13 research outputs found

    Tour packages development

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    O primeiro capítulo do relatório é a introdução. No segundo capítulo far-se-á a apresentação da empresa e do seu ambiente externo. A informação sobre a descrição da localização do hotel é complementada com a pesquisa sobre o setor do turismo na República Eslovaca, quer a nível nacional como internacional, e informações sobre a cidade Piešťany e as tendências do turismo. No segundo capítulo, também descrevemos a história da empresa, a visão geral da empresa e a pesquisa detalhada dos principais concorrentes do hotel. No terceiro capítulo, concentramo-nos no estágio, apresentando o estágio e, em seguida, analisamos as funções do estagiário relacionadas com a Gestão de Pessoal, Marketing e Avaliação e Desenvolvimento de Produto. O quarto capítulo é dedicado à revisão da literatura sobre sazonalidade, incluindo apresentar uma definição de sazonalidade, refletir sobre os seus impactos e formas de a combater. Segue-se, o próximo tópico importante na revisão de literatura que é o desenvolvimento de pacotes turísticos. Neste âmbito, descrevemos o que são, quais as vantagens que apresentam para o cliente e para a empresa, bem como as diferentes tipologias e abordagens para desenvolver pacotes turísticos. No quinto capítulo, descrevemos a metodologia do relatório. O sexto capítulo é dedicado aos pacotes turísticos e seu desenvolvimento especificamente para o Hotel Korekt. Em primeiro lugar, concentramo-nos no pacote de Férias ativas para casais e, em seguida, descrevemos o pacote Saúde direcionado para pensionistas. Este capítulo termina com uma explicação sobre a forma como a implementação está a ser planeada. O último capítulo, número sete, é a conclusão do relatório. Nós estudamos o ambiente e a visão geral do Hotel Korekt, onde o estágio foi realizado. O Hotel Korekt é um pequeno hotel familiar localizado na Eslováquia, mais precisamente na cidade de Piešťany, uma área de lazer tranquila. Os serviços disponibilizados pelo hotel incluem o fornecimento de acomodações, exploração da piscina do hotel e campos de ténis e aluguer de instalações para eventos especiais ocasionais (casamentos, comemorações e eventos da empresa). É uma empresa de pequena dimensão que já opera há mais de 20 anos. Durante esse período, o hotel desenvolveu várias estratégias operacionais com o objetivo de maximizar os lucros da empresa. Nos últimos anos, a empresa enfrenta como maior desafio a luta com o problema da sazonalidade, pois neste momento o hotel está aberto apenas por três meses por ano. Após uma pesquisa intensiva, descobrimos que os principais concorrentes estão abertos durante todo o ano, oferecendo aos clientes uma escolha de pacotes turísticos, sendo o principal segmento de mercado os turistas sénior. Graças a essa informação, é possível introduzir melhorias na estratégia do Hotel Korekt. A escolha para realizar um estágio num hotel na Eslováquia com esta envolvente constituiu um desafio interessante e a possibilidade de obter uma experiências de trabalho no setor da hotelaria. Mais concretamente, poder contribuir para minorar um dos principais problemas que o hotel enfrenta devido às consequências da sazonalidade, através do desenvolvimento de pacotes turísticos tornou-se uma oportunidade muito atraente e desafiante. A função desenvolvida durante o estágio foi a de assistente do gerente de operações e teve a duração de oito meses, tendo este decorrido entre o dia 1 de junho de 2018 e o dia 31 de janeiro de 2019. As funções desempenhadas permitiram acompanhar a gestão operacional de um hotel de pequeno dimensão e adquirir experiência na gestão de uma unidade hoteleira de reduzido tamanho. O desempenho desta função permitiu incluir diferentes fases e tarefas ao longo do estágio para garantir uma visão completa das operações do hotel. O confronto com situações muito diversificadas, às vezes imprevisíveis, em diferentes áreas garantiu a maximização da experiência de aprendizagem em contexto de trabalho real. O estágio começou no início da temporada principal, com responsabilidades relacionadas com a gestão da equipa, juntamente com tarefas em relação ao Marketing. Após a época alta ter chegado ao fim, o estágio continuou com avaliação do trabalho desenvolvido e sugestões de melhoria. Paralelamente, foi nesta última parte do estágio que se concretizou uma das tarefas mais importantes propostas para o estágio, ou seja, o desenvolvimento de pacotes turísticos com vista a ajudar a minimizar a elevada sazonalidade que o hotel apresenta. Os objetivos definidos para a realização do estágio eram obter uma visão geral de como um hotel de pequena dimensão e, fortemente influenciado pela sazonalidade, trabalhar e simultaneamente adquirir experiência na gestão de um hotel com essas características. Foram ainda objetivos do estágio aprender a lidar com problemas, como a sazonalidade, e encontrar soluções e desenvolvimento de pacotes turísticos. O principal objetivo do estágio, o desenvolvimento de pacotes turísticos, foi integralmente cumprido, tendo este causado um impacto considerável na gestão do Hotel Korekt e os pacote turísticos desenvolvidos serão implementados em agosto de 2019. Podemos dizer que o estágio e o desenvolvimento de pacotes turísticos foram bem sucedidos e continuarão a causar impacto através da estratégia operacional do Hotel Korekt. A última parte do estágio foi assim dedicada a ajudar a resolver o problema da sazonalidade do hotel através do desenvolvimento de pacotes turísticos especialmente desenhados para ir ao encontro das necessidades do hotel. O pacote turístico é uma forma particular de como as empresas do setor de turismo comunicam os seus produtos aos clientes. Fornecer férias com todos os serviços incluídos está a tornar-se na atualidade muito popular entre os turistas e contribuindo também para a prosperidade das empresas. O objetivo principal para o desenvolvimento dos pacotes desenvolvidos é ajudar a empresa a prolongar a temporada e assim combater a sazonalidade. Os dois pacotes turísticos desenvolvidos têm como segmento-alvo casais jovens e turistas sénior, respetivamente. A opção por estes dois segmentos, tem como fundamento a convicção que estes segmentos estão interessados em vir de férias durante o período de menor procura do hotel. Como referido anteriormente, foram desenvolvidos dois tipos de pacotes - férias ativas para casais e pacotes de saúde para turistas sénior. O primeiro pacote destina-se a jovens adultos ativos e oferece uma estadia para fins-de-semana alargados. O segundo pacote, destinado a reformados, oferece uma semana recreativa que inclui diferentes procedimentos de saúde e bem-estar. Estes pacotes estão planeados para serem implementados como uma oferta especial para clientes no verão de 2019, mais especificamente em agosto de 2019. A empresa considera que se for levada a cabo uma campanha de promoção adequada, a oferta destes pacotes turísticos pode ser uma forma de ajudar no combate à sazonalidade no Hotel Korekt. Assim, se o objetivo de prolongar a temporada no ano de 2019 em um mês e meio e em 2020 em três meses, podemos afirmar que reduzimos o nosso problema de forma significativa, tendo o hotel funcionando por seis meses sem custos adicionais notáveis.In this work, we have studied the environment and the general overview of the Hotel Korekt. It is a small size family-oriented hotel located in the town of Piešťany in Slovakia. The main business activities include providing accommodation, renting premises for occasional special events, or providing entrance to the hotel´s swimming pool. These activities are offered only for three summer months of the year as the hotel suffers from the consequences of seasonality. As the main competitors are opened all-year-round, we can see room for improvement. The internship was carried out in this company during an eight months long period as an Operations Manager Assistant. Thanks to this position, we could overview the whole operating system of a small sized hotel which is fighting with seasonality and get experienced in running such a hotel. The focus of the internship was developing a solution to the problem of seasonality, and that means the creation of tour packages specifically designed for the hotel´s goals. The development of two tour packages is to ensure the extension of the season as they are focused on the off-season dates. The first package focuses on active young adults and offers them an extended weekend getaway. The second package provides potential pensioners a recreational week full of health procedures. The results of the work showed us that we could extend the season from three months to six months long in the year 2020

    Mapping Counseling and Preventive Options for Cyber Aggression in Visegrad Group Countries: A Comparative Analysis

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    In an era replete with technological and digital conveniences, it is imperative not to overlook the potential risks associated with technology and digitization. The risk under scrutiny in our paper is cyber aggression, encompassing cyberbullying, online harassment, and other online risks, that can pose formidable challenges for individuals. Therefore, the primary objective of our review is to delineate the preventive options in the form of preventive programs and projects used in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary for effectively dealing with cyber aggression. Through a comprehensive literature review, analysis, synthesis, and comparison, this study will furnish an overview of the projects and programs currently in place in these countries. By mapping these options, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of available counseling tools while also at the same time, we clarify the areas warranting improvement. This study highlights the paramount importance of establishing an inclusive digital environment and offering support to those affected by this phenomenon

    Sexting Types and Motives Detected Among Slovak Adolescents

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    The present study maps different types of adolescent sexting in the Slovak Republic, i.e. primary and secondary sexting, as well as self- and peer-sexting. Our research has been focused on the investigation and comparison of motives that make the adolescents of different ages and genders decide for voluntary, forced, primary, secondary, self-or peer-sexting. The research sample included 790 Slovak adolescents aged 12–18, of which 376 were boys (47.6%) and 414 were girls (52.4%). The gender-based comparison provided us with statistically significant differences in pursuing various types of sexting. The most frequent form of sexting is peer sexting. In terms of motivation, the research shows that most adolescents use individual sexting forms to seek attention or entertain themselves. Secondary sexting (as the most dangerous form of this behavior) is most often driven by entertainment, retaliation, revenge and jealousy. All these motives were also statistically more significant for male respondents

    Empathy in the Prevention of Cyber-aggression

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    The development of life skills is an important factor in the prevention of cyber-aggression. The most important skill is the ability of empathize. Empathy leads to greater sensitivity to other people, altruism, care, tolerance, and acceptance of differences. This ability is thus rightly desirable in a pluralistic cyberspace, allowing people to function together and express opinions without mutual vilification, humiliation, or abuse. The generation of “screenagers” is significantly threatened by modern socio-pathological phenomena. Emotional laxity and failure of emotional life are to blame for all of this. The study presents the results of research on the verification of the effectiveness of preventive activities aimed at the empathetic experience of pupils in the natural and digital environment. The research sample consisted of 30 pupils aged 9 to 10 years. Half of the pupils (N=15) represented the experimental group and the other half (N=15) the control group. The ratio of girls and boys was approximately equal. The research results showed that the experimental group reported a significantly higher level of empathy than the control group after completing the preventive activities (p = 0.04 > α = 0.05). The preventive program used in our research included self-experience activities, which, according to our expectations, increased the ability of empathy in the experimental group. At the same time, our findings confirm previous research verifying the mutual correlation between the level of empathy and experiences with cyber-aggression

    Causes and circumstances of accidents at work in the European Union, Slovakia and Czech Republic

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    There are several challenges in occupational safety and health that need to be addressed. The basic premise is the reduction of occupational accidents in individual sectors. Finding effective tools to reduce them is very challenging. Safety culture is perceived differently in the countries of the European Union. The basic intention of this article is to compare the accidents number in these two countries and in the European Union in selected NACE categories. This comparison is based on the statistical processing of data by NACE category and representation of accident rates in individual industries. The main causes of accidents were identified, which give space for further research in this field a state measures to prevent work accidents to happen or to reduce its numbers

    Scots pine forest in Central Europe as a habitat for Harmonia axyridis: temporal and spatial patterns in the population of an alien ladybird

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    Understanding of habitat favourability has wide relevance to the invasion biology of alien species. We studied the seasonal dynamics of the alien ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in monoculture Scots pine forest stands in south-west Slovakia, Central Europe, from April 2013 to March 2015. Adult H. axyridis were collected monthly across seven randomly selected pine stands of different ages and canopy closure, from the lower branches of pine trees, and larvae were recorded qualitatively. Adults were recorded all year round, most abundantly in November and least abundantly in February. The relationship between the abundance of H. axyridis and selected forest stand characteristics was modelled using the negative binomial Generalized Additive Model with penalized spline component in month (seasonality) effect, year, canopy closure and age effects and the random effect of forest stand (sample area effect). The abundance of H. axyridis was significantly influenced by the age of stand and seasonality (with month granularity) for both closed and open canopy stands, whereas the effects of canopy closure and sample area were not significant. The bimodal pattern of seasonal dynamics of H. axyridis on Scots pine was common for closed and open canopy stands, with two peaks reflecting the cyclic movement of the species from and to overwintering sites. Harmonia axyridis utilized certain pine stands preferably for foraging during the growing season and certain stands for refuge during winter. The ladybirds were found in highest numbers in the 15 year old closed canopy stand (overwintering site). The occurrence of both adults and larvae in most stands indicated a suitability of Scots pine forest for ladybird breeding. The model of year-round dynamics of H. axyridis has been presented for the first time within the invaded range of the ladybird in Europe

    Cyberbullying and Its Forms in Pupils in the Slovak Republic

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    Cyberbullying is a behaviour of ever increasing occurrence. Methods of cyberbullying vary, from less serious to very serious forms. The aim of the research was to find out what forms pupils in the Slovak Republic use to perpetrate cyberaggression and through what forms they are victimized. The research was conducted on a sample of 696 pupils of elementary and secondary schools, using the research tool Cyberbullying and Online Aggression Survey Instrument (2010). It was proved that the simplest form of cyberbullying is gross insults posted on the Internet and the most difficult form is creation of websites and videos to cause emotional injury

    Cyberbullying as a negative result of cyber-culture of Slovak children and adolescents: selected research findings

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    Cyber-culture points out the life in cyberspace and goes beyond national cultures. It is particularly attractive for the young people who use Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to express their attitudes, values, beliefs and thinking. Those do not need to be necessarily in accordance with the standards of an individual society. Cyberculture becomes dangerous. Great risk lies in cyberbullying that represents negative impact of cyber-culture on human behavior. The aim of the study is to detect cyberbullying as a negative impact of cyber-culture among of Slovak children and adolescents. The research was carried out on a sample of 1619 11-18-year old respondents (average age was 14.51). Results of cyberbullying research carried out using Latent Class Analysis (LCA) have proved the appropriateness of 3-latent-class module. Relative entropy of the module reached 0.915. It was demonstrated that 52.9% of respondents belonged to the group of uninvolved, 42.7% were victims and 4.4% were victims-aggressors. Being a negative consequence of cyber-culture, cyberbullying is a challenge that educators - including other assisting professions - face when educating children and adolescents to orientate in cyberspace, behave responsibly, express themselves in a way that would not interfere others’ integrity and identity (personal and virtual). The study was written under VEGA MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV č. 1/0244/15: “Detekcia a riešenie kyberšikany”

    Media Education as a Means of Sexting Prevention

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    Aim. The study aims to identify and compare the sending of own and somebody else’s intimate photos and videos and to point out the importance of media education as a meaningful way of preventing sexting. Methods. The research tool was an online self-designed questionnaire. 250 respondents aged 15 to 19 participated in the research. Results. The research has shown that sending their own photos and somebody else’s photos are equally frequent. Differences are only noticeable in average values. The findings offer an overview of sending sexually explicit photos and indicate decreased shyness, and a greater desire to attract attention through their own naked photos or videos. In the case of sending somebody else’s photos, it is a matter of ridiculing the victim without his/her consent. Conclusions. Primarily, the importance of media education ought to be pointed out, as it provides information about the dangers of publishing such photos and videos, and develops critical thinking and media literacy in children, which is key for the safeguarding of online space. We see the importance and significance of the study especially in the prevention of sexting through media education, which could be the primary means of eliminating it

    Manifestations of Aggressive Behaviour in Pupils – Theoretical Views and Research Findings

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    The study presents results of research conducted by means of the BPAQ and Cyber-Bullying Tolerance questionnaires on a sample of 788 elementary school pupils of the 8th and 9th grades. It shows an increase in verbal aggression, hostility and anger in the pupils. In terms of gender, the increase was confirmed in verbal aggression in boys and physical aggression in girls. Tolerance to cyber-bullying as a form of aggressive behaviour increases with the development of science and technology and the increase in pupils´ aggressive behaviour. Knowledge of manifestations and causes of pupils´ aggressive behaviour is the basis for the educational work of teachers and other professionals