46 research outputs found

    Lattice-Ramp Induced Dynamics in an Interacting Bose-Bose Mixture

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    We investigate a bosonic quantum gas consisting of two interacting species in an optical lattice at zero and finite temperature. The equilibrium properties and dynamics of this system are obtained by means of the Gutzwiller mean-field method. In particular we model recent experiments where the ramp-up of the optical lattice occurs on a time scale comparable to the tunneling time of the bosons. We demonstrate the violation of adiabaticity of this process with respect to the many-body quantum states, and reproduce and explain the oscillations of the visibility as a function of ramp-up time, as seen in experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Der Einfluss der Krebserkrankung auf das Selbstkonzept des Kindes

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    In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit sollte geklärt werden, welchen Einfluss die Krebserkrankung auf das Selbstkonzept des krebskranken Kindes nimmt und inwiefern heilpädagogisches Handeln zur Stärkung des Selbst beitragen könnte

    Exploring Nurse Responses to Spontaneous Breastfeeding Episodes During Routine Infant Health Checks in Finland: A Multimodal Conversation Analytic Approach

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    Support for mothers’ uptake and longevity in breastfeeding is a global health priority. The benefits of breastfeeding are well documented, ranging from immediate health benefits for the infant that include provision of the best nutrition, to longer-term impacts such as reducing the risk of future digestive complications and obesity in adulthood. We analyze how impromptu breastfeeding might be supported by health-care nurses in Finnish maternity and child health clinics during routine infant health checks. The video data analyzed explore naturally occurring breastfeeding during these clinic encounters, using the analysis of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (EMCA) approach to explore breastfeeding interactions between mothers, infants, and nurses. Findings demonstrate that, in extract 1 the nurse makes herself freely available, offering verbal and physical support when needed, and in extract 2 the mother manages a close intimate interaction feeding her baby whilst also engaging in knowledge exchange regarding important information with the nurse. We discuss how spontaneous breastfeeding interactions during routine clinic visits provide opportunities for nurses to support breastfeeding, where they are acknowledged as rather complex activities requiring focus. Considerations for professional practice are made by exploring how these early perinatal visits provide opportunities for nurses to observe and converse with mothers about how they are managing breastfeeding. A further conclusion suggests that an EMCA methodological exploration of breastfeeding interactions can inform future nurse practice in Finland and other countries

    Specificity of Mimotope-Induced Anti-High Molecular Weight-Melanoma Associated Antigen (HMW-MAA) Antibodies Does Not Ensure Biological Activity

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    Vaccines based on peptide mimics (mimotopes) of conformational tumor antigen epitopes have been investigated for a variety of human tumors including breast cancer, tumors expressing the carcinoembryonic antigen, B cell lymphoma, neuroblastoma, and melanoma. In our previous work, we designed a vaccine based on a mimotope of the high molecular weight-melanoma associated antigen (HMW-MAA) that elicited HMW-MAA-specific antibodies (Abs) with anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we aimed to identify mimotopes of additional distinct HMW-MAA epitopes, since they could be used to construct a polymimotope melanoma vaccine. For this purpose, random peptide phage libraries were screened with the anti-HMW-MAA monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) VT80.12 and VF1-TP43 yielding one peptide ligand for each mAb. Both peptides inhibited the binding of the corresponding mAb to the HMW-MAA. Furthermore, when coupled to the carrier protein keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), both HMW-MAA mimotopes elicited peptide-specific Abs in rabbits or BALB/c mice, but only the mimotope isolated with the mAb VT80.12 elicited HMW-MAA-specific Abs and only in mice. However, the latter Abs had no detectable effect on HMW-MAA expressing human melanoma cells in vitro. These results describe limitations related to the phage display technique and emphasize the need to characterize the functional properties of the mAb utilized to isolate mimotopes of the corresponding epitopes

    Randomized Controlled Trial of Individualized Arousal-Biofeedback for children and adolescents with Disruptive Behavior Disorders (DBD)

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    Background: Disruptive behavior disorders (including conduct disorder (CD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)) are common childhood and adolescent psychiatric conditions often linked to altered arousal. The recommended first-line treatment is multi-modal therapy and includes psychosocial and behavioral interventions. Their modest effect sizes along with clinically and biologically heterogeneous phenotypes, emphasize the need for innovative personalized treatment targeting impaired functions such as arousal dysregulation. Methods: A total of 37 children aged 8-14 years diagnosed with ODD/CD were randomized to 20 sessions of individualized arousal biofeedback using skin conductance levels (SCL-BF) or active treatment as usual (TAU) including psychoeducation and cognitive-behavioral elements. The primary outcome was the change in parents´ ratings of aggressive behavior measured by the Modified Overt Aggression Scale. Secondary outcome measures were subscales from the Child Behavior Checklist, the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional traits and the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire. Results: The SCL-BF treatment was neither superior nor inferior to the active TAU. Both groups showed reduced aggression after treatment with small effects for the primary outcome and large effects for some secondary outcomes. Importantly, successful learning of SCL self-regulation was related to reduced aggression at post-assessment. Conclusions: Individualized SCL-BF was not inferior to active TAU for any treatment outcome with improvements in aggression. Further, participants were on average able to self-regulate their SCL, and those who best learned self-regulation showed the highest clinical improvement, pointing to specificity of SCL-BF regulation for improving aggression. Further studies with larger samples and improved methods, for example by developing BF for mobile use in ecologically more valid settings are warranted

    Aggression subtypes relate to distinct resting state functional connectivity in children and adolescents with disruptive behavior

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    There is increasing evidence for altered brain resting state functional connectivity in adolescents with disruptive behavior. While a considerable body of behavioral research points to differences between reactive and proactive aggression, it remains unknown whether these two subtypes have dissociable effects on connectivity. Additionally, callous-unemotional traits are important specifiers in subtyping aggressive behavior along the affective dimension. Accordingly, we examined associations between two aggression subtypes along with callous-unemotional traits using a seed-to-voxel approach. Six functionally relevant seeds were selected to probe the salience and the default mode network, based on their presumed role in aggression. The resting state sequence was acquired from 207 children and adolescents of both sexes [mean age (standard deviation) = 13.30 (2.60); range = 8.02-18.35] as part of a Europe-based multi-center study. One hundred eighteen individuals exhibiting disruptive behavior (conduct disorder/oppositional defiant disorder) with varying comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms were studied, together with 89 healthy controls. Proactive aggression was associated with increased left amygdala-precuneus coupling, while reactive aggression related to hyper-connectivities of the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) to the parahippocampus, the left amygdala to the precuneus and to hypo-connectivity between the right anterior insula and the nucleus caudate. Callous-unemotional traits were linked to distinct hyper-connectivities to frontal, parietal, and cingulate areas. Additionally, compared to controls, cases demonstrated reduced connectivity of the PCC and left anterior insula to left frontal areas, the latter only when controlling for ADHD scores. Taken together, this study revealed aggression-subtype-specific patterns involving areas associated with emotion, empathy, morality, and cognitive control

    MondoA drives malignancy in B-ALL through enhanced adaptation to metabolic stress.

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    peer reviewedCancer cells are in most instances characterized by rapid proliferation and uncontrolled cell division. Hence, they must adapt to proliferation-induced metabolic stress through intrinsic or acquired antimetabolic stress responses to maintain homeostasis and survival. One mechanism to achieve this is reprogramming gene expression in a metabolism-dependent manner. MondoA (also known as Myc-associated factor X-like protein X-interacting protein [MLXIP]), a member of the MYC interactome, has been described as an example of such a metabolic sensor. However, the role of MondoA in malignancy is not fully understood and the underlying mechanism in metabolic responses remains elusive. By assessing patient data sets, we found that MondoA overexpression is associated with worse survival in pediatric common acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL; B-precursor ALL [B-ALL]). Using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) and RNA-interference approaches, we observed that MondoA depletion reduces the transformational capacity of B-ALL cells in vitro and dramatically inhibits malignant potential in an in vivo mouse model. Interestingly, reduced expression of MondoA in patient data sets correlated with enrichment in metabolic pathways. The loss of MondoA correlated with increased tricarboxylic acid cycle activity. Mechanistically, MondoA senses metabolic stress in B-ALL cells by restricting oxidative phosphorylation through reduced pyruvate dehydrogenase activity. Glutamine starvation conditions greatly enhance this effect and highlight the inability to mitigate metabolic stress upon loss of MondoA in B-ALL. Our findings give novel insight into the function of MondoA in pediatric B-ALL and support the notion that MondoA inhibition in this entity offers a therapeutic opportunity and should be further explored

    Die digitale Transformation der Friedensförderung

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    Julia Hofstetter and Boas Lieberherr argue in their contribution to the Bulletin 2019 that new technologies offer great innovation potential for peacebuilding. At the same time, the application of these technologies represents a challenge for many actors. In order to fully exploit the potential, peace actors must play a more active role in the development and integration of such technologies. According to the authors, this requires a deeper exploration of the relationship between technology and its socio-political context as well as new structures and platforms. Further, when it comes to the latter in particular, Switzerland can make an important contribution as an established peace actor and technology hub.Julia Hofstetter und Boas Lieberherr zu Folge, bieten neue Technologien grosses Innovationspotenzial für die Friedensförderung. Gleichzeitig stellt ihre Anwendung für viele Akteure eine Herausforderung dar. Um das Potenzial dieser Technologien voll auszuschöpfen, müssen Friedensakteure eine aktivere Gestaltungsrolle bei ihrer Entwicklung und Integration einnehmen. Dies erfordert eine vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit strukturellen Wechselwirkungen von Technologie und ihrem sozio-politischen Kontext. Dazu werden neue Strukturen und Plattformen benötigt, zu denen die Schweiz als etablierter Friedensakteur und Technologiestandort einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten kann.ISSN:1024-060

    MYC beeinflusst die Zusammensetzung der RNA-Polymerase II durch die direkte Rekrutierung von Transkriptions-Elongationsfaktoren

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    The transcription factor MYC is a onco-protein, found to be deregulated in many human cancers. High MYC levels correlate with an aggressive tumor outcome and poor survival rates. Despite MYC being discovered as an oncogene already in the 1970s, how MYC regulates transcription of its target genes, which are involved in cellular growth and proliferation, is not fully understood yet. In this study, the question how MYC influences factors interacting with the RNA polymerase II ensuring productive transcription of its target genes was addressed using quantitative mass spectrometry. By comparing the interactome of RNA polymerase II under varying MYC levels, several potential factors involved in transcriptional elongation were identified. Furthermore, the question which of those factors interact with MYC was answered by employing quantitative mass spectrometry of MYC itself. Thereby, the direct interaction of MYC with the transcription elongation factor SPT5, a subunit of the DRB-sensitivity inducing factor, was discovered and analyzed in greater detail. SPT5 was shown to be recruited to chromatin by MYC. In addition, the interaction site of MYC on SPT5 was narrowed down to its evolutionary conserved NGN-domain, which is the known binding site for SPT4, the earlier characterized second subunit of the DRB-sensitivity inducing factor. This finding suggests a model in which MYC and SPT4 compete for binding the NGN-domain of SPT5. Investigations of the SPT5-interacting region on MYC showed binding of SPT5 to MYC’s N-terminus including MYC-boxes 0, I and II. In order to analyze proteins interacting specifically with the N-terminal region of MYC, a truncated MYC-mutant was used for quantitative mass spectrometric analysis uncovering reduced binding for several proteins including the well-known interactor TRRAP and TRRAP-associated complexes. Summarized, ...Bei dem Transkriptionsfaktor MYC handelt es sich um ein Onkoprotein, welches in einer Vielzahl der menschlichen Krebserkrankungen in erhöhter Konzentration vorliegt, was wiederum mit einem schweren Krankheitsverlauf einhergeht. Bereits in den 1970iger Jahren wurde das Protein MYC als ein Onkoprotein identifiziert, aber wie es die Transkription seiner großen Bandbreite an Zielgenen, welche für Zellwachstum und -proliferation verantwortlich sind, reguliert, ist bisher noch nicht eindeutig geklärt. In dieser Arbeit wurde die zentrale Frage untersucht, wie MYC die Proteine beeinflusst, die mit der RNA-Polymerase II interagieren, um dadurch eine schnelle und produktive Transkription seiner Zielgene zu ermöglichen. Hierfür wurden mittels der Durchführung massenspektrometrischer Untersuchungen Proteine, die in der An- und Abwesenheit von MYC mit der RNA-Polymerase II interagieren, identifiziert, was eine MYC-bedingte Änderung einiger Elongationsfaktoren im Interaktom der RNA-Polymerase II aufzeigte. Des Weiteren wurden ebenfalls unter Zuhilfenahme massenspektrometrischer Analysen Proteine bestimmt, die mit MYC selbst interagieren. Hierdurch konnte die bisher unbeschriebene, direkte Interaktion zwischen MYC und SPT5, der großen Untereinheit des DRB-sensitivity inducing factors, aufgedeckt und näher analysiert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass MYC SPT5 zum Chromatin rekrutiert. Weiter konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass MYC mit der evolutionär konservierten NGN-Domäne von SPT5 interagiert, an welche auch SPT4, die zweite Untereinheit des DRB-sensitivity inducing factors, bindet. Dies resultiert in dem Modell, dass MYC mit SPT4 um die Bindestelle auf SPT5 konkurriert und durch dieses ersetzt werden kann. Die Nähere Untersuchung der Bindestelle von SPT5 auf MYC zeigte eine Binderegion im N-terminalen Bereich von MYC auf, der die MYC-Boxen 0, I und II miteinschließt. Um Proteine zu identifiziert, die selektiv mit dem N-terminalen Bereich von MYC interagieren, ..