68 research outputs found

    WP1 summary report relevant for risk assessment

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    Experimental study on retardation of a heavy NAPL vapor in partially saturated porous media

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    Non-aqueous-phase liquid (NAPL) contaminants introduced into the unsaturated zone spread as a liquid phase; however, they can also vaporize and migrate in a gaseous state. Vapor plumes migrate easily and thus pose a potential threat to underlying aquifers. Large-scale column experiments were performed to quantify partitioning processes responsible for the retardation of carbon disulfide (CS2) vapor in partially saturated porous media. The results were compared with a theoretical approach taking into account the partitioning into the aqueous phase as well as adsorption to the solid matrix and to the air–water interface. The experiments were conducted in large, vertical columns (i.d. of 0.109 m) of 2 m length packed with different porous media. A slug of CS2 vapor and the conservative tracer argon was injected at the bottom of the column followed by a nitrogen chase. Different seepage velocities were applied to characterize the transport and to evaluate their impact on retardation. Concentrations of CS2 and argon were measured at the top outlet of the column using two gas chromatographs. The temporal-moment analysis for step input was employed to evaluate concentration breakthrough curves and to quantify dispersion and retardation. The experiments conducted showed a pronounced retardation of CS2 in moist porous media which increased with water saturation. The comparison with an analytical solution helped to identify the relative contributions of partitioning processes to retardation. Thus, the experiments demonstrated that migrating CS2 vapor is retarded as a result of partitioning processes. Moreover, CS2 dissolved in the bulk water is amenable to biodegradation. The first evidence of CS2 decay by biodegradation was found in the experiments. The findings contribute to the understanding of vapor-plume transport in the unsaturated zone and provide valuable experimental data for the transfer to field-like conditions

    A new simulation framework for soil-root interaction, evaporation, root growth, and solute transport

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    We have developed a general model concept and a flexible software framework for the description of plant-scale soil-root interaction processes including the essential fluid mechanical processes in the vadose zone. The model was developed in the framework of non-isothermal, multiphase, multicomponent flow and transport in porous media. The software is an extension of the open-source porous media flow and transport simulator DuMux to embedded mixed-dimensional coupled schemes. Our coupling concept allows us to describe all processes in a strongly coupled form and adapt the complexity of the governing equations in favor of either accuracy or computational efficiency. We have developed the necessary numerical tools to solve the strongly coupled nonlinear partial differential equation systems that arise with a locally mass conservative numerical scheme even in the context of evolving root architectures. We demonstrate the model concept and its features, discussing a virtual hydraulic lift experiment including evaporation, root tracer uptake on a locally refined grid, the simultaneous simulation of root growth and root water uptake, and an irrigation scenario comparing different models for flow in unsaturated soil. We have analyzed the impact of evaporation from soil on the soil water distribution around a single plant’s root system. Moreover, we have shown that locally refined grids around the root system increase computational efficiency while maintaining accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate that the assumptions behind the Richards equation may be violated under certain conditions

    A new simulation framework for soil-root interaction, evaporation, root growth, and solute transport

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    We have developed a general model concept and a flexible software framework for the description of plant-scale soil-root interaction processes including the essential fluid mechanical processes in the vadose zone. The model was developed in the framework of non-isothermal, multiphase, multicomponent flow and transport in porous media. The software is an extension of the open-source porous media flow and transport simulator DuMux to embedded mixed-dimensional coupled schemes. Our coupling concept allows us to describe all processes in a strongly coupled form and adapt the complexity of the governing equations in favor of either accuracy or computational efficiency. We have developed the necessary numerical tools to solve the strongly coupled nonlinear partial differential equation systems that arise with a locally mass conservative numerical scheme even in the context of evolving root architectures. We demonstrate the model concept and its features, discussing a virtual hydraulic lift experiment including evaporation, root tracer uptake on a locally refined grid, the simultaneous simulation of root growth and root water uptake, and an irrigation scenario comparing different models for flow in unsaturated soil. We have analyzed the impact of evaporation from soil on the soil water distribution around a single plant’s root system. Moreover, we have shown that locally refined grids around the root system increase computational efficiency while maintaining accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate that the assumptions behind the Richards equation may be violated under certain conditions

    Regional-scale brine migration along vertical pathways due to CO₂ injection - Part 2 : A simulated case study in the North German Basin

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    Saltwater intrusion into potential drinking water aquifers due to the injection of CO₂ into deep saline aquifers is one of the hazards associated with the geological storage of CO₂. Thus, in a site-specific risk assessment, models for predicting the fate of the displaced brine are required. Practical simulation of brine displacement involves decisions regarding the complexity of the model. The choice of an appropriate level of model complexity depends on multiple criteria: the target variable of interest, the relevant physical processes, the computational demand, the availability of data, and the data uncertainty. In this study, we set up a regional-scale geological model for a realistic (but not real) onshore site in the North German Basin with characteristic geological features for that region. A major aim of this work is to identify the relevant parameters controlling saltwater intrusion in a complex structural setting and to test the applicability of different model simplifications. The model that is used to identify relevant parameters fully couples flow in shallow freshwater aquifers and deep saline aquifers. This model also includes variable-density transport of salt and realistically incorporates surface boundary conditions with groundwater recharge. The complexity of this model is then reduced in several steps, by neglecting physical processes (two-phase flow near the injection well, variable-density flow) and by simplifying the complex geometry of the geological model. The results indicate that the initial salt distribution prior to the injection of CO₂ is one of the key parameters controlling shallow aquifer salinization. However, determining the initial salt distribution involves large uncertainties in the regional-scale hydrogeological parameterization and requires complex and computationally demanding models (regional-scale variable-density salt transport). In order to evaluate strategies for minimizing leakage into shallow aquifers, other target variables can be considered, such as the volumetric leakage rate into shallow aquifers or the pressure buildup in the injection horizon. Our results show that simplified models, which neglect variable-density salt transport, can reach an acceptable agreement with more complex models

    Conceptual model development using a generic Features, Events, and Processes (FEP) database for assessing the potential impact of hydraulic fracturing on groundwater aquifers

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    <p>Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas extraction from unconventional reservoirs has not only impacted the global energy landscape but has also raised concerns over its potential environmental impacts. The concept of <q>features, events and processes</q> (FEP) refers to identifying and selecting the most relevant factors for safety assessment studies. In the context of hydraulic fracturing we constructed a comprehensive FEP database and applied it to six key focused scenarios defined under the scope of FracRisk project (<a href="http://www.fracrisk.eu" target="_blank">http://www.fracrisk.eu</a>, last access: 17 August 2018). The FEP database is ranked to show the relevance of each item in the FEP list per scenario. The main goal of the work is to illustrate the FEP database applicability to develop a conceptual model for regional-scale stray gas migration.</p
