157 research outputs found

    Jeder Fehler zĂ€hlt : das Frankfurter Fehlerberichts- und Lernsystem fĂŒr Hausarztpraxen

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    Anderer Fehler sind gute Lehrer « – so lautet ein nur wenig bekanntes altes deutsches Sprichwort. FĂŒr medizinische Fehler galt das die lĂ€ngste Zeit nicht: entweder totgeschwiegen oder als »Kunstfehler « in das Licht der Öffentlichkeit gezerrt, entzogen sich Ă€rztliche Fehler einer systematischen Analyse. Damit hat die Medizin lange eine wichtige Chance vertan. Am Institut fĂŒr Allgemeinmedizin der UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt beschĂ€ftigt sich seit einigen Jahren ein Team unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gerlach intensiv mit der Fehlerforschung. ..

    Development of functional network architecture explains changes in children's altruistically motivated helping

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    Childhood is marked by profound changes in prosocial behaviour. The underlying motivational mechanisms remain poorly understood. We investigated the development of altruistically motivated helping in middle childhood and the neurocognitive and -affective mechanisms driving this development. One-hundred and twenty seven 6-12 year-old children performed a novel gustatory costly helping task designed to measure altruistic motivations of helping behaviour. Neurocognitive and -affective mechanisms including emotion regulation, emotional clarity and attentional reorienting were assessed experimentally through an extensive task-battery while functional brain activity and connectivity were measured during an empathy for taste paradigm and during rest. Altruistically motivated helping increased with age. Out of all mechanisms probed for, only emotional clarity increased with age and accounted for altruistically motivated helping. This was associated with greater functional integration of the empathy-related network with fronto-parietal brain regions at rest. We isolate a highly specific neuroaffective mechanism as the crucial driver of altruistically motivated helping during child development

    Health-related preferences of older patients with multimorbidity: the protocol for an evidence map

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    Introduction: Interaction of conditions and treatments, complicated care needs and substantial treatment burden make patient–physician encounters involving multimorbid older patients highly complex. To optimally integrate patients’ preferences, define and prioritise realistic treatment goals and individualise care, a patient-centred approach is recommended. However, the preferences of older patients, who are especially vulnerable and frequently multimorbid, have not been systematically investigated with regard to their health status. The purpose of this evidence map is to explore current research addressing health-related preferences of older patients with multimorbidity, and to identify the knowledge clusters and research gaps. Methods and analysis: To identify relevant research, we will conduct searches in the electronic databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, PSYNDEX, CINAHL, Social Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index Expanded and the Cochrane library from their inception. We will check reference lists of relevant articles and carry out cited reference research (forward citation tracking). Two independent reviewers will screen titles and abstracts, check full texts for eligibility and extract the data. Any disagreement will be resolved and consensus reached with the help of a third reviewer. We will include both qualitative and quantitative studies, and address preferences from the patients’ perspectives in a multimorbid population of 60 years or older. There will be no restrictions on the publication language. Data extraction tables will present study and patient characteristics, aim of study, methods used to identify preferences and outcomes (ie, type of preferences). We will summarise the data using tables and figures (ie, bubble plot) to present the research landscape and to describe clusters and gaps. Ethics and dissemination: Due to the nature of the proposed evidence map, ethics approval will not be required. Results from our research will be disseminated by means of specifically prepared materials for patients, at relevant (inter)national conferences and via publication in peer-reviewed journals

    Multi-Class Cancer Subtyping in Salivary Gland Carcinomas with MALDI Imaging and Deep Learning

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    Simple Summary The correct diagnosis of different salivary gland carcinomas is important for a prognosis. This diagnosis is imprecise if it is based only on clinical symptoms and histological methods. Mass spectrometry imaging can provide information about the molecular composition of sample tissues. Using a deep-learning method, we analyzed the mass spectrometry imaging data of 25 patients. Using this workflow we could accurately predict the tumor type in each patient sample. Abstract Salivary gland carcinomas (SGC) are a heterogeneous group of tumors. The prognosis varies strongly according to its type, and even the distinction between benign and malign tumor is challenging. Adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCy) is one subgroup of SGCs that is prone to late metastasis. This makes accurate tumor subtyping an important task. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging is a label-free technique capable of providing spatially resolved information about the abundance of biomolecules according to their mass-to-charge ratio. We analyzed tissue micro arrays (TMAs) of 25 patients (including six different SGC subtypes and a healthy control group of six patients) with high mass resolution MALDI imaging using a 12-Tesla magnetic resonance mass spectrometer. The high mass resolution allowed us to accurately detect single masses, with strong contributions to each class prediction. To address the added complexity created by the high mass resolution and multiple classes, we propose a deep-learning model. We showed that our deep-learning model provides a per-class classification accuracy of greater than 80% with little preprocessing. Based on this classification, we employed methods of explainable artificial intelligence (AI) to gain further insights into the spectrometric features of AdCys


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    Beatrice Dernbach/Wiebke Loosen (Hg.): Didaktik der Journalistik. Konzepte, Methoden und Beispiele aus der Journalistenausbildung (Renate Hackel-de Latour)Melanie Kretschmer-Elser: Kritische Reflexionen zur Medienkompetenz (Claudia Paganini)Petra Grimm / Heinrich Badura (Hg.): Medien – Ethik – Gewalt. Neue Perspektiven (Dagmar Hoffmann)Alexander Filipovic ́ / Michael JĂ€ckel / Christian Schicha (Hg.): Medien- und Zivilgesellschaft Kommunikations- und Medienethik (Karin Knop)Thomas Wiedemann: Walter Hagemann. Aufstieg und Fall eines politisch ambitionierten Journalisten und Publizistikwissenschaftlers (Kurt Koszyk)Michael Lukas: Josef Homeyer (1929–2010). Priester – Bischof – EuropĂ€er (Ferdinand Oertel

    Liver Enzyme Abnormalities and Associated Risk Factors in HIV Patients on Efavirenz-Based HAART with or without Tuberculosis Co-Infection in Tanzania.

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    To investigate the timing, incidence, clinical presentation, pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetic predictors for antiretroviral and anti-tuberculosis drug induced liver injury (DILI) in HIV patients with or without TB co-infection. A total of 473 treatment naĂŻve HIV patients (253 HIV only and 220 with HIV-TB co-infection) were enrolled prospectively. Plasma efavirenz concentration and CYP2B6*6, CYP3A5*3, *6 and *7, ABCB1 3435C/T and SLCO1B1 genotypes were determined. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data were collected at baseline and up to 48 weeks of antiretroviral therapy. DILI case definition was according to Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS). Incidence of DILI and identification of predictors was evaluated using Cox Proportional Hazards Model. The overall incidence of DILI was 7.8% (8.3 per 1000 person-week), being non-significantly higher among patients receiving concomitant anti-TB and HAART (10.0%, 10.7 per 1000 person-week) than those receiving HAART alone (5.9%, 6.3 per 1000 person-week). Frequency of CYP2B6*6 allele (p = 0.03) and CYP2B6*6/*6 genotype (p = 0.06) was significantly higher in patients with DILI than those without. Multivariate cox regression model indicated that CYP2B6*6/*6 genotype and anti-HCV IgG antibody positive as significant predictors of DILI. Median time to DILI was 2 weeks after HAART initiation and no DILI onset was observed after 12 weeks. No severe DILI was seen and the gain in CD4 was similar in patients with or without DILI. Antiretroviral and anti-tuberculosis DILI does occur in our setting, presenting early following HAART initiation. DILI seen is mild, transient and may not require treatment interruption. There is good tolerance to HAART and anti-TB with similar immunological outcomes. Genetic make-up mainly CYP2B6 genotype influences the development of efavirenz based HAART liver injury in Tanzanians

    Emotional maltreatment and neglect impact neural activation upon exclusion in early and mid-adolescence: An event-related fMRI study

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    Child maltreatment gives rise to atypical patterns of social functioning with peers which might be particularly pronounced in early adolescence when peer influence typically peaks. Yet, few neuroimaging studies in adolescents use peer interaction paradigms to parse neural correlates of distinct maltreatment exposures. This fMRI study examines effects of abuse, neglect, and emotional maltreatment (EM) among 98 youth (n = 58 maltreated; n = 40 matched controls) using an event-related Cyberball paradigm affording assessment of both social exclusion and inclusion across early and mid-adolescence (≀13.5 years, n = 50; >13.5 years, n = 48). Younger adolescents showed increased activation to social exclusion versus inclusion in regions implicated in mentalizing (e.g., superior temporal gyrus). Individual exposure-specific analyses suggested that neglect and EM coincided with less reduction of activation to social exclusion relative to inclusion in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex/pre-supplementary motor area (dACC/pre-SMA) among younger versus older adolescents. Integrative follow-up analyses showed that EM accounted for this dACC/pre-SMA activation pattern over and above other exposures. Moreover, age-independent results within respective exposure groups revealed that greater magnitude of neglect predicted blunted exclusion-related activity in the parahippocampal gyrus, while EM predicted increased activation to social exclusion in the precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex
