373 research outputs found
Flow, skilled coping and the sovereign subject
According to Dreyfus and Dreyfus (1986), skilled coping in sport occurs when an athlete reaches an expert level and can execute a sport skill on ‘automatic-pilot’, in a state of ‘flow’. In this paper we reframe phenomenological accounts of sport that try to depict flow-states as part of an athlete’s competency framework. We do so from the point of view of post-structural and post-phenomenological scholars such as Jacques Derrida’s deconstructive work on sovereignty and Jean-Luc Nancy’s (2000, 2008) ontological vantage of ‘being-with’. This lens pushes us to challenge phenomenological accounts of sport such as skilled coping and flow that, we argue, portray zombie-like performances as optimal. We suggest that such a phenomenological account of sport is not only impoverished as Breivik (2007, 2009) has argued, but also misses the very promising aspects of sport that can generate the possibility for creative and relational experiences. In making this claim we aim to reorient sport philosophy’s uptake of phenomenology toward a relational ethics
Automatisch melken: risicofactoren voor de uiergezondheid = Automatic milking: risk factors for udder health
An epidemiological study is performed on 150 dairy farms milking with an automatic milking system to identify possible risk factors for udder healt
Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation
The control of neurological networks supporting social cognition is crucially important for social interaction. In particular, the control of imitation is directly linked to interaction quality, with impairments associated with disorders characterized by social difficulties. Previous work suggests inferior frontal cortex (IFC) and the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) are involved in controlling imitation, but the functional roles of these areas remain unclear. Here, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) was used to enhance cortical excitability at IFC and the TPJ prior to the completion of three tasks: 1) a naturalistic social interaction during which increased imitation is known to improve rapport, 2) a choice reaction time task in which imitation needs to be inhibited for successful performance, and 3) a non-imitative control task. Relative to sham stimulation, stimulating IFC improved the context-dependent control of imitation – participants imitated more during the social interaction and less during the imitation inhibition task. In contrast, stimulating the TPJ reduced imitation in the inhibition task without affecting imitation during social interaction. Neither stimulation site affected the non-imitative control task. These data support a model in which IFC modulates imitation directly according to task demands, whereas TPJ controls task-appropriate shifts in attention towards representation of the self or the other, indirectly impacting upon imitation
Celgetal goed bruikbaar voor opsporen chronische celgetalproblemen
Veel melkveehouders hebben een abonnement op het celgetalprogramma van het NRS. Dit betekent dat bij een proefmelking niet alleen de standaardmetingen gedaan worden, maar dat ook het aantal cellen in de melk gemeten wordt. Koeien worden op basis van een te hoog celgetal geattendeerd. Ook is het mogelijk met het celgetal-B.O. programma bacteriologisch onderzoek (B.O.) uit te voeren bij koeien met attenties. De resultaten van dit programma zijn beoordeeld op twee bedrijven: een bedrijf met een laag tankmelkcelgetal en een bedrijf met een hoog tankmelkcelgetal. Het bleek dat dat celgetalprogramma op beide bedrijven de meeste koeien met chronische celgetalproblemen attendeerde. De resultaten van het celgetal-B.O. programma vonden op beide bedrijven de belangrijkste bacteriën. Op een bedrijf met een laag celgetal waren echter meer melkmonsters negatief
Dutch guidelines on care for extremely premature infants:Navigating between personalisation and standardization
OBJECTIVE: There is no international consensus on what type of guideline is preferred for care at the limit of viability. We aimed to conceptualize what type of guideline is preferred by Dutch healthcare professionals: 1) none; 2) gestational-age-based; 3) gestational-age-based-plus; or 4) prognosis-based via a survey instrument. Additional questions were asked to explore the grey zone and attitudes towards treatment variation. FINDING: 769 surveys were received. Most of the respondents (72.8%) preferred a gestational-age-based-plus guideline. Around 50% preferred 24+0/7 weeks gestational age as the lower limit of the grey zone, whereas 26+0/7 weeks was the most preferred upper limit. Professionals considered treatment variation acceptable when it is based upon parental values, but unacceptable when it is based upon the hospital's policy or the physician's opinion. CONCLUSION: In contrast to the current Dutch guideline, our results suggest that there is a preference to take into account individual factors besides gestational age
Koeien reageren verschillend op hittestress
Om de koefactoren te achterhalen die een rol spelen bij een stijging en/of daling van koecelgetal en melkgift zijn de melkcontrolegegevens van bedrijven in de jaren 1995, 1996 en 1997 geanalyseerd
Effectiveness of High Fidelity Video-Assisted Real-Time Simulation: A Comparison of Three Training Methods for Acute Pediatric Emergencies
Background. Video-assisted real-time simulation (VARS) offers the possibility of developing competence in acute medicine in a realistic and safe environment. We investigated the effectiveness of the VARS model and compared it with educational methods like Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). Methods. 45 fourth-year medical students were randomized for three educational methods. Level of knowledge and self-efficacy were measured before and after intervention. Clinical performance was measured by a blinded observer using a video checklist of prescripted scenarios on a high-fidelity simulator. Results. Knowledge test and self-efficacy scores improved significantly (P < 0.001) without differences between educational groups. The VARS group showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher scores on both postintervention scenarios concerning structure and time. Conclusion. VARS training is an effective educational method teaching pediatric acute care skills in the undergraduate curriculum. When compared to PBL and PALS training, VARS training appears to be superior in enhancing short-term clinical performance
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