53 research outputs found

    An Arabidopsis introgression zone studied at high spatio-temporal resolution: interglacial and multiple genetic contact exemplified using whole nuclear and plastid genomes

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    Background: Gene flow between species, across ploidal levels, and even between evolutionary lineages is a common phenomenon in the genus Arabidopsis. However, apart from two genetically fully stabilized allotetraploid species that have been investigated in detail, the extent and temporal dynamics of hybridization are not well understood. An introgression zone, with tetraploid A. arenosa introgressing into A. lyrata subsp. petraea in the Eastern Austrian Forealps and subsequent expansion towards pannonical lowlands, was described previously based on morphological observations as well as molecular data using microsatellite and plastid DNA markers. Here we investigate the spatio-temporal context of this suture zone, making use of the potential of next-generation sequencing and whole-genome data. By utilizing a combination of nuclear and plastid genomic data, the extent, direction and temporal dynamics of gene flow are elucidated in detail and Late Pleistocene evolutionary processes are resolved. Results: Analysis of nuclear genomic data significantly recognizes the clinal structure of the introgression zone, but also reveals that hybridization and introgression is more common and substantial than previously thought. Also tetraploid A. lyrata and A. arenosa subsp. borbasii from outside the previously defined suture zone show genomic signals of past introgression. A. lyrata is shown to serve usually as the maternal parent in these hybridizations, but one exception is identified from plastome-based phylogenetic reconstruction. Using plastid phylogenomics with secondary time calibration, the origin of A. lyrata and A. arenosa lineages is pre-dating the last three glaciation complexes (approx. 550,000 years ago). Hybridization and introgression followed during the last two glacial-interglacial periods (since approx. 300,000 years ago) with later secondary contact at the northern and southern border of the introgression zone during the Holocene. Conclusions: Footprints of adaptive introgression in the Northeastern Forealps are older than expected and predate the Last Glaciation Maximum. This correlates well with high genetic diversity found within areas that served as refuge area multiple times. Our data also provide some first hints that early introgressed and presumably preadapted populations account for successful and rapid postglacial re-colonization and range expansion

    Polyploid Arabidopsis species originated around recent glaciation maxima

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    Polyploidy may provide adaptive advantages and is considered to be important for evolution and speciation. Polyploidy events are found throughout the evolutionary history of plants, however they do not seem to be uniformly distributed along the time axis. For example, many of the detected ancient whole-genome duplications (WGDs) seem to cluster around the K/Pg boundary (similar to 66 Mya), which corresponds to a drastic climate change event and a mass extinction. Here, we discuss more recent polyploidy events using Arabidopsis as the most developed plant model at the level of the entire genus. We review the history of the origin of allotetraploid species A. suecica and A. kamchatica, and tetraploid lineages of A. lyrata, A. arenosa and A. thaliana, and discuss potential adaptive advantages. Also, we highlight an association between recent glacial maxima and estimated times of origins of polyploidy in Arabidopsis. Such association might further support a link between polyploidy and environmental challenge, which has been observed now for different time scales and for both ancient and recent polyploids

    Correction to: An Arabidopsis introgression zone studied at high spatio-temporal resolution: interglacial and multiple genetic contact exemplified using whole nuclear and plastid genomes

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    Upon publication of the original article [1], the authors had flagged that there was an error in Fig. 1c, as the key in this figure was displaying incorrectly. The colours had not displayed in the key in the final published article, and instead appear as plain white

    Ginkgo biloba’s footprint of dynamic Pleistocene history dates back only 390,000 years ago

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    Background: At the end of the Pliocene and the beginning of Pleistocene glaciation and deglaciation cycles Ginkgo biloba went extinct all over the world, and only few populations remained in China in relict areas serving as sanctuary for Tertiary relict trees. Yet the status of these regions as refuge areas with naturally existing populations has been proven not earlier than one decade ago. Herein we elaborated the hypothesis that during the Pleistocene cooling periods G. biloba expanded its distribution range in China repeatedly. Whole plastid genomes were sequenced, assembled and annotated, and sequence data was analyzed in a phylogenetic framework of the entire gymnosperms to establish a robust spatio-temporal framework for gymnosperms and in particular for G. biloba Pleistocene evolutionary history. Results: Using a phylogenetic approach, we identified that Ginkgoatae stem group age is about 325 million years, whereas crown group radiation of extant Ginkgo started not earlier than 390,000 years ago. During repeated warming phases, Gingko populations were separated and isolated by contraction of distribution range and retreated into mountainous regions serving as refuge for warm-temperate deciduous forests. Diversification and phylogenetic splits correlate with the onset of cooling phases when Ginkgo expanded its distribution range and gene pools merged. Conclusions: Analysis of whole plastid genome sequence data representing the entire spatio-temporal genetic variation of wild extant Ginkgo populations revealed the deepest temporal footprint dating back to approximately 390,000 years ago. Present-day directional West-East admixture of genetic diversity is shown to be the result of pronounced effects of the last cooling period. Our evolutionary framework will serve as a conceptual roadmap for forthcoming genomic sequence data, which can then provide deep insights into the demographic history of Ginkgo

    Adolescent to young adult longitudinal development of subcortical volumes in two European sites with four waves

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    Adolescent subcortical structural brain development might underlie psychopathological symptoms, which often emerge in adolescence. At the same time, sex differences exist in psychopathology, which might be mirrored in underlying sex differences in structural development. However, previous studies showed inconsistencies in subcortical trajectories and potential sex differences. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the subcortical structural trajectories and their sex differences across adolescence using for the first time a single cohort design, the same quality control procedure, software, and a general additive mixed modeling approach. We investigated two large European sites from ages 14 to 24 with 503 participants and 1408 total scans from France and Germany as part of the IMAGEN project including four waves of data acquisition. We found significantly larger volumes in males versus females in both sites and across all seven subcortical regions. Sex differences in age-related trajectories were observed across all regions in both sites. Our findings provide further evidence of sex differences in longitudinal adolescent brain development of subcortical regions and thus might eventually support the relationship of underlying brain development and different adolescent psychopathology in boys and girls.</p

    Postglacial ecotype formation under outcrossing and self‐fertilization in Arabidopsis lyrata

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    The formation of ecotypes has been invoked as an important driver of postglacial biodiversity, because many species colonized heterogeneous habitats and experienced divergent selection. Ecotype formation has been predominantly studied in outcrossing taxa, while far less attention has been paid to the implications of mating system shifts. Here, we addressed whether substrate‐related ecotypes exist in selfing and outcrossing populations of Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata and whether the genomic footprint differs between mating systems. The North American subspecies colonized both rocky and sandy habitats during postglacial range expansion and shifted the mating system from predominantly outcrossing to predominantly selfing in a number of regions. We performed an association study on pooled whole‐genome sequence data of 20 selfing or outcrossing populations, which suggested genes involved in adaptation to substrate. Motivated by enriched gene ontology terms, we compared root growth between plants from the two substrates in a common environment and found that plants originating from sand grew roots faster and produced more side roots, independent of mating system. Furthermore, single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with substrate‐related ecotypes were more clustered among selfing populations. Our study provides evidence for substrate‐related ecotypes in A. lyrata and divergence in the genomic footprint between mating systems. The latter is the likely result of selfing populations having experienced divergent selection on larger genomic regions due to higher genome‐wide linkage disequilibrium

    Root Morphology Data

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    Excel sheet containing the experimental data from a growth experiment on agar plates using individuals that originate from a rock or sand substrate. For each individual root growth and the number of primary side roots were counted through time. The columns describe the following: 1. Substrate where wild type individuals were collected (rock or sand) 2. ID for the replicate run [1 or 2] 3. Agar plate ID [A = Replicate 1, B = Replicate B] 4. Seed Family 5. Population of origin 6. Relative position on agar plate [from left to right] 7. Consecutive number for each measurement for each individual 8. Individual seed ID [Population + Seed Family + Replicate] 9. Population & seed family 10. Mating system [O - Outcrossing, S - Selfing] 11. Phylogenetic Cluster [E - East; W - West] 12. Date measurement was taken in 2017 13. Days since germination 14. Days since germination 15. Number of primary site root