1,562 research outputs found

    Leucospis leucotelus (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae) parasitoide de la abeja carpintera grande Xylocopa lateralis (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Xylocopinae) en Colombia

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    We report Leucospis leucotelus Walker parasitizing nests of Xylocopa(Schonnherria) lateralis Say in Colombia. Previous literature records of species of Leucospisassociated with species ofXylocopa are summarized.Registramos a Leucospis leucotelus Walker parasitando nidos de Xylocopa (Schonnherria) lateralis Say en Colombia. Además, recopilamos todos los registros previos citados en la bibliografía de especies deLeucospis asociados a especies de Xylocopa.Fil: Lucia, Mariano. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Entomología; ArgentinaFil: Wolfgang, Hoffmann. Universidad de Pamplona. Facultad de Ciencias Basicas.; ColombiaFil: Gonzalez, Victor H.. University of Kansas; Estados Unido

    Amplification and overexpression of the ID4 gene at 6p22.3 in bladder cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Amplifications at 6p22.3 are prevalent in advanced stage bladder cancer (TCC). Previous studies have identified SOX4, CDKAL, and E2F3 as targets of this amplification and therefore potential oncogenes, but the more telomeric DEK gene too has been reported as overexpressed and amplified. We have therefore investigated whether the intermediate region harboring the oncogene candidate ID4 is also part of the amplicon. RESULTS: Expression of E2F3, DEK, and ID4 was investigated by real-time RT-PCR in 28 TCC compared to 6 normal bladder tissues and in 15 TCC cell lines compared to cultured normal urothelial cells. Expression of E2F3 as well as DEK increased on average in tumor vs. normal tissues (3-fold and 2.5-fold, resp.), but only the increase for E2F3 was statistically significant (p = 0.039). ID4 overexpression was observed in selected specimens. Each of the three genes was overexpressed in several cell lines, up to 150-fold (ID4), 30-fold (E2F3), and 9-fold (DEK), but these increases were not correlated to each other. Instead, moderate (DEK) to excellent (ID4) correlations were observed with copy number increases of microsatellites near each gene. Microsatellite copy number increases were highly heterogeneous across the investigated several Mb region revealing at least three subregions of amplification. CONCLUSION: Extending previous reports, our data indicate that the 6p22.3 amplicon in TCC is highly heterogeneous and targets several genes in a variable fashion. Among these, expression of E2F3 and DEK appear to be generally increased in TCC, with additional increases caused by amplifications. In contrast, over-expression of ID4, which is normally predominantly expressed in testes and brain, appears to depend more strictly on gene amplification. Accordingly, the effect of amplifications at 6p22.3 in bladder cancer is expected to be non-uniform, thereby contributing to the highly variable biological and clinical behavior of advanced stage tumors. ID4 is a potential oncogene in a small subset of bladder cancers

    Immunization with L. sigmodontis Microfilariae Reduces Peripheral Microfilaraemia after Challenge Infection by Inhibition of Filarial Embryogenesis

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    Lymphatic filariasis is caused by parasitic filarial worms that are transmitted by mosquitoes, requiring uptake of larvae and distribution into the blood of the host. More than 120 million people are infected and about 30% of these individuals suffer from clinical symptoms. Reduction in transmission currently depends on mass drug administration, which has significantly reduced transmission rates over the past years. However, despite repetitive rounds of administration, transmission has not been eliminated completely from endemic areas. In some infected individuals the immune system can partially control the parasite, such that a proportion of infected individuals remain microfilaria-negative, despite the presence of adult worms. Therefore mechanisms must exist that are able to combat microfilaraemia. Identifying such mechanisms would help to design vaccines against disease transmitting microfilarial stages. Using the Litomosoides sigmodontis murine model of filariasis research we show a successful immunization against the blood-circulating larval stage that is responsible for arthropod-dependent transmission of the disease. Reduced microfilaraemia was associated with impairment of worm embryogenesis, with systemic and local microfilarial-specific host IgG and with IFN-γ secretion by host cells at the site of infection. These results raise hope for developing a microfilariae-based vaccine, being a pivotal step towards eradicating filariasis

    Implementation and evaluation of the population-based programme "health literacy in school-aged children" (GeKoKidS)

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    Aim: Health literacy (HL) is a key outcome of health education. Low HL is associated with a higher risk of health-related impairments and high health-related costs. This article therefore describes the contents and evaluation of the school-based programme “Health literacy in school-aged children” (GeKoKidS) and its acceptance by teachers. A second focus of the study is the description of methods to increase the response of schools, students and parents as a crucial condition for the validity and generalizability of results from epidemiologic prevention studies. Subjects and methods: The evaluation of the prevention program GeKoKidS included 5th grade students aged 9–13 years in schools in the region of Greifswald and East Pomerania [longitudinal randomised control group pre-post design (RCT)]. Data collections took place within the extended school dentist examination visits at the beginning of the 2007/2008 school year and at the beginning of the second half term of the 2008/2009 school year. This included medical examinations and self-completion questionnaires of students, parents and teachers. The study was authorised by the data protection commissioner of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and the Ethics Commitee of the Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald. Based on the authorisation of the data protection concept and concerns about selective response, parents were not granted a consent but rather a right to refuse participation. Results: In Greifswald/East Pomerania, 19 of 22 schools with 5th year classes participated in GeKoKidS (response rate: 86.3%). Out of 914 eligible students in the participating schools, 882 children (96.4%) took part in the school dentist examinations. A total of 863 children (94.4%) participated in the extended school dentist examination; 852 children (93.2%) took part in the student survey. In the parental survey 721 parents participated (response rate: 78.8%). A high level of acceptance referring to teacher training and the appropriateness of the GeKoKidS programme was achieved. Conclusion: As shown by the low rate of refusal, the programme and the evaluation study were well accepted. Possible reasons for these results could be the chosen procedure of establishing contact with schools before sending the questionnaires and the parent’s right to refuse their child's participation instead of giving an active confirmation. Because of this high response rate, the database enables comprehensive conclusions to be reached on the health-related state of students in Greifswald/East Pomerania

    Of Mice, Cattle, and Humans: The Immunology and Treatment of River Blindness

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    River blindness is a seriously debilitating disease caused by the filarial parasite Onchocerca volvulus, which infects millions in Africa as well as in South and Central America. Research has been hampered by a lack of good animal models, as the parasite can only develop fully in humans and some primates. This review highlights the development of two animal model systems that have allowed significant advances in recent years and hold promise for the future. Experimental findings with Litomosoides sigmodontis in mice and Onchocerca ochengi in cattle are placed in the context of how these models can advance our ability to control the human disease

    Liver resection or combined chemoembolization and radiofrequency ablation improve survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Background/ Aims: To evaluate the long-term outcome of surgical and non-surgical local treatments of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods: We stratified a cohort of 278 HCC patients using six independent predictors of survival according to the Vienna survival model for HCC (VISUM- HCC). Results: Prior to therapy, 224 HCC patients presented with VISUM stage 1 (median survival 18 months) while 29 patients were classified as VISUM stage 2 (median survival 4 months) and 25 patients as VISUM stage 3 (median survival 3 months). A highly significant (p < 0.001) improved survival time was observed in VISUM stage 1 patients treated with liver resection ( n = 52; median survival 37 months) or chemoembolization (TACE) and subsequent radiofrequency ablation ( RFA) ( n = 44; median survival 45 months) as compared to patients receiving chemoembolization alone (n = 107; median survival 13 months) or patients treated by tamoxifen only (n = 21; median survival 6 months). Chemoembolization alone significantly (p <= 0.004) improved survival time in VISUM stage 1 - 2 patients but not (p = 0.341) in VISUM stage 3 patients in comparison to those treated by tamoxifen. Conclusion: Both liver resection or combined chemoembolization and RFA improve markedly the survival of patients with HCC

    Genetic Contribution to Alcohol Dependence: Investigation of a Heterogeneous German Sample of Individuals with Alcohol Dependence, Chronic Alcoholic Pancreatitis, and Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis

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    The present study investigated the genetic contribution to alcohol dependence (AD) using genome-wide association data from three German samples. These comprised patients with: (i) AD; (ii) chronic alcoholic pancreatitis (ACP); and (iii) alcohol-related liver cirrhosis (ALC). Single marker, gene-based, and pathway analyses were conducted. A significant association was detected for the ADH1B locus in a gene-based approach (puncorrected = 1.2 × 10−6; pcorrected = 0.020). This was driven by the AD subsample. No association with ADH1B was found in the combined ACP + ALC sample. On first inspection, this seems surprising, since ADH1B is a robustly replicated risk gene for AD and may therefore be expected to be associated also with subgroups of AD patients. The negative finding in the ACP + ALC sample, however, may reflect genetic stratification as well as random fluctuation of allele frequencies in the cases and controls, demonstrating the importance of large samples in which the phenotype is well assessed