I. Barnard
- J. Butler
- J. Butler
- J. C. Lohse
- J. Nagel
- J. Yaeger
- J.W. Ball
- K. Croucher
- K. Namaste
- K. Rudy
- KA. Hays-Gilpin
- L. LeCount
- L. LeCount
- L.M. Meskell
- L.M. Meskell
- L.M. Meskell
- M. Foucault
- M.B. Zinn
- N. Gonlin
- N. Sullivan
- P. A. McAnany
- R.A. Joyce
- R.A. Joyce
- R.A. Schmidt
- R.M. Leventhal
- S. Harding
- S. Martin
- S. Ortner
- S.E. Hollimon
- T. A. Dowson
- T. A. Dowson
- T. Ardren
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Terrestrial Resource Exploitation on Santa Cruz Island, California: Macrobotanical Data from Four Middle Holocene Sites
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Western North American Naturalist'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hyperactivity and cortical disinhibition in mice with restricted expression of mutant huntingtin to parvalbumin-positive cells
- Author
- A.B. West
- A.S. Bohannon
- Ainsworth
- Albertson
- Arrasate
- Becher
- Bithell
- Bowman
- Brown
- Carlen
- Carter
- Cepeda
- Chicka
- Chun
- Cooper
- Cowell
- Cui
- Cummings
- Deitcher
- Du
- Freund
- Giacomello
- Gonzalez-Burgos
- Gray
- Group H. s. D. C. R
- Gu
- Hickey
- Hippenmeyer
- Hodges
- Hodgson
- J.J. Hablitz
- J.J. Hollimon
- Jorquera
- Klapstein
- Kochubey
- Kochubey
- L.J. McMeekin
- Li
- Lin
- Lodge
- Lucas
- Luthi-Carter
- M. Lesort
- Mangiarini
- Markram
- Martindale
- McMahon
- Meade
- Milnerwood
- Modregger
- Muzumdar
- Peng
- Perney
- Perry
- R.M. Cowell
- Ridding
- S.E. Dougherty
- Saudou
- Shelbourne
- Sohal
- Sommeijer
- Spampanato
- Thiruvady
- Walker
- Young
- Zuccato
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Evolving research on the evolution of male androphilia
- Author
- Abild M.L.
- Alanko K.
- Bailey J.M.
- Bailey J.M.
- Bartlett N.H.
- Blanchard R.
- Blanchard R.
- Bobrow D.
- Bogaert A.F.
- Buss D.M.
- Camperio Ciani A.
- Camperio-Ciani A.
- Cantor J.M.
- Cardoso F.L.
- Cardoso F.L.
- Daly M.
- Dean L.G.
- Forrester D.L.
- Gavrilets S.
- Gebhard P.H.
- Hamer D.H.
- Hamilton W.D.
- Harrington J.P.
- Herdt G.
- Hill K.R.
- Hollimon S.E.
- Iemmola F.
- King M.
- Kramer K.L.
- Lippa R.A.
- LÄngström N.
- McBrearty S.
- Murray S.O.
- Namaste V.
- Nanda S.
- Nash G.
- Rahman Q.
- Rahman Q.
- Rieger G.
- Sanderson S.K.
- Schwartz G.
- Shear K.
- Smith A.M.A.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- VanderLaan D.P.
- Vasey P.L.
- Vasey P.L.
- Vasey P.L.
- Vasey P.L.
- Vasey P.L.
- Vasey P.L.
- Vasey P.L.
- Vasey P.L.
- Vasey P.L.
- Vasey P.L.
- Whitam F.L.
- Williams G.C.
- Wilson E.O.
- Woodburn J.
- Zucker K.J.
- Publication venue
- 'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Transgendered Male Androphilia in the Human Ancestral Environment
- Author
- A. Camperio Ciani
- A. Camperio-Ciani
- A.B. Smith
- A.F. Bogaert
- A.M. Smith
- B. Chapais
- B. Hewlett
- C.R. Ember
- D. Bobrow
- D. Seil
- D.D. Shimkin
- D.L. Forrester
- D.M. Buss
- D.M. Buss
- D.M. Buss
- D.P. VanderLaan
- D.P. VanderLaan
- D.P. VanderLaan
- D.P. VanderLaan
- D.P. VanderLaan
- D.P. VanderLaan
- D.P. VanderLaan
- D.P. VanderLaan
- E. Prine
- E.M. Miller
- E.O. Wilson
- E.O. Wilson
- F. Iemmola
- F.L. Cardoso
- F.L. Cardoso
- F.L. Whitam
- F.W. Marlowe
- G. Devereux
- G. Gorer
- G. Herdt
- G. Herdt
- G. Nash
- G. Rieger
- G. Schwartz
- G.C. Williams
- H.J. Deacon
- I. McDougall
- I. Tessman
- J. Clottes
- J. Woodburn
- J.M. Bailey
- J.M. Bailey
- J.M. Bailey
- J.M. Cantor
- J.P. Harrington
- K. Hawkes
- K. Shear
- K.J. Zucker
- K.L. Kramer
- K.R. Hill
- K.S. Kendler
- L.R. Binford
- M. Abild
- M. Daly
- M. Johnson
- M. Ruse
- M. Winkelman
- M.D. King
- M.S. Alvard
- N. LÄngström
- N.H. Bartlett
- P. Barclay
- P.L. Vasey
- P.L. Vasey
- P.L. Vasey
- P.L. Vasey
- P.L. Vasey
- P.L. Vasey
- P.L. Vasey
- P.L. Vasey
- P.L. Vasey
- P.L. Vasey
- P.R. Ehrlich
- Q. Rahman
- Q. Rahman
- R. Blanchard
- R. Blanchard
- R. G. Klein
- R. Larco Hoyle
- R. Vaughan
- R. W. Wrangham
- R.A. Lippa
- R.H. Crapo
- S. Asthana
- S. Gavrilets
- S. McBrearty
- S. Nanda
- S.E. Hollimon
- S.J. Gould
- S.K. Sanderson
- S.O. Murray
- T. Berling
- T. Phillips
- V. Namaste
- W. Irons
- W.D. Hamilton
- W.L. Williams
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study