692 research outputs found

    Circulating exosomes inhibit B cell proliferation and activity

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    (1) Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is characterized by a distinctive suppression of the anti-tumor immunity, both locally in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and the periphery. Tumor-derived exosomes mediate this immune suppression by directly suppressing T effector function and by inducing differentiation of regulatory T cells. However, little is known about the effects of exosomes on B cells. (2) Methods: Peripheral B cells from healthy donors and HNSCC patients were isolated and checkpoint receptor expression was analyzed by flow cytometry. Circulating exosomes were isolated from the plasma of HNSCC patients (n = 21) and healthy individuals (n = 10) by mini size-exclusion chromatography. B cells from healthy individuals were co-cultured with isolated exosomes for up to 4 days. Proliferation, viability, surface expression of checkpoint receptors, and intracellular signaling were analyzed in B cells by flow cytometry. (3) Results: Expression of the checkpoint receptors PD-1 and LAG3 was increased on B cells from HNSCC patients. The protein concentration of circulating exosomes was increased in HNSCC patients as compared to healthy donors. Both exosomes from healthy individuals and HNSCC patients inhibited B cell proliferation and survival, in vitro. Surface expression of inhibitory and stimulatory checkpoint receptors on B cells was modulated in co-culture with exosomes. In addition, an inhibitory effect of exosomes on B cell receptor (BCR) signaling was demonstrated in B cells. (4) Conclusions: Plasma-derived exosomes show inhibitory effects on the function of healthy B cells. Interestingly, these inhibitory effects are similar between exosomes from healthy individuals and HNSCC patients, suggesting a physiological B cell inhibitory role of circulating exosomes

    p53 and cell cycle dependent transcription of kinesin family member 23 (KIF23) is controlled via a CHR promoter element bound by DREAM and MMB complexes

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    The microtubule-dependent molecular motor KIF23 (Kinesin family member 23) is one of two components of the centralspindlin complex assembled during late stages of mitosis. Formation of this complex is known as an essential step for cytokinesis. Here, we identified KIF23 as a new transcriptional target gene of the tumor suppressor protein p53. We showed that p53 reduces expression of KIF23 on the mRNA as well as the protein level in different cell types. Promoter reporter assays revealed that this repression results from downregulation of KIF23 promoter activity. CDK inhibitor p21WAF1/CIP1 was shown to be necessary to mediate p53-dependent repression. Furthermore, we identified the highly conserved cell cycle genes homology region (CHR) in the KIF23 promoter to be strictly required for p53-dependent repression as well as for cell cycle-dependent expression of KIF23. Cell cycle- and p53-dependent regulation of KIF23 appeared to be controlled by differential binding of DREAM and MMB complexes to the CHR element. With this study, we describe a new mechanism for transcriptional regulation of KIF23. Considering the strongly supporting function of KIF23 in cytokinesis, its p53-dependent repression may contribute to the prevention of uncontrolled cell growth

    Mucosal melanomas of different anatomic sites share a common global DNA methylation profile with cutaneous melanoma but show location-dependent patterns of genetic and epigenetic alterations

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    Cutaneous, ocular, and mucosal melanomas are histologically indistinguishable tumors that are driven by a different spectrum of genetic alterations. With current methods, identification of the site of origin of a melanoma metastasis is challenging. DNA methylation profiling has shown promise for the identification of the site of tumor origin in various settings. Here we explore the DNA methylation landscape of melanomas from different sites and analyze if different melanoma origins can be distinguished by their epigenetic profile. We performed DNA methylation analysis, next generation DNA panel sequencing, and copy number analysis of 82 non-cutaneous and 25 cutaneous melanoma samples. We further analyzed eight normal melanocyte cell culture preparations. DNA methylation analysis separated uveal melanomas from melanomas of other primary sites. Mucosal, conjunctival, and cutaneous melanomas shared a common global DNA methylation profile. Still, we observed location-dependent DNA methylation differences in cancer-related genes, such as low frequencies of RARB (7/63) and CDKN2A promoter methylation (6/63) in mucosal melanomas, or a high frequency of APC promoter methylation in conjunctival melanomas (6/9). Furthermore, all investigated melanomas of the paranasal sinus showed loss of PTEN expression (9/9), mainly caused by promoter methylation. This was less frequently seen in melanomas of other sites (24/98). Copy number analysis revealed recurrent amplifications in mucosal melanomas, including chromosomes 4q, 5p, 11q and 12q. Most melanomas of the oral cavity showed gains of chromosome 5p with TERT amplification (8/10), while 11q amplifications were enriched in melanomas of the nasal cavity (7/16). In summary, mucosal, conjunctival, and cutaneous melanomas show a surprisingly similar global DNA methylation profile and identification of the site of origin by DNA methylation testing is likely not feasible. Still, our study demonstrates tumor location-dependent differences of promoter methylation frequencies in specific cancer-related genes together with tumor site-specific enrichment for specific chromosomal changes and genetic mutations. (c) 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. on behalf of The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland

    Immune Suppressive Effects of Plasma-Derived Exosome Populations in Head and Neck Cancer

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    Plasma-derived exosomes of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients carry inhibitory factors mediating immune suppression. Separation of tumor-derived exosomes (TEX) and non-TEX may assist in a better understanding of their respective parental cells. Here, we evaluate the impact of TEX or hematopoietic-derived exosomes on immune suppression. We evaluated apoptosis in CD8+ T cells, conversion of CD4+ T cells to regulatory T cells (Treg), and adenosine production by TEX, non-TEX, or total exosomes. Exosome protein cargo was significantly higher in total and CD45(−) exosomes from high stage compared to low stage patients. Furthermore, total and CD45(−) exosomes of high stage patients induced more apoptosis in CD8+ T cells than their low stage counterparts. CD69 suppression, a marker of reduced CD8+ T cell activation, was only mediated by CD45(−) exosomes. All fractions induced Treg differentiation, defined by CD39 expression, but only CD45(−) exosomes showed a stage-dependent conversion. CD45(−) exosomes produced higher adenosine concentrations than CD45(+) exosomes, concluding that adenosine production measured in total exosomes mainly derives from TEX. The presented results show significant induction of immune suppression by TEX in HNSCC. This immunosuppressive effect supports the potential role of exosomes as liquid biomarkers for disease stage and level of immune suppression

    Biallelic mutations in NBAS cause recurrent acute liver failure with onset in infancy

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    Acute liver failure (ALF) in infancy and childhood is a life-threatening emergency. Few conditions are known to cause recurrent acute liver failure (RALF), and in about 50% of cases, the underlying molecular cause remains unresolved. Exome sequencing in five unrelated individuals with fever-dependent RALF revealed biallelic mutations in NBAS. Subsequent Sanger sequencing of NBAS in 15 additional unrelated individuals with RALF or ALF identified compound heterozygous mutations in an additional six individuals from five families. Immunoblot analysis of mutant fibroblasts showed reduced protein levels of NBAS and its proposed interaction partner p31, both involved in retrograde transport between endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. We recommend NBAS analysis in individuals with acute infantile liver failure, especially if triggered by fever

    Recommendations for diagnosing and managing individuals with glutaric aciduria type 1: Third revision

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    Glutaric aciduria type 1 is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder of lysine metabolism caused by pathogenic gene variations in GCDH (cytogenic location: 19p13.13), resulting in deficiency of mitochondrial glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH) and, consequently, accumulation of glutaric acid, 3-hydroxyglutaric acid, glutaconic acid and glutarylcarnitine detectable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (organic acids) and tandem mass spectrometry (acylcarnitines). Depending on residual GCDH activity, biochemical high and low excreting phenotypes have been defined. Most untreated individuals present with acute onset of striatal damage before age 3 (to 6) years, precipitated by infectious diseases, fever or surgery, resulting in irreversible, mostly dystonic movement disorder with limited life expectancy. In some patients, striatal damage develops insidiously. In recent years, the clinical phenotype has been extended by the finding of extrastriatal abnormalities and cognitive dysfunction, preferably in the high excreter group, as well as chronic kidney failure. Newborn screening is the prerequisite for pre-symptomatic start of metabolic treatment with low lysine diet, carnitine supplementation and intensified emergency treatment during catabolic episodes, which, in combination, have substantially improved neurologic outcome. In contrast, start of treatment after onset of symptoms cannot reverse existing motor dysfunction caused by striatal damage. Dietary treatment can be relaxed after the vulnerable period for striatal damage, that is, age 6 years. However, impact of dietary relaxation on long-term outcomes is still unclear. This third revision of evidence-based recommendations aims to re-evaluate previous recommendations (Boy et al., J Inherit Metab Dis, 2017;40(1):75-101; Kolker et al., J Inherit Metab Dis 2011;34(3):677-694; Kolker et al., J Inherit Metab Dis, 2007;30(1):5-22) and to implement new research findings on the evolving phenotypic diversity as well as the impact of non-interventional variables and treatment quality on clinical outcomes

    Levodopa-refractory hyperprolactinemia and pituitary findings in inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism

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    Elevated serum prolactin concentrations occur in inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism because dopamine deficiency leads to insufficient inhibition of prolactin secretion. This work from the International Working Group on Neurotransmitter Related Disorders (iNTD) presents the results of the first standardized study on levodopa-refractory hyperprolactinemia (LRHP; >1000 mU/L) and pituitary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormalities in patients with inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism. Twenty-six individuals had LRHP or abnormal pituitary findings on MRI. Tetrahydrobiopterin deficiencies were the most common diagnoses (n = 22). The median age at diagnosis of LRHP was 16 years (range: 2.5-30, 1st-3rd quartiles: 12.25-17 years). Twelve individuals (nine females) had symptoms attributed to hyperprolactinemia: menstruation-related abnormalities (n = 7), pubertal delay or arrest (n = 5), galactorrhea (n = 3), and decreased sexual functions (n = 2). MRI of the pituitary gland was obtained in 21 individuals; six had heterogeneity/hyperplasia of the gland, five had adenoma, and 10 had normal findings. Eleven individuals were treated with the dopamine agonist cabergoline, ameliorating the hyperprolactinemia-related symptoms in all those assessed. Routine monitoring of these symptoms together with prolactin concentrations, especially after the first decade of life, should be taken into consideration during follow-up evaluations. The potential of slow-release levodopa formulations and low-dose dopamine agonists as part of first-line therapy in the prevention and treatment of hyperprolactinemia should be investigated further in animal studies and human trials. This work adds hyperprolactinemia-related findings to the current knowledge of the phenotypic spectrum of inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism

    Genotypic diversity and phenotypic spectrum of infantile liver failure syndrome type 1 due to variants inLARS1

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    Purpose: Biallelic variants in LARS1, coding for the cytosolic leucyl-tRNA synthetase, cause infantile liver failure syndrome 1 (ILFS1). Since its description in 2012, there has been no systematic analysis of the clinical spectrum and genetic findings. Methods: Individuals with biallelic variants in LARS1 were included through an international, multicenter collaboration including novel and previously published patients. Clinical variables were analyzed and functional studies were performed in patient-derived fibroblasts. Results: Twenty-five individuals from 15 families were ascertained including 12 novel patients with eight previously unreported variants. The most prominent clinical findings are recurrent elevation of liver transaminases up to liver failure and encephalopathic episodes, both triggered by febrile illness. Magnetic resonance image (MRI) changes during an encephalopathic episode can be consistent with metabolic stroke. Furthermore, growth retardation, microcytic anemia, neurodevelopmental delay, muscular hypotonia, and infection-related seizures are prevalent. Aminoacylation activity is significantly decreased in all patient cells studied upon temperature elevation in vitro. Conclusion: ILFS1 is characterized by recurrent elevation of liver transaminases up to liver failure in conjunction with abnormalities of growth, blood, nervous system, and musculature. Encephalopathic episodes with seizures can occur independently from liver crises and may present with metabolic stroke

    The comorbidity and co-medication profile of patients with progressive supranuclear palsy

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    BackgroundProgressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is usually diagnosed in elderly. Currently, little is known about comorbidities and the co-medication in these patients.ObjectivesTo explore the pattern of comorbidities and co-medication in PSP patients according to the known different phenotypes and in comparison with patients without neurodegenerative disease.MethodsCross-sectional data of PSP and patients without neurodegenerative diseases (non-ND) were collected from three German multicenter observational studies (DescribePSP, ProPSP and DANCER). The prevalence of comorbidities according to WHO ICD-10 classification and the prevalence of drugs administered according to WHO ATC system were analyzed. Potential drug-drug interactions were evaluated using AiDKlinik (R).ResultsIn total, 335 PSP and 275 non-ND patients were included in this analysis. The prevalence of diseases of the circulatory and the nervous system was higher in PSP at first level of ICD-10. Dorsopathies, diabetes mellitus, other nutritional deficiencies and polyneuropathies were more frequent in PSP at second level of ICD-10. In particular, the summed prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases was higher in PSP patients. More drugs were administered in the PSP group leading to a greater percentage of patients with polypharmacy. Accordingly, the prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions was higher in PSP patients, especially severe and moderate interactions.ConclusionsPSP patients possess a characteristic profile of comorbidities, particularly diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The eminent burden of comorbidities and resulting polypharmacy should be carefully considered when treating PSP patients
