1,206 research outputs found

    On the thermal buffering of naturally ventilated buildings through internal thermal mass

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    In this paper we examine the role of thermal mass in buffering the interior temperature of a naturally ventilated building from the diurnal fluctuations in the environment. First, we show that the effective thermal mass which is in good thermal contact with the air is limited by the diffusion distance into the thermal mass over one diurnal temperature cycle. We also show that this effective thermal mass may be modelled as an isothermal mass. Temperature fluctuations in the effective thermal mass are attenuated and phase-shifted from those of the interior air, and therefore heat is exchanged with the interior air. The evolution of the interior air temperature is then controlled by the relative magnitudes of (i) the time for the heat exchange between the effective thermal mass and the air; (ii) the time for the natural ventilation to replace the air in the space with air from the environment; and (iii) the period of the diurnal oscillations of the environment. Through analysis and numerical solution of the governing equations, we characterize a number of different limiting cases. If the ventilation rate is very small, then the thermal mass buffers the interior air temperature from fluctuations in the environment, creating a near-isothermal interior. If the ventilation rate increases, so that there are many air changes over the course of a day, but if there is little heat exchange between the thermal mass and interior air, then the interior air temperature locks on to the environment temperature. If there is rapid thermal equilibration of the thermal mass and interior air, and a high ventilation rate, then both the thermal mass and the interior air temperatures lock on to the environment temperature. However, in many buildings, the more usual case is that in which the time for thermal equilibration is comparable to the period of diurnal fluctuations, and in which ventilation rates are moderate. In this case, the fluctuations of the temperature of the thermal mass lag those of the interior air, which in turn lag those of the environment. We consider the implications of these results for the use of thermal mass in naturally ventilated buildings

    Damage classification in reinforced concrete beam by acoustic emission signal analysis

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    Acoustic Emission (AE) is a non-destructive testing technique which can be used to identify both the damage level and the nature of that damage such as tensile cracks and shear movements at critical zones within a structure. In this work, the acoustic emission parameters of amplitude, rise time, average frequency and signal strength were used to classify the damage and to determine the damage level. Laboratory experiments were performed on a beam (150 x 250 x 1900 mm). The acoustic emission analysis was successfully used to determine crack movements and classify damage levels in accordance with the observations made during an increasing loading cycle

    Optimized placement of parasitic vibration energy harvesters for autonomous structural health monitoring

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    Energy harvesting, based on sources including vibration and thermal gradients, has been exploited in recent years to power telemetry, small devices, or to charge batteries or capacitors. Generating the higher levels of power which have thus far been required to run sensor systems such as those needed for structural health monitoring has been more challenging. In addition, harvesters such as those required to capture vibration often require additional elements (e.g. cantilevers) to be added to the structure and harvest over a relatively narrow band of frequencies. In aerospace applications, where weight is at a premium and vibrations occur over a broader range of frequencies, this is non-ideal. With the advent of new, lower power monitoring systems, the potential for energy harvesting to be utilized is significantly increased. This article optimizes the placement of a set of parasitic piezoelectric patches to harvest over the broad band of frequencies found in an aircraft wing and validates the results experimentally. Results are compared with the requirements of a low-power structural health monitoring system, with a closing of the gap between the energy generated and that required being demonstrated

    Small Packages, Big Returns: Uncovering the Venom Diversity of Small Inverebrate Conoidean Snails

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    Venomous organisms used in research were historically chosen based on size and availability. This opportunity-driven strategy created a species bias in which snakes, scorpions, and spiders became the primary subjects of venom research. Increasing technological advancements have enabled interdisciplinary studies using genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics to expand venom investigation to animals that produce small amounts of venom or lack traditional venom producing organs. One group of non-traditional venomous organisms that have benefitted from the rise of -omic technologies is the Conoideans. The Conoidean superfamily of venomous marine snails includes, the Terebridae, Turridae (s.l), and Conidae. Conoidea venom is used for both predation and defense, and therefore under strong selection pressures. The need for conoidean venom peptides to be potent and specific to their molecular targets has made them important tools for investigating cellular physiology and bioactive compounds that are beneficial to improving human health. A convincing case for the potential of Conoidean venom is made with the first commercially available conoidean venom peptide drug Ziconotide (Prialt®), an analgesic derived from Conus magus venom that is used to treat chronic pain in HIV and cancer patients. Investigation of conoidean venom using -omics technology provides significant insights into predator-driven diversification in biodiversity and identifies novel compounds for manipulating cellular communication, especially as it pertains to disease and disorders

    Determination of rolling element bearing condition via acoustic emission

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    Acoustic emission is an emerging technique for condition monitoring of rolling element bearings and potentially offers advantages for detection of incipient damage at an early stage of failure. Before such a technique can be applied with confidence for health monitoring, it is vital to understand the variation of acoustic emission generation with operating conditions in a healthy bearing. This paper investigates the effects of increased speed and load on the generation of acoustic emission within cylindrical roller bearings, and it was found that the root mean square signal level increased significantly with increasing speed whereas increasing load had a far weaker effect. The AERMS value for each experiment was compared with the trend of the Lambda value. The bearing was operating under full film lubrication regime, so it was determined that increases in AERMS were not caused by asperity contact. By consideration of trends in frequency energy amplitude, it was determined that excitation of the bearings resonant frequencies were responsible for an increase of energy in the frequency range of 20–60 kHz. The excitation energy at 330 kHz (the acoustic emission sensor’s resonant frequency) increased with load, indicating a link between high-frequency emission and stress at the contact zone. Following characterisation of the bearing under normal operating conditions, an accelerated life test was conducted in order to induce fatigue failure. The frequency response demonstrated that throughout a period of constant wear, the energy amplitude at the bearings resonant frequency increased with time. As the bearing failure became more significant, the energy of the high-frequency components above 100 kHz was spread over a broader frequency range as multiple transient bursts of energy were released simultaneously by fatigue failure of the raceways. This paper demonstrates the potential of acoustic emission to provide an insight into the bearing’s behaviour under normal operation and provide early indication of bearing failure

    Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Ž

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    Abstract The strength of diapycnal mixing by small-scale motions in a stratified fluid is investigated through changes to the mean buoyancy profile. We study the mixing in laboratory experiments in which an initially linearly stratified fluid is stirred with a rake of vertical bars. The flow evolution Ž . depends on the Richardson number Ri , defined as the ratio of buoyancy forces to inertial forces. At low Ri, the buoyancy flux is a function of the local buoyancy gradient only, and may be modelled as gradient diffusion with a Ri-dependent eddy diffusivity. At high Ri, vertical vorticity shed in the wakes of the bars interacts with the stratification and produces well-mixed layers separated by interfaces. This process leads to layers with a thickness proportional to the ratio of Ž . grid velocity to buoyancy frequency for a wide range of Reynolds numbers Re and grid solidities. In this regime, the buoyancy flux is not a function of the local gradient alone, but also depends on the local structure of the buoyancy profile. Consequently, the layers are not formed by the PhillipsrPosmentier mechanism, and we show that they result from vortical mixing previously thought to occur only at low Re. The initial mixing efficiency shows a maximum at a critical Ri which separates the two classes of behaviour. The mixing efficiency falls as the fluid mixes and as the layered structure intensifies and, therefore, the mixing efficiency depends not only on the overall Ri, but also on the dynamics of the structure in the buoyancy field. We discuss some implications of these results to the atmosphere and oceans.

    Correlating Molecular Phylogeny with Venom Apparatus Occurrence in Panamic Auger Snails (Terebridae)

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    Central to the discovery of neuroactive compounds produced by predatory marine snails of the superfamily Conoidea (cone snails, terebrids, and turrids) is identifying those species with a venom apparatus. Previous analyses of western Pacific terebrid specimens has shown that some Terebridae groups have secondarily lost their venom apparatus. In order to efficiently characterize terebrid toxins, it is essential to devise a key for identifying which species have a venom apparatus. The findings presented here integrate molecular phylogeny and the evolution of character traits to infer the presence or absence of the venom apparatus in the Terebridae. Using a combined dataset of 156 western and 33 eastern Pacific terebrid samples, a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on analyses of 16S, COI and 12S mitochondrial genes. The 33 eastern Pacific specimens analyzed represent four different species: Acus strigatus, Terebra argyosia, T. ornata, and T. cf. formosa. Anatomical analysis was congruent with molecular characters, confirming that species included in the clade Acus do not have a venom apparatus, while those in the clade Terebra do. Discovery of the association between terebrid molecular phylogeny and the occurrence of a venom apparatus provides a useful tool for effectively identifying the terebrid lineages that may be investigated for novel pharmacological active neurotoxins, enhancing conservation of this important resource, while providing supplementary information towards understanding terebrid evolutionary diversification