129 research outputs found

    Analisis Ijārah, Wadī’ah dan Maslahah terhadap Transaksi Penyimpanan Darah Tali Pusat Bayi di Rumah Sakit Mitra Keluarga Darmo Satelit Surabaya

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    This research is field research that discusses the transaction of storing a baby's umbilical cord blood that occurs at the Darmo Satelit-Surabaya "Mitra Keluarga" Hospital in the theoretical perspective of maslahah (benefits), Ijārah (lease) and Wadī'ah (savings). This study proposes two problem formulations, namely: first, a description of the baby's umbilical cord blood storage transactions that occurred at the Darmo Satelit-Surabaya "Mitra Keluarga" Hospital. Two, analysis of maslahah, Ijārah, and Wadī'ah on transactions for storing baby's umbilical cord blood at the Darmo Satelit-Surabaya "Mitra Keluarga" Hospital. The results of the study concluded that the hospital stores umbilical cord blood that has been cut and stored through stem cell transplantation and cell therapy. From the perspective of Ijārah, Wadī'ah, and maslahah, the practice is permissible because there is no element of garār and gives maslahah for human life.


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    Absensi Finger Print merupakan suatu cara yang diyakini efektif untuk menunjang terhadap perubahan prilaku bagi tenaga pendidik/guru dan tenaga kependidikan/staf di satuan kerja yang disebut madrasah. Prilaku Tidak Etis yang dilakukan oleh tenaga pendidik/guru dan tenaga kependidikan/staf dalam melakukan Absensi menggunakan Finger Print, seperti 1) datang ke madrasah hanya Finger Print kemudian pulang kembali dan baru kembali setelah waktu Finger Pulang berankhir; 2) Memanfaatkan kelemahan mesin Finger Print dengan cara menggunakan jari teman sekantor untuk cadangan memanipulasi kehadiran; 3). Hanya cenderung mengutamakan Finger Print dibandingkan dengan tugas  pokoknya sebagai tenaga pendidik/guru dan tenaga kependidikan/staf.   Kata Kunci: Absensi, Finger Print, Guru, Staf, Peserta Didik, Prilaku Tidak Eti

    Gerakan Madrasah Adiwiyata di Madura; Telaah Konsep Peduli Lingkungan dalam Islam

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    Manusia memberi pengaruh terhadap lingkungan yang lebih aktif, sedangkan lingkungan pasif memberi keuntungan terhadap manusia. Ada dua golongan pandangan manusia yang dapat membedakan terhadap lingkungan, yakni pandangan imanen (holistik) dan pandangan transenden. Masalah lingkungan adalah juga masalah moral manusia, atau persoalan prilaku manusia. Kerusakan bukan masalah teknis tetapi krisis lingkungan atau krisis moral manusia. Untuk mengatasinya, salah satu langkah yang bisa dilakukan dengan cara merubah cara pandang dan perilaku manusia terhadap alam secara mendasar melalui pengembangan etika lingkungan. Pendidikan lingkungan, merupakan pemberian wawasan keterampilan dalam pengelolaan lingkungan dimana sejak dini sudah diajarkan bagamana peduli terhadap lingkungan, memelihara bumi, mengelola sampah, memanfaatkan sumber daya alam dengan hemat. Madrasah sebagai institusi yang memiliki wewenang untuk pendidik, membimbing, membina dan membiasakan dalam pembelajaran termasuk masalah lingkungan hidup. Penelitian ini merupakan studi lapangan. Penelitian ini menkaji konsep Peduli Lingkungan dalam Islam yang dilakukan melalui Gerakan Adiwiyata dalam madrasah Penyelenggaraan program madrasah adiwiyata atau program madrasah peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan setiap orang berhak dan berperan dalam pengelolaan lingkungan. Adiwiyata bukanlah sebuah lomba, melainkan lebih pada membentukkan karakter atau perilaku yang peduli dan berbudaya lingkungn secara berkelanjutan melalui lembaga pendidikan termasuk madrasah.(Human beings influence the environment more actively than the environment can do. There are two points of view that human beings have about environment; they are imanen point of view (Holistic) and transcendence point of view. Environment problem actually is a human values problem or human’s attitude problems. The environmental damage is not a technical problem but an environmental problem or human’s moral crisis. Change the human’s point of view and their attitude toward their environment are ways to solve the problem. Environment education is giving the skill on knowledge of environmental management to students where it is needed to taught early, how to take care of environment, to save the earth, to manage the rubbish, to make use of natural resources safely. Madrasah is as an institution with the authority to teach, to guide and to make the students get used to care to the environment’s problem. This study is a field research, which are analyzing the concept of environmental care in Islam by Adiwiyata program in Madrasah and the implementation of Madrasah Adiwiyata or madrasah care of environment and have environmental culture.  Everyone has the right and the role in managing the Adiwiyata environment. Adiwiyata is not a competition; it is more to character building or the caring attitude and having the environmental culture continuously through the education institution including Madrasah.


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    This thesis is a description and critical analysis of the processes, concepts and imagery of my artwork. I am interested in creating visual narratives, often figurative, in the form of sculpture, collage, and installation. In my work I attempt to call attention to the human condition, specifically addressing sexuality, mortality, psychological issues and power struggles. I incorporate both cultural and personal references and use traditional and non traditional materials and processes that are intended to conceptually inform the viewer further. My intention is to create distinct embodiments that provoke contemplative emotion and in which the object and the aesthetic experience allow us to consider and reconsider who we are and how we progress as a culture

    Taqlid dan Ijtihad dalam Lintasan Sejarah Perkembangan Hukum Islam

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    Perubahan adalah sebuah keniscayaan, yang harus disikapi oleh hukum Islam dalam bentuk ijtiha>d. Akan tetapi dalam kondisi seperti ini justru muncul sikap taqli>d, yang menghasilkan “masa jumud”. Tulisan ini hadir berusaha mencari pemahaman secara komprehensif tentang “taqli>d dan ijtiha>d” dalam prespektif historis, atau lintasan sejarah pemikiran hukum Islam. Di akhir tulisan disimpulkan bahwa “masa jumud” hukum Islam dikarenakan: (1) wilayah kekuasaan Islam yang semakin luas, (2) perpecahan pemerintahan Islam, (3) asumsi Hukum Islam sudah terkodifikasi secara mapan, dan (4) munculnya kelompok pemberi fatwa yang serampangan. Sebagai respon maka pada masa modern para pemikir muslim kontemporer menggalakkkan adanya reaktualisasi ajaran Islam dan reinterpretasi terhadap nas}s}-nas}s} yang sudah ada, dengan harapan akan akan diperoleh konklusi hukum yang lebih akomodatif (mampu menjawab tantangan zaman), yang ditandai dengan ragam munculnya problematika aktual yang membutuhkan legitimasi dari hukum Islam.Change is a necessity, which must be addressed by Islamic law in the form of ijtihad. However, it is in this condition that the attitude of taqlid arises which results in stagnation. This paper tries to find a comprehensive understanding of "taqlid and ijtihad" from a historical perspective or historical trajectory of Islamic legal thought. At the end of this paper, it was concluded that the stagnation of Islamic law was due to: (1) a wider territory of Islamic countries, (2) divisions in the Islamic government, (3) assumptions that Islamic Laws were firmly codified, and (4) the haphazard emergence of fatwa-giving groups. In response to this stagnation, the contemporary Muslim thinkers promote the re-actualization of Islamic teachings and the reinterpretation of existing nash in the hope that a more conclusive legal judgment can be obtained (able to answer the challenges of the times), to tacle with a variety of the emergence of actual problems that require legitimacy from Islamic law

    KONSTRUKSI MASYARAKAT PENCARI SUMBANGAN DI JALAN RAYA (Studi Kasus Pencarian Amal Masjid Di Jalan Raya Kabupaten Pamekasan)

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    The phenomenon of charity’s conducting in highway for the establishing meant of mosque has been levelly occurred, in certain Islamic community. The levelness phenomenon is viewed from the perspective of sociology, however it is important to research the phenomenon by focusing on (1) the characteristics of religiosity of the member of society, the charity collector (2) the rationalization of charity collector behavior (3) the description of social meaning of charity collection in the highway.The research methodology with certain insistences, includes: the use of qualitative approach and emic perspective. The technique of data gathering uses observation, depth interview, ethno methodology and documentation based on the problem of research, on the strategy of research is divided into phases, namely, in the field of research, information’s gathering and data analysis. The later (data analysis) uses the procedure of induction, conceptualization and interpretation by applying double hermeneutic. Moreover the observation of validity of research uses triangulation member check technique and the lengthen of researcher’s presentation. The research obtain some important information about the social meaning of charity’s conducting for the establishment of mosque in highway, as follows (1) the process of “religion like” for social activity or the covering of social activity in the name or religion (2) the realization of public’s of public’s disbelief against committee, manager and organizer of mosque establishment.Such information carry out the implication: (1) religion is the only one culture explaining human’s way of live, (2) religion is closely fastened to public’s  aspects of live, (3) the deconstruction on Islamic missionary concept or Islam missionary is directed to the domination of Islam’s social which maintains Islam’s social dimension


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    Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI) Branta sama dengan pasar tradisional yaitu sebagai tempat yang kumuh, kotor dan bau. Padahal kegiatan membeli ikan segar merupakan kegiatan menarik yang bisa dijadikan sebagai wisata untuk melihat beberapa jenis ikan. Oleh karena itu, dengan pengembangan konsep yang lebih menarik menjadikan TPI Branta Pesisir sebagai wisata bahari ikan segar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengkaji kelayakan TPI Branta sebagai pasar ikan wisata bahari di Pamekasan dan untuk mengkaji strategi pengembangan tempat pelelangan ikan dari hasil uji kelayakan. Deskriptif dan SWOT digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik kuesioner kepada 30 responden dengan teknik purposive sampling dan analisis objek potensial sesuai dengan Pedoman Objek Operasional Daerah dan Analisis Objek Wisata Alam Direktur Jenderal PHKA tahun 2003 dengan kriteria Daya Tarik, Aksesibilitas, Akomodasi, dan Fasilitas. Sebagai alat untuk merancang strategi pengembangan TPI Branta menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis bahwa TPI Branta layak untuk dikembangkan sebagai pasar ikan wisata bahari dengan tingkat kelayakan 70,7%. Strategi pengembangannya yaitu: (1) menambah wahana permainan keluarga, taman bunga, fotospot, fasilitas umum dilengkapi tempat tunggu yang free wifi; (2) membentuk POKDARWIS (kelompok Sadar wisata) dengan dukungan pemerintah dan masyarakat; (3) meningkatkan produk ekonomi kreatif dan memperbaiki manajemen TPI; (4) meningkatkan keamanan, keramahan, kebersihan, perbaikan jalan dan pelestarian lingkungan, dan; (5) meningkatkan promosi TPI sebagai wisata.Title: FeasibilityStudy and Development of Fish Auction Branta As A ‘Bahari’ Tourism Fish Market In PamekasanFish Auction Branta is the same as a traditional market, which is a dirty and smelly place. Though, fresh fish buying could be an interesting tour activity. Therefore, the more interesting concept of its development could promote Fish Auction Branta as a marine tourism for fresh fish. The aimed of this study was to determine the feasibility of the Branta Fish Auction Place as a marine tourism fish market in Pamekasan, and to analysed the development strategy for fish auction place based on the feasibility test. The research used descriptive and SWOT analysis. Data were collected through questionnaires towards 30 respondents with purposive sampling method and analysis of potential object in accordance with the Regional Operational Objectives Guidelines and Analysis of Nature Tourism Objects Director General of PHKA in 2003 with criteria of Attraction, Accessibility, Accommodation, and Facilities. The development strategies for developing Branta Fish Auction Place were designed based on SWOT analysis. The results showed that Branta Fish Auction Place is feasible to be developed as a marine tourism fish market with a feasibility rate of 70.7%. The development strategies are as follows: 1). Build family games, flower gardens, photospots, special public facilitiy, waiting rooms and free wifi, 2). Create tourism conscious group “POKDARWIS” to get support from the government and community, 3) Improve the economic creative products of local community and the management of Branta Fish Auction Place, 4). Improve safety, friendliness, cleanliness, road repair and environmental preservation, and 5). Improve promotion of Branta Fish Auction Place as tourism place

    Provision of 3G Mobile Services in Sparsely Populated Areas Using High Altitude Platforms

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    This paper deals with the application of High Altitude Platforms for the provision of third generation mobile services in sparsely-populated areas or in developing countries. It focuses on the behavior of large cells provided via a multiple HAP deployment and shows the possibilities of using small cells located inside these large cells to serve hot-spot areas. The impact of the different types of HAP antenna masks and their adjustment on cell capacity and the quality of coverage is presented. The main parameter of the antenna radiation pattern under investigation is the power roll-off at the cell edge. Optimal values of this parameter are presented for different scenarios. Simulations of system level parameters were based on an iteration loops approach
