88 research outputs found

    MurA escape mutations uncouple peptidoglycan biosynthesis from PrkA signaling

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    Gram-positive bacteria are protected by a thick mesh of peptidoglycan (PG) completely engulfing their cells. This PG network is the main component of the bacterial cell wall, it provides rigidity and acts as foundation for the attachment of other surface molecules. Biosynthesis of PG consumes a high amount of cellular resources and therefore requires careful adjustments to environmental conditions. An important switch in the control of PG biosynthesis of Listeria monocytogenes, a Gram-positive pathogen with a high infection fatality rate, is the serine/threonine protein kinase PrkA. A key substrate of this kinase is the small cytosolic protein ReoM. We have shown previously that ReoM phosphorylation regulates PG formation through control of MurA stability. MurA catalyzes the first step in PG biosynthesis and the current model suggests that phosphorylated ReoM prevents MurA degradation by the ClpCP protease. In contrast, conditions leading to ReoM dephosphorylation stimulate MurA degradation. How ReoM controls degradation of MurA and potential other substrates is not understood. Also, the individual contribution of the ~20 other known PrkA targets to PG biosynthesis regulation is unknown. We here present murA mutants which escape proteolytic degradation. The release of MurA from ClpCP-dependent proteolysis was able to activate PG biosynthesis and further enhanced the intrinsic cephalosporin resistance of L. monocytogenes. This latter effect required the RodA3/PBP B3 transglycosylase/transpeptidase pair. One murA escape mutation not only fully rescued an otherwise non-viable prkA mutant during growth in batch culture and inside macrophages but also overcompensated cephalosporin hypersensitivity. Our data collectively indicate that the main purpose of PrkA-mediated signaling in L. monocytogenes is control of MurA stability during standard laboratory growth conditions and intracellular growth in macrophages. These findings have important implications for the understanding of PG biosynthesis regulation and ÎČ-lactam resistance of L. monocytogenes and related Gram-positive bacteria.Peer Reviewe

    First Description of a Temperate Bacteriophage (vB_FhiM_KIRK) of Francisella hispaniensis Strain 3523

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    Here we present the characterization of a Francisella bacteriophage (vB_FhiM_KIRK) including the morphology, the genome sequence and the induction of the prophage. The prophage sequence (FhaGI-1) has previously been identified in F. hispaniensis strain 3523. UV radiation induced the prophage to assemble phage particles consisting of an icosahedral head (~52 nm in diameter), a tail of up to 97 nm in length and a mean width of 9 nm. The double stranded genome of vB_FhiM_KIRK contains 51 open reading frames and is 34,259 bp in length. The genotypic and phylogenetic analysis indicated that this phage seems to belong to the Myoviridae family of bacteriophages. Under the conditions tested here, host cell (Francisella hispaniensis 3523) lysis activity of KIRK was very low, and the phage particles seem to be defective for infecting new bacterial cells. Nevertheless, recombinant KIRK DNA was able to integrate site-specifically into the genome of different Francisella species after DNA transformation.Peer Reviewe

    Adaptation of Listeria monocytogenes to perturbation of c-di-AMP metabolism underpins its role in osmoadaptation and identifies a fosfomycin uptake system

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    The human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes synthesizes and degrades c-di-AMP using the diadenylate cyclase CdaA and the phosphodiesterases PdeA and PgpH respectively. c-di-AMP is essential because it prevents the uncontrolled uptake of osmolytes. Here, we studied the phenotypes of cdaA, pdeA, pgpH and pdeA pgpH mutants with defects in c-di-AMP metabolism and characterized suppressor mutants restoring their growth defects. The characterization of the pdeA pgpH mutant revealed that the bacteria show growth defects in defined medium, a phenotype that is invariably suppressed by mutations in cdaA. The previously reported growth defect of the cdaA mutant in rich medium is suppressed by mutations that osmotically stabilize the c-di-AMP-free strain. We also found that the cdaA mutant has an increased sensitivity against isoleucine. The isoleucine-dependent growth inhibition of the cdaA mutant is suppressed by codY mutations that likely reduce the DNA-binding activity of encoded CodY variants. Moreover, the characterization of the cdaA suppressor mutants revealed that the Opp oligopeptide transport system is involved in the uptake of the antibiotic fosfomycin. In conclusion, the suppressor analysis corroborates a key function of c-di-AMP in controlling osmolyte homeostasis in L. monocytogenes.Peer Reviewe

    SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant is attenuated for replication in a polarized human lung epithelial cell model

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    SARS-CoV-2 and its emerging variants of concern remain a major threat for global health. Here we introduce an infection model based upon polarized human Alveolar Epithelial Lentivirus immortalized (hAELVi) cells grown at the air–liquid interface to estimate replication and epidemic potential of respiratory viruses in the human lower respiratory tract. hAELVI cultures are highly permissive for different human coronaviruses and seasonal influenza A virus and upregulate various mediators following virus infection. Our analysis revealed a significantly reduced capacity of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 variants to propagate in this human model compared to earlier D614G and Delta variants, which extends early risk assessments from epidemiological and animal studies suggesting a reduced pathogenicity of Omicron.Peer Reviewe

    Colony growth and biofilm formation of Aspergillus niger under simulated microgravity

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    The biotechnology- and medicine-relevant fungus Aspergillus niger is a common colonizer of indoor habitats such as the International Space Station (ISS). Being able to colonize and biodegrade a wide range of surfaces, A. niger can ultimately impact human health and habitat safety. Surface contamination relies on two key-features of the fungal colony: the fungal spores, and the vegetative mycelium, also known as biofilm. Aboard the ISS, microorganisms and astronauts are shielded from extreme temperatures and radiation, but are inevitably affected by spaceflight microgravity. Knowing how microgravity affects A. niger colony growth, in particular regarding the vegetative mycelium (biofilm) and spore production, will help prevent and control fungal contaminations in indoor habitats on Earth and in space. Because fungal colonies grown on agar can be considered analogs for surface contamination, we investigated A. niger colony growth on agar in normal gravity (Ground) and simulated microgravity (SMG) conditions by fast-clinorotation. Three strains were included: a wild-type strain, a pigmentation mutant (ΔfwnA), and a hyperbranching mutant (ΔracA). Our study presents never before seen scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of A. niger colonies that reveal a complex ultrastructure and biofilm architecture, and provide insights into fungal colony development, both on ground and in simulated microgravity. Results show that simulated microgravity affects colony growth in a strain-dependent manner, leading to thicker biofilms (vegetative mycelium) and increased spore production. We suggest that the Rho GTPase RacA might play a role in A. niger’s adaptation to simulated microgravity, as deletion of ΔracA leads to changes in biofilm thickness, spore production and total biomass. We also propose that FwnA-mediated melanin production plays a role in A. niger’s microgravity response, as ΔfwnA mutant colonies grown under SMG conditions showed increased colony area and spore production. Taken together, our study shows that simulated microgravity does not inhibit A. niger growth, but rather indicates a potential increase in surface-colonization. Further studies addressing fungal growth and surface contaminations in spaceflight should be conducted, not only to reduce the risk of negatively impacting human health and spacecraft material safety, but also to positively utilize fungal-based biotechnology to acquire needed resources in situ

    Ultrastructural examination of lung “cryobiopsies” from a series of fatal COVID-19 cases hardly revealed infected cells

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    Ultrastructural analysis of autopsy samples from COVID-19 patients usually suffers from significant structural impairment possibly caused by the rather long latency between death of the patient and an appropriate sample fixation. To improve structural preservation of the tissue, we obtained samples from ventilated patients using a trans-bronchial “cryobiopsy” within 30 min after their death and fixed them immediately for electron microscopy. Samples of six COVID-19 patients with a documented histopathology were systematically investigated by thin section electron microscopy. The different samples and areas inspected revealed the ultrastructural correlates of the different phases of diffuse alveolar damage, including detachment of the alveolar epithelium, hyperplasia of type 2 cells, exudates, and accumulation of extracellular material, such as the hyaline membranes and fibrin. Macrophages and neutrophilic granulocytes were regularly detected. Structural integrity of endothelium was intact in regions where the alveolar epithelium was already detached. Aggregates of erythrocytes, leukocytes with fibrin, and thrombocytes were not observed. Coronavirus particles were only found in and around very few cells in one of the six patient samples. The type and origin of these cells could not be assessed although the overall structural preservation of the samples allowed the identification of pulmonary cell types. Hence, the observed alveolar damage is not associated with virus presence or structural impairment due to ongoing replication at later stages of the disease in fatal cases, which implies that the lung damage in these patients is at least propagated by alternative mechanisms, perhaps, an inappropriate immune or stress response.Peer Reviewe

    Ultrastructural examination of lung "cryobiopsies" from a series of fatal COVID-19 cases hardly revealed infected cells

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    Ultrastructural analysis of autopsy samples from COVID-19 patients usually suffers from significant structural impairment possibly caused by the rather long latency between death of the patient and an appropriate sample fixation. To improve structural preservation of the tissue, we obtained samples from ventilated patients using a trans-bronchial "cryobiopsy" within 30 min after their death and fixed them immediately for electron microscopy. Samples of six COVID-19 patients with a documented histopathology were systematically investigated by thin section electron microscopy. The different samples and areas inspected revealed the ultrastructural correlates of the different phases of diffuse alveolar damage, including detachment of the alveolar epithelium, hyperplasia of type 2 cells, exudates, and accumulation of extracellular material, such as the hyaline membranes and fibrin. Macrophages and neutrophilic granulocytes were regularly detected. Structural integrity of endothelium was intact in regions where the alveolar epithelium was already detached. Aggregates of erythrocytes, leukocytes with fibrin, and thrombocytes were not observed. Coronavirus particles were only found in and around very few cells in one of the six patient samples. The type and origin of these cells could not be assessed although the overall structural preservation of the samples allowed the identification of pulmonary cell types. Hence, the observed alveolar damage is not associated with virus presence or structural impairment due to ongoing replication at later stages of the disease in fatal cases, which implies that the lung damage in these patients is at least propagated by alternative mechanisms, perhaps, an inappropriate immune or stress response

    Highly conserved serine residue 40 in HIV-1 p6 regulates capsid processing and virus core assembly

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    Background: The HIV-1 p6 Gag protein regulates the final abscission step of nascent virions from the cell membrane by the action of two late assembly (L-) domains. Although p6 is located within one of the most polymorphic regions of the HIV-1 gag gene, the 52 amino acid peptide binds at least to two cellular budding factors (Tsg101 and ALIX), is a substrate for phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and sumoylation, and mediates the incorporation of the HIV-1 accessory protein Vpr into viral particles. As expected, known functional domains mostly overlap with several conserved residues in p6. In this study, we investigated the importance of the highly conserved serine residue at position 40, which until now has not been assigned to any known function of p6. Results: Consistently with previous data, we found that mutation of Ser-40 has no effect on ALIX mediated rescue of HIV-1 L-domain mutants. However, the only feasible S40F mutation that preserves the overlapping pol open reading frame (ORF) reduces virus replication in T-cell lines and in human lymphocyte tissue cultivated ex vivo. Most intriguingly, L-domain mediated virus release is not dependent on the integrity of Ser-40. However, the S40F mutation significantly reduces the specific infectivity of released virions. Further, it was observed that mutation of Ser-40 selectively interferes with the cleavage between capsid (CA) and the spacer peptide SP1 in Gag, without affecting cleavage of other Gag products. This deficiency in processing of CA, in consequence, led to an irregular morphology of the virus core and the formation of an electron dense extra core structure. Moreover, the defects induced by the S40F mutation in p6 can be rescued by the A1V mutation in SP1 that generally enhances processing of the CA-SP1 cleavage site. Conclusions: Overall, these data support a so far unrecognized function of p6 mediated by Ser-40 that occurs independently of the L-domain function, but selectively affects CA maturation and virus core formation, and consequently the infectivity of released virions
