227 research outputs found

    Editorial: Controversies and solutions in environmental sciences: Addressing toxicity of sediments and soils

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2007 Ecomed Publishers

    Temperature and food quantity effects on the harpacticoid copepod <i>Nitocra spinipes</i>: combining in vivo bioassays with population modeling

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    The harpacticoid copepod Nitocra spinipes has become a popular model species for toxicity testing over the past few decades. However, the combined influence of temperature and food shortage, two climate change-related stressors, has never been assessed in this species. Consequently, effects of three temperatures (15, 20 and 25°C) and six food regimes (between 0 and 5 × 105 algal cells/mL) on the life cycle of N. spinipes were examined in this study. Similarly to other copepod species, development times and brood sizes decreased with rising temperatures. Mortality was lowest in the 20°C temperature setup, indicating a close-by temperature optimum for this species. Decreasing food concentrations led to increased development times, higher mortality and a reduction in brood size. A sex ratio shift toward more females per male was observed for increasing temperatures, while no significant relationship with food concentration was found. Temperature and food functions for each endpoint were integrated into an existing individual-based population model for N. spinipes which in the future may serve as an extrapolation tool in environmental risk assessment. The model was able to accurately reproduce the experimental data in subsequent verification simulations. We suggest that temperature, food shortage, and potentially other climate change-related stressors should be considered in environmental risk assessment of chemicals to account for non-optimal exposure conditions that may occur in the field. Furthermore, we advocate combining in vivo bioassays with population modeling as a cost effective higher tier approach to assess such considerations

    Ecotoxicological evaluation of surface waters in Northern Namibia

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    The increasing pressure on freshwater systems due to intensive anthropogenic use is a big challenge in central-northern Namibia and its catchment areas, the Kunene and the Kavango Rivers, and the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, that provide water for more than 1 million people. So far, there is no comprehensive knowledge about the ecological status and only few knowledge about the water quality. Therefore, it is crucial to learn about the state of the ecosystem and the ecological effects of pollutants to ensure the safe use of these resources. The surface waters of the three systems were sampled, and three bioassays were applied on three trophic levels: algae, daphnia, and zebrafish embryos. Additionally, in vitro assays were performed to analyze mutagenicity (Ames fluctuation), dioxin-like potential (micro-EROD), and estrogenicity (YES) by mechanism-specific effects. The results show that acute toxicity to fish embryos and daphnia has mainly been detected at all sites in the three catchment areas. The systems differ significantly from each other, with the sites in the Iishana system showing the highest acute toxicity. At the cellular level, only weak effects were identified, although these were stronger in the Iishana system than in the two perennial systems. Algae growth was not inhibited, and no cytotoxic effects could be detected in any of the samples. Mutagenic effects and an estrogenic potential were detected at three sites in the Iishana system. These findings are critical in water resource management as the effects can adversely impact the health of aquatic ecosystems and the organisms within them

    Sustainable risk management of emerging contaminants in municipal wastewaters

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    This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the link below. Copyright @ 2009 The Royal Society.The presence of emerging contaminants in municipal wastewaters, particularly endocrine-disrupting compounds such as oestrogenic substances, has been the focus of much public concern and scientific attention in recent years. Due to the scientific uncertainty still surrounding their effects, the Precautionary Principle could be invoked for the interim management of potential risks. Therefore, precautionary prevention risk-management measures could be employed to reduce human exposure to the compounds of concern. Steroid oestrogens are generally recognized as the most significant oestrogenically active substances in domestic sewage effluent. As a result, the UK Environment Agency has championed a ‘Demonstration Programme’ to investigate the potential for removal of steroid oestrogens and alkylphenol ethoxylates during sewage treatment. Ecological and human health risks are interdependent, and ecological injuries may result in increased human exposures to contaminants or other stressors. In this context of limiting exposure to potential contaminants, examining the relative contribution of various compounds and pathways should be taken into account when identifying effective risk-management measures. In addition, the explicit use of ecological objectives within the scope of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive poses new challenges and necessitates the development of ecosystem-based decision tools. This paper addresses some of these issues and proposes a species sensitivity distribution approach to support the decision-making process related to the need and implications of sewage treatment work upgrade as risk-management measures to the presence of oestrogenic compounds in sewage effluent

    Obituary for Tamara Grummt

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    Tamara Grummt passed away on January 26, 2020 in Oelsnitz/Vogtland, Germany. Tamara was one of the scientific pioneers in the field of environmental toxicology, namely genotoxicity and hygiene of drinking and bathing waters. Her passing is not only a great loss to environmental research and to the global environmental toxicology community—we have lost an outstanding personality with the heart in the right place, who has become, for many of us, a wonderful friend

    Statistical processing and visualization of the medical data

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    The aim of the research is to consider basic concepts of descriptive statistics and to show basic histograms for the medical data

    Contaminant Transport to Public Water Supply Wells via Flood Water Retention Areas

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    A measuring principle for qualitative and quantitative analyses of three-dimensional unsteady flows is presented. The principle is based on colour coding of the flow volume under consideration. Coloured light sheets are generated and used to illuminate the flow volume. Consecutive light sheets of different colours are scanned over the volume within a small interval of time. Thus, the volume is sliced and colour-coded quasi-instantaneously. With this technique, the 3D position of a particle in the volume can be identified by a 2D image and an associated colour. Since most optical flow measuring systems are based on tracers, colour coding allows the application of 2D image recorders to register 3D flow information. The paper discusses the state-of-the-art of this principle for three-dimensional flow analyses and gives information about applicability and limitations

    Геохимические особенности антропогенных карбонатных отложений на территории Республики Башкортостан

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    Геохимические особенности антропогенных карбонатных отложений на территории Республики Башкортостан.Geochemical features of anthropogenic carbonate deposits on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    Importance of exposure route for behavioural responses in Lumbriculus variegatus Müller (Oligochaeta: Lumbriculida) in short-term exposures to Pb

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    Abstract Goal, Scope and Background Lumbriculus variegatus Müller (Oligochaeta), a common freshwater sediment-dweller, has frequently been used in toxicokinetic studies, although has been less used in ecotoxicity tests. Methods For the first time the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor® (MFB) was applied in a short-term whole-sediment toxicity test. The MFB automatically and quantitatively recorded the spontaneous locomotory behaviour of Lumbriculus variegatus in exposures with two compartments, water and sediment. The study questioned, whether the animals altered their locomotion depending on the compartment which was spiked with lead (Pb). Results and Discussion As in the exposures to Pb-contaminated water/clean sediment, the animals exposed to Pb-contaminated sediment/clean water showed higher activities in intermediate Pb-concentrations. This indicates, that spontaneous locomotory activity is affected by Pb-concentrations at sublethal levels regardless of whether the Pb-concentration is found in the water or in the sediment, because these animals use both environmental compartments simultaneously. However, within the same Pb-levels, the animals showed higher locomotory activity in contaminated water compared with contaminated sediment. This indicates a possible tendency to withdraw from (‘avoidance’) contaminated water into the clean sediment compartment, whereas there was no withdrawal from contaminated sediment into clean water. The latter might be explained by the fact that withdrawal from sediment to water might increase the risk of predation and drift in nature, whereas retracting to sediment might provide shelter. Conclusions The study showed that spontaneous locomotory responses of L. variegatus to Pb depend on whether the water or sediment is contaminated. The study also concluded that the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor® can be applied effectively in sediment toxicity testing. Recommendations and Perspectives More emphasis should be given to the interactions of water/sediment in sediment ecotoxicity tests to better simulate field conditions and increase ecological realism in risk assessment, especially as quantitative recording methods exisit