1,182 research outputs found

    Nonlinear projective filtering in a data stream

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    We introduce a modified algorithm to perform nonlinear filtering of a time series by locally linear phase space projections. Unlike previous implementations, the algorithm can be used not only for a posteriori processing but includes the possibility to perform real time filtering in a data stream. The data base that represents the phase space structure generated by the data is updated dynamically. This also allows filtering of non-stationary signals and dynamic parameter adjustment. We discuss exemplary applications, including the real time extraction of the fetal electrocardiogram from abdominal recordings.Comment: 8 page

    Outbursts from IGR J17473-2721

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    We have investigated the outbursts of IGR J17473-2721. We analyzed all available observations carried out by RXTE on IGR J17473-2721 during its later outburst and as well all the available SWIFT/BAT data. The flux of the latter outburst rose in ~ one month and then kept roughly constant for the following ~ two months. During this time period, the source was in a low/hard state. The source moved to a high/soft state within the following three days, accompanied by the occurrence of an additional outburst at soft X-rays and the end of the preceding outburst in hard X-rays. During the decay of this soft outburst, the source went back to a low/hard state within 6 days, with a luminosity 4 times lower than the first transition. This shows a full cycle of the hysteresis in transition between the hard and the soft states. The fact that the flux remained roughly constant for ~ two months at times prior to the spectral transition to a high/soft state might be regarded as the result of balancing the evaporation of the inner disk and the inward accretion flow, in a model in which the state transition is determined by the mass flow rate. Such a balance might be broken via an additional mass flow accreting onto the inner disk, which lightens the extra soft outburst and causes the state transition. However, the possibility of an origin of the emission from the jet during this time period cannot be excluded. The spectral analysis suggests an inclined XRB system for IGR J17473-2721. Such a long-lived preceding low/hard state makes IGR J17473-2721 resemble the behavior of outbursts seen in black hole X-ray binaries like GX 339-4.Comment: A&A in pres

    The source ambiguity problem: Distinguishing the effects of grammar and processing on acceptability judgments

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    Judgments of linguistic unacceptability may theoretically arise from either grammatical deviance or significant processing difficulty. Acceptability data are thus naturally ambiguous in theories that explicitly distinguish formal and functional constraints. Here, we consider this source ambiguity problem in the context of Superiority effects: the dispreference for ordering a wh-phrase in front of a syntactically “superior” wh-phrase in multiple wh-questions, e.g., What did who buy? More specifically, we consider the acceptability contrast between such examples and so-called D-linked examples, e.g., Which toys did which parents buy? Evidence from acceptability and self-paced reading experiments demonstrates that (i) judgments and processing times for Superiority violations vary in parallel, as determined by the kind of wh-phrases they contain, (ii) judgments increase with exposure, while processing times decrease, (iii) reading times are highly predictive of acceptability judgments for the same items, and (iv) the effects of the complexity of the wh-phrases combine in both acceptability judgments and reading times. This evidence supports the conclusion that D-linking effects are likely reducible to independently motivated cognitive mechanisms whose effects emerge in a wide range of sentence contexts. This in turn suggests that Superiority effects, in general, may owe their character to differential processing difficulty

    The influence of potassium on core and geodynamo evolution

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    We model the thermal evolution of the core and mantle using a parametrized convection scheme, and calculate the entropy available to drive the geodynamo as a function of time. The cooling of the core is controlled by the rate at which the mantle can remove heat. Rapid core cooling favours the operation of a geodynamo but creates an inner core that is too large; slower cooling reduces the inner core size but makes a geodynamo less likely to operate. Introducing potassium into the core retards inner core growth and provides an additional source of entropy. For our nominal model parameters, a core containing approximate to 400 ppm potassium satisfies the criteria of present-day inner core size, surface heat flux, mantle temperature and cooling rate, and positive core entropy production.We have identified three possibilities that may allow the criteria to be satisfied without potassium in the core. (1) The core thermal conductivity is less than half the generally accepted value of 50 W m(-1) K-1. (2) The core solidus and adiabat are significantly colder and shallower than results from shock experiments and ab initio simulations indicate. (3) The core heat flux has varied by no more than a factor of 2 over Earth history. All models we examined with the correct present-day inner core radius have an inner core age of < 1.5 Gyr; prior to this time the geodynamo was sustained by cooling and radioactive heat production within a completely liquid core

    Imaging the Earth's Interior: the Angular Distribution of Terrestrial Neutrinos

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    Decays of radionuclides throughout the Earth's interior produce geothermal heat, but also are a source of antineutrinos. The (angle-integrated) geoneutrino flux places an integral constraint on the terrestrial radionuclide distribution. In this paper, we calculate the angular distribution of geoneutrinos, which opens a window on the differential radionuclide distribution. We develop the general formalism for the neutrino angular distribution, and we present the inverse transformation which recovers the terrestrial radioisotope distribution given a measurement of the neutrino angular distribution. Thus, geoneutrinos not only allow a means to image the Earth's interior, but offering a direct measure of the radioactive Earth, both (1) revealing the Earth's inner structure as probed by radionuclides, and (2) allowing for a complete determination of the radioactive heat generation as a function of radius. We present the geoneutrino angular distribution for the favored Earth model which has been used to calculate geoneutrino flux. In this model the neutrino generation is dominated by decays in the Earth's mantle and crust; this leads to a very ``peripheral'' angular distribution, in which 2/3 of the neutrinos come from angles > 60 degrees away from the downward vertical. We note the possibility of that the Earth's core contains potassium; different geophysical predictions lead to strongly varying, and hence distinguishable, central intensities (< 30 degrees from the downward vertical). Other uncertainties in the models, and prospects for observation of the geoneutrino angular distribution, are briefly discussed. We conclude by urging the development and construction of antineutrino experiments with angular sensitivity. (Abstract abridged.)Comment: 25 pages, RevTeX, 7 figures. Comments welcom

    Fluorescent Silicon Clusters and Nanoparticles

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    The fluorescence of silicon clusters is reviewed. Atomic clusters of silicon have been at the focus of research for several decades because of the relevance of size effects for material properties, the importance of silicon in electronics and the potential applications in bio-medicine. To date numerous examples of nanostructured forms of fluorescent silicon have been reported. This article introduces the principles and underlying concepts relevant for fluorescence of nanostructured silicon such as excitation, energy relaxation, radiative and non-radiative decay pathways and surface passivation. Experimental methods for the production of silicon clusters are presented. The geometric and electronic properties are reviewed and the implications for the ability to emit fluorescence are discussed. Free and pure silicon clusters produced in molecular beams appear to have properties that are unfavourable for light emission. However, when passivated or embedded in a suitable host, they may emit fluorescence. The current available data show that both quantum confinement and localised transitions, often at the surface, are responsible for fluorescence. By building silicon clusters atom by atom, and by embedding them in shells atom by atom, new insights into the microscopic origins of fluorescence from nanoscale silicon can be expected.Comment: 5 figures, chapter in "Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook", editor Klaus D. Sattler, CRC Press, August 201

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of UV Oscillations in WZ Sagittae During the Decline from Outburst

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    We present a time series analysis of Hubble Space Telescope observations of WZ Sge obtained in 2001 September, October, November and December as WZ Sge declined from its 2001 July superoutburst. Previous analysis of these data showed the temperature of the white dwarf decreased from ~29,000 K to ~18,000 K. In this study we binned the spectra over wavelength to yield ultraviolet light curves at each epoch that were then analyzed for the presence of the well-known 27.87 s and 28.96 s oscillations. We detect the 29 s periodicity at all four epochs, but the 28 s periodicity is absent. The origin of these oscillations has been debated since their discovery in the 1970s and competing hypotheses are based on either white dwarf non-radial g-mode pulsations or magnetically-channelled accretion onto a rotating white dwarf. By analogy with the ZZ Ceti stars, we argue that the non-radial g-mode pulsation model demands a strong dependence of pulse period on the white dwarf's temperature. However, these observations show the 29 s oscillation is independent of the white dwarf's temperature. Thus we reject the white dwarf non-radial g-mode pulsation hypothesis as the sole origin of the oscillations. It remains unclear if magnetically-funnelled accretion onto a rapidly rotating white dwarf (or belt on the white dwarf) is responsible for producing the oscillations. We also report the detection of a QPO with period ~18 s in the September light curve. The amplitudes of the 29 s oscillation and the QPO vary erratically on short timescales and are not correlated with the mean system brightness nor with each other.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in Ap

    Stability and Evolution of Supernova Fallback Disks

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    We show that thin accretion disks made of Carbon or Oxygen are subject to the same thermal ionization instability as Hydrogen and Helium disks. We argue that the instability applies to disks of any metal content. The relevance of the instability to supernova fallback disks probably means that their power-law evolution breaks down when they first become neutral. We construct simple analytical models for the viscous evolution of fallback disks to show that it is possible for these disks to become neutral when they are still young (ages of a few 10^3 to 10^4 years), compact in size (a few 10^9 cm to 10^11 cm) and generally accreting at sub-Eddington rates (Mdot ~ a few 10^14 - 10^18 g/s). Based on recent results on the nature of viscosity in the disks of close binaries, we argue that this time may also correspond to the end of the disk activity period. Indeed, in the absence of a significant source of viscosity in the neutral phase, the entire disk will likely turn to dust and become passive. We discuss various applications of the evolutionary model, including anomalous X-ray pulsars and young radio pulsars. Our analysis indicates that metal-rich fallback disks around newly-born neutron stars and black holes become neutral generally inside the tidal truncation radius (Roche limit) for planets, at \~10^11 cm. Consequently, the efficiency of the planetary formation process in this context will mostly depend on the ability of the resulting disk of rocks to spread via collisions beyond the Roche limit. It appears easier for the merger product of a doubly degenerate binary, whether it is a massive white dwarf or a neutron star, to harbor planets because it can spread beyond the Roche limit before becoming neutral.[Abridged]Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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