1,116 research outputs found

    An Examination of Opuntia Littoralis Fruit Volume, Sugar Concentration, Number of Seeds and Average Seed Mass in Relation to Fitness

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    Organisms cannot maximize all life functions and therefore must allocate resources to maximize reproductive fitness such that they produce the highest number of surviving offspring. The object of the experiment was to evaluate variation of fruit morphology to determine how Opuntia littoralis optimizes reproductive investment. The experiment focused on fruit volume, sugar concentration, number of seeds and average seed mass on two different aspects (polar-facing and equatorial-facing slopes) in Temescal Canyon Gateway Park, Pacific Palisades, California. The results revealed fruit volume was positively correlated with number of seeds, sugar concentration was positively correlated with number of seeds, and average seed mass was negatively correlated with number of seeds. The study suggests that variation in Opuntia fruit morphology can be explained by the principle of allocation and life history strategies rather than by microhabitat variation alone

    Biofabrication of vasculature in microphysiological models of bone

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    Bone contains a dense network of blood vessels that are essential to its homoeostasis, endocrine function, mineral metabolism and regenerative functions. In addition, bone vasculature is implicated in a number of prominent skeletal diseases, and bone has high affinity for metastatic cancers. Despite vasculature being an integral part of bone physiology and pathophysiology, it is often ignored or oversimplified in in vitro bone models. However, 3D physiologically relevant vasculature can now be engineered in vitro, with microphysiological systems (MPS) increasingly being used as platforms for engineering this physiologically relevant vasculature. In recent years, vascularised models of bone in MPSs systems have been reported in the literature, representing the beginning of a possible technological step change in how bone is modelled in vitro. Vascularised bone MPSs is a subfield of bone research in its nascency, however given the impact of MPSs has had in in vitro organ modelling, and the crucial role of vasculature to bone physiology, these systems stand to have a substantial impact on bone research. However, engineering vasculature within the specific design restraints of the bone niche is significantly challenging given the different requirements for engineering bone and vasculature. With this in mind, this paper aims to serve as technical guidance for the biofabrication of vascularised bone tissue within MPS devices. We first discuss the key engineering and biological considerations for engineering more physiologically relevant vasculature in vitro within the specific design constraints of the bone niche. We next explore emerging applications of vascularised bone MPSs, and conclude with a discussion on the current status of vascularised bone MPS biofabrication and suggest directions for development of next generation vascularised bone MPSs

    Natural bounds on herbivorous coral reef fishes

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    Humans are an increasingly dominant driver of Earth's biological communities, but differentiating human impacts from natural drivers of ecosystem state is crucial. Herbivorous fish play a key role in maintaining coral dominance on coral reefs, and are widely affected by human activities, principally fishing. We assess the relative importance of human and biophysical (habitat and oceanographic) drivers on the biomass of five herbivorous functional groups among 33 islands in the central and western Pacific Ocean. Human impacts were clear for some, but not all, herbivore groups. Biomass of browsers, large excavators, and of all herbivores combined declined rapidly with increasing human population density, whereas grazers, scrapers, and detritivores displayed no relationship. Sea-surface temperature had significant but opposing effects on the biomass of detritivores (positive) and browsers (negative). Similarly, the biomass of scrapers, grazers, and detritivores correlated with habitat structural complexity; however, relationships were group specific. Finally, the biomass of browsers and large excavators was related to island geomorphology, both peaking on low-lying islands and atolls. The substantial variability in herbivore populations explained by natural biophysical drivers highlights the need for locally appropriate management targets on coral reefs

    Inertial drag and lift forces for coarse grains on rough alluvial beds measured using in-grain accelerometers

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    Quantifying the force regime that controls the movement of a single grain during fluvial transport has historically proven to be difficult. Inertial micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) sensors (sensor assemblies that mainly comprise micro-accelerometers and gyroscopes) can used to address this problem using a “smart pebble”: a mobile inertial measurement unit (IMU) enclosed in a stone-like assembly that can measure directly the forces on a particle during sediment transport. Previous research has demonstrated that measurements using MEMS sensors can be used to calculate the dynamics of single grains over short time periods, despite limitations in the accuracy of the MEMS sensors that have been used to date. This paper develops a theoretical framework for calculating drag and lift forces on grains based on IMU measurements. IMUs were embedded a spherical and an ellipsoidal grain and used in flume experiments in which flow was increased until the grain moved. Acceleration measurements along three orthogonal directions were then processed to calculate the threshold force for entrainment, resulting in a statistical approximation of inertial impulse thresholds for both the lift and drag components of grain inertial dynamics. The ellipsoid IMU was also deployed in a series of experiments in a steep stream (Erlenbach, Switzerland). The inertial dynamics from both sets of experiments provide direct measurement of the resultant forces on sediment particles during transport, which quantifies (a) the effect of grain shape and (b) the effect of varied-intensity hydraulic forcing on the motion of coarse sediment grains during bedload transport. Lift impulses exert a significant control on the motion of the ellipsoid across hydraulic regimes, despite the occurrence of higher-magnitude and longer-duration drag impulses. The first-order statistical generalisation of the results suggests that the kinetics of the ellipsoid are characterised by low- or no-mobility states and that the majority of mobility states are controlled by lift impulses

    Centriole splitting caused by loss of the centrosomal linker protein C-NAP1 reduces centriolar satellite density and impedes centrosome amplification

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    Duplication of the centrosomes is a tightly regulated process. Abnormal centrosome numbers can impair cell division and cause changes in how cells migrate. Duplicated centrosomes are held together by a proteinaceous linker made up of rootletin filaments anchored to the centrioles by C-NAP1. This linker is removed in a NEK2A kinase-dependent manner as mitosis begins. To explore C-NAP1 activities in regulating centrosome activities, we used genome editing to ablate it. C-NAP1–null cells were viable and had an increased frequency of premature centriole separation, accompanied by reduced density of the centriolar satellites, with reexpression of C-NAP1 rescuing both phenotypes. We found that the primary cilium, a signaling structure that arises from the mother centriole docked to the cell membrane, was intact in the absence of C-NAP1, although components of the ciliary rootlet were aberrantly localized away from the base of the cilium. C-NAP1–deficient cells were capable of signaling through the cilium, as determined by gene expression analysis after fluid flow–induced shear stress and the relocalization of components of the Hedgehog pathway. Centrosome amplification induced by DNA damage or by PLK4 or CDK2 overexpression was markedly reduced in the absence of C-NAP1. We conclude that centriole splitting reduces the local density of key centriolar precursors to impede overduplication

    Anterior eye surface changes following miniscleral contact lens wear

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    Purpose To quantify the effect of short-term miniscleral contact lens wear on the anterior eye surface of healthy eyes, including cornea, corneo-scleral junction and sclero-conjuctival area. Methods Twelve healthy subjects (29.9 ± 5.7 years) wore a highly gas-permeable miniscleral contact lens of 16.5 mm diameter during a 5-hour period. Corneo-scleral height profilometry was captured before, immediately following lens removal and 3 h after lens removal. Topography based corneo-scleral limbal radius estimates were derived from height measurements. In addition, elevation differences in corneal and scleral region were calculated with custom-written software. Sclero-conjuctival flattening within different sectors was analysed. Results Short-term miniscleral lens wear significantly modifies the anterior eye surface. Significant limbal radius increment (mean ± standard deviation) of 146 ± 80 μm, (p = 0.004) and flattening of −122 ± 90 μm in the sclero-conjuctival area, (p << 0.001) were observed immediately following lens removal. These changes did not recede to baseline levels 3 h after lens removal. The greatest anterior eye surface flattening was observed in the superior sector. No statistically significant corneal shape change was observed immediately following lens removal or during the recovery period. Conclusions Short-term miniscleral contact lens wear in healthy eyes does not produce significant corneal shape changes measured with profilometry but alters sclero-conjuctival topography. In addition, sclero-conjuctival flattening was not uniformly distributed across the anterior eye

    Recent advances in understanding the effects of climate change on coral reefs

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    Climate change is one of the greatest threats to the persistence of coral reefs. Sustained and ongoing increases in ocean temperatures and acidification are altering the structure and function of reefs globally. Here, we summarise recent advances in our understanding of the effects of climate change on scleractinian corals and reef fish. Although there is considerable among-species variability in responses to increasing temperature and seawater chemistry, changing temperature regimes are likely to have the greatest influence on the structure of coral and fish assemblages, at least over short–medium timeframes. Recent evidence of increases in coral bleaching thresholds, local genetic adaptation and inheritance of heat tolerance suggest that coral populations may have some capacity to respond to warming, although the extent to which these changes can keep pace with changing environmental conditions is unknown. For coral reef fishes, current evidence indicates increasing seawater temperature will be a major determinant of future assemblages, through both habitat degradation and direct effects on physiology and behaviour. The effects of climate change are, however, being compounded by a range of anthropogenic disturbances, which may undermine the capacity of coral reef organisms to acclimate and/or adapt to specific changes in environmental conditions

    Larval settlement in echinoderms: a review of processes and patterns

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    Echinoderms are a common component of benthic marine ecosystems, with many being ecologically and/or economically important. Like many marine organisms, most echinoderms have a bipartite life history with a planktonic larval phase and a benthic adult phase. The transition between these phases (i.e. settlement) is complex and comprises a cascade of events including the location, exploration and selection of suitable benthic habitat, and metamorphosis to adapt from a pelagic to a benthic lifestyle. This review provides a comprehensive synthesis of the various processes involved in the settlement phase across all five extant classes of echinoderms. Central to the review is a detailed assessment of settlement behaviour and the diverse mechanisms of settlement induction. Most echinoderms, including keystone sea urchins, starfishes and sea cucumbers, do not settle indiscriminately; specific environmental conditions or cues are often necessary for settlement to occur, resulting in marked spatial and temporal variability in settlement rates. Fluctuations in settlement, in turn, lead to major changes in the local abundance of echinoderms and often have profound ecological consequences, due to the pivotal role that many echinoderms play in ecosystem functioning. Given important knowledge gaps persist, this review also explores opportunities for future research to advance our understanding of this critical early life-history phase