32 research outputs found

    Contrasting Multicast Algorithms and XML with Afer

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    In recent years, much research has been devoted to the simulation of compilers; nevertheless, few have investigated the exploration of web browsers. Given the trends in distributed theory, futurists dubiously note the key unification of RPCs and spreadsheets, which embodies the technical principles of steganography. We confirm that although Web services and semaphores can collaborate to realize this ambition, suffix trees can be made distributed, wireless, and mobile

    Marketing Fed Cattle: Cooperative Opportunities

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    Structural changes in cattle feeding and meatpacking have affected cattle feeders. As a result, some cattle feeders have become increasingly concerned about market access and pricing methods. This report explores one response available to cattle feeders: to collectively market cattle by forming a marketing cooperative. Three alternative types of fed cattle cooperatives are discussed: bargaining cooperatives, electronic marketing cooperatives, and integrated cattle feedingmeatpacking cooperatives

    Rural Cooperatives Magazine, May/June 2001

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    Features- All ag, all the time; All bogged down; Local co-ops embrace high-tech agronomy systems; Hang on to the ranch; Local cooperatives’ role in identity-preserved grain industry


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    To survive and be competitive in the changing economic environment, agricultural cooperatives are innovating and creating more sophisticated, added-value products and broadening the range of provided services. Lithuanian cooperatives, facing the same challenges, are less flexible and adaptable to changes due to short operational history and sparse membership. Therefore, the following scientific problem is addressed: do Lithuanian agricultural cooperatives still represent a shift to servitizing? The aim of this paper is to investigate the current state of servitization among Lithuanian agricultural cooperatives, and to frame directions for further research in this novel research field. The research relies on structured interviews conducted with Lithuanian agricultural cooperatives. The results of statistical data analysis indicate a slow shift of agricultural cooperatives towards servitization, particularly related to the provision of knowledge-based and adding-value services. Identification of general and personal causes of slow servitization among cooperatives is suggested for further researches.Siekdami išlikti ir būti konkurencingi besikeičiant pasaulinėms ekonominėms sąlygoms, žemės ūkio kooperatyvai kuria sudėtingesnę, didesnę pridėtinę vertę turinčią produkciją bei plečia teikiamų paslaugų asortimentą. Lietuvos kooperatyvai susiduria su tais pačiais iššūkiais, tačiau dėl trumpos veiklos patirties ir mažo narių skaičiaus yra riboto lankstumo ir sunkiau prisitaiko prie pokyčių. Todėl straipsnyje formuluojama mokslinė problema: ar Lietuvos žemės ūkio kooperatyvai pereina prie veiklos servitizacijos? Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti kooperatyvų servitizacijos situaciją ir pasiūlyti tolimesnių tyrimų, susijusių su šia žemės ūkiui nauja tema, kryptis. Tyrimas remiasi struktūruotais interviu, atliktais su Lietuvos žemės ūkio kooperatyvais. Statistinės duomenų analizės metu gauti rezultatai rodo labai lėtą kooperatyvų servitizaciją, ypač kalbant apie žiniomis grįstų ir pridėtinę vertę kuriančių paslaugų teikimą. Ateityje siūloma nustatyti bendrąsias ir asmenines lėtos kooperatyvų servitizacijos priežastis

    Rural Cooperatives Magazine, January/February 2004

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    Features- On the front line; Wisconsin co-op offers fresh approach to produce auctions; Agribusiness, co-ops awarded $28 million in USDA grants; Boosting the giant; African ag co-ops leading fight against HIV/ AIDS; Meeting the test; Co-op leaders focus on strategies for success; How business culture drives economic behavior in co-ops; Farmer co-op sales, income fall in 200