296 research outputs found

    Horst Geckeler (1935-2002)

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    Indexing Romance Language Use? Zur Anwendbarkeit eines aktuellen Theoriemodells aus den USA auf die soziolinguistische Analyse der romanischen Sprachen und insbesondere des Katalanischen

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    Summary: Social indexicality and enregisterment are basic notions of a theoretical model elaborated in the USA, whose aim is to describe the relationship between the use of language variation and patterns of social behavior on a level of formal classifications. This analytical approach is characterized by focusing on the interrelation of social performance and language awareness. In our contribution we want to show how this modern methodology can give new impetus to the study of today’s problem areas in Europe like ‘migration and language’ or ‘urban life and language use’. In particular, we are interested in the case of Catalan which has been treated for some time by proponents of the North-American enregisterment theory. This leads us to indicate that explicit ways of social conduct like language shift or the emblematic use of linguistic forms can be interpreted with regard to the social indexicality of Catalan. We thus analyze them in a way which shows that authenticity and integration in Catalan society can be achieved to a considerable extent by practicing forms of linguistic enregisterment. [Keywords: Social indexicality; enregisterment; sociolinguistics; language variation; urban dialect; multilingualism; migration; Catalan

    The United States Approach to Negotiating Arms Limitation Agreements with the Soviet Union

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    Arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union differ from United States arms control negotiations with all other states for three reasons: (a) the Soviet Union is an expansionist nation, whereas most other countries accept the state system as it is; (b) the Soviet Union\u27s policy of indefinite territorial expansion is backed by enormous and growing military forces—perhaps the largest in the world; and (c) the Soviet Union does not accept the binding authority of the United Nations Charter as a codification of international law. It regards itself as exempt in effect from the rules of the Charter which purport to confine the international use of force to individual or collective self-defense and the enforcement of Security Council decisions . Since 1945, the Soviet Union has violated art. 2(4) of the Charter so often that the state system has come to take Soviet aggression for granted, or even to assume that it must have a kind of legal sanction. Over and over again the Soviet Union has used its own forces or those of its proxies, and has supported terrorists or armed bands in international attacks on the territorial integrity or political independence of states from one end of the earth to the other. The practice has become so common that it has spread outside the zone of the Cold War. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Perez de Cuellar, has recently warned of the threat of world anarchy unless the nations—all the nations—recommit themselves to art. 2(4) of the Charter

    Indexicality and Enregisterment as Theoretical Approaches to the Sociolinguistic Analysis of Romance Languages

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    Social indexicality and enregisterment are basic notions of a theoretical model elaborated in the United States, the aim of which is to describe the relationship between the use of language variation and patterns of social behavior at the level of formal classification. This analytical approach is characterized by focusing on the interrelation of social performance and language awareness. In my contribution, I want to show how this modern methodology can give new impetus to the study of today’s problem areas in Europe, such as migration and language or urban life and language use. In particular, I am interested in the case of Catalan, which has been studied for some time by proponents of the North American enregisterment theory. This leads me to indicate that explicit forms of social conduct, such as language shift or the emblematic use of linguistic forms, can be interpreted with regard to the social indexicality of Catalan. I thus analyze them in a way which shows that authenticity and integration in Catalan society can be achieved to a considerable extent by practicing forms of linguistic enregisterment

    Regionaler Sprachgebrauch in Fachkontexten: Lexikologische und textuelle Untersuchungen zu Gestaltung und Dynamik fachsprachlicher Kompetenz in zweisprachigen Regionen der europÀischen Romania

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    Die Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zu der Erforschung gesprochener Sprache in Bezug auf bestimmte Textformen und kommunikative Inhalte unter gleichzeitiger BerĂŒcksichtigung ausgewĂ€hlter Sprachkontaktsituationen. Es fĂ€llt auf, dass die gesprochene Sprache bislang zwar eingehend unter den Gesichtspunkten ihrer formalen Strukturiertheit (Lexikon, Morphologie, Syn- tax) untersucht worden ist, der Sprachinhalt und die textuelle Gestaltungsebene aber stark vernachlĂ€ssigt wurden. Insbesondere liegen noch keine grĂ¶ĂŸeren Untersuchungen zu den normativen Bedingungen und der kommunikativen Funktion gesprochener Sprache in enger definierten Bereichen (thematischen Sektoren) des alltĂ€glichen gesellschaftlichen Lebens vor. Entsprechende sys- tematisch ermittelte Textcorpora stehen ebenfalls nicht zur VerfĂŒgung.Im Mittelpunkt des allgemeiner definierten Untersuchungsinteresses steht die Analyse der Sprachkompetenz in ihrer Bezugnahme auf verschiedene Wis- sensdimensionen und gesellschaftliche Normen


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    Linewidths in bound state resonances for helium scattering from Si(111)-(1x1)H

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    Helium-3 spin-echo measurements of resonant scattering from the Si(111)–(1 × 1)H surface, in the energy range 4–14 meV, are presented. The measurements have high energy resolution yet they reveal bound state resonance features with uniformly broad linewidths. We show that exact quantum mechanical calculations of the elastic scattering, using the existing potential for the helium/Si(111)–(1 × 1)H interaction, cannot reproduce the linewidths seen in the experiment. Further calculations rule out inelastic and other mechanisms that might give rise to losses from the elastic scattering channels. We show that corrugation in the attractive part of the atom–surface potential is the most likely origin of the experimental lineshapes

    Nanofiber-based high-Q microresonator for cryogenic applications

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    We demonstrate a cryo-compatible, fully fiber-integrated, alignment-free optical microresonator. The compatibility with low temperatures expands its possible applications to the wide field of solid-state quantum optics, where a cryogenic environment is often a requirement. At a temperature of 4.6 K we obtain a quality factor of (9.9±0.7)×106\mathbf{(9.9 \pm 0.7) \times 10^6}. In conjunction with the small mode volume provided by the nanofiber, this cavity can be either used in the coherent dynamics or the fast cavity regime, where it can provide a Purcell factor of up to 15. Our resonator is therefore suitable for significantly enhancing the coupling between light and a large variety of different quantum emitters and due to its proven performance over a wide temperature range, also lends itself for the implementation of quantum hybrid systems.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure
