976 research outputs found

    Generic medicines are not substandard medicines.

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    Literature-based priors for gene regulatory networks

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    Motivation: The use of prior knowledge to improve gene regulatory network modelling has often been proposed. In this paper we present the first research on the massive incorporation of prior knowledge from literature for Bayesian network learning of gene networks. As the publication rate of scientific papers grows, updating online databases, which have been proposed as potential prior knowledge in past rese-arch, becomes increasingly challenging. The novelty of our approach lies in the use of gene-pair association scores that describe the over-lap in the contexts in which the genes are mentioned, generated from a large database of scientific literature, harnessing the information contained in a huge number of documents into a simple, clear format. Results: We present a method to transform such literature-based gene association scores to network prior probabilities, and apply it to learn gene sub-networks for yeast, E. coli and Human organisms. We also investigate the effect of weighting the influence of the prior know-ledge. Our findings show that literature-based priors can improve both the number of true regulatory interactions present in the network and the accuracy of expression value prediction on genes, in comparison to a network learnt solely from expression data. Networks learnt with priors also show an improved biological interpretation, with identified subnetworks that coincide with known biological pathways. Contact

    Trade systems in less-developed countries.

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    Joint modeling of ChIP-seq data via a Markov random field model

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    Chromatin ImmunoPrecipitation-sequencing (ChIP-seq) experiments have now become routine in biology for the detection of protein-binding sites. In this paper, we present a Markov random field model for the joint analysis of multiple ChIP-seq experiments. The proposed model naturally accounts for spatial dependencies in the data, by assuming first-order Markov dependence and, for the large proportion of zero counts, by using zero-inflated mixture distributions. In contrast to all other available implementations, the model allows for the joint modeling of multiple experiments, by incorporating key aspects of the experimental design. In particular, the model uses the information about replicates and about the different antibodies used in the experiments. An extensive simulation study shows a lower false non-discovery rate for the proposed method, compared with existing methods, at the same false discovery rate. Finally, we present an analysis on real data for the detection of histone modifications of two chromatin modifiers from eight ChIP-seq experiments, including technical replicates with different IP efficiencies

    Економіко-правове забезпечення формування та реалізації соціальної політики держави, регіону, міста

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    У статті визначено потребу послідовного правового забезпечення формування та реалізації соціальної політики в багаторівневій системі управління. Обґрунтовано зміст та особливості соціальної політики залежно від рівня управління. Сформульовано пропозиції з удосконалення соціальної політики держави та її регіонів, виконано їх правову регламентацію

    Identifying a gene expression signature of cluster headache in blood.

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    Cluster headache is a relatively rare headache disorder, typically characterized by multiple daily, short-lasting attacks of excruciating, unilateral (peri-)orbital or temporal pain associated with autonomic symptoms and restlessness. To better understand the pathophysiology of cluster headache, we used RNA sequencing to identify differentially expressed genes and pathways in whole blood of patients with episodic (n = 19) or chronic (n = 20) cluster headache in comparison with headache-free controls (n = 20). Gene expression data were analysed by gene and by module of co-expressed genes with particular attention to previously implicated disease pathways including hypocretin dysregulation. Only moderate gene expression differences were identified and no associations were found with previously reported pathogenic mechanisms. At the level of functional gene sets, associations were observed for genes involved in several brain-related mechanisms such as GABA receptor function and voltage-gated channels. In addition, genes and modules of co-expressed genes showed a role for intracellular signalling cascades, mitochondria and inflammation. Although larger study samples may be required to identify the full range of involved pathways, these results indicate a role for mitochondria, intracellular signalling and inflammation in cluster headach