80 research outputs found

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    Transformatorische Sozialisationsprozesse

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    "Die jetzt vorliegenden Befunde über die Systemtransformation der DDR in das Institutionengefüge Deutschlands zeigen, daß die Berufskarrieren weitgehend in 'neue' Bahnen gelenkt worden sind. Diese neuen Bahnen reichen von der Weiterbeschäftigung im alten Beruf, Berufswechsel mit und ohne Statusverlust bis hin zur Arbeitslosigkeit, Frühverrentung oder fristgemäßem Austritt aus dem Erwerbsleben. Die Sozialtransformation in das gesellschaftliche Gefüge jedoch, so wird hervorgehoben, sei unabgeschlossen. Im Ergebnis produziert die Systemtransformation auf der individuellen Ebene 'zufriedene' und 'unzufriedene' Menschen, mit anderen Worten: die Gewinner und die Verlierer. Es zeigt sich, daß auf der individuellen Ebene das Ehemalige nicht 'einfach' abgelöst bzw. ausgelöscht werden kann, sondern es muß dem Vorhandenen ein neuer Platz zugeordnet werden. So gesehen, strukturiert biographische Vergangenheit - bestehend aus biographischen Ressourcen, aber auch aus Verpflichtungen (Commitments) - die Gegenwart und die Zukunft vor. Es zeigt sich, daß das historisch politische Ereignis des Umbruchs als Ansporn, aber auch als Zwang zu Veränderungen auf die Lebensgeschichte einwirkt. Die Orientierung für das persönliche Verhalten in Umbruchsituationen liefert jedoch nicht das Ereignis, sondern die eigene Lebensgeschichte. Wenn durch radikale Systemtransformationen subjektive 'Wirklichkeiten' verschoben werden und die Verbindung zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart für die Beteiligten nicht hergestellt werden kann, nehmen Resozialisations- oder sekundäre Sozialisationsprozesse den Charakter von primären Sozialisationsprozessen an, die mit Konversionsprozessen vergleichbar sind. Empirischer Ausgangspunkt für diese Diskussion ist eine von 1991 bis 1994 durchgeführte Langzeitstudie. In jährlichen unstrukturierten Gesprächen wurde mit Frauen und Männern aus der Schicht der Intelligenz der Jahrgänge 1930 bis 1938 und 1950 bis 1960 retrospektiv und prospektiv über ihr Leben diskutiert." (Autorenreferat

    System-wide Perturbation Analysis with Nearly Complete Coverage of the Yeast Proteome by Single-shot Ultra HPLC Runs on a Bench Top Orbitrap

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    Yeast remains an important model for systems biology and for evaluating proteomics strategies. In-depth shotgun proteomics studies have reached nearly comprehensive coverage, and rapid, targeted approaches have been developed for this organism. Recently, we demonstrated that single LC-MS/MS analysis using long columns and gradients coupled to a linear ion trap Orbitrap instrument had an unexpectedly large dynamic range of protein identification (Thakur, S. S., Geiger, T., Chatterjee, B., Bandilla, P., Frohlich, F., Cox, J., and Mann, M. (2011) Deep and highly sensitive proteome coverage by LC-MS/MS without prefractionation. Mol. Cell Proteomics 10, 10.1074/mcp.M110.003699). Here we couple an ultra high pressure liquid chromatography system to a novel bench top Orbitrap mass spectrometer (Q Exactive) with the goal of nearly complete, rapid, and robust analysis of the yeast proteome. Single runs of filter-aided sample preparation (FASP)-prepared and LysC-digested yeast cell lysates identified an average of 3923 proteins. Combined analysis of six single runs improved these values to more than 4000 identified proteins/run, close to the total number of proteins expressed under standard conditions, with median sequence coverage of 23%. Because of the absence of fractionation steps, only minuscule amounts of sample are required. Thus the yeast model proteome can now largely be covered within a few hours of measurement time and at high sensitivity. Median coverage of proteins in Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways with at least 10 members was 88%, and pathways not covered were not expected to be active under the conditions used. To study perturbations of the yeast proteome, we developed an external, heavy lysine-labeled SILAC yeast standard representing different proteome states. This spike-in standard was employed to measure the heat shock response of the yeast proteome. Bioinformatic analysis of the heat shock response revealed that translation-related functions were down-regulated prominently, including nucleolar processes. Conversely, stress-related pathways were up-regulated. The proteomic technology described here is straightforward, rapid, and robust, potentially enabling widespread use in the yeast and other biological research communities

    Abundance and diversity of bees visiting flowering pennycress, a new oilseed crop in the midwestern USA

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    Oilseed pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) is a new, autumn-sown, “cash cover crop” for the Midwestern USA and elsewhere. Anthesis occurs in early spring when few other plants bloom, and its flowers attract early-emerging bees. However, the taxonomic composition of these bees was unknown. Consequently, we systematically captured and identified the genera and species of bees visiting pennycress flowers throughout anthesis at five site-years: two in Illinois and three in Minnesota. A cumulative total of 28 bee species were found across site-years. The most common genera were Andrena (10 species), Lasioglossum (12 species), and Halictus (2 species). Rarer genera were Apis, Ceratina, Hylaeus, and Nomada. Bee abundance and diversity were related closely and in a negative exponential manner with percent land area devoted to annual cropping. The inclusion of new early flowering crops, such as pennycress, may enhance bee abundance and diversity, especially if even small areas of uncropped land are nearby

    Live cell tracking of symmetry break in actin cytoskeleton triggered by abrupt changes in micromechanical environments

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    With the aid of stimulus-responsive hydrogel substrates composed of ABA triblock copolymer micelles, we monitored the morphological dynamics of myoblast (C2C12) cells in response to an abrupt change in the substrate elasticity by live cell imaging. The remodeling of actin cytoskeletons could be monitored by means of transient transfection with LifeAct-GFP. Dynamic changes in the orientational order of actin filaments were characterized by an order parameter, which enables one to generalize the mechanically induced actin cytoskeletons as a break of symmetry. The critical role that acto-myosin complexes play in the morphological transition was verified by the treatment of cells with myosin II inhibitor (blebbistatin) and the fluorescence localization of focal adhesion contacts. Such dynamically tunable hydrogels can be utilized as in vitro cellular micro-environments that can exert time-dependent stimuli to mechanically regulate target cells

    Weather and landscape influences on pollinator visitation of flowering winter oilseeds (field pennycress and winter camelina)

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    Flowers of field pennycress (Thlaspi arvsense L.) and winter camelina (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz.) produce abundant pollen and nectar in early spring and thereby may be valuable for pollinators. Insects observed in field plots of these flowers were classified into seven easily identifiable groups (bumblebee, honeybee, solitary bee, butterfly/moth, beetle, fly and other) and monitored for 2 years at three sites in the Upper Midwest region of the USA. Average seasonal observations across years and sites varied from 1.6 to 5.3 total insects/min for field pennycress and 1.4 to 4.5 insects/min for winter camelina. Lowest visitation rates occurred in central Iowa and highest rates in south‐eastern Minnesota for both crops. Multiple regressions showed that visitation rates for specific insect groups were correlated poorly but significantly (p \u3c .10) with select variables. For example, in field pennycress, visitation by combined bumblebees and honeybees (Apidae) increased with greater air temperature at sampling time and annual site precipitation, whereas fly (Diptera) visitation was related to sampling date and flower cover. Similarly, in winter camelina, solitary bees were linked to increasing air temperature at sampling time and annual site precipitation, whereas flies were correlated with wind speed and flower cover at sampling. Field pennycress and winter camelina are reliably attractive to beneficial pollinating insects across a wide geographic region, but visitation rates and proportional representation of various insect groups depended on a range of site and weather characteristics

    Cosmoglobe DR1 results. I. Improved Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe maps through Bayesian end-to-end analysis

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    We present Cosmoglobe Data Release 1, which implements the first joint analysis of WMAP and Planck LFI time-ordered data, processed within a single Bayesian end-to-end framework. This framework builds directly on a similar analysis of the LFI measurements by the BeyondPlanck collaboration, and approaches the CMB analysis challenge through Gibbs sampling of a global posterior distribution, simultaneously accounting for calibration, mapmaking, and component separation. The computational cost of producing one complete WMAP+LFI Gibbs sample is 812 CPU-hr, of which 603 CPU-hrs are spent on WMAP low-level processing; this demonstrates that end-to-end Bayesian analysis of the WMAP data is computationally feasible. We find that our WMAP posterior mean temperature sky maps and CMB temperature power spectrum are largely consistent with the official WMAP9 results. Perhaps the most notable difference is that our CMB dipole amplitude is 3366.2±1.4 μK3366.2 \pm 1.4\ \mathrm{\mu K}, which is $11\ \mathrm{\mu K}higherthantheWMAP9estimateand higher than the WMAP9 estimate and 2.5\ {\sigma}$ higher than BeyondPlanck; however, it is in perfect agreement with the HFI-dominated Planck PR4 result. In contrast, our WMAP polarization maps differ more notably from the WMAP9 results, and in general exhibit significantly lower large-scale residuals. We attribute this to a better constrained gain and transmission imbalance model. It is particularly noteworthy that the W-band polarization sky map, which was excluded from the official WMAP cosmological analysis, for the first time appears visually consistent with the V-band sky map. Similarly, the long standing discrepancy between the WMAP K-band and LFI 30 GHz maps is finally resolved, and the difference between the two maps appears consistent with instrumental noise at high Galactic latitudes. All maps and the associated code are made publicly available through the Cosmoglobe web page.Comment: 65 pages, 61 figures. Data available at cosmoglobe.uio.no. Submitted to A&

    BeyondPlanck IV. On end-to-end simulations in CMB analysis -- Bayesian versus frequentist statistics

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    End-to-end simulations play a key role in the analysis of any high-sensitivity CMB experiment, providing high-fidelity systematic error propagation capabilities unmatched by any other means. In this paper, we address an important issue regarding such simulations, namely how to define the inputs in terms of sky model and instrument parameters. These may either be taken as a constrained realization derived from the data, or as a random realization independent from the data. We refer to these as Bayesian and frequentist simulations, respectively. We show that the two options lead to significantly different correlation structures, as frequentist simulations, contrary to Bayesian simulations, effectively include cosmic variance, but exclude realization-specific correlations from non-linear degeneracies. Consequently, they quantify fundamentally different types of uncertainties, and we argue that they therefore also have different and complementary scientific uses, even if this dichotomy is not absolute. Before BeyondPlanck, most pipelines have used a mix of constrained and random inputs, and used the same hybrid simulations for all applications, even though the statistical justification for this is not always evident. BeyondPlanck represents the first end-to-end CMB simulation framework that is able to generate both types of simulations, and these new capabilities have brought this topic to the forefront. The Bayesian BeyondPlanck simulations and their uses are described extensively in a suite of companion papers. In this paper we consider one important applications of the corresponding frequentist simulations, namely code validation. That is, we generate a set of 1-year LFI 30 GHz frequentist simulations with known inputs, and use these to validate the core low-level BeyondPlanck algorithms; gain estimation, correlated noise estimation, and mapmaking