266 research outputs found

    Monetarization of the Feasible Operation Region of Active Distribution Grids Based on a Cost-Optimal Flexibility Disaggregation

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    Hierarchical grid control strategies are an appropriate design concept for the coordination of future transmission system operator (TSO) and distribution system operator (DSO) interactions. Hierarchical approaches are based on the aggregation of decentralized ancillary service potentials, represented by converter-coupled, communicable active and reactive power flexibility providing units (FPU, e.g. wind turbines) at vertical TSO/DSO system interfaces. The resulting PQ-polygon made available by the DSO for a potential request of ancillary service flexibilities by the TSO is called feasible operation region (FOR). A monetarization of the FOR is necessary for the implementation as operational degree of freedom within TSO grid control. In the context of a local DSO and global TSO market, this article presents an approach for the monetarization of the FOR by a cost structure using metadata from population based aggregation methods. At the local DSO market free bids for the active and reactive power flexibilities by the FPUs stakeholders are assumed. Within the aggregation method multiple FPU flexibility polygons at a single bus are aggregated for a reduction of the search space dimensions. Thereby, the main contribution of the proposed method is the cost-optimal disaggregation of a flexibility demand to the single FPUs within the aggregated FPU by a mixed integer linear program. The approach can be simply adapted for the coordination of DSO/DSO-interactions regarding hierarchical multi-level grid control strategies

    What if electricity from wood costs two-euro cents / kWh and produces high quality charcoal?

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    Among the renewable energy sources to generate electricity, the combustion or gasification of biomass could play an extremely important role in the future. A major reason for its importance is the independence between the time of availability of the energy source and power generation. However, to maintain their importance in the long run, correspondingly low levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) are necessary; the technology used must also be able to operate profitably without subsidized renewable energy feed-in tariffs. The aim of this work is to reduce the LCOE of biomass combined heat and power-plants with a gasification reactor –wood gasification plants in particular – by utilizing or increasing the value of the gasification residue and a favorable input material. Essentially, the gasification residue is refined into a higher quality product so that the charcoal has the properties of an activated carbon (AC). Furthermore, waste wood (untreated pallets and packaging wood) should be treated in such a way that the resulting fractions can be processed in an existing reactor with the floating fixed-bed gasification (FFBG) technology. Therefore, a Functionalization Unit (Green Carbon Unit (GCU)) and treatment processes for waste wood are to be developed. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Survey and Comparison of Optimization-Based Aggregation Methods for the Determination of the Flexibility Potentials at Vertical System Interconnections

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    The aggregation of operational active and reactive power flexibilities as the feasible operation region (FOR) is a main component of a hierarchical multi-voltage-level grid control as well as the cooperation of transmission and distribution system operators at vertical system interconnections. This article presents a new optimization-based aggregation approach, based on a modified particle swarm optimization (PSO) and compares it to non-linear and linear programming. The approach is to combine the advantages of stochastic and optimization-based methods to achieve an appropriate aggregation of flexibilities while obtaining additional meta information during the iterative solution process. The general principles for sampling an FOR are introduced in a survey of aggregation methods from the literature and the adaptation of the classic optimal power flow problem. The investigations are based on simulations of the Cigré medium voltage test system and are divided into three parts. The improvement of the classic PSO algorithm regarding the determination of the FOR are presented. The most suitable of four sampling strategies from the literature is identified and selected for the comparison of the optimization methods. The analysis of the results reveals a better performance of the modified PSO in sampling the FOR compared to the other optimization methods

    Handling Concept Drifts in Regression Problems -- the Error Intersection Approach

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    Machine learning models are omnipresent for predictions on big data. One challenge of deployed models is the change of the data over time, a phenomenon called concept drift. If not handled correctly, a concept drift can lead to significant mispredictions. We explore a novel approach for concept drift handling, which depicts a strategy to switch between the application of simple and complex machine learning models for regression tasks. We assume that the approach plays out the individual strengths of each model, switching to the simpler model if a drift occurs and switching back to the complex model for typical situations. We instantiate the approach on a real-world data set of taxi demand in New York City, which is prone to multiple drifts, e.g. the weather phenomena of blizzards, resulting in a sudden decrease of taxi demand. We are able to show that our suggested approach outperforms all regarded baselines significantly

    Raman Diagnostics of Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries Using Multi-Wavelength Excitation

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    Lithium-ion batteries have been commonly employed as power sources in portable devices and are of great interest for large-scale energy storage. To further enhance the fundamental understanding of the electrode structure, we report on the use of multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy for the detailed characterization of layered cathode materials for Li-ion batteries (LiCoO₂, LiNixCo₁₋xO₂, LiNi1/₃Mn₁/₃Co₁/₃O₂). Varying the laser excitation from the UV to the visible (257, 385, 515, 633 nm) reveals wavelength-dependent changes in the vibrational profile and overtone/combination bands, originating from resonance effects in LiCoO₂. In mixed oxides, the influence of resonance effects on the vibrational profile is preserved but mitigated by the presence of Ni and/or Mn, highlighting the influence of resonance Raman spectroscopy on electronic structure changes. The use of UV laser excitation (257, 385 nm) is shown to lead to a higher scattering efficiency towards Ni in LiNi₁/₃Mn₁/₃Co₁/₃O₂ compared to visible wavelengths, while deep UV excitation at 257 nm allows for the sensitive detection of surface species and/or precursor species reminiscent of the synthesis. Our results demonstrate the potential of multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy for the detailed characterization of cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, including phase/impurity identification and quantification, as well as electronic structure analysis

    Abflusstiefen auf aufgelösten Blockrampen bei Rest- und Niederwassersituation

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    Aufsatz veröffentlicht in: "Wasserbau-Symposium 2021: Wasserbau in Zeiten von Energiewende, GewÀsserschutz und Klimawandel, Zurich, Switzerland, September 15-17, 2021, Band 2" veröffentlicht unter: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-00049975

    Field study of natural, mechanical and hybrid ventilation systems of 27 office buildings in the temperate zone country Switzerland

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    Analyses in this study focus on characteristics of three different clusters of ventilation for office buildings. These comprise natural, mechanical and hybrid ventilation. In a major project study, extensive data was collected from 27 office buildings. Besides physically measurable parameters, psycho-social-oriented surveys of building users and information about building-specific constructional or building technology were compiled. In a selection, results of indoor air quality (IAQ) and indoor environment quality (IEQ) were compared with current standards. Thom’s Discomfort Index (DI) suggested that, for all three clusters, populations feeling discomfort are to be expected during the summer months. Responses for certain aspects corresponding to IEQ and IAQ showed a remarkable seasonal divergence of satisfaction with air temperature for naturally ventilated buildings. The appearance of stagnant air is found to occur in its strongest form in naturally and hybrid ventilated buildings. Mechanically ventilated buildings were reported as having the lowest values for satisfaction with air humidity in winter. Each ventilation system comprises characteristic advantages and disadvantages. A tendency might favour, at least seasonally, mechanically or hybrid ventilated buildings. Differences between these two systems are not significant in this sample. The result raises the question of how much technical effort is actually necessary to provide satisfactory ventilation

    Enabling Long‐term Cycling Stability of Na₃V₂(PO₄)₃ /C vs . Hard Carbon Full‐cells

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    Sodium-ion batteries are becoming an increasingly important complement to lithium-ion batteries. However, while extensive knowledge on the preparation of Li-ion batteries with excellent cycling behavior exists, studies on applicable long-lasting sodium-ion batteries are still limited. Therefore, this study focuses on the cycling stability of batteries composed of Na3V2(PO4)3/C based cathodes and hard carbon anodes. It is shown that full-cells with a decent stability are obtained for ethylene carbonate/propylene carbonate electrolyte and the conducting salt NaPF6. With cathode loadings of 1.2 mAh/cm2, after cell formation discharge capacities up to 92.6 mAh/g are obtained, and capacity retentions >90 % over 1000 charge/discharge cycles at 0.5 C/0.5 C are observed. It is shown that both, the additive fluoroethylene carbonate and impurities in the electrolyte, negatively affect the overall discharge capacity and cycling stability and should therefore be avoided. Remarkably, the internal resistances of well-balanced and well-built cells did not increase over 1500 cycles and 5 months of testing, which is a very promising result regarding the possible lifespan of the cells. The initial loss of active sodium ions in hard carbon remains a major problem, which can only be partially reduced by proper balancing

    First Outbreak of Callitrichid Hepatitis in Germany: Genetic Characterization of the Causative Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Strains

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    AbstractCallitrichid hepatitis (CH) is a highly fatal, rodent-borne zoonosis of New World primates (family Callitrichidae) caused by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). It is unclear whether virulence in Callitrichidae is associated with specific genetic or phylogenetic markers of the virus as only a partial S RNA sequence of a single CH-associated isolate is known. In a period of 10 months, three pygmy marmosets (Cebuella pygmaea) and one Goeldi's monkey (Callimico goeldii) died from CH in a German zoo. LCMV was most likely transmitted by wild mice. Infection was associated with characteristic histopathological lesions in liver, brain, and lymphoid tissue. Virus sequences from all callitrichids and a captured mouse were ≄99.2% identical. LCMV strains from a pygmy marmoset and the Goeldi's monkey were isolated in cell culture and the 3.4-kb S RNA was completely sequenced. Both strains differed considerably in their genetic and phylogenetic characteristics from known LCMV strains, including the previously described CH-associated strain. These data show that CH is widespread and can be caused by distantly related LCMV strains
