561 research outputs found

    Tests of Spheres with Reference to Reynolds Number, Turbulence, and Surface Roughness

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    The behavior of the Reynolds Number of the sphere is explained (in known manner) with the aid of the boundary-layer theory. Rear spindles may falsify, under certain conditions, the supercritical sphere drag, while suspension wires in the space behind the sphere leave no traceable influence. The critical Reynolds Number of the sphere was arrived at by an unconventional method; that is, by determining the critical wind speed at which the static pressure at the back of the sphere is the same as that of the undisturbed flow. The method makes it possible to interpret the critical Reynolds Number with only one test station

    An idealized model sensitivity study on Dead Sea desertification with a focus on the impact on convection

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    The Dead Sea desertification-threatened region is affected by continual lake level decline and occasional but life-endangering flash floods. Climate change has aggravated such issues in the past decades. In this study, the impact on local conditions leading to heavy precipitation from the changing conditions of the Dead Sea is investigated. Idealized sensitivity simulations with the high-resolution COSMO-CLM (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdelling and Climate Limited-area Modelling) and several numerical weather prediction (NWP) runs on an event timescale are performed on the Dead Sea area. The simulations are idealized in the sense that the Dead Sea model representation does not accurately represent the real conditions but those given by an external dataset. A reference or Dead Sea simulation covering the 2003–2013 period and a twin sensitivity or bare soil simulation in which the Dead Sea is set to bare soil are compared. NWP simulations focus on heavy precipitation events exhibiting relevant differences between the Dead Sea and the bare soil decadal realization to assess the impact on the underlying convection-related processes. The change in the conditions of the Dead Sea is seen to affect the atmospheric conditions leading to convection in two ways. (a) The local decrease in evaporation reduces moisture availability in the lower boundary layer locally and in the neighbouring regions, directly affecting atmospheric stability. Weaker updraughts characterize the drier and more stable atmosphere of the simulations in which the Dead Sea has been dried out. (b) Thermally driven wind system circulations and resulting divergence/convergence fields are altered, preventing in many occasions the initiation of convection because of the omission of convergence lines. On a decadal scale, the difference between the simulations suggests a weak decrease in evaporation, higher air temperatures and less precipitation (less than 0.5 %)

    Studying Turbulence using Doppler-broadened lines: Velocity Coordinate Spectrum

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    We discuss a new technique for studying astrophysical turbulence that utilizes the statistics of Doppler-broadened spectral lines. The technique relates the power Velocity Coordinate Spectrum (VCS), i.e. the spectrum of fluctuations measured along the velocity axis in Position-Position-Velocity (PPV) data cubes available from observations, to the underlying power spectra of the velocity/density fluctuations. Unlike the standard spatial spectra, that are function of angular wavenumber, the VCS is a function of the velocity wave number k_v ~ 1/v. We show that absorption affects the VCS to a higher degree for small k_v and obtain the criteria for disregarding the absorption effects for turbulence studies at large k_v. We consider the retrieval of turbulence spectra from observations for high and low spatial resolution observations and find that the VCS allows one to study turbulence even when the emitting turbulent volume is not spatially resolved. This opens interesting prospects for using the technique for extragalactic research. We show that, while thermal broadening interferes with the turbulence studies using the VCS, it is possible to separate thermal and non-thermal contributions. This allows a new way of determining the temperature of the interstellar gas using emission and absorption spectral lines.Comment: 27 page, 3 figures, content extended and presentation reorganized to correspond to the version accepted to Ap

    Out-Of-Focus Holography at the Green Bank Telescope

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    We describe phase-retrieval holography measurements of the 100-m diameter Green Bank Telescope using astronomical sources and an astronomical receiver operating at a wavelength of 7 mm. We use the technique with parameterization of the aperture in terms of Zernike polynomials and employing a large defocus, as described by Nikolic, Hills & Richer (2006). Individual measurements take around 25 minutes and from the resulting beam maps (which have peak signal to noise ratios of 200:1) we show that it is possible to produce low-resolution maps of the wavefront errors with accuracy around a hundredth of a wavelength. Using such measurements over a wide range of elevations, we have calculated a model for the wavefront-errors due to the uncompensated gravitational deformation of the telescope. This model produces a significant improvement at low elevations, where these errors are expected to be the largest; after applying the model, the aperture efficiency is largely independent of elevation. We have also demonstrated that the technique can be used to measure and largely correct for thermal deformations of the antenna, which often exceed the uncompensated gravitational deformations during daytime observing. We conclude that the aberrations induced by gravity and thermal effects are large-scale and the technique used here is particularly suitable for measuring such deformations in large millimetre wave radio telescopes.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures (accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics

    PyCOOL - a Cosmological Object-Oriented Lattice code written in Python

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    There are a number of different phenomena in the early universe that have to be studied numerically with lattice simulations. This paper presents a graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerated Python program called PyCOOL that solves the evolution of scalar fields in a lattice with very precise symplectic integrators. The program has been written with the intention to hit a sweet spot of speed, accuracy and user friendliness. This has been achieved by using the Python language with the PyCUDA interface to make a program that is easy to adapt to different scalar field models. In this paper we derive the symplectic dynamics that govern the evolution of the system and then present the implementation of the program in Python and PyCUDA. The functionality of the program is tested in a chaotic inflation preheating model, a single field oscillon case and in a supersymmetric curvaton model which leads to Q-ball production. We have also compared the performance of a consumer graphics card to a professional Tesla compute card in these simulations. We find that the program is not only accurate but also very fast. To further increase the usefulness of the program we have equipped it with numerous post-processing functions that provide useful information about the cosmological model. These include various spectra and statistics of the fields. The program can be additionally used to calculate the generated curvature perturbation. The program is publicly available under GNU General Public License at https://github.com/jtksai/PyCOOL . Some additional information can be found from http://www.physics.utu.fi/tiedostot/theory/particlecosmology/pycool/ .Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures; some typos correcte

    Modification of Projected Velocity Power Spectra by Density Inhomogeneities in Compressible Supersonic Turbulence

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    (Modified) The scaling of velocity fluctuation, dv, as a function of spatial scale L in molecular clouds can be measured from size-linewidth relations, principal component analysis, or line centroid variation. Differing values of the power law index of the scaling relation dv = L^(g3D) in 3D are given by these different methods: the first two give g3D=0.5, while line centroid analysis gives g3D=0. This discrepancy has previously not been fully appreciated, as the variation of projected velocity line centroid fluctuations (dv_{lc} = L^(g2D)) is indeed described, in 2D, by g2D=0.5. However, if projection smoothing is accounted for, this implies that g3D=0. We suggest that a resolution of this discrepancy can be achieved by accounting for the effect of density inhomogeneity on the observed g2D obtained from velocity line centroid analysis. Numerical simulations of compressible turbulence are used to show that the effect of density inhomogeneity statistically reverses the effect of projection smoothing in the case of driven turbulence so that velocity line centroid analysis does indeed predict that g2D=g3D=0.5. Using our numerical results we can restore consistency between line centroid analysis, principal component analysis and size-linewidth relations, and we derive g3D=0.5, corresponding to shock-dominated (Burgers) turbulence. We find that this consistency requires that molecular clouds are continually driven on large scales or are only recently formed.Comment: 28 pages total, 20 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    MYRIAD: A new N-body code for simulations of Star Clusters

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    We present a new C++ code for collisional N-body simulations of star clusters. The code uses the Hermite fourth-order scheme with block time steps, for advancing the particles in time, while the forces and neighboring particles are computed using the GRAPE-6 board. Special treatment is used for close encounters, binary and multiple sub-systems that either form dynamically or exist in the initial configuration. The structure of the code is modular and allows the appropriate treatment of more physical phenomena, such as stellar and binary evolution, stellar collisions and evolution of close black-hole binaries. Moreover, it can be easily modified so that the part of the code that uses GRAPE-6, could be replaced by another module that uses other accelerating-hardware like the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Appropriate choice of the free parameters give a good accuracy and speed for simulations of star clusters up to and beyond core collapse. Simulations of Plummer models consisting of equal-mass stars reached core collapse at t~17 half-mass relaxation times, which compares very well with existing results, while the cumulative relative error in the energy remained below 0.001. Also, comparisons with published results of other codes for the time of core collapse for different initial conditions, show excellent agreement. Simulations of King models with an initial mass-function, similar to those found in the literature, reached core collapse at t~0.17, which is slightly smaller than the expected result from previous works. Finally, the code accuracy becomes comparable and even better than the accuracy of existing codes, when a number of close binary systems is dynamically created in a simulation. This is due to the high accuracy of the method that is used for close binary and multiple sub-systems.Comment: 24 pages, 29 figures, accepted for publication to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Power Balance in Aerodynamic Flows

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    A control volume analysis of the compressible viscous flow about an aircraft is performed,including integrated propulsors and flow control systems. In contrast to most past analyses which have focused on forces and momentum flow, in particular thrust and drag, the present analysis focuses on mechanical power and kinetic energy flow. The result is a clear identification and quantification of all the power sources, power sinks, and their interactions which are present in any aerodynamic flow. The formulation does not require any separate definitions of thrust and drag, and hence it is especially useful for analysis and optimization of aerodynamic configurations which have tightly integrated propulsion and boundary layer control systems