2,878 research outputs found

    Using improvisation theater techniques in project environments

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    In summary, this thesis contributes to the research community with An improv based set of games documented as a Game Language. These games are ready to be used in training setups.2. ImProject - A workshop definition how a game-based training session could be held.3. Three single case studies that support us in investigating efficiency and effectiveness of ImProject and its games. Thus, we provide in-depth insights how learning took place on an individual level.4. The Diamond Model for Games} - A generalized model towards creating impact in any facilitation setup

    Parental Education and Child Human Capital: Evidence from Indonesia

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    This paper exploits one of the largest school construction programs on record, which took place in Indonesia in the 1970s, to estimate the causal effect of parental education on child human capital. I use variation in program exposure as an instrument for maternal and paternal length of schooling. The results show little evidence of a causal impact of parental education on child health and skills despite strong cross-sectional correlations. Hence, my findings suggest that the strong associations between parental education and child human capital are predominantly due to family background and inherited ability

    The Marvelous World of tRNAs: From Accurate Mapping to Chemical Modifications

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    Since the discovery of transfer RNAs (tRNAs) as decoders of the genetic code, life science has transformed. Particularly, as soon as the importance of tRNAs in protein synthesis has been established, researchers recognized that the functionality of tRNAs in cellular regulation exceeds beyond this paradigm. A strong impetus for these discoveries came from advances in large-scale RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and increasingly sophisticated algorithms. Sequencing tRNAs is challenging both experimentally and in terms of the subsequent computational analysis. In RNA-seq data analysis, mapping tRNA reads to a reference genome is an error-prone task. This is in particular true, as chemical modifications introduce systematic reverse transcription errors while at the same time the genomic loci are only approximately identical due to the post-transcriptional maturation of tRNAs. Additionally, their multi-copy nature complicates the precise read assignment to its true genomic origin. In the course of the thesis a computational workflow was established to enable accurate mapping of tRNA reads. The developed method removes most of the mapping artifacts introduced by simpler mapping schemes, as demonstrated by using both simulated and human RNA-seq data. Subsequently, the resulting mapping profiles can be used for reliable identification of specific chemical tRNA modifications with a false discovery rate of only 2%. For that purpose, computational analysis methods were developed that facilitates the sensitive detection and even classification of most tRNA modifications based on their mapping profiles. This comprised both untreated RNA-seq data of various species, as well as treated data of Bacillus subtilis that has been designed to display modifications in a specific read-out in the mapping profile. The discussion focuses on sources of artifacts that complicate the profiling of tRNA modifications and strategies to overcome them. Exemplary studies on the modification pattern of different human tissues and the developmental stages of Dictyostelium discoideum were carried out. These suggested regulatory functions of tRNA modifications in development and during cell differentiation. The main experimental difficulties of tRNA sequencing are caused by extensive, stable secondary structures and the presence of chemical modifications. Current RNA-seq methods do not sample the entire tRNA pool, lose short tRNA fragments, or they lack specificity for tRNAs. Within this thesis, the benchmark and improvement of LOTTE-seq, a method for specific selection of tRNAs for high-throughput sequencing, exhibited that the method solves the experimental challenges and avoids the disadvantages of previous tRNA-seq protocols. Applying the accurate tRNA mapping strategy to LOTTE-seq and other tRNA-specific RNA- seq methods demonstrated that the content of mature tRNAs is highest in LOTTE-seq data, ranging from 90% in Spinacia oleracea to 100% in D. discoideum. Additionally, the thesis addressed the fact that tRNAs are multi-copy genes that undergo concerted evolution which keeps sequences of paralogous genes effectively identical. Therefore, it is impossible to distinguish orthologs from paralogs by sequence similarity alone. Synteny, the maintenance of relative genomic positions, is helpful to disambiguate evolutionary relationships in this situation. During this thesis a workflow was computed for synteny-based orthology identification of tRNA genes. The workflow is based on the use of pre-computed genome-wide multiple sequence alignment blocks as anchors to establish syntenic conservation of sequence intervals. Syntenic clusters of concertedly evolving genes of different tRNA families are then subdivided and processed by cograph editing to recover their duplication histories. A useful outcome of this study is that it highlights the technical problems and difficulties associated with an accurate analysis of the evolution of multi-copy genes. To showcase the method, evolution of tRNAs in primates and fruit flies were reconstructed. In the last decade, a number of reports have described novel aspects of tRNAs in terms of the diversity of their genes. For example, nuclear-encoded mitochondrial-derived tRNAs (nm-tRNAs) have been reported whose presence provokes intriguing questions about their functionality. Within this thesis an annotation strategy was developed that led to the identification of 335 and 43 novel nm-tRNAs in human and mouse, respectively. Interestingly, downstream analyses showed that the localization of several nm-tRNAs in introns and the over-representation of conserved RNA-binding sites of proteins involved in splicing suggest a potential regulatory function of intronic nm-tRNAs in splicing

    La gestion du différentiel agro-écologique dans la Sierra Madre orientale (Mexique)

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    Sur les versants de la Sierra, les productions agricoles et les modes d'utilisation du sol se répartissent en étages altitudinaux, de 3000 à 1000 m environ. Quels sont les échanges et les combinaisons mis en oeuvre entre les différentes activités? Après une brève description qui souligne les dynamiques passées et actuelles de cette région montagneuse, l'article présente deux types de pratiques qui s'apparentent à une exploitation concertée des versants : l'une passe par l'accès à la terre à différentes altitudes, l'autre par des mouvements de main-d'oeuvre intramontagnards. (Résumé d'auteur

    A systematic literature review of studies analyzing the effect of sex, age, education, marital status, obesity, and smoking on health transitions

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    Sex, age, education, marital status, obesity, and smoking have been found to affect health transitions between non-disabled, disabled, and death. Our aim is to review the research literature on this topic and provide structured information, first on the availability of results for each risk factor and transition, and then on detailed study characteristics and disability measures. We use expert recommendations and the electronic databases Medline, PsycINFO, and SOCA. The search is confined to the years 1985-2005, and produced a total of 7,778 articles. Sixty-three articles met the selection criteria regarding study population, longitudinal design, risk factors, transition, and outcome measures.gender, health, mortality, obesity, review, sex, smoking, systematic review, transition

    Feasibility Test of the MedaCube

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    Poor adherence is a significant barrier to achieve better patient outcomes. Rates of non-adherence approach 40% resulting in 10% of all emergency department visits and 23% of admissions into skilled nursing facilities. Many factors contribute to medication non-adherence including psychological and memory disorders, aging and pill burden. The MedaCube is a medication management system intended to help solve unintentional medication non-adherence. The device is designed to dispense scheduled and as-needed oral medications. The MedaCube provides audio and visual prompts alerting subjects to administer their medications. Caregivers receive notification of missed doses, late doses and refill requests. The null hypothesis is that use of the MedaCube results in no difference in medication adherence when compared with six month prior adherence in individual subjects
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