6,491 research outputs found

    Rigorous conditions for the existence of bound states at the threshold in the two-particle case

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    In the framework of non-relativistic quantum mechanics and with the help of the Greens functions formalism we study the behavior of weakly bound states as they approach the continuum threshold. Through estimating the Green's function for positive potentials we derive rigorously the upper bound on the wave function, which helps to control its falloff. In particular, we prove that for potentials whose repulsive part decays slower than 1/r21/r^{2} the bound states approaching the threshold do not spread and eventually become bound states at the threshold. This means that such systems never reach supersizes, which would extend far beyond the effective range of attraction. The method presented here is applicable in the many--body case

    Predictive Value of Total Metabolic Tumor Burden Prior to Treatment in NSCLC Patients Treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibition

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    Objectives: We aimed to assess the predictive value of the total metabolic tumor burden prior to treatment in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). Methods: Pre-treatment 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scans performed in two consecutive years for staging in adult patients with confirmed NSCLC were considered. Volume, maximum/mean standardized uptake value (SUVmax/SUVmean), metabolic tumor volume (MTV) and total lesion glycolysis (TLG) were assessed per delineated malignant lesion (including primary tumor, regional lymph nodes and distant metastases) in addition to the morphology of the primary tumor and clinical data. Total metabolic tumor burden was captured by totalMTV and totalTLG. Overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS) and clinical benefit (CB) were used as endpoints for response to treatment. Results: A total of 125 NSCLC patients were included. Osseous metastases were the most frequent distant metastases (n = 17), followed by thoracal distant metastases (pulmonal = 14 and pleural = 13). Total metabolic tumor burden prior to treatment was significantly higher in patients treated with ICIs (mean totalMTV ± standard deviation (SD) 72.2 ± 78.7; mean totalTLG ± SD 462.2 ± 538.9) compared to those without ICI treatment (mean totalMTV ± SD 58.1 ± 233.8; mean totalTLG ± SD 290.0 ± 784.2). Among the patients who received ICIs, a solid morphology of the primary tumor on imaging prior to treatment was the strongest outcome predictor for OS (Hazard ratio HR 28.04, p < 0.01), PFS (HR 30.89, p < 0.01) and CB (parameter estimation PE 3.46, p < 0.01), followed by the metabolic features of the primary tumor. Interestingly, total metabolic tumor burden prior to immunotherapy showed a negligible impact on OS (p = 0.04) and PFS (p = 0.01) after treatment given the hazard ratios of 1.00, but also on CB (p = 0.01) given the PE < 0.01. Overall, biomarkers on pre-treatment PET/CT scans showed greater predictive power in patients receiving ICIs, compared to patients without ICI treatment. Conclusions: Morphological and metabolic properties of the primary tumors prior to treatment in advanced NSCLC patients treated with ICI showed great outcome prediction performances, as opposed to the pre-treatment total metabolic tumor burdens, captured by totalMTV and totalTLG, both with negligible impact on OS, PFS and CB. However, the outcome prediction performance of the total metabolic tumor burden might be influenced by the value itself (e.g., poorer prediction performance at very high or very low values of total metabolic tumor burden). Further studies including subgroup analysis with regards to different values of total metabolic tumor burden and their respective outcome prediction performances might be needed.Peer Reviewe

    Iron, silicate, and light co-limitation of three Southern Ocean diatom species

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    The effect of combined iron, silicate, and light co-limitation was investigated in the three diatom species Actinocyclus sp. Ehrenberg, Chaetoceros dichaeta Ehrenberg, and Chaetoceros debilis Cleve, isolated from the Southern Ocean (SO). Growth of all species was co-limited by iron and silicate, reflected in a significant increase in the number of cell divisions compared to the control. Lowest relative Si uptake and drastic frustule malformation was found under iron and silicate co-limitation in C. dichaeta, while Si limitation in general caused cell elongation in both Chaetoceros species. Higher light intensities similar to SO surface conditions showed a negative impact on growth of C. dichaeta and Actinocyclus sp. and no effect on C. debilis. This is in contrast to the assumed light limitation of SO diatoms due to deep wind driven mixing. Our results suggest that growth and species composition of Southern Ocean diatoms is influenced by a sensitive interaction of the abiotic factors, iron, silicate, and light

    Additional Primary Tumors Detected Incidentally on FDG PET/CT at Staging in Patients with First Diagnosis of NSCLC: Frequency, Impact on Patient Management and Survival

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    We aimed to assess the frequency of additional primary malignancies detected incidentally on [18F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) at staging in NSCLC patients. Moreover, their impact on patient management and survival was assessed. Consecutive NSCLC patients with available staging FDG-PET/CT between 2020 and 2021 were retrospectively enrolled. We reported whether further investigations of suspicious findings presumably not related to NSCLC were recommended and performed after FDG-PET/CT. Any additional imaging, surgery or multimodal management was considered as an impact on patient management. Patient survival was defined using overall survival OS and progression-free survival PFS. A total of 125 NSCLC patients were included, while 26 findings in 26 different patients were suspicious for an additional malignancy on FDG-PET/CT at staging. The most frequent anatomical site was the colon. A total of 54.2% of all additional suspicious lesions turned out to be malignant. Almost every malignant finding had an impact on patient management. No significant differences were found between NSCLC patients with suspicious findings versus no suspicious findings with regards to their survival. FDG-PET/CT performed for staging might be a valuable tool to identify additional primary tumors in NSCLC patients. Identification of additional primary tumors might have substantial implications for patient management. An early detection together with interdisciplinary patient management could prevent a worsening of survival compared to patients with NSCLC only.Peer Reviewe

    Optimization by thermal cycling

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    Thermal cycling is an heuristic optimization algorithm which consists of cyclically heating and quenching by Metropolis and local search procedures, respectively, where the amplitude slowly decreases. In recent years, it has been successfully applied to two combinatorial optimization tasks, the traveling salesman problem and the search for low-energy states of the Coulomb glass. In these cases, the algorithm is far more efficient than usual simulated annealing. In its original form the algorithm was designed only for the case of discrete variables. Its basic ideas are applicable also to a problem with continuous variables, the search for low-energy states of Lennard-Jones clusters.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the Workshop "Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity", held in Erice 20-26 July 2004. Latex, 7 pages, 3 figure

    The roles and contributions of Biodiversity Observation Networks (BONs) in better tracking progress to 2020 biodiversity targets: a European case study

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    The Aichi Biodiversity Targets of the United Nations’ Strategic Plan for Biodiversity set ambitious goals for protecting biodiversity from further decline. Increased efforts are urgently needed to achieve these targets by 2020. The availability of comprehensive, sound and up-to-date biodiversity data is a key requirement to implement policies, strategies and actions to address biodiversity loss, monitor progress towards biodiversity targets, as well as to assess the current status and future trends of biodiversity. Key gaps, however, remain in our knowledge of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. These are mostly a result of barriers preventing existing data from being discoverable, accessible and digestible. In this paper, we describe what regional Biodiversity Observation Networks (BONs) can do to address these barriers using the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON) as an example. We conclude that there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift in how biodiversity data are collected, stored, shared and streamlined in order to tackle the many sustainable development challenges ahead. We need a shift towards an integrative biodiversity information framework, starting from collection to the final interpretation and packaging of data. This is a major objective of the EU BON project, towards which progress is being made

    Existence of global strong solutions to a beam-fluid interaction system

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    We study an unsteady non linear fluid-structure interaction problem which is a simplified model to describe blood flow through viscoleastic arteries. We consider a Newtonian incompressible two-dimensional flow described by the Navier-Stokes equations set in an unknown domain depending on the displacement of a structure, which itself satisfies a linear viscoelastic beam equation. The fluid and the structure are fully coupled via interface conditions prescribing the continuity of the velocities at the fluid-structure interface and the action-reaction principle. We prove that strong solutions to this problem are global-in-time. We obtain in particular that contact between the viscoleastic wall and the bottom of the fluid cavity does not occur in finite time. To our knowledge, this is the first occurrence of a no-contact result, but also of existence of strong solutions globally in time, in the frame of interactions between a viscous fluid and a deformable structure

    A proposed prioritization system for the management of invasive alien plants in South Africa

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    Every country has weed species whose presence conflicts in some way with human management objectives and needs. Resources for research and control are limited, so priority should be given to species that are the biggest problem. The prioritization system described in this article was designed to assess objectively research and control priorities of invasive alien plants at a national scale in South Africa. The evaluation consists of seventeen criteria, grouped into five modules, that assess invasiveness, spatial characteristics, potential impact, potential for control, and conflicts of interest for each plant species under consideration. Total prioritization scores, calculated from criterion and module scores, were used to assess a species' priority. Prioritization scores were calculated by combining independent assessments provided by several experts, thus increasing the reliability of the rankings. The total confidence score, a separate index, indicates the reliability and availability of data used to make an assessment. Candidate species for evaluation were identified and assessed by several experts using the prioritization system. The final ranking was made by combining two separate indices, the total prioritization score and the total confidence score. This approach integrates the plant's perceived priority with an index of data reliability. Of the 61 species assessed, those with the highest ranks (Lantana camara, Chromolaena odorata and Opuntia ficus-indica) had high prioritization and high confidence scores, and are thus of most concern. Those species with the lowest ranks, for example, Harrisia martinii, Opuntia spinulifera and Opuntia exaltata, had low prioritization scores and high confidence scores, and thus are of least concern. Our approach to ranking weeds offers several advantages over existing systems because it is designed for multiple assessors based on the Delphi decision-making technique, the criteria contribute equally to the total score, and the system can accommodate incomplete data on a species. Although the choice of criteria may be criticized and the system has certain limitations, it appears to have delivered credible results

    Angiopoietin-like protein 4 is an exercise-induced hepatokine in humans, regulated by glucagon and cAMP

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    Objective: Angiopoietin-like protein-4 (ANGPTL4) is a circulating protein that is highly expressed in liver and implicated in regulation of plasma triglyceride levels. Systemic ANGPTL4 increases during prolonged fasting and is suggested to be secreted from skeletal muscle following exercise. Methods: We investigated the origin of exercise-induced ANGPTL4 in humans by measuring the arterial-to-venous difference over the leg and the hepato-splanchnic bed during an acute bout of exercise. Furthermore, the impact of the glucagon-to-insulin ratio on plasma ANGPTL4 was studied in healthy individuals. The regulation of ANGPTL4 was investigated in both hepatic and muscle cells. Results: The hepato-splanchnic bed, but not the leg, contributed to exercise-induced plasma ANGPTL4. Further studies using hormone infusions revealed that the glucagon-to-insulin ratio is an important regulator of plasma ANGPTL4 as elevated glucagon in the absence of elevated insulin increased plasma ANGPTL4 in resting subjects, whereas infusion of somatostatin during exercise blunted the increase of both glucagon and ANGPTL4. Moreover, activation of the cAMP/PKA signaling cascade let to an increase in ANGPTL4 mRNA levels in hepatic cells, which was prevented by inhibition of PKA. In humans, muscle ANGPTL4 mRNA increased during fasting, with only a marginal further induction by exercise. In human muscle cells, no inhibitory effect of AMPK activation could be demonstrated on ANGPTL4 expression. Conclusions: The data suggest that exercise-induced ANGPTL4 is secreted from the liver and driven by a glucagon-cAMP-PKA pathway in humans. These findings link the liver, insulin/glucagon, and lipid metabolism together, which could implicate a role of ANGPTL4 in metabolic diseases

    Real-time non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum glassy systems

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    We develop a systematic analytic approach to aging effects in quantum disordered systems in contact with an environment. Within the closed-time path-integral formalism we include dissipation by coupling the system to a set of independent harmonic oscillators that mimic a quantum thermal bath. After integrating over the bath variables and averaging over disorder we obtain an effective action that determines the real-time dynamics of the system. The classical limit yields the Martin-Siggia-Rose generating functional associated to a colored noise. We apply this general formalism to a prototype model related to the pp spin-glass. We show that the model has a dynamic phase transition separating the paramagnetic from the spin-glass phase and that quantum fluctuations depress the transition temperature until a quantum critical point is reached. We show that the dynamics in the paramagnetic phase is stationary but presents an interesting crossover from a region controlled by the classical critical point to another one controlled by the quantum critical point. The most characteristic property of the dynamics in a glassy phase, namely aging, survives the quantum fluctuations. In the sub-critical region the quantum fluctuation-dissipation theorem is modified in a way that is consistent with the notion of effective temperatures introduced for the classical case. We discuss these results in connection with recent experiments in dipolar quantum spin-glasses and the relevance of the effective temperatures with respect to the understanding of the low temperature dynamics.Comment: 56 pages, Revtex, 17 figures include