196 research outputs found

    American Mastodon Mitochondrial Genomes Suggest Multiple Dispersal Events in Response to Pleistocene Climate Oscillations

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    Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles are correlated with dramatic temperature oscillations. Examining how species responded to these natural fluctuations can provide valuable insights into the impacts of present-day anthropogenic climate change. Here we present a phylogeographic study of the extinct American mastodon (Mammut americanum), based on 35 complete mitochondrial genomes. These data reveal the presence of multiple lineages within this species, including two distinct clades from eastern Beringia. Our molecular date estimates suggest that these clades arose at different times, supporting a pattern of repeated northern expansion and local extirpation in response to glacial cycling. Consistent with this hypothesis, we also note lower levels of genetic diversity among northern mastodons than in endemic clades south of the continental ice sheets. The results of our study highlight the complex relationships between population dispersals and climate change, and can provide testable hypotheses for extant species expected to experience substantial biogeographic impacts from rising temperatures

    Formal Reduction Potential of 3,5-Difluorotyrosine in a Structured Protein: Insight into Multistep Radical Transfer

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    The reversible Y–O•/Y–OH redox properties of the α[subscript 3]Y model protein allow access to the electrochemical and thermodynamic properties of 3,5-difluorotyrosine. The unnatural amino acid has been incorporated at position 32, the dedicated radical site in α[subscript 3]Y, by in vivo nonsense codon suppression. Incorporation of 3,5-difluorotyrosine gives rise to very minor structural changes in the protein scaffold at pH values below the apparent pK (8.0 ± 0.1) of the unnatural residue. Square-wave voltammetry on α[subscript 3](3,5)F[subscript 2]Y provides an E°′(Y–O•/Y–OH) of 1026 ± 4 mV versus the normal hydrogen electrode (pH 5.70 ± 0.02) and shows that the fluoro substitutions lower the E°′ by −30 ± 3 mV. These results illustrate the utility of combining the optimized α[subscript 3]Y tyrosine radical system with in vivo nonsense codon suppression to obtain the formal reduction potential of an unnatural aromatic residue residing within a well-structured protein. It is further observed that the protein E°′ values differ significantly from peak potentials derived from irreversible voltammograms of the corresponding aqueous species. This is notable because solution potentials have been the main thermodynamic data available for amino acid radicals. The findings in this paper are discussed relative to recent mechanistic studies of the multistep radical-transfer process in Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase site-specifically labeled with unnatural tyrosine residues.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM29595

    Spectroscopic Studies of the Iron and Manganese Reconstituted Tyrosyl Radical in Bacillus Cereus Ribonucleotide Reductase R2 Protein

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    Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) catalyzes the rate limiting step in DNA synthesis where ribonucleotides are reduced to the corresponding deoxyribonucleotides. Class Ib RNRs consist of two homodimeric subunits: R1E, which houses the active site; and R2F, which contains a metallo cofactor and a tyrosyl radical that initiates the ribonucleotide reduction reaction. We studied the R2F subunit of B. cereus reconstituted with iron or alternatively with manganese ions, then subsequently reacted with molecular oxygen to generate two tyrosyl-radicals. The two similar X-band EPR spectra did not change significantly over 4 to 50 K. From the 285 GHz EPR spectrum of the iron form, a g1-value of 2.0090 for the tyrosyl radical was extracted. This g1-value is similar to that observed in class Ia E. coli R2 and class Ib R2Fs with iron-oxygen cluster, suggesting the absence of hydrogen bond to the phenoxyl group. This was confirmed by resonance Raman spectroscopy, where the stretching vibration associated to the radical (C-O, ν7a = 1500 cm−1) was found to be insensitive to deuterium-oxide exchange. Additionally, the 18O-sensitive Fe-O-Fe symmetric stretching (483 cm−1) of the metallo-cofactor was also insensitive to deuterium-oxide exchange indicating no hydrogen bonding to the di-iron-oxygen cluster, and thus, different from mouse R2 with a hydrogen bonded cluster. The HF-EPR spectrum of the manganese reconstituted RNR R2F gave a g1-value of ∼2.0094. The tyrosyl radical microwave power saturation behavior of the iron-oxygen cluster form was as observed in class Ia R2, with diamagnetic di-ferric cluster ground state, while the properties of the manganese reconstituted form indicated a magnetic ground state of the manganese-cluster. The recent activity measurements (Crona et al., (2011) J Biol Chem 286: 33053–33060) indicates that both the manganese and iron reconstituted RNR R2F could be functional. The manganese form might be very important, as it has 8 times higher activity

    Crystal structure of oxygen-evolving photosystem II at a resolution of 1.9 Å

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    Photosystem II is the site of photosynthetic water oxidation and contains 20 subunits with a total molecular mass of 350 kDa. The structure of photosystem II has been reported at resolutions from 3.8 to 2.9 angstrom. These resolutions have provided much information on the arrangement of protein subunits and cofactors but are insufficient to reveal the detailed structure of the catalytic centre of water splitting. Here we report the crystal structure of photosystem II at a resolution of 1.9 angstrom. From our electron density map, we located all of the metal atoms of the Mn(4)CaO(5) cluster, together with all of their ligands. We found that five oxygen atoms served as oxo bridges linking the five metal atoms, and that four water molecules were bound to the Mn(4)CaO(5) cluster; some of them may therefore serve as substrates for dioxygen formation. We identified more than 1,300 water molecules in each photosystem II monomer. Some of them formed extensive hydrogen-bonding networks that may serve as channels for protons, water or oxygen molecules. The determination of the high-resolution structure of photosystem II will allow us to analyse and understand its functions in great detail

    Model selection in historical research using approximate Bayesian computation

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    Formal Models and History Computational models are increasingly being used to study historical dynamics. This new trend, which could be named Model-Based History, makes use of recently published datasets and innovative quantitative methods to improve our understanding of past societies based on their written sources. The extensive use of formal models allows historians to reevaluate hypotheses formulated decades ago and still subject to debate due to the lack of an adequate quantitative framework. The initiative has the potential to transform the discipline if it solves the challenges posed by the study of historical dynamics. These difficulties are based on the complexities of modelling social interaction, and the methodological issues raised by the evaluation of formal models against data with low sample size, high variance and strong fragmentation. This work examines an alternate approach to this evaluation based on a Bayesian-inspired model selection method. The validity of the classical Lanchester's laws of combat is examined against a dataset comprising over a thousand battles spanning 300 years. Four variations of the basic equations are discussed, including the three most common formulations (linear, squared, and logarithmic) and a new variant introducing fatigue. Approximate Bayesian Computation is then used to infer both parameter values and model selection via Bayes Factors. Results indicate decisive evidence favouring the new fatigue model. The interpretation of both parameter estimations and model selection provides new insights into the factors guiding the evolution of warfare. At a methodological level, the case study shows how model selection methods can be used to guide historical research through the comparison between existing hypotheses and empirical evidence.Funding for this work was provided by the SimulPast Consolider Ingenio project (CSD2010-00034) of the former Ministry for Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government and the European Research Council Advanced Grant EPNet (340828).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Paleontology of leaf beetles

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    `The rate of evolution in any large group is not uniform; there are periods of relatise stability, and periods of comparatively rapid change.' Cockerell and LeVeque, 1931 To Yenli Ych, my beloved wife, a most wonderful person! The fossil record of the Chrysomelidae can be tentatively traced back to the late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic Triassic. Mesozoic records at least 9 subfamilies, 19 genera, and 35 species, are represented by the Sagrinae, the exclusively Mesozoic Proto scelinae, Clytrinae, Cryptocephalinae, Eumolpinae, Chrysomelinae. Galerucinac, Alticinae, and Cassidinae. Cenozoic records at least 12 subfamilies- 63 % of the extant- 12! genera, and 325 species, include the same extant subfamilies as well as the Donaciinae, Zeugophorinae, Criocerinae, and Hispinae and can be frequently identified to genus, especially if preserved in amber. Quaternary records are often identified to extant species. tn total, at least t3! genera about 4 % of total extant, and 357 species < 1 % have been reported. At least, 24 genera <1 % of the extant seem to be extinct. Although reliable biological information associated with the fossil chrysomelids is very scarce, it seems that most of the modern host-plant associations were established, at least, in the late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic. As a whole, stasis seems to be the general rule of the chrysomelid fossil record. Together with other faunal elements, chrysomelids, especially donaciines, have been used as biogeographic and paleoclimatological indicators in the Holocene. I

    The cranial and postcranial morphology of Hutchemys rememdium and its impact on the phylogenetic relationships of Plastomenidae (Testudinata, Trionychidae)

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    Abstract Hutchemys rememdium is a poorly understood softshell turtle (Trionychidae) from the mid Paleocene of the Williston Basin of North America previously known only from postcranial remains. A particularly rich collection of previously undescribed material from the Tiffanian 4 North American Land Mammal Age (NALMA) of North Dakota is here presented consisting of numerous shells that document new variation, some non-shell postcrania, and cranial remains, which are described based on 3D models extracted from micro-CT data. Although the observed shell variation weakens previously noted differences with the younger species Hutchemys arctochelys from the Clarkforkian NALMA, the two taxa are still recognized as distinct. Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses reaffirm the previously challenged placement of Hutchemys rememdium within the clade Plastomenidae, mostly based on novel observations of cranial characters made possible by the new material and the micro-CT data. The new topology supports the notion that the well-ossified plastron of plastomenids originated twice in parallel near the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary, once in the Hutchemys lineage and once in the Gilmoremys/Plastomenus lineage. Hutchemys rememdium is notable for being the only documented species of trionychid in the mid Paleocene of the Williston Basin. The presence of multiple individuals in a carbonaceous claystone indicates this taxon lived in swamps and lakes and its expanded triturating surface suggests it had a durophagous diet

    A hydrogen-atom abstraction model for the function of Y-Z in photosynthetic oxygen evolution

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    Recent magnetic-resonance work on Y-Z suggests that this species exhibits considerable motional flexibility in its functional site and that its phenol oxygen is not involved in a well-ordered hydrogen-bond interaction (Tang et al., submitted; Tommos et al., in press). Both of these observations are inconsistent with a simple electron-transfer function for this radical in photosynthetic water oxidation. By considering the roles of catalytically active amino acid radicals in other enzymes and recent data on the water-oxidation process in Photosystem II, we rationalize these observations by suggesting that Y-Z functions to abstract hydrogen atoms from aquo- and hydroxy-bound manganese ions in the (Mn)(4) cluster on each S-state transition. The hydrogen-atom abstraction process may occur either by sequential or concerted kinetic pathways. Within this model, the (Mn)(4)/Y-Z center forms a single catalytic center that comprises the Oxygen Evolving Complex in Photosystem II

    Kinetics and structure on the high potential side of photosystem. II

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